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Thinking of a return . . haven't played since Pandas. . content? skills?

AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
The major complaint from people who don't just outright hate the game is that there is a content drought between expansions.

I have not played since Pandaria came out.  Panda monks and the motorcycles just put me off too much.

I did try to return once and had a good time but realized I didn't recall what half of my abilities were and started again to relearn them and then switched back and it was fine.  Here are the questions.

With the skills being changed will I be able to jump  back in more easily?

With Panda, Dreanor and Legion will I have enough content for a few months?  I am a pretty casual player.


Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!


  • zaxxon23zaxxon23 Member UncommonPosts: 12
    edited August 2016

    I've essentially done what you're thinking about.  To answer your questions...there is certainly a plethora of new content to be sure.  The question is whether you'll play through it.  If you're going to buy legion then you've got a lot of preparation to do, however that's mostly along the lines of leveling your characters and deciding how you want to approach profession alignment.  Professions have become very irrelevant in WoD, however they're supposed to be much better and more involved in Legion (whatever that means).  However if professions are your thing, you'll still have to figure out how to update them and how much of an investment you want to make to them in your Garrison.

    The real question you'll be asking yourself is if you want to bother with leveling garrisons (people say ignore but what if you want those heirloom rings??!!) or the big kicker (at least for me), whether you want to go through the massive list of stuff to do to get flying in Draenor.  After all, Blizzard expansions tend to make everything prior (with some rare exceptions) obsolete and meaningless; so is it really worth spending a ton of time to get flying in a zone that you'll soon rarely visit, or alternatively if you just want to wait till you're 110 and mow down the content to save a ton of time.

    When you come back there *seems* like a ton to do.  And in terms of quest "content", there sure is a ton to do.  But in the is still wow.  It's still a themepark.  It's still level up with a billion quests and raid or pvp for end-game.  If that's your cup of tea then by all means get back.  You'll really enjoy all the content with an incoming expansion to boot.

    If the themepark on rails is not your thing...well coming back after a few years to do the same exact stuff in a different skin that you did a few years ago (and for a large part much of the last 10-12 years) and weren't exactly fond of is fairly underwhelming after the novelty and nostalgia wear off.  But no doubt, it's always cool to come back to Azeroth after a few years just for nostalgia's sake.  Flying over Onyxia's lair...or flying to the Blackrock spire where I spent so many nights downing Nef to get that God-forsaken staff of the shadow flame...and I digress....   :)

    Almost forgot about the abilities...They've been changed fairly drastically.  At first glance they're way more simple, with far less spells to manage, and a very simple talent tree to work with.  But the more I've played with it the more I realize that "simple" is a bad term.  More like efficient.  It's not completely mindless, so you still gotta think somewhat, but you don't need to keep track of 25 spells on your rotation.  More like...3-4 now for primary rotation, with another 3-6 situational.

    Post edited by zaxxon23 on
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    zaxxon23 said:

    I've essentially done what you're thinking about.  To answer your questions...there is certainly a plethora of new content to be sure.  The question is whether you'll play through it.  If you're going to buy legion then you've got a lot of preparation to do, however that's mostly along the lines of leveling your characters and deciding how you want to approach profession alignment.  Professions have become very irrelevant in WoD, however they're supposed to be much better and more involved in Legion (whatever that means).  However if professions are your thing, you'll still have to figure out how to update them and how much of an investment you want to make to them in your Garrison.

    The real question you'll be asking yourself is if you want to bother with leveling garrisons (people say ignore but what if you want those heirloom rings??!!) or the big kicker (at least for me), whether you want to go through the massive list of stuff to do to get flying in Draenor.  After all, Blizzard expansions tend to make everything prior (with some rare exceptions) obsolete and meaningless; so is it really worth spending a ton of time to get flying in a zone that you'll soon rarely visit, or alternatively if you just want to wait till you're 110 and mow down the content to save a ton of time.

    When you come back there *seems* like a ton to do.  And in terms of quest "content", there sure is a ton to do.  But in the is still wow.  It's still a themepark.  It's still level up with a billion quests and raid or pvp for end-game.  If that's your cup of tea then by all means get back.  You'll really enjoy all the content with an incoming expansion to boot.

    If the themepark on rails is not your thing...well coming back after a few years to do the same exact stuff in a different skin that you did a few years ago (and for a large part much of the last 10-12 years) and weren't exactly fond of is fairly underwhelming after the novelty and nostalgia wear off.  But no doubt, it's always cool to come back to Azeroth after a few years just for nostalgia's sake.  Flying over Onyxia's lair...or flying to the Blackrock spire where I spent so many nights downing Nef to get that God-forsaken staff of the shadow flame...and I digress....   :)

    Almost forgot about the abilities...They've been changed fairly drastically.  At first glance they're way more simple, with far less spells to manage, and a very simple talent tree to work with.  But the more I've played with it the more I realize that "simple" is a bad term.  More like efficient.  It's not completely mindless, so you still gotta think somewhat, but you don't need to keep track of 25 spells on your rotation.  More like...3-4 now for primary rotation, with another 3-6 situational.

    Thanks for the awesome response.  I just came back into the game this morning and took some time looking at the new abilities.  My highest level character is 84.  I might level them and an alt to Legion starting levels and pick up the expansion later.

    I completely agree about the new skills.  It is a little less to think of which might make it seem watered down but the level of efficiency in what they have done far exceeds the loss of some added complexity.  So far I em enjoying it but who knows. 

    Thanks again, I will get headed to Pandaria soon.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • KouDyKouDy Member UncommonPosts: 50
    I am sorry to steal the thread but i am thinking about revisting the WoW. Been away since shortly WotLK launch (shortly as in 2-3 weeks after launch).
    I was not keeping track of the game and the features at all aside from really big things (ie. Panda race added, etc). I noticed that nowadays it's possible to have account subscribed with ingame currency (atm ~73k gold). Is that amount a lot?
    Is it worth boosting some old character to 100 with Legion purchased or is it better to start all over or it doesn't matter (read as, would i lose something related to ancient world? titles or things like that)?
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Boosting you lose the option to some titles you can get along the way, but nothing major unless you like to have every title.

    73k is ok but nothing that will buy you rare stuff.  600k+ is prices are on card mounts.  70k+ for rare dungeon mounts.  30k to 150k for profession mounts.  Buying armor and weapons not really needed right now.
  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    zaxxon23 said:

    I've essentially done what you're thinking about.  To answer your questions...there is certainly a plethora of new content to be sure.  The question is whether you'll play through it.  If you're going to buy legion then you've got a lot of preparation to do, however that's mostly along the lines of leveling your characters and deciding how you want to approach profession alignment.  Professions have become very irrelevant in WoD, however they're supposed to be much better and more involved in Legion (whatever that means).  However if professions are your thing, you'll still have to figure out how to update them and how much of an investment you want to make to them in your Garrison.

    The real question you'll be asking yourself is if you want to bother with leveling garrisons (people say ignore but what if you want those heirloom rings??!!) or the big kicker (at least for me), whether you want to go through the massive list of stuff to do to get flying in Draenor.  After all, Blizzard expansions tend to make everything prior (with some rare exceptions) obsolete and meaningless; so is it really worth spending a ton of time to get flying in a zone that you'll soon rarely visit, or alternatively if you just want to wait till you're 110 and mow down the content to save a ton of time.

    When you come back there *seems* like a ton to do.  And in terms of quest "content", there sure is a ton to do.  But in the is still wow.  It's still a themepark.  It's still level up with a billion quests and raid or pvp for end-game.  If that's your cup of tea then by all means get back.  You'll really enjoy all the content with an incoming expansion to boot.

    If the themepark on rails is not your thing...well coming back after a few years to do the same exact stuff in a different skin that you did a few years ago (and for a large part much of the last 10-12 years) and weren't exactly fond of is fairly underwhelming after the novelty and nostalgia wear off.  But no doubt, it's always cool to come back to Azeroth after a few years just for nostalgia's sake.  Flying over Onyxia's lair...or flying to the Blackrock spire where I spent so many nights downing Nef to get that God-forsaken staff of the shadow flame...and I digress....   :)

    Almost forgot about the abilities...They've been changed fairly drastically.  At first glance they're way more simple, with far less spells to manage, and a very simple talent tree to work with.  But the more I've played with it the more I realize that "simple" is a bad term.  More like efficient.  It's not completely mindless, so you still gotta think somewhat, but you don't need to keep track of 25 spells on your rotation.  More like...3-4 now for primary rotation, with another 3-6 situational.

    I just wanted to say I think that was excellent feedback - and I agree completely. I don't particularly like the shallow "like/lol/whatever" buttons - so I felt the need to actually say this ;)
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    The best thing about coming back now is you don't have to buy WOD you will get it and all below it for free.
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    KouDy said:
    I am sorry to steal the thread but i am thinking about revisting the WoW. Been away since shortly WotLK launch (shortly as in 2-3 weeks after launch).
    I was not keeping track of the game and the features at all aside from really big things (ie. Panda race added, etc). I noticed that nowadays it's possible to have account subscribed with ingame currency (atm ~73k gold). Is that amount a lot?
    Is it worth boosting some old character to 100 with Legion purchased or is it better to start all over or it doesn't matter (read as, would i lose something related to ancient world? titles or things like that)?
    Before I would have said start over so that you could get used to the skills and classes with the changes.  The new changes make this a lot easier and I think it is more designed to have people jump in with a boost.  More than ever I would consider going that route.  I did notice that the starting zones seem to have all new quests that are VERY streamlined compared to a few months ago when I tried out a new character.  You get out of the starting zones very quickly and I think the leveling is even faster.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    I recently had the urge to play an MMO again and tried FFXIV, hated it - gameplay, art style... everything. I had a copy of WoW that I had bought a year ago, to my surprise I had WoD, and started playing again, fresh characters as I had previously played on the US servers and have now moved back to the UK.

    To my point, I enjoyed playing the first 20 levels so much that I subbed. Granted I don't enjoy the characters I had at leveled previously as the skills and playstyle have changed too much but clases I have never tried before are enjoyable. If you are not sure try a couple of classes to 20 as it is free then make your decidion.
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    edited September 2016
    I grabbed a 2 month timecard (since they are still $29 CDN)   I've really been enjoying it.  I like WOD so far.  They always give the last expansion free when a new one comes out (typically) from what I can tell.  Maybe I will mess around in WoD for a bit and see from there.  So far I would consider buying Legion.  This is from someone who played only a few months after launch because my guild moved over from DAoC.  I never really loved it but now it seems to be about right.  Likely because I am old :)

    Actaully, to be fair to myself, I have been taking my time, reading some of the quests, not trying to keep up and just enjoying the casual gameplay .   Likely this is why I am enjoying it.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • angell81angell81 Member UncommonPosts: 12
    I have been trying to go back to playing... I just can't do it.. I am just so bored.. my husband and son both still play, I have played since original beta, and just can't get back into it.. but there are a lot of nice new things they have added.. game time tokens are a fav, no paying real money for time! woohoo
  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    So far I have had a good time leveling through WoD.  I didn't like Pandaria though and am glad i was able to level a few characters past it with the invasion run-up.  I am tempted to buy Legion but I will level my Warlock (who is 86 - started at 1 with invasion) and see if I can do WoD again.   If I find that a grind then I will be done likely and not get Legion.  There are many areas I didn't explore though for sure.  Legion seemed to fix a lot of things that bothered me. . like being forced to leave a zone incomplete for good XP gain and daily quest grind.  Taking a short break now.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • AethaerynAethaeryn Member RarePosts: 3,150
    angell81 said:
    I have been trying to go back to playing... I just can't do it.. I am just so bored.. my husband and son both still play, I have played since original beta, and just can't get back into it.. but there are a lot of nice new things they have added.. game time tokens are a fav, no paying real money for time! woohoo
    That has been me many times.  Skipping to WoD helped but who knows for how long.

    Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!

  • SubilacSubilac Member UncommonPosts: 49
    I stopped playing after WoTLK. I came back exactly a week ago and got a Monk to 77 so far. Old world is super easy easy now and you can get through Northrend in no time at all. I'm super excited to level past 8 now. 
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