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What MMORPG Did You Find Disappointed You the Most?



  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited July 2016
    WoW at cap. I can either gear grind to the highest ilvl and then wait to watch it all be useless in the next expansion, or level to cap and then do it again. Fun stuff.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    The Secret World was probably my biggest disappointment....The world felt very small, the factions felt worthless, the combat and animations were poor, way too much cutscenes and voice acting....It was just a collosal failure to me.
  • MyriaMyria Member UncommonPosts: 699
    GW2: Was a huge GW1 fan, my husband and I played it for years. Nothing announced about GW2 during development sounded good to me, so by launch I knew it wasn't for me. Bought it anyway, since friends were playing, meh, definitely wasn't for me. Wasn't for them, either, as none of my friends continued to play past a couple of months.

    TESO: So much potential pissed away on a horridly buggy mess of a launch. Even now, granting that it has improved in a lot of ways, I can't really get into it as any time I try and get friends to play we hit too many brick walls trying to play together.

    SWTOR: It wasn't bad, really, the road to level cap was fun enough. But once you got there, ugh. The raids were, at least at launch, so easy it was depressing. We were clearing raids on the first try and then standing around asking each other "What now?". The answer turned out to be pretty much everyone quit.

    Not, strictly speaking, MMOs, but of late two pseudo entries for Elite Dangerous and The Division, both for wasted potential. In the case of Elite, I'm still waiting for them to put some gameplay into their... Game. The problem is Braben and company are far more interested in making a universe sim with a semi-mythical BGS, gameplay isn't much of a consideration and it shows. In the case of The Division, pretty much everything about Dark Zone design deserves a clueless dev of the decade award, having that as your only endgame was a near guaranteed way to kill your game. Underground, unfortunately, doesn't help much. Both games now suffer from the curse of Procedural (boredom) Generation.

    To turn things around a bit, a couple of games that surprised me in good ways:

    WAR: Yeah, it was buggy as all hell and had a metric arse-ton of issues, but never before or since have I enjoyed PvP. It was all I did for a year in that game, from a confirmed PVEer that's something special. Of all the things they did wrong, the PvP design in WAR, the focus on group play rather than individual balance (which, granted could have used work) and a ruleset that mostly made griefing all but impossible (something which caused no small amount of tears), were better than what I've seen in any other MMO.

    DCUO: A friend wanted to try and and I almost just blew the idea off and skipped out, glad I didn't. It's not really a game I'd play for any extended period, but despite having all the substance of the inside of a helium balloon it's surprisingly fun.
  • rush1984rush1984 Member UncommonPosts: 371
    Wow after wotlk went downhill fast
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Thinking about it more.  Nothing could have been more disappointing than seeing that Panda released for WoW.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    WAR for me. Expected a successor to DAOC, instead got something much closer to WOW.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,071
    edited July 2016
    EQ2 - I was looking for a replacement for WOW a year after it released.  I got bored by the time I hit level 15.  It was just really unpolished and housing meant nothing to me.

    STO - man the ground combat was horrendous and the space movement was unintuitive.  What a horrible game.
  • BruhzaBruhza Member UncommonPosts: 391
    What MMORPG Did You Find Disappointed You the Most?

    Mine would include Ragnarok Online 2 -- Loved the first game. A classic in my book. Was totally let down by the follow up 

    Also Guild Wars 2 -- I am a huge fan of GW 1 and was very excited in thinking that GW2 would move the MMO genre forward.
    I found myself just not digging it and missing the charm of the first games.

    Have you tried Tree of Savior? 

    I've heard from quite a few people that it does a good job of doing what the second one didn't. I personally never got into the first Ragnarok so I can't personally say, but it may be worth checking out. I enjoyed my time with it.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Alders said:
    The original iteration of FFXIV 1.0.

    I spent years talking about how SquareEnix was out of touch with its own player base and how they didn't seem to learn from their mistakes in FFXI. I was assured that FFXIV would be different. It wasn't. I've never been more disappointed in an MMO. It was as if the people in charge of developing a new MMO never actually played an MMO. They certainly didn't play their own.
    I agree with this and still feel extremely let down by Square even with the new rendition.
    I don't like to compare Square to other devs or other games because,well imo most of the competition is selling crap.
    I have no doubt what so ever that FFXZIV is better than most everything on the market,but it is NOT Square's best effort and it was that early rubbish that ruined the game's inside design for life and can never be fixed.
    I am not playing a single mmorpg right now,if i was it would likely be FFXI or FFXIV,says a lot about the genre,it is severely lacking in quality efforts.

    BTW disappointment does NOT mean worst game,it simply means i expected triple A and got less.All those other games i expected rubbish and got exactly that so i can't say i was disappointed in those OTHER games.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • AkulasAkulas Member RarePosts: 3,029
    I'd say WoW from the wrath baby era because everything was given to you. Begining of the end that was.

    This isn't a signature, you just think it is.

  • CecropiaCecropia Member RarePosts: 3,985
    STO and SWTOR. The hell were Cryptic and BioWare thinking...

    "Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb

  • DeltoisDeltois Member UncommonPosts: 384
    BDO without a doubt. Was really hyped, only to see what a pile it was after only a few hours. I tried longer, but it never happened, what a shit mess of a game.
  • AmjocoAmjoco Member UncommonPosts: 4,860
    I would have to say ESO. I still like the game, but I thought it would have more exploring and finding things would mean more...the game (at least to me) had so much potential but is very limited. I spent hours and hours studying lore/history, maps, etc. waiting for the release of the game and it was pretty disappointing. 

    Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.

  • RasiemRasiem Member UncommonPosts: 318
    I would say mine were 

    1.WoW- Wrath and after are just dumbed down kiddie games for the single father of three. Literally Warcraft by name only. 

    2.BDO-Hot mess and horrible crafting system with absurd hacks...ohhh the hacks..

    3. AC2-I was a huge fan of the first game but this one just didn't grab me.

    4.ESO- This had so much promise but just feels so hollow and soulless. And those character models though..Ewww.

    5.SWTOR-My problem was this game actually had to much production value and not enough creativity. Literally feels like WoW with light sabers.

    Wildstar- The humor was actually very off putting to me and the game play just tried to please to many play styles causing the game to feel clunky and combat very static. Dodging had no purpose because you would get hit anyways since the game was trying to please both tab target and active combat.

    Theres more guy many more but I will be here all day lol.

  • RasiemRasiem Member UncommonPosts: 318
    Rasiem said:
    I would say mine were 

    1.WoW- Wrath and after are just dumbed down kiddie games for the single father of three. Literally Warcraft by name only. 

    2.BDO-Hot mess and horrible crafting system with absurd hacks...ohhh the hacks..

    3. AC2-I was a huge fan of the first game but this one just didn't grab me.

    4.ESO- This had so much promise but just feels so hollow and soulless. And those character models though..Ewww.

    5.SWTOR-My problem was this game actually had to much production value and not enough creativity. Literally feels like WoW with light sabers.

    Wildstar- The humor was actually very off putting to me and the game play just tried to please to many play styles causing the game to feel clunky and combat very static. Dodging had no purpose because you would get hit anyways since the game was trying to please both tab target and active combat this causes the hit boxes to be all fked up.

    Theres more guy many more but I will be here all day lol.

  • dreamer05dreamer05 Member UncommonPosts: 679
    Vanguard. I had never looked forward to a game so much in my life. I followed every piece of information for years. Then it turned out to be such a huge letdown...


    "God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    Lord of the Rings Online and Aion

    I was still new to mmo's and still thought of them as "worlds" because every time I saw a news blurb on, say, everquest, it always mentioned that they were "worlds".

    Also Aion had all these promises about how each server was going to be different based upon players' input and I think even weather was supposed to affect things like spells.

    In any case Lord of the Rings Online wasn't what I expected from an middle earth mmo and Aion did not turn out to be a "world" let alone one where players really affected the world.
    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

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    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • TalonsinTalonsin Member EpicPosts: 3,619
    STO - So bad on so many levels...

    TSW - Parts of it are so awesome but the other parts are soooo terribly bad. 

    WAR - I loved this game for the first 20 levels and have never pvped so much in a game.  I filled my char slots just creating toons and pvping to level 20.  After level 20, what a waste...

    Vanguard - This could have been the one, great crafting system.  Sadly was pushed out the door way too early and never got finished.

    Archeage - A competitive PVP game with one small area and about 8 mobs to drop hasla materials for the best weapons.  What were they thinking, and dont even get me started on the P2W aspects.
    "Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game."  - SEANMCAD

  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    Swtor, ESO, B&S, and Landmark if that can be considered an MMO.

    Swtor was the most disappointing though.  Zones were small, closed off, and instanced.  Traveling required too much zoning and clicking.  Only humanoid species.  Companion system was a letdown.  The list goes on!
  • BigRamboBigRambo Member UncommonPosts: 191
    What title disappointed me the most?  Kinda hard to pick just one, I got around 70 at the top of my head, lol.  Pretty much everything released 2-3 years after WoW is a major let down, besides FF14.   I still enjoy most of the 90's / pre 2000's titles.   But if I were to pick one disappointment that started my trolling life, I'd have to go with Age of Conan, was my first pre order with a bunch of my friends, and after 30 days of playing, NEVER again have I pre ordered a game.  I wait for "X" MMO to be FINAL and release and I try it out, if there's no free trial, then too bad I move on. 
  • GruugGruug Member RarePosts: 1,794
    All of them that I subscribed to and eventually went f2p are my choices.

    Let's party like it is 1863!

  • merv808merv808 Member UncommonPosts: 511
    For me, it would have to be the matrix online. The matrix was essentially a mmo, and no other IP had a more natural fit for an online game than this one, but instead of capitalizing on that, they made a crappy, crappy game with what seemed like minimal effort
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Warhammer online: Because it shut down.
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