I am working on my own games, plural. I plan to release the single player and multiplayer games first to establish the IP and help fund the following MMOs. I have a single IP that I am developing across three time periods: past, present & future. The thing is I reuse assets across all games. These are self made assets that I own the rights to out right.
I was unaware until recently the feeling the public had towards "Flipping Assets." Once again these are assets made in house that I own out right, most of the discussion is about bought or possibly misused assets. I worry that seeing the same assets in a series of games, may garner unfounded assumptions of my intent.
I am not commenting on other developers or their actions. I am worried about how I could be perceived. What is the everyone's opinion of a developer using the same art, models, animation, sound, and music across a series of games all in the same world, but at different times in history (say 200 - 2000 years apart)?
Pardon any spelling errors
Konfess your cyns and some maybe forgiven
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.
I don't think too much of art assets being recycled when in moderation but if you are making multiple games that span 5+ years then I think you owe it to you fans to mix it up more, granted you have the revenue of course. The more you can afford to give players a new experience whether it's what they see or hear, the better.
That said, if you make some really amazing assets that are very iconic and original for your IP and at AA-AAA quality I don't think players will care as long as the gameplay differs between the games.
Well, you can make your games the way you want. I highly encourage that. If the game is a big success, you can do an update to those assets later! Why do triple the work?
Don't worry if people say it is lazy. If you are going to be a game dev, you need to not take those things personally. Have your vision and stick to it! Also, expect a ton of comments that may be negative so you can take that into account. Also, don't let the praise get to you either.
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
I feel it is practical and given your game settings as I understood it to be, totally understandable.
As a developer your standard practice would be to reuse code and program libraries across your games, do you not?
So your concern here really is what your potential customers can SEE and EXPERIENCE while playing. I think you would have already consider remixing your visual and audio assets to give some variety across your games. Having stone-age era weapon and combat mechanics in one game versus futuristic game play in another, for example, should also help to differentiate.
Don't to be too concern about what others think - you can never please everyone even if you offer them the world.
Finally, best of luck and I wish you great success in your game creations.
"A game is fun if it is learnable but not trivial" -- Togelius & Schmidhuber
When I first started to research the latest controversy, I thought to myself here is the newest dirty slur to come to the industry. We just have to wait and see, with any luck it won't catch on.
The idea of an asset flip never came to mind. My first worlds had a single tree, now I have a variety of trees. I wanted a sense of nostalgia in the player. So I built a road, the same road seen in all my games. But the world had to look different in a medieval / fantasy time period. Followed by an industrial revolution / steam punk setting. Then ending with a futuristic science fiction world. They must remember the first time they walked down this road, and each subsequent time they must be struck by how much the world have changed.
Do I reuse code? If I had a super hero name it would be "Copy-N-Paste." Look up in the sky, it's "Copy-N-Paste."
Boy: Why can't I talk to Him?
Mom: We don't talk to Priests.
As if it could exist, without being payed for.
F2P means you get what you paid for. Pay nothing, get nothing.
Even telemarketers wouldn't think that.
It costs money to play. Therefore P2W.