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What's with the AdBlock Notice?



  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    VOIDsama said:
    As long as the adds are unobtrusive, and dont play sound, im ok with them.  so often though there are pages where there are so many adds, its hard to find the content among them.
    When there are too many adds you need cc so the group does not wipe.
  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    It's unwise from side to have this "Consider enabling ads".
    I have slow internet at work so I have to use Adblock everywhere.
    Then, there are just too many ads. Plus existing may be not...suitable to look at work (yes, those half-dressed women in ads).
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    Nilden said:
    SBFord said:
    waynejr2 said:

    What alternate websites do you suggest?  Anyone else want to list site go ahead!
    Thanks for your support. Google will work for that. Must we be insulted on our own site? For Pete's sake.

    The hard fact of the matter is that the tiny staff of this site is paid by the revenue it generates, NOT, by the way, by game companies as my bank account can attest. Without revenue, no more staff and no more site and it's one less independent niche site down the tubes as the homogenization and "Walmart-i-fication" of the Internet continues. Welcome to the American Strip Mall of Sameness.

    I'm saddened to see some long time site members threatening to leave, to refuse to support a place they've enjoyed without issue for years simply for asking to help us keep afloat. 

    I'd warrant many of you would feel differently if YOUR livelihood were being threatened.

    Score one for the corporate machines.
    Your livelihood is being threatened and you have to put a poll up to ad a 2.99 membership and don't have a donate button, while pushing people away with both the ads you run and the measures to run them.
    This is a business, not a charity. Use the service regularly? Pay for it, one way or another.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    Howry said:
    How many people actually use the site for the articles?

    I rarely read an article, typically just check out the forums. 

    I just look at the dirty pictures. :p

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • BurntvetBurntvet Member RarePosts: 3,465
    edited August 2016
    I seem to recall a SS someone posted in here of with no fewer than 43 different ad streamers, trackers, data capture tools, and other widgets shown by ghostery or a similar app.

    I don't care what is "needed for ad revenue", you can't tell me that isn't excessive.

    (Anyone who can find it, feel free to post the pick.)

    So, no... I don't feel at all bad about using Adblock, Noscript, Ghostery et al.

    If this place was reasonable, I would be too.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    Baitness said:
    I forgot I even had adblock enabled on the site, as there are so many ads in spite of it.  Three ads at the top, four on the side, three at the bottom, plus the all encompassing background ad... I thought adblock was off.
    Those are from companies that pay Adblock to be let through of course.

    As long as we're being paranoid around here let's go full monty. ;)

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    I have adblock disabled on this website, but other than the ones in the background, i don't really see any adds, i can only think its because i don't have flash player installed on my PC, so the adverts just can't run in the first place?
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    guy do something about it or u gonna loose alot of visitors this way

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    VOIDsama said:
    As long as the adds are unobtrusive, and dont play sound, im ok with them.  so often though there are pages where there are so many adds, its hard to find the content among them.
    Agreed, no self playing videos and no sound and I wont block them. I don't mind support a site I like but there is some kind of limit to how annoying adds I want to look on and sound is very distracting.
  • NeVeRLiFtNeVeRLiFt Member UncommonPosts: 380
    I don't feel at all bad about using Adblock, Noscript, Ghostery and Privacy Badger.
    I don't like adds or being tracked and many times these adds get injected with malice malware code and phishing/trojan crap so better safe then sorry.

    Played: MCO - EQ/EQ2 - WoW - VG - WAR - AoC - LoTRO - DDO - GW/GW2 - Eve - Rift - FE - TSW - TSO - WS - ESO - AA - BD
    Playing: Sims 3 & 4, Diablo3 and PoE
    Waiting on: Lost Ark
    Who's going to make a Cyberpunk MMO?

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    NeVeRLiFt said:
    I don't feel at all bad about using Adblock, Noscript, Ghostery and Privacy Badger.
    I don't like adds or being tracked and many times these adds get injected with malice malware code and phishing/trojan crap so better safe then sorry.
    One of the reasons i don't have flash player or in fact any adobe software installed on my PC is because its easily used to distribute malware, and these days, about the only things that use it are adverts anyway, its old mobile code and you really don't need it these days.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,642
    Kyleran said:
    I have to ask, you're one of those people who use a paper towel to open a bathroom door handle or hand sanitizer after pressing elevator buttons, right? ;)
    I have to ask, you're one of those people who takes a huge dump at McDonald's but only uses one square of toilet paper, doesn't wash his hands, completely ignores the stepnpull, gets all grabby with the dirty door handle that's all crusty on the back/inside and then goes back to his seat finishes his fries and then licks his fingers clean of salt, right? ;)

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    try to put that notice to adblock, and u cant use the dam site anymore ill give them a week -14 days and if its not gone im going to look for another site, ive been a member for years now but this is a little to over

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    I'm torn. I understand the site needs to pay the electric bill, however, I reserve the right to determine what content I allow on my screen. I use Adblock, and it has a list of "acceptable ads". It also has a list of "malware" ads. Since both are checked in my options and I see ads on this site as well as a high list of blocked ads, I can conclude that some of these ads that I have listed as blocked do actually contain malware. Unless someone has a brief rundown that can explain otherwise and that what I have listed as blocked are actually benign, the Adblock stays.
  • lttexxanlttexxan Member UncommonPosts: 429
    I can wait 10 secs to view big deal to me.

    It will be a cold day in hell when shills for this or any other site will tell me what I should or should not run on my personal computer.

    The greed is real.

    Perhaps you wouldn't need to do this if you would stop throwing good money after bad trying and failing to modernize your outdated web site.

    It's better to lurk in forums and be thought a fool...than to endlessly "Quote" and remove all doubts.

  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534
    edited August 2016
    try to put that notice to adblock, and u cant use the dam site anymore ill give them a week -14 days and if its not gone im going to look for another site, ive been a member for years now but this is a little to over
    yea, who are they to dare and actually request some money for their work!
    god damn lazy bastards, better work for free or i go and look for another side (PS: gl with that, rofl)! 

    seriously, this page is financed via adds, and the add's are actually not very spammy or anything, the space they would take is EMPTY anyway, not like it's used by your browser with useful stuff instead when using ABP.
    there are quite alot of people working on that page, and this ain't no fanproject, where 20 people work from their mom's basement. some have family, most have lives.... they actually DO need to get payed, aye?

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    Kyleran said:
    Nilden said:
    SBFord said:
    waynejr2 said:

    What alternate websites do you suggest?  Anyone else want to list site go ahead!
    Thanks for your support. Google will work for that. Must we be insulted on our own site? For Pete's sake.

    The hard fact of the matter is that the tiny staff of this site is paid by the revenue it generates, NOT, by the way, by game companies as my bank account can attest. Without revenue, no more staff and no more site and it's one less independent niche site down the tubes as the homogenization and "Walmart-i-fication" of the Internet continues. Welcome to the American Strip Mall of Sameness.

    I'm saddened to see some long time site members threatening to leave, to refuse to support a place they've enjoyed without issue for years simply for asking to help us keep afloat. 

    I'd warrant many of you would feel differently if YOUR livelihood were being threatened.

    Score one for the corporate machines.
    Your livelihood is being threatened and you have to put a poll up to ad a 2.99 membership and don't have a donate button, while pushing people away with both the ads you run and the measures to run them.
    This is a business, not a charity. Use the service regularly? Pay for it, one way or another.
    Yeah a business that is just now clued into paid memberships, donations, patreon or other forms of revenue.
    They complain about livelihood being threatened and have yet to explore any alternate revenue streams. I would gladly pay for a membership or donate to a patreon, it's not my fault they don't have it.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

    Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer

    Try a MUD today at 

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    try to put that notice to adblock, and u cant use the dam site anymore ill give them a week -14 days and if its not gone im going to look for another site, ive been a member for years now but this is a little to over
    Kinda thinking the same way. It's not that I'll be missing out much from these days anyway with all the bots grabbing keys and dropping SPAM on a daily basis. Not to mention the change of general MMO news being replaced by single-player RPG news...
  • itsoveritsover Member UncommonPosts: 353
    my ad blocker still on and alway stay on lol,

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    Burntvet said:
    I seem to recall a SS someone posted in here of with no fewer than 43 different ad streamers, trackers, data capture tools, and other widgets shown by ghostery or a similar app.

    I don't care what is "needed for ad revenue", you can't tell me that isn't excessive.

    (Anyone who can find it, feel free to post the pick.)

    So, no... I don't feel at all bad about using Adblock, Noscript, Ghostery et al.

    If this place was reasonable, I would be too.

    So you believe everything some third party software and random internet user says?  If it isn't safe then why are all these people's computers perfectly fine right now?  According to a lot of people right now then my computers shouldn't even boot up.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    try to put that notice to adblock, and u cant use the dam site anymore ill give them a week -14 days and if its not gone im going to look for another site, ive been a member for years now but this is a little to over
    You have 159 posts bro.  Yes I am getting irritated because bunch of people are crying because they are too damn lazy to click the close button on a popup window.  If you don't want to click the close button then turn off the adblock.  I promise you won't die.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • Veexer_NuiVeexer_Nui Member UncommonPosts: 268
    Already submitted a new commit to ublock, your popup will be blocked within 12 hours~

    block it manually by adding these rules

    ! 8/3/2016, 2:46:38 PM > .ct_gumshoe_inner > .ct_gumshoe_rightpanel > .ct_gumshoe_header
    ! 8/3/2016, 2:47:15 PM > .ct_gumshoe_inner > .ct_gumshoe_rightpanel
    ! 8/3/2016, 2:47:29 PM

    Archeage EU - Nui

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    I'm torn. I understand the site needs to pay the electric bill, however, I reserve the right to determine what content I allow on my screen. I use Adblock, and it has a list of "acceptable ads". It also has a list of "malware" ads. Since both are checked in my options and I see ads on this site as well as a high list of blocked ads, I can conclude that some of these ads that I have listed as blocked do actually contain malware. Unless someone has a brief rundown that can explain otherwise and that what I have listed as blocked are actually benign, the Adblock stays.
    Is it possible that the adblock is using their ads in place of the ads the websites would be using?  Therefore giving the adblock credit for putting ads on the screen.  Giving them the money for advertising and taking it away from the website's you are using.  So naturally every add that isn't paying them will be replaced with an ad they are being paid to use and they allow it making you think they have blocked dangerous ads when all they are doing is scamming you.  I mean really if these ads are dangerous then why does the spyware get recognized by some third party software and not the software that uses to scan all their files before they post them?  You know that every file is scanned nowadays before its just randomly thrown up on a website.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • Whiskey_SamWhiskey_Sam Member UncommonPosts: 323
    If you come to a free site and can't figure out what they're selling, YOU are the product.  Tracking where you've been, where you go, what you view, none of it with your permission, and refusing to be upfront about it.  And then got snotty when people tell them to pound sand?  One less site to go to now.

    Have flask; will travel.

  • donger56donger56 Member RarePosts: 443
    SBFord said:
    Thanks for your support. Google will work for that. Must we be insulted on our own site? For Pete's sake.

    The hard fact of the matter is that the tiny staff of this site is paid by the revenue it generates, NOT, by the way, by game companies as my bank account can attest. Without revenue, no more staff and no more site and it's one less independent niche site down the tubes as the homogenization and "Walmart-i-fication" of the Internet continues. Welcome to the American Strip Mall of Sameness.

    I'm saddened to see some long time site members threatening to leave, to refuse to support a place they've enjoyed without issue for years simply for asking to help us keep afloat. 

    I'd warrant many of you would feel differently if YOUR livelihood were being threatened.

    Score one for the corporate machines.

    Ok, I'm sorry but you can't play the victim card on this one. I have seen this site gradually go down the road of censorship and over moderation for quite some time now. The selling out is real here too. The fact is people are sick of being spammed with massive amounts of ads, some containing malicious content. The days of using ads as the only revenue source have been over for awhile now. It is the same for Youtube and Twitch partners. I have no problem with you guys doing some type of optional subscription or set up a patreon or whatever. Frankly this is your fault for letting things go for so long without adapting to the new reality of the internet. This is your business after all, don't blame us. The fact that you thought adding another layer of annoying pop-up garbage was the solution kind of shows your mindset and laziness as well.  Maybe it's time for some new management. 
This discussion has been closed.