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Moonlight Blade Fan-Created Story Cinematic Released - News

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited September 2016 in News & Features Discussion

imageMoonlight Blade Fan-Created Story Cinematic Released - News

YouTube's SaitoVidz has released a fan-created story cinematic trailer for Moonlight Blade Online that tracks the Zhen Wu story. SaitoVidz provided all the voice work for the game that is currently not available in the West, though is likely to make it this direction with TenCent behind its publication. Check it out and see what you think!

Read the full story here



  • shalissarshalissar Member UncommonPosts: 509
    I've tried both revelation and this game and to be honest I prefer this quasi-age-of-wushu. I hope it makes it over here.
  • CnameCname Member UncommonPosts: 211
    shalissar said:
    I've tried both revelation and this game and to be honest I prefer this quasi-age-of-wushu. I hope it makes it over here.
    Players in the West should find Moonlight more accessible than either AoW or even Revelation.

    Unfortunately I also think Tencent missed the mark somewhat in its overall game design for Moonlight. On topic -  the official (not this fan version) in-game stories and cut-scenes I find less than inspired considering the source materials. Not as cringe worthy as Age of Wushu's in this area but very average compared to other Wuxia theme MMOs.

    I feel that the expertise for good translation and localization of Chinese MMO is now more readily available compared to even just a few years ago. If Moonlight missed the boat coming to the West it might ended up irrelevant when other better MMOs from China and other countries became available in the West.    

    "A game is fun if it is learnable but not trivial" -- Togelius & Schmidhuber

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