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The Social Beauty of Pokemon Go - General Column

BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565

imageThe Social Beauty of Pokemon Go - General Column

Like so many of you, we’ve been playing Pokémon Go a lot since it launched this week. And we’ve noticed something pretty amazing happening around the game… it’s got millions people playing together, in real life, as strangers. Pokémon Go has essentially become the world’s biggest MMO in a matter of days.

Read the full story here

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  • winghaven1winghaven1 Member RarePosts: 745
    edited July 2016
    DMKano said:
    I am still failing to see how a bunch of folks walking around with their phone in front of them looking for things only their phone can see is a MMO.

    There's not much *game* in this, I mean is a bunch of tourists trying to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa a game?

    Hey maybe I am just too old for this shit /shrug

    It's a IRL mmo. You explore, collect and meet people. It's the biggest mmo ever. It will take you ages to explore all of the world in Pokemon Go! Fight for your club amigo. Eventually you will be able to trade your pokemons and battle others directly

    I dare you to try and explore all of it. It's a 1:1 ratio to earth. With some interesting real-like locations to discover. Be careful of team rocket in shaky neighbourhoods in some dark alley, they might steal your pokemon, your phone.... and your wallet too. 
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  • DancwithDancwith Member UncommonPosts: 28
    I'm a midshift cop in florida and I have to say, its been entertaining watching the people who are playing this at 1 a.m.

    I have had a guy walk to the end of a pier and realize he can't get to his destination.
    I have had a young lady I found walking down a dirt path about a quarter mile into the woods @ 1a.m.
    More than enough near misses with traffic to make me wonder.
    I few calls of strangers walking through yards

    I've also seen several meet up and do w/e it is the game needs you to do. Some of it is intriguing because the people i see walking have obviously not spent a lot of time in the exercise department yet they are doing 5-10 miles per day now.

    Its definitely been fun to watch =)
  • KoboliKoboli Member UncommonPosts: 210
    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 
  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    Sounds like a strange little game. Not my thing but more power to the people who dig it.
    If it gets people outside exercising and having fun Id say this is incredible. Personally I have no desire to play a game like this but to each his/her own.
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Koboli said:
    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 
    Its a game for everyone. Youll be surprised how many couples, families, I see when battling gym and catching pokemon with my kid. And its like.. Your prob playing pokemon? Making new friends etc. 

  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    DMKano said:
    I am still failing to see how a bunch of folks walking around with their phone in front of them looking for things only their phone can see is a MMO.

    There's not much *game* in this, I mean is a bunch of tourists trying to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa a game?

    Hey maybe I am just too old for this shit /shrug
    A group of 6 ppl tried to attack my gym. If your on a game site your never too old!

  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    Koboli said:
    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 
    It encourages people to get out of their house, walk around, and bump into people who share a similar interest. That's much better than sitting on their asses in the house, IMO. 
  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713

    Dragnelus said:

    Koboli said:

    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 

    Its a game for everyone. Youll be surprised how many couples, families, I see when battling gym and catching pokemon with my kid. And its like.. Your prob playing pokemon? Making new friends etc. 

    I work at a casino and there's a Pokemon Gym there so a bunch of us have joined the same team (mystic) and are trying to keep it for Team Blue! I have a CP 931 Vaporean I worked hard on I am hoping will help scare them away =D

    At one point today I was referred to as "the best Pokémon Trainer in the entire casino!" and we had a fun chuckle at that.

  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642
    edited July 2016
    Beauty ??? People are being beaten up and shot at for trespassing for this stupid crap. This game is going to get people killed there is nothing cute or beautiful about sticking people distracted in real world danger.
  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642
    Considering you can place down lures to attract pokemon chasers and a lot of them are young girls. I could even see sexual predators lure girls into traps with this crap.
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    edited July 2016
    psiic said:
    Beauty ??? People are being beaten up and shot at for trespassing for this stupid crap. This game is going to get people killed there is nothing cute or beautiful about sticking people distracted in real world danger.
    That seems rather alarmist to me, how widespread are such cases really? On top of that most people know where they should or shouldn't go in their given city. As the old saying goes, you can't protect the foolish from foolishness. More people are killed/hurt riding skateboards and Bikes I'm sure, perspective and all man.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • JDis25JDis25 Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Buncha grumpy old men in this thread ;)
    Now Playing: Bless / Summoners War
    Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    psiic said:
    Considering you can place down lures to attract pokemon chasers and a lot of them are young girls. I could even see sexual predators lure girls into traps with this crap.
    Just stay inside you'll be safe.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • KilmaulKilmaul Member UncommonPosts: 121

    JDis25 said:

    Buncha grumpy old men in this thread ;)

    No, they're just waiting for more corpse jokes.
  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    edited July 2016
    The game also needs pokemons 1m deep in the ground or something.
    People would be running around with shovels and dig holes everywhere.

  • PhaserlightPhaserlight Member EpicPosts: 3,079
    I was at a carousel today with my mother and 2 year old son. I see a guy walk around the carousel before returning to his girlfriend. As the two of them leave I overhear him say to her "that was a really powerful Pikachu that got away".

    I don't know much about the game, but it's interesting to see an AR experience go viral like this. It reminds me a little of what I've read about Ingress.

    A while ago I predicted that AR and VR games would become the dominant medium. It's interesting to see that partly coming to fruition. It's like living inside a W. Gibson novel.

    "The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
    Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance

  • mbrodiembrodie Member RarePosts: 1,504
    How cynical and beaten by the world do you need to be to hate on a game that's bringing a lot of joy and exercise and excitement to the world, people all over are playing this game, getting out of their houses and exploring their homes / towns / cities etc... making new acquaintances, friends.. banding together to defend gyms, setting up pokemon lures on high traffic stops to help each other gain more pokemon.

    And all you can do is look for negatives that haven't happened yet. It's ok though, being so pessimistic sure is one way to live, i actually feel kind of bad for the people hating on this game for promoting healthy lifestyle, regardless of if you need your phone to do it.. as soon as pokemon go plus accessory is released, what will you do then... then you have a small accessory that flashes and vibrates when a pokemon is near and you only have to press a small button on the accessory to catch the pokemon, don't even have to look at your phone anymore.

    Getting pokemon eggs that require you to walk certain distances 2 / 5 / 10 kilometers of walking that the person would normally never do, but now does because they get a new pokemon from it.

    Spin all the hate you want, but it's a good game doing good things. My son and I are having a blast getting out there and finding new pokemon and then he get's to take pictures with them, although it's really hard to give a 5 year old directions so you can take a photo of him with pokemon.
  • SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
    DMKano said:
    JDis25 said:
    Buncha grumpy old men in this thread ;)

    Well my wife got it and is playing it - guess what this old grump is playing it too now.

    If you can't beat them....

    I fought it for all of 24 hours and got all caught up in watching my daughter play. So...yeah...Gotta Catch 'Em All, right? :D


  • KoboliKoboli Member UncommonPosts: 210
    edited July 2016
    Dragnelus said:
    Koboli said:
    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 
    Its a game for everyone. Youll be surprised how many couples, families, I see when battling gym and catching pokemon with my kid. And its like.. Your prob playing pokemon? Making new friends etc. 
    I'm sorry, we're now dropping down into the tried and true "bashing someone's social functionality because they don't like the same thing as me" play? The game looks like garbage - a pointless, mindless waste of time. I wouldn't let any child of mine near it, and I certainly wouldn't throw away even a second playing it myself.

    I don't really care if it brings joy to other people - the first person with their noses glued to a screen who gets hit by a bus or a train, or stabbed because they're in an unseemly part of town, all while trying to catch fake monsters is going to look real bad.
  • mbrodiembrodie Member RarePosts: 1,504
    Koboli said:
    I don't really care if it brings joy to other people
    not really anything else i need to say. at this point you just seem bitter and jaded, sorry.
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    Koboli said:
    Dragnelus said:
    Koboli said:
    I have a contrary take: it's a children's game, and we should be discouraging kids from constantly jamming their faces into smart phones. Social beauty? You'll forgive me for not being so optimistic. 
    Its a game for everyone. Youll be surprised how many couples, families, I see when battling gym and catching pokemon with my kid. And its like.. Your prob playing pokemon? Making new friends etc. 
    I'm sorry, we're now dropping down into the tried and true "bashing someone's social functionality because they don't like the same thing as me" play? The game looks like garbage - a pointless, mindless waste of time. I wouldn't let any child of mine near it, and I certainly wouldn't throw away even a second playing it myself.

    I don't really care if it brings joy to other people - the first person with their noses glued to a screen who gets hit by a bus or a train, or stabbed because they're in an unseemly part of town, all while trying to catch fake monsters is going to look real bad.
    Facebook, Twitter, etc have really been hit hard in the PR dept from people being hit by buses.....
  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    DMKano said:

    SBFord said:

    DMKano said:

    JDis25 said:

    Buncha grumpy old men in this thread ;)

    Well my wife got it and is playing it - guess what this old grump is playing it too now.

    If you can't beat them....

    I fought it for all of 24 hours and got all caught up in watching my daughter play. So...yeah...Gotta Catch 'Em All, right? :D

    So got to level 5 - can we see other players on the map?
    It doesn't appear to be the case - it was nice that pokemon are shared so both my wife and I were able to get the ones near us.

    Churches, parks etc... are refill stations, the fire station up the street from me is the training gym.

    But I am still not getting the MMO feeling - sure it's fun but I don't think it's a MMO as you can't interact with others in game which is sort of key - unless I am missing something.
    I thought you could battle other players at the gyms. Not sure. 
  • RateroRatero Member UncommonPosts: 440
    Step outside? NEVER! I really don't see the appeal to this game. I give the game a few weeks, just long enough for people to realize that walking around in the sunlight is detrimental to your health and trying to catch an invisible (to others) creature is an awesome way to get your self shot. I'll pass on this unappealing game.

  • Righteous_RockRighteous_Rock Member RarePosts: 1,234
    I've seen kids playing in restaurants, police stations (imagine this, bunch of kids aiming cell phones at cops) , libraries, church. I thought they were filming , turns out everyone is playing pokemon. One little dude at dinner tonight was aiming his cell phone right at my wife. I thought, "what in the world" as I peared over her shoulder, then I remembered a colleague mentioning this game to me , but at first I thought this kid was trying to film her.
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