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  • SetleinSetlein Member UncommonPosts: 11
    Hi. Please do not swear . I'm not trying to compare two different game universes . I'm just trying to find out what the game hardcore raiding tactics and lots of trash on the wipe , and do not come and hit 1.2.3 and killed the boss. No , I was looking for hardcore raids , not a cakewalk . I understand that each game a unique universe , interesting stories and bleeding different and do not try to shit , which one is better . I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.
  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Originally posted by Setlein
    Hi. Please do not swear . I'm not trying to compare two different game universes . I'm just trying to find out what the game hardcore raiding tactics and lots of trash on the wipe , and do not come and hit 1.2.3 and killed the boss. No , I was looking for hardcore raids , not a cakewalk . I understand that each game a unique universe , interesting stories and bleeding different and do not try to shit , which one is better . I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.

    Both have raids of different difficulties, both require watching YT vides and/or reading guides if you want to do them. (Or you'll die horribly and have your raid team yell at you)

    So it pretty much comes up to personal preference as many have already said.

    Maybe you can YT some and see how they play out, and which appeals more to you.

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,821
    Originally posted by Setlein
    Hi. Please do not swear . I'm not trying to compare two different game universes . I'm just trying to find out what the game hardcore raiding tactics and lots of trash on the wipe , and do not come and hit 1.2.3 and killed the boss. No , I was looking for hardcore raids , not a cakewalk . I understand that each game a unique universe , interesting stories and bleeding different and do not try to shit , which one is better . I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.

    Wildstar has them both beat with just the first dungeon alone for hardcore at level 20. You can't run in dance around like a little school girl like you can in most MMOs.

    Yeah,...Telegraphs are fucking stupid, but you feel pretty fucking stupid that you can't hit your dodge or Interrupt fast enough.



    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
  • ariestearieste Member UncommonPosts: 3,309
    Originally posted by Setlein
    I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.

    Well, why didn't you just ask THAT from the start then?


    From what i've seen in both games (and i've not raided the very top end of content in either), the mechanics are fairly similar.  neither one seemed particularly hard to me.   


    TSW had much more interesting and difficult group instances than either of these two games.  


    I also raid in a top 10 guild in EQ2 and the harder content there makes both TOR and FFXIV mechanics look like child's play, so i'm getting my raiding fix already.



    "I’d rather work on something with great potential than on fulfilling a promise of mediocrity."

    - Raph Koster

    Favourites: AO,SWG,EVE,TR,LoTRO,TSW,EQ2, Firefall
    Currently Playing: ESO

  • FourplayFourplay Member UncommonPosts: 216
    Originally posted by Setlein
    Hi. Please do not swear . I'm not trying to compare two different game universes . I'm just trying to find out what the game hardcore raiding tactics and lots of trash on the wipe , and do not come and hit 1.2.3 and killed the boss. No , I was looking for hardcore raids , not a cakewalk . I understand that each game a unique universe , interesting stories and bleeding different and do not try to shit , which one is better . I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.




  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Which one got faster dunfgeon/raids ques?
    Which one got faster updates for more content (new duneons/raids)?

  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,708
    edited June 2016
    Dragnelus said:
    Which one got faster dunfgeon/raids ques?
    Which one got faster updates for more content (new duneons/raids)?
    Hi, this comes back to the question of class choice and server population.
    Playing FFXIV as a healer in a popular eu server, and I don't have to queue.  Never played dps in the game, but I'd imagine the wait would be there.

    As for updates - again depends - on your game time. People spend 10 hours a day on a game, then complain about lack of content.  Others spend less time and always have things to do.

    If you start FFXIV now, it will keep you going for quite a while. There's a ton of leveling content, with some really good dungeons higher up.

    Have a look at this, one of the more awesome ones - [SPOILER ALERT] By it's nature it includes characters from the latter story line.


    Then there's the extreme version........
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    Gorwe said:
    Don't play swtor for anything other than stories. It's just a waste. And yes, it's a waste that SWTOR isn't a CRPG instead of wasting that beauty on an MMO.
    Im playing  both atm. Swtor for pvp and dungeon/op. Having fun. FFXIV for the story and dungeons/trails.

    Sometimes im into ffxiv and sometimes in swtor :P 

  • ShodanasShodanas Member RarePosts: 1,933
    Ridelynn said:

    SWTOR is free to play. Try it out.

    You can't raid efficiently as F2P in TOR. Serious raiding guilds do not recruit freeloaders and rightly so.

    @ Setlein: TOR's raids are nicely done and feature some interesting encounters. However bear in mind that you have to go old school with no addons and such.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited July 2016
    I would say it kind of comes down to if you like to do everything on one toon or not. Because some people like having multiple toons for different things. FFXIV you can do everyone on one character, but you do have the option to level as many as you want, up to 8 per server. As for raiding, I can only speak for FFXIV, the raiding is challenging for sure but as far as rewarding that's been up for debate since 2.X. Quite a few things to keep you busy till 4.0 (the next expansion) if you're starting fresh though that honestly dont involve serious raiding and I suppose even more if you want to do raiding seriously. A full list of things was given but you also have leveling your chocobo, crafting and gathering systems are pretty indepth, treasure hunts, getting an apartment if you cant find a house plot available on your server (not sure if that was implemented in 3.3 or going to be in the future patches, honestly only played 3.2 during the free log in lol). But plenty of stuff to do if you're new. Plus most of the music in FFXIV is really well done and easily addictive to do certain activities for the music alone (A4S how I love and hate you at the same time, best song ever). FFXIV's voice actor is a little hit/miss and there's ALOT of text to read if you're in it for the lore but the story is decent enough (I feel it gets better in 3.X compared to 2.X except for the coil series in 2.X was pretty good).
  • Kayo83Kayo83 Member UncommonPosts: 399
    Setlein said:
    Hi. Please do not swear . I'm not trying to compare two different game universes . I'm just trying to find out what the game hardcore raiding tactics and lots of trash on the wipe , and do not come and hit 1.2.3 and killed the boss. No , I was looking for hardcore raids , not a cakewalk . I understand that each game a unique universe , interesting stories and bleeding different and do not try to shit , which one is better . I'm only interested in raids or in one or the other. all.
    If what you mostly care about is end-game then id say FFXIV. Its got the most "traditional" end game grind plus theyre the best at adding content from the games that Ive played. I havent played any of the most current stuff but id say FFXIV is the more "challenging" of the two games (not that id call it that), and the prettiest.
  • PottedPlant22PottedPlant22 Member RarePosts: 800
    They're both solid games.
  • Moxom914Moxom914 Member RarePosts: 731
    Pratt2112 said:
    Originally posted by arieste

      TOR:   It's star wars.  So no matter how bad the game is, at the end of the day you're still a jedi (or something) running around with a lightsaber.  Which already is more than many games can offer.  I'm a huge star wars fan, so stuck with it for this reason.

    Very good post overall.. but I kinda chuckled at this. I'm not sure if you intended it to come across this way, but it basically sounds like you're saying that SWTOR has something "More than other MMOs can offer" because you're a Jedi running around with a lightsaber. As a point of fact, it's totally accurate. You'd fully expect to see Jedi running around with lightsabers in a Star Wars game. But to say it's "more than other games can offer" is kinda silly, and a rather unfair qualification.

    Basically, you're saying SWTOR offers more than non-Star Wars games, by virtue of being set in the Star Wars universe, with things you'd only find in the Star Wars universe.

    You're basically saying other games are less for not being Star Wars - as in, something they're not supposed to be.

    In a nutshell, "SWTOR offers more than other games, because it has Jedi and Lightsabers, and others don't".

    That's like saying "In Super Mario World, you control an Italian plumber, running around in a large world, collecting coins, jumping on Goombas and saving Princess Toadstool. Which already is more than many games can offer".

    Do you see why that's a silly remark to make?


    wow. you totally missed the whole point of the post.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    Here's my opinion.
    Both have raiding. Both have different difficulties in raiding. I have raided in both games and I like them both. I can't say one raid system is better than the other. As of recently, I have been subbed to both games, but in the past month, I have canceled my Sub to SWTOR and re joined XIV. It has nothing to do with raiding and everything to do with the direction of the games.

    When I say both raid systems are similar, that is as it is now. I don't believe it will remain like this. SWTOR has not added much in the way of group content for some time and this new expansion hasn't really impressed me at all. In fact, the entirety of the expansion is virtually all single player experience. While SE continues to add group content to XIV. Not at a blinding pace, but it is growing. While SWTOR is also growing, it's growing away from the multiplayer experience gearing to the single player.

    So, if you are looking for a game to jump in, do a few raids, get your fill and call it a day. I'd say it's a toss up. But if you are looking for a game for a long term experience that will add more raids in the future, I'd choose XIV. 
  • Juice2000Juice2000 Member UncommonPosts: 95
    I play and sub both,

    SWTOR has not had any real group content added in along time. The last new raid was added possibly coming up 2 years ago and based and what the devs are saying dont expect any new raids. all new content is being scaled to be done solo. However its a great game if you love starwars, stories and alts and rping. I play it for alts and story, its cloear this is BWs direction for the game.

    FF14 has new content every 2 - 3 months. every 2- 3 months you will get either a new 8m raid on normal difficulty with 4 bosses. 2 - 3 months later you will get a 24m raid on normal difficulty and a hard mode version of the previous 8m raid and then back to the 8m normal for the next 2 - 3 months. Also you will get a primal fight (single boss raid in Hard mode) every few months. Add onto all this the dungeons and HM dungeons released and you have alot of endgame group content if thats what your after and theres always something new coming to keep you chomping at the carrot. 
  • zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971
    Juice2000 said:
    I play and sub both,

    SWTOR has not had any real group content added in along time. The last new raid was added possibly coming up 2 years ago and based and what the devs are saying dont expect any new raids. all new content is being scaled to be done solo. However its a great game if you love starwars, stories and alts and rping. I play it for alts and story, its cloear this is BWs direction for the game.

    FF14 has new content every 2 - 3 months. every 2- 3 months you will get either a new 8m raid on normal difficulty with 4 bosses. 2 - 3 months later you will get a 24m raid on normal difficulty and a hard mode version of the previous 8m raid and then back to the 8m normal for the next 2 - 3 months. Also you will get a primal fight (single boss raid in Hard mode) every few months. Add onto all this the dungeons and HM dungeons released and you have alot of endgame group content if thats what your after and theres always something new coming to keep you chomping at the carrot. 
    Except that exact set of content you just mentioned is the same they have been pushing basically since the start. They play pretty much exactly the same except you need to memorize the next set of mechanics (its all heavily scripted) and do your rotation until your brain goes numb. Also i hope your into tossing out our gear every other patch for new gear that just has slightly higher numbers of the same exact stats. Dont bother with the endgame unless you "watched the video" because 9 times out of 10 its just a bunch of players who want perfection and spend too much time analyzing a DPS meter, but i guess that isnt helped by the games strict DPS check/strict holy trinity design.

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