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Is the European Version censored just like the North American version?

InferumInferum Member UncommonPosts: 141
edited May 2016 in Blade & Soul
I am in Europe but I prefer playing on North American servers, however it appears that the North American version is heavily censored wether it be in the outfits, quests story or overall plot:

However I have seen people online claim that the European version is uncensored unlike the North American version, is that true? Could anyone confirm? If the European version is uncensored, I would rather play that than the butchered North American version.


  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Some of the things seem... harsh..
    At least for a game with anime like grafics.

    Having said so I haven't forgotten that anime can be pretty violent.

    Overall I'm against censorship and rarely ever find any purpose in it.

    Eiichiro Oda the maker of One Piece censored the scene for example where the chef cuts off his own leg and eats it in order to survive. Oda changed this in the tv version:
    'Manga is one thing but on tv my work will reach a whole lot more people, kids included and I find it my responsibility to protect them from overly violent and disturbing acts.'

    That's something I can get behind.
    However if this game was advertised for adults then the censorship seems somewhat arbitrary.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    I know what you're asking but this topic and the related social justice warrior type topics are generally not allowed here. Think Kiyoris got banned for it in the end although I think there were warnings before because she kept posting about this censorship issue. I think Kiyoris got perma banned in the end.

  • neumneum Member UncommonPosts: 143
    I wanted to play this game when I heard about it but will not touch it due to the changes.  If it is so culturally inappropriate then just do not publish it in the west.  If I do not like something or find it offensive I just ignore it / not look at it.  I do not try to ruin it for others who might enjoy it.

  • InferumInferum Member UncommonPosts: 141
    edited May 2016
    kitarad said:
    I know what you're asking but this topic and the related social justice warrior type topics are generally not allowed here. Think Kiyoris got banned for it in the end although I think there were warnings before because she kept posting about this censorship issue. I think Kiyoris got perma banned in the end.

    What? I don't know anything about what your saying, I am not an active poster in this forum, I have been a member since 2005, but I only have 138 posts and haven't posted here in forever.

    And how is a topic asking if the European Version is censored like the North American version a "social justice warrior type topic"? I just want to know if these censorships are in the European version or not, I am sure at least someone here plays the European version and could provide an answer to this.

    Dakeru said:
    However if this game was advertised for adults then the censorship seems somewhat arbitrary.
    Blade And Soul is rated M in North America:

    And the game is rated 16 in Europe, 16 here in this European country that I am residing in is considered pretty adult considering that porn movies can be seen by people that are 16+.
  • MagikarpsGhostMagikarpsGhost Member RarePosts: 689
    honestly the sensor ship is not as bad as people think. i love bns played KR/CN and now NA.

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  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    edited May 2016
    Inferum it's the videos you posted. Did you watch it and what the guy said ? That is social justice warrior type stuff.

    You could have asked the question without those videos and it would have been answered. Also I merely warned you don't get mad at me if the moderators get angry just amend your post. When I used 'warn' it was not a threat I have not reported you or anything in case you get madder just wanted to tell you what happened the last time these topics were discussed.

    It causes issues here and the moderators do not want these types of topics here is all. I am not saying your concern is not real but a topic like this inevitably causes hackles to rise. People will discuss misogynistic views and how women are causing censorship and such. 

  • InferumInferum Member UncommonPosts: 141
    kitarad said:
    Inferum it's the video you posted. Did you watch it and what the guy said ? That is social justice warrior type stuff.

    You could have asked the question without those videos and it would have been answered.
    The videos underline the issue at hand, whitout anything to exemplify what the subject at hand is, it would be quite hard to make people understand what it is that I am referring to and I don't expect everybody to be a Blade And Soul whizz that they would be aware of everything about all the subjects pertaining to it.
  • hfztthfztt Member RarePosts: 1,401
    It is not censorship when it is the publisher itself that choose to change the game to better fit the target market.


    Censorship is a political state sanctioned tool. This is NOT censorship in any way or form.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    edited May 2016
    Your are discussing censorship and more specifically things relating to female bodies and people who stupidly associate anime like characters to real females. This will cause an issue if those people who generally turn up and get angry about censorship decide to join your thread. It gets ugly fast.

     Whether it is censorship it has been considered censorship by pressure. Where you censor because you need to market to an area.

    Would you not get a better answer on the Blade and Soul Forums itself ?

  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    I don't feel the videos were an issue. I found the quest of the panty thief who was turned into a scholar interesting.
    The forbidden act of seeing the skin of a woman is actually part of western mythology as well.

    So the censorship as part of cultural differences is bullshit. This is our culture as well.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    I personally think as a huge fan of anime and manga,manwha and various other forms of entertainment that this is absolute bullshit but what to do.

  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    kitarad said:
    I know what you're asking but this topic and the related social justice warrior type topics are generally not allowed here. Think Kiyoris got banned for it in the end although I think there were warnings before because she kept posting about this censorship issue. I think Kiyoris got perma banned in the end.
    Dude you can beat this topic to death and the moderators could care less.  She did not get banned for discussing this topic or making any kind of stance.  She's lying to you...  Now if she posted nude photos to prove a point however.  Since these forums do not allow posting nudity.  Quit trying to victimize yourself.  Just avoid child sexuality and posting nude photos and you won't have nothing to worry about.  Also don't name call.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • scorpex-xscorpex-x Member RarePosts: 1,030
    A feminist is in charge of both games, they are both censored. 

  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Nude pics? And I missed it?
    Screw my life!
    Harbinger of Fools
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,184
    She posted nude pictures lol really 

  • GremeGreme Member UncommonPosts: 66
    It is first time I see someone mentioning that European version is in any way different than North American. As far as I know they are both exactly the same - they are run by the same publisher, they use the same client and get patches/maintenances at the same time.

    I am playing on European server and looking at first video you have posted, we have the uncensored version of both costumes that are shown there (at 0:45 and 0:51). In fact if you listen to the commentary they say that the costumes were censored in China version. Also if I remember correctly Yura was naked in that scene in our version.

    The nymph quest mentioned in later parts of video as well as Ilsim death scene are both changed in European version. I have not seen the scene that appears at 2:18 in our version, but as I dont recognise NPC there, it might be from the part of story that has not yet been released here. The name of race Kun is changed to Yun.
  • InferumInferum Member UncommonPosts: 141
    Greme said:
    The nymph quest mentioned in later parts of video as well as Ilsim death scene are both changed in European version.
    Well damn, but thank you for confirming it. I also asssumed and expected this to be the same case, but then I saw quite a few people in comments on the internet regarding the censorship who mentioned the fact that the European version PEGI 16 was uncensored and since I couldn't find any confirmation on the internet I'd thought I'd ask here.
  • BitterClingerBitterClinger Member UncommonPosts: 439
    I know I'm nit-picking here, but this is not censorship. This is the result of a business decision. Either the developer, or more likely the publisher, decided to make these changes in the NA market for business reasons. Right or wrong, they must've thought the unmodified version would be a turn off to enough NA customers that it would hurt their profits. Again, this is not censorship.
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    I know I'm nit-picking here, but this is not censorship. This is the result of a business decision. Either the developer, or more likely the publisher, decided to make these changes in the NA market for business reasons. Right or wrong, they must've thought the unmodified version would be a turn off to enough NA customers that it would hurt their profits. Again, this is not censorship.
    That is probably the reason - a business decision. It's still a kind censorship for the sake of more profit then though.
    And obviously the cultural differences are a lie then.

    Devs lying to us.. who would have ever imagined...
    Harbinger of Fools
  • InferumInferum Member UncommonPosts: 141
    Dakeru said:
    Devs lying to us.. who would have ever imagined...
    The ones who lied to us are not the devs, the ones who lied are western employees working for the publishing company who released the game in the West. The actual devs are Koreans and obviously these censorships are not part of their original vision, as you can see in the video in the original korean version one character is supposed to kill himself before the monsters gets to him, while in the butchered western version he falls on the ground and ultimatly gets killed by the monsters off-screen, beside this there are a variety of other things from sexy costumes removed or censored to other censorship of the story, quests and scripts and name changes such as Kun changed to Yun, because... "Kun" is apparently offensive to these people.
  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    You are making a big deal over something that is minor.  There are different cultures that accept different styles.  That is the truth of how the world really works.  Its called adapting to culture so you can make money.  Try taking your clothes off and prancing around Saudi Arabia and see where that gets you.  You must respect their culture and wear clothes or get arrested and probably killed on the sreets.  You can't force other cultures to follow your way of thinking that is being closed minded.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • BitterClingerBitterClinger Member UncommonPosts: 439
    Dakeru said:
    I know I'm nit-picking here, but this is not censorship. This is the result of a business decision. Either the developer, or more likely the publisher, decided to make these changes in the NA market for business reasons. Right or wrong, they must've thought the unmodified version would be a turn off to enough NA customers that it would hurt their profits. Again, this is not censorship.
    That is probably the reason - a business decision. It's still a kind censorship for the sake of more profit then though.
    And obviously the cultural differences are a lie then.

    Devs lying to us.. who would have ever imagined...

    Again, I know it's nit-picky... but the reason "censorship" is such a negative word isn't because some company might tone down something they feel is culturally inappropriate. Censorship typically refers to government prohibition or suppression of content. For example, a public school banning The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because it contains the N-word, thus coercing the publisher to create an edited version of the novel that does not contain the N-word. That is not what Mark Twain wrote, but it is censorship.

    On the other hand, Comedy Central removing images of Mohammad from a South Park episode was NOT censorship. It was done for very reasonable safety concerns. However, if Comedy Central was coerced into removing the image by the FCC, that's censorship.

    True censorship is usually backed by authoritarian power.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,534
    The video demonstrated that the Chinese version is pretty heavily censored.  But the English version?  Not so much.  For those who don't want to watch it, the video highlighted three ways that the English version is different, beyond a simple translation.

    One is that a quest line that is a reference to a Korean folk story was completely rewritten to have a totally different storyline.  Americans not familiar with the Korean story wouldn't have gotten the reference, so the localizers decided that it was better to rewrite the story to something that would make sense.  That sort of thing happens all the time in localization, as a straight translation doesn't necessarily make sense to the new audience.

    Second, a cut scene of a girl committing suicide was modified so that she doesn't kill herself.  Though from the way the scene ends, it sure looks to me like she ended up dead anyway, but merely not by her own hand.

    Third, the name of the Kun race was changed to Yun, because they decided that the former was too close to a racial slur.

    If you want to cry censorship, my basic thought is, that's all you've got?
  • Shana77Shana77 Member UncommonPosts: 290
    Wow dozens of replies but only one person reads the OP and anwsers the question.
  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    Shana77 said:
    Wow dozens of replies but only one person reads the OP and anwsers the question.
    Good thing you necroed this thread cause your input made everything so much better.
    Harbinger of Fools
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