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Simple Question Really for those in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos etc... if there are any on this forum.
What mmorpg titles are available where you are?
Comments could play any mmorpg as long as you have the Credit Card.
Yes, I know you can but... it's a more of a language and culture thing. community is better, if you all speak the same language etc... I guess a better phrased question would be:
What MMORPG titles have servers in your country? or setup specifically for players in your country?
Hmm...ok. Where I am staying(Singapore), theres.... Elkardian Renewal Elysium
Well thats all i remember. There are a few more titles but these three are the most popular. By the way, all 3 games are in english cause english is the main language of Singapore.
Thanks for the info dude. do you have any idea on how many mmorpg players there are in Singapore?
At the moment, there is Ragnarok which dominating the market here in Indonesia with local Indonesian langguage. Other game still small, Nexia almost die, Gunbound just launch
Ragnarok reach 25 K CU now
We are planning to setup a new MMORPG with local languange and local curency too. Still developing and exploring the game source.
Do you have any idea.
Only one of those links worked for me, the one for Elkardian.
These are just my opinions, please direct your opinions of my opinions to your mama, not me and the other readers.
Win XP Pro
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
1600 Mhz FSB
1 Gig PC3200 DDR400 RAM
160 Gig Ultra ATA HD
GeForce FX5700 256MB AGP
SoundBlaster Live 5.1
here is sit with all kind of asian mmorpg