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Dark and Light (new gif and pics)

KumaponKumapon Member EpicPosts: 1,605

Formerly the gateway from world of DnL to another planet in the past. Reopening this portal is one the core mission of players in this game.

Combining the modern survival gameplay and action RPG combat system, the Melee combat in DnL is more viable and rewarding than other survival games. Enchanted weapons and offensive spells will make both 1V1 and group combat more exciting. What’s more, the powerful mounts can join the battle and players will be able to transform during the battle.



  • CnameCname Member UncommonPosts: 211
    edited September 2016
    Kumapon said:

    Formerly the gateway from world of DnL to another planet in the past. Reopening this portal is one the core mission of players in this game.

    You misannotated the 2nd picture you linked from reddit with the text from the first, I  know because I  posted these originally on reddit.

    The 2nd picture should be labeled "Dragon Nest and Eagle Beak Mountain".  

    "A game is fun if it is learnable but not trivial" -- Togelius & Schmidhuber

  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Seems beautiful. Hope it wont be like ark survival. Tho I had a good few weeks. Thats all ((

  • JippiijooJippiijoo Member UncommonPosts: 100
    Nice to hear more things about DnL, its the only up coming mmorpg along side with star citizen that i think could be something good.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    Looks lovely . The fight is in third person ahh good then.

  • VrikaVrika Member LegendaryPosts: 8,020
    edited September 2016
    kitarad said:
    Looks lovely . The fight is in third person ahh good then.
    You can't tell it based on that gif. That looks like it's 1st person view with your own character completely invisible to you.
  • tixylixtixylix Member UncommonPosts: 1,288
    Fool me once
  • iixviiiixiixviiiix Member RarePosts: 2,256
    The gif say nothing about gameplay .
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    tixylix said:
    Fool me once

    They haven't fooled you once, that would be Farland Entertainment. 

    This is not the same game other than the name. The lore, the actual world has all been rebuilt and changed. 

    Personally they should of stuck with Savage Horizon. 

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    edited September 2016
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o

    They don't have to show you anything, yes we would like to see more but that will come. Western acceptance of the game is not a make or break for them. 

    I suspect like in China the game will have a vast following just like Age Of Wushu which had 18 million at peak. 

    It still has millions playing it now. 

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o

    They don't have to show you anything, yes we would like to see more but that will come. Western acceptance of the game is not a make or break for them. 

    I suspect like in China the game will have a vast following just like Age Of Wushu which had 18 million at peak. 

    It still has millions playing it now. 
    Age of Wushu is an actual game so i don't understand why you are comparing it?

    While there is no requirement for a company to show people anything regarding a game, this usually is in regard to player numbers etc. Normally developers are more than happy to put their talent on display for people to admire and, as an advertisement for their product, if they are unable to do so, then perhaps there is a reason for this?

    Unrelated game has millions playing it, well you could also have used World of Warcraft as an example, but i find it interesting that you don't think that a western audience will be all that accepting of this game, so much so that you are already relegating the game to a strictly Chinese audience? O.o
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Phry said:
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o

    They don't have to show you anything, yes we would like to see more but that will come. Western acceptance of the game is not a make or break for them. 

    I suspect like in China the game will have a vast following just like Age Of Wushu which had 18 million at peak. 

    It still has millions playing it now. 
    Age of Wushu is an actual game so i don't understand why you are comparing it?

    While there is no requirement for a company to show people anything regarding a game, this usually is in regard to player numbers etc. Normally developers are more than happy to put their talent on display for people to admire and, as an advertisement for their product, if they are unable to do so, then perhaps there is a reason for this?

    Unrelated game has millions playing it, well you could also have used World of Warcraft as an example, but i find it interesting that you don't think that a western audience will be all that accepting of this game, so much so that you are already relegating the game to a strictly Chinese audience? O.o

    You really are paranoid lol, you think something untoward is going on

    Fact is they don't to show anything until they are ready, the game is coming out later this year or early 2017.

    Much to do about nothing. 

  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o
    Yup. For a game that's supposed to come out this year, it seems odd that they have nothing more to show than some screenshots and 2 gifs. Meanwhile a game like Pantheon that's a long way from release has already had hours of live-streamed gameplay.
  • AeanderAeander Member LegendaryPosts: 8,103
    edited September 2016
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o
    I doubt it's a statement of quality. I think it's a marketing ploy. Keep things vague with a slow leak of information and screenshots. Allow their own imaginations to fill in the blanks. Combine it all with the namesake of one of the most controversial games in the industry to get people talking. And given just how much discussion is being generated over this, it seems to be working.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Phry said:
    Phry said:
    DMKano said:
    Hopefully vfx can be turned off as I prefer actually being able to see my character.

    Still have to ask why not show a full gameplay video instead of animated gifs?

    I can't help but wonder, if the game is anywhere near completion, then making video's of gameplay would be the easiest thing in the world, that it doesn't seem to have happened makes me wonder just how much of DNL is actually working. :o

    They don't have to show you anything, yes we would like to see more but that will come. Western acceptance of the game is not a make or break for them. 

    I suspect like in China the game will have a vast following just like Age Of Wushu which had 18 million at peak. 

    It still has millions playing it now. 
    Age of Wushu is an actual game so i don't understand why you are comparing it?

    While there is no requirement for a company to show people anything regarding a game, this usually is in regard to player numbers etc. Normally developers are more than happy to put their talent on display for people to admire and, as an advertisement for their product, if they are unable to do so, then perhaps there is a reason for this?

    Unrelated game has millions playing it, well you could also have used World of Warcraft as an example, but i find it interesting that you don't think that a western audience will be all that accepting of this game, so much so that you are already relegating the game to a strictly Chinese audience? O.o

    You really are paranoid lol, you think something untoward is going on

    Fact is they don't to show anything until they are ready, the game is coming out later this year or early 2017.

    Much to do about nothing. 

    Much ado about nothing indeed, that is in fact, the root of the problem is it not.
  • A1learjetA1learjet Member UncommonPosts: 258
    I still remember this as  The Settlers of Ganareth   think Imwas settler #1023  or orther if game still close to what that was Ill still check it out i actually enjoyed the friends and game play before  Now the travel system( the balloons to hubs ect) that was ok but man way to easy to get ganked at  you where always best Taming a dragon ASAP to have full freedom

  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    The question remains how big is the world and how many players on a server.  Are the servers local and/or the game play local?
  • MikePaladinMikePaladin Member UncommonPosts: 592
    OMG maybe it is it ?
    Game that looks like Ark Survival
    Game that have decent building and decent survival
    Game that is all above but MMORPG

    I am a huge fan of Ark but Ark sucks because dino tame kill the balance . Sword vs Sword Even Sward vs Crossbow have balance but not  Sword Vs lvl 300 Trex  just stupid concept .

    Can't wait for it !
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    Day 1
  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,152
    Rhoklaw said:
    Actually, just because the game is coming out this year doesn't mean anything concerning it's completion. If Sean Murray can lie to the public regarding the overhyped No Man's Sky and get away with it, I'm sure anyone can. Video's are the only way to take what any developer says to heart and even then, don't be so sure because CGI can be extremely convincing to the salivating fanboys.
    The game is coming to steam early access so its not going to be a complete game. Given how online games have a tendency to stay in early access for a very long time its a given that its going to take years until Dark & Light will be completed.

    You also have games like Landmark that was dumped from alpha to release without fixing the game.
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    So I can use a Scythe....dangit! Keeping my eyes on this game.
  • Truvidien88Truvidien88 Member UncommonPosts: 462
    Those weapons though. Looked like the player had some sort of dashing or dodge mechanic.
  • MorpayneMorpayne Member UncommonPosts: 21
    Snail will make it a p2w botting and hack fest. If you have any faith at all in Snail you're an idiot, plain and simple. 
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Sooner or later they have to come up with some working game demos if they want decent sales unless they don't care about marketing.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • JippiijooJippiijoo Member UncommonPosts: 100
    DMKano said:
    Jippiijoo said:
    Nice to hear more things about DnL, its the only up coming mmorpg along side with star citizen that i think could be something good.

    Not even Snail is calling DnL a MMORPG, they are calling it a fantasy survival game with mmo elements. 
    Ah right, only seen it being called an sandbox so far and thought it would be an mmorpg since thats what it used to be, oh well, still looking forward to it could be fun aslong as the combat is not the same Witcher and dark souls kind of rolling around and doing ukemis all over the place crap deal, sadly i feel that is what it is going to be after readin the short article about the combat system having Dodge in it. 
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