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What's with the AdBlock Notice?



  • MadocDesMadocDes Member CommonPosts: 3
    I don't run adblockers to keep your site from generating revenue.  
    I run adblockers to stop malicious and intrusive content, which you do not control, from being loaded to my browser.

    No, I will not turn it off and expose my system to ad-farm content you do not control just so you can make 0.03 on the views.

    I've visited this site for years, but the quantity of ads on the site, the content of the ads themselves, and the more intrusive the adblock removal begging becomes, the less apt I am to visit.    When over half the 'content' on the page is ads, why would I want to support that?     At some point, why would I continue to even visit?

    Forced site view ads is an intrusive, dieing revenue model.   Time to find a new one.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    MadocDes said:
    I don't run adblockers to keep your site from generating revenue.  
    I run adblockers to stop malicious and intrusive content, which you do not control, from being loaded to my browser.

    No, I will not turn it off and expose my system to ad-farm content you do not control just so you can make 0.03 on the views.

    I've visited this site for years, but the quantity of ads on the site, the content of the ads themselves, and the more intrusive the adblock removal begging becomes, the less apt I am to visit.    When over half the 'content' on the page is ads, why would I want to support that?     At some point, why would I continue to even visit?

    Forced site view ads is an intrusive, dieing revenue model.   Time to find a new one.
    None of the ads on this site will cause harm. They are not intrusive, as in auto opening a web page or playing video or audio. This is one of the few places left that has independant voice. Where its not owned by a corp spin. By whitelisting, you are supporting a mom's and pop's business here. SMall handful of people supporting their families by giving us enjoyment and great reviews and time to time free gifts like beta keys. Little eye clutter is all you are giving up. They would not be doing this, unless they needed our help. 
  • Ir1shguyIr1shguy Member UncommonPosts: 84
    If you want people to pay for the site then stop pissing around and make it subscription only and see how well you do. The reason these ads are a big deal is because no one here clicks them and everyone here blocks them so it is bullshit these ads are revenue from your subscribers.
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    I don't use an adblocker, never have. I visit this site daily, as well as many other sites that feature ads as a source of revenue. My PC is std free. This is how I picture some of the people in this thread:

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    I wish one of these people would post me a link to a website that will infect my computer without my permission.  Please just give me one link.  I promise I won't blame you for what happens and I will be honest if it did anything.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    filmoret said:
    I wish one of these people would post me a link to a website that will infect my computer without my permission.  Please just give me one link.  I promise I won't blame you for what happens and I will be honest if it did anything.
    They are out there. Normally its places you should not be on the web anyways. 
  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088
    edited August 2016
    Nanfoodle said:
    filmoret said:
    I wish one of these people would post me a link to a website that will infect my computer without my permission.  Please just give me one link.  I promise I won't blame you for what happens and I will be honest if it did anything.
    They are out there. Normally its places you should not be on the web anyways. 
    Bunch of naieve rubbish. The point is that you have no control over malicious ads. Not even website owners if they go with certain ad networks. Most serious news websites have served malicious ads because of this outsourcing. If you ever follow news on tech websites, you should have seen articles about this.
  • someforumguysomeforumguy Member RarePosts: 4,088
    edited August 2016
    filmoret said:
    I wish one of these people would post me a link to a website that will infect my computer without my permission.  Please just give me one link.  I promise I won't blame you for what happens and I will be honest if it did anything.
    It doesnt work like that. Its the advertising networks that is to blame when it goes wrong. But those malicious ads never stay online for long after those ads get reported. We are talking less then a day most of the time. But for many visitors the damage is done then already.

    Most of you clearly have no clue how this works. has barely if not any control over the ads that get served on their website. They have to trust on the ad network. So if the fault is there, would serve malicious ad until somoeone notices it and reports it. This is how the most serious and respected websites have served malicious ads in the past.

    And if its 0day, your virusscanner is useless too. Without adblocker, you are simply not protected, unless you stop visiting websites that use ad networks.
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    edited August 2016
    well just for the fun of it i disabled ABP and look what i got for it

    no offens to you guys but if i like to watch ecchi stuff ill go to a manga/hentai site

  • LeFantomeLeFantome Member RarePosts: 702
    I run both adblockers and script blockers. And they will both stay on.

    ps: I can wait 10 secs..

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    Aori said:
    Nanfoodle said:
    MadocDes said:
    I don't run adblockers to keep your site from generating revenue.  
    I run adblockers to stop malicious and intrusive content, which you do not control, from being loaded to my browser.

    No, I will not turn it off and expose my system to ad-farm content you do not control just so you can make 0.03 on the views.

    I've visited this site for years, but the quantity of ads on the site, the content of the ads themselves, and the more intrusive the adblock removal begging becomes, the less apt I am to visit.    When over half the 'content' on the page is ads, why would I want to support that?     At some point, why would I continue to even visit?

    Forced site view ads is an intrusive, dieing revenue model.   Time to find a new one.
    None of the ads on this site will cause harm. They are not intrusive, as in auto opening a web page or playing video or audio. This is one of the few places left that has independant voice. Where its not owned by a corp spin. By whitelisting, you are supporting a mom's and pop's business here. SMall handful of people supporting their families by giving us enjoyment and great reviews and time to time free gifts like beta keys. Little eye clutter is all you are giving up. They would not be doing this, unless they needed our help. 
    Completely wrong, the ads on this site have caused harm in the past. I wouldn't know anymore as I finally had to block it. I've had Malwarebytes block ads and redirects a couple years ago. I've had using 2-3gb of ram causing my browser to halt and having to force it closed in task manager.

    At least you think it came from  Really you don't know where it came from.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    filmoret said:
    I'm torn. I understand the site needs to pay the electric bill, however, I reserve the right to determine what content I allow on my screen. I use Adblock, and it has a list of "acceptable ads". It also has a list of "malware" ads. Since both are checked in my options and I see ads on this site as well as a high list of blocked ads, I can conclude that some of these ads that I have listed as blocked do actually contain malware. Unless someone has a brief rundown that can explain otherwise and that what I have listed as blocked are actually benign, the Adblock stays.
    Is it possible that the adblock is using their ads in place of the ads the websites would be using?  Therefore giving the adblock credit for putting ads on the screen.  Giving them the money for advertising and taking it away from the website's you are using.  So naturally every add that isn't paying them will be replaced with an ad they are being paid to use and they allow it making you think they have blocked dangerous ads when all they are doing is scamming you.  I mean really if these ads are dangerous then why does the spyware get recognized by some third party software and not the software that uses to scan all their files before they post them?  You know that every file is scanned nowadays before its just randomly thrown up on a website.
    Is it possible? I suppose it is. But that's not my concern.
    Why does an ad need to run scripts on my browser?
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


    I dont have adblock and visit this site maybe 20+ times a day.  If what you are saying is true then how is my computer even working?
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    filmoret said:
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


    I dont have adblock and visit this site maybe 20+ times a day.  If what you are saying is true then how is my computer even working?
    Why do you expect me to answer that?
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Aori said:
    Nanfoodle said:
    MadocDes said:
    I don't run adblockers to keep your site from generating revenue.  
    I run adblockers to stop malicious and intrusive content, which you do not control, from being loaded to my browser.

    No, I will not turn it off and expose my system to ad-farm content you do not control just so you can make 0.03 on the views.

    I've visited this site for years, but the quantity of ads on the site, the content of the ads themselves, and the more intrusive the adblock removal begging becomes, the less apt I am to visit.    When over half the 'content' on the page is ads, why would I want to support that?     At some point, why would I continue to even visit?

    Forced site view ads is an intrusive, dieing revenue model.   Time to find a new one.
    None of the ads on this site will cause harm. They are not intrusive, as in auto opening a web page or playing video or audio. This is one of the few places left that has independant voice. Where its not owned by a corp spin. By whitelisting, you are supporting a mom's and pop's business here. SMall handful of people supporting their families by giving us enjoyment and great reviews and time to time free gifts like beta keys. Little eye clutter is all you are giving up. They would not be doing this, unless they needed our help. 
    Completely wrong, the ads on this site have caused harm in the past. I wouldn't know anymore as I finally had to block it. I've had Malwarebytes block ads and redirects a couple years ago. I've had using 2-3gb of ram causing my browser to halt and having to force it closed in task manager.

    Yes it has.  For those who didn't remember:

    And just in case "something happens" to it:  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    filmoret said:
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


    I dont have adblock and visit this site maybe 20+ times a day.  If what you are saying is true then how is my computer even working?
    Why do you expect me to answer that?
    LOL! Can't argue with her logic.  Literally, you can't argue with that.  If she scooped a bucket into the ocean and found zero fish, I guess she would say the ocean doesn't have any fish.........haha.  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    waynejr2 said:
    filmoret said:
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


    I dont have adblock and visit this site maybe 20+ times a day.  If what you are saying is true then how is my computer even working?
    Why do you expect me to answer that?
    LOL! Can't argue with her logic.  Literally, you can't argue with that.  If she scooped a bucket into the ocean and found zero fish, I guess she would say the ocean doesn't have any fish.........haha.
    I literally showed something that concerned me that was on this site....right it OK? Maybe? Is it malware? Maybe....who knows?

    But just because someone decides to swim in piranha infested water and say "Why am I not getting eaten?", doesn't mean I'm sticking my big toe in.

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    Cya around guys! I'm gone from this site!
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    waynejr2 said:
    filmoret said:
    So here's what I did.
    While running Ad-block in Chrome, I clicked on the ad-block Icon in my upper corner of the browser. Select "Show All Requests" Then right click on and select Inspect. Click on the AdBlock Tab and then refresh the page.

    On this site right now on the home page, I am seeing some red flags. OK, the one all the way at the bottom is from "Securepubads"


    I dont have adblock and visit this site maybe 20+ times a day.  If what you are saying is true then how is my computer even working?
    Why do you expect me to answer that?
    LOL! Can't argue with her logic.  Literally, you can't argue with that.  If she scooped a bucket into the ocean and found zero fish, I guess she would say the ocean doesn't have any fish.........haha.
    I literally showed something that concerned me that was on this site....right it OK? Maybe? Is it malware? Maybe....who knows?

    But just because someone decides to swim in piranha infested water and say "Why am I not getting eaten?", doesn't mean I'm sticking my big toe in.

    Really bad analogy.  Anyways I just went to that dangerous website that everyone was talking about and man yes it has a bunch of malware and crap all over it.  ALT-f4 fixed the problem immediately.  Maybe I'm safer because default windows makes you authorize anything that installs first.  It also makes me authorize any downloads and any changes to my browser or hard drive.  Maybe you guys need to use windows like a normal person because they have protected me for 20 years now.  

    But yea as far as your analogy is concerned.  You are saying the malware is all over the place.  I have over 10k hours internet use and yes there's some dangerous stuff out there.  But that is why we have what is called trusted sites.  I didn't pull a bucket out of the ocean.  I have been swimming through the entire thing.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • MareliusMarelius Member UncommonPosts: 130
    Well after whitelisting the site and allowing all it has to offer I have no issues with ads so far. I will leave it off on the site unless any issues sprout up. 

    I think the big thing is having a good internet security program. I run Norton Internet Security and in my opinion one of the best on the market (yes I know it isn't top on a lot of review sites). Yet I have used Norton for years, think close to 12 years now and never been infected. 

    Noticed one thing after whitelisting, the site seems to run smoother and faster. Maybe it's me but the site actually looks better with it off. Just an observation!
    Sometimes it's not always about what you can see or hear but what's under the hood of a game that's most impressive. Between those thousands and thousands of lines of code, magic happens. Sometimes the most amazing feats of gaming wizardry happen without you even noticing.

    Rob Manuel

  • JakobmillerJakobmiller Member RarePosts: 694
    I use adblock simply because I hate the ads you get. Usually it's more like porn and I don't want to see that.
  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,967
    I use adblock simply because I hate the ads you get. Usually it's more like porn and I don't want to see that.
    I am whitelisting the site but I also wish it was less about boobs and thongs. 
  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Howry said:
    How many people actually use the site for the articles?

    I rarely read an article, typically just check out the forums. 

    I read the articles all the time, but only if it's a game i'm interested in.
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    Nanfoodle said:
    I use adblock simply because I hate the ads you get. Usually it's more like porn and I don't want to see that.
    I am whitelisting the site but I also wish it was less about boobs and thongs. 
    I get that and I respect that as well.  Would be cool if they had some kind of setting where you choose what ads are run on  That way you can avoid anything sexual by simply choosing the banners you wish to see.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
This discussion has been closed.