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Blizzard will give anyone who sees the World of Warcraft movie a free copy of WoW



  • OfficerFriendlyEQ2OfficerFriendlyEQ2 Member UncommonPosts: 105
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    Last movie I saw ended up being alot more than $20...Heck that barely covers popcorn and a soda.
  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    Last movie I saw ended up being alot more than $20...Heck that barely covers popcorn and a soda.
    It's so ridiculous the cost now going to the movies.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    and the movies are pure crap now
  • ceratop001ceratop001 Member RarePosts: 1,594
    and the movies are pure crap now
    Most are but every once in awhile I find something I like.
  • Gabriel-KnightGabriel-Knight Member UncommonPosts: 89
    edited May 2016
    Man, i've been following Warcraft's lore since the first game, and i get so sad when i watch the current state of the story. When WotLK ended (and even during the rushed finale, which was a little disapponting to me) everything pretty much went down the drain, with random characters popping out of nowhere and, of course, pandas.
    I believe that the movie will be a total mess with retconned characters, plot holes, and totally stupid storyline. Just the fact that they made Garona a supermodel that's more classy than a blood elf teenager is a kick in the nuts for every fan out there.

    But because i'm just a loyal follower of Warcraft, i will watch the movie, and i'll probably be let down. Just like with Star Wars 7, Indiana Jones 4, and every single other piece of crap they've done in the past 10 years. :(

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Sovrath said:
    I actually disagree.

    I know plenty of people who saw the Lord of the Rings movies that never read the books and generally aren't entirely "into" anything geek culture. They just though it looked good.

    I think many people who aren't gamers will see the movie. Heck, I'm not a WoW player at all (I've tried so many times but sadly can't stick with the game for more than a few days) and I'm going to see the movie.

    Well, the Lord of the rings movies were good... If this movie is as good it would give Wow new players but I wont hold my breath that it is, games based movies always suck.
  • ThebeastttThebeasttt Member RarePosts: 1,130
    Smart of blizzard. Currently WoW is great for new players and terrible for vets. At least they finally recognize their target audience.
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    now u see how desperate blizz is to get players back to wow ....

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,114
    Loke666 said:
    Sovrath said:
    I actually disagree.

    I know plenty of people who saw the Lord of the Rings movies that never read the books and generally aren't entirely "into" anything geek culture. They just though it looked good.

    I think many people who aren't gamers will see the movie. Heck, I'm not a WoW player at all (I've tried so many times but sadly can't stick with the game for more than a few days) and I'm going to see the movie.

    Well, the Lord of the rings movies were good... If this movie is as good it would give Wow new players but I wont hold my breath that it is, games based movies always suck.
    I think a lot of people will see this just because the World of Warcraft brand is pretty known at this point. It's in discussions, on sitcoms/TV it's been made fun of, reviled and put on a pedestal enough that it's pretty ubiquitous at this point.

    People will see it just because of curiosity.

    As far as being successful, even prince of Persia made back it's money and then some with World Wide receipts.

    I'm  not saying it's going to be "good" because there is a wide range of what people consider good or acceptable but it's going to have a huge turnout opening week. It's going to make money. I'll eat this post if it doesn't.
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  • mmoguy43mmoguy43 Member UncommonPosts: 2,770
    They didn't make a movie 7 years ago, back when the fans really wanted it, but instead made this recently after the multi million drops in subs. Is this really for Blizzard fans or for Blizzard share holders? Curious to see what happens to their numbers afterwards.

    I will wait and see it later.
  • LacedOpiumLacedOpium Member EpicPosts: 2,327
    edited May 2016
    I think the movie is releasing 5 or 6 years too late.

    A better argument could be made that now would be the perfect time to release a movie. They were doing fine exposure and subscription-wise 5 or 6 years ago.  Now, not so much. They could use the additional exposure the movie will bring and it will most assuredly result in additional subs, and revenue, for at least a short term basis.  It's an overall win for the brand.
  • Flyte27Flyte27 Member RarePosts: 4,574
    I could see a potentially entertaining movie coming out of the Uncharted or Mass Effect series.  I don't see it for World of Warcraft.
  • ArclanArclan Member UncommonPosts: 1,550
    I was an EQ snob, which means I didn't like WoW.  But I was also an early adopter of Blizzard games, so I always wish well of Blizzard.  If the movie gets good reviews, I will definitely go see it.

    Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
    In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit

  • prizm1234prizm1234 Member UncommonPosts: 109
    gervaise1 said:
    Rusque said:
    Rusque said:
    I would imagine the majority of moviegoers that would see the movie.... are WoW players?  I didn't really play WoW and I have no interest in seeing the movie...  Throwing a game onto it.... which is WoW....  isn't sweetening the pot.   I didn't play it before, why would I play it now?

    Because they're not marketing it to you? I know humans tend to be ego-centric, but you do realize that new humans are constantly born, and they get older over time. Some of those humans may be at a point where they will see this movie and get the game for free and become fans of the game. That's how companies stay in business, by finding and attracting new customers. Otherwise you're on a slow path to closure.
    I think you missed my point entirely.  I'm basically stating that a WoW movie appeals to WoW players.....  It's highly unlikely it would appeal to those that don't play WoW or haven't....  so giving a game away that they already own is pointless.

    Just because I used the word "I" instead of "They" shouldn't change anything... it isn't hard to extrapolate my 1 personal comment to a wider audience........

    Ah, I get your point now, makes total sense which is why comic book movies only appeal to the people who have read those particular comic books. Got it. I'll let Hollywood know. Brb.
    I think Hollywood already knows the reality!

    Comic book films have a huge - demonstable -general public "fan" base when it comes to films and for that matter TV. By contrast WoW has a (relatively speaking much smaller) game playing fan base and when it comes to films no history at all. Which is  maskedweasel 's point. 

    The promotion is an attempt to reach that a wider film base - at some cost of course. 

    Warcraft has a huge problem. Nothing to do with how good, bad or indifferent it is either. Many, many movies this year are in the same boat.  

    In April The Jungle Book launched. So what? Glad you asked. If you can look up the box office takings of the other movies tht launched in April in the US TBJ's gross revenue was greater than that of the other 73 added together. It buried everything - and those that launched in early May as well.  Same story overseas basically.

    Finally Captain America Civil War has pushed it down to number 2 in the US chart. 

    Now Warcraft won't have to worry about TBJ - although it will probably still be in cinemas! Nor should CA:CW be a huge problem heading into June. So no problems right? So why might it struggle? 

    At the end of May Alice Through the Looking Glass - whose predecessor took more money in 2010 dollars than TBJ has done so far - launches.

    "Lesser" blockbuster films like X-Men Apocalypse - which launches at the same time - or the third (recent) Ninja Turtles film will have a rough ride. As for other films .....yeah.  

    So the question is: will this promotion win over "non-WoW" cinema goers. Will they choose Warcraft over X-Men, or Tarzan, or Ghost Busters, or Independence Day, a Spielberg flick called The BFG, the sequel to Finding Nemo, the next Ice Age, the next Star Trek. Not to mention the dozens of other films with the same problem that will also be fighting for viewers attention. Several of which grossed more than Alice. Tough summer.
    I think the bigger problem is that Now You See me 2 and Conjuring 2 are both premiering the same day

  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    I'm did not totally follow all this and it's terms, but i really, really doubt that everyone who buys a ticket will get a free copy of WoW incl. 30 days.

    My guess is that this promotion will apply to very selected cinemas only or to special promo tickets that will then cost twice as much.

    There is no way every local cinema around the corner will hand out free gamecodes.

  • Gabriel-KnightGabriel-Knight Member UncommonPosts: 89
    edited May 2016
    Volgore said:
    I'm did not totally follow all this and it's terms, but i really, really doubt that everyone who buys a ticket will get a free copy of WoW incl. 30 days.

    My guess is that this promotion will apply to very selected cinemas only or to special promo tickets that will then cost twice as much.

    There is no way every local cinema around the corner will hand out free gamecodes.
    You guessed right, today they announced where you can buy the tickets to get the free copy. In Latin America there's only one country with the promotion, lol.
    Post edited by Gabriel-Knight on
  • ButeoRegalisButeoRegalis Member UncommonPosts: 594
    Bwahahaaha!!! Nice try, Blizztard.

    Remember, when you got that free printer from HP/Canon/etc? And then found out that ink cartridges is where they make their money?

    Yea, this is like that.


  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    I see that in my country they picked a rather small cinema company with about 30 theaters allover the country, instead of the biggest provider with about 60 theaters.

    At least two of our neighbouring countries are not included in the promotion.

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