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Most fun MMORPG to play as a Heal/support?

DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
edited May 2016 in LFGame
After playing BDO I really miss the holy trinity, the healer.

What old/new mmorpg has the most fun/cool healer atm and has fast grouping. ^^ ?



  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503

  • NorthernHermitNorthernHermit Member UncommonPosts: 35
    edited May 2016
    depends are you you looking for pvp, if yes then you are out of choices, wait riders of icarus :/
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    depends are you you looking for pvp, if yes then you are out of choices, wait riders of icarus :/
    Both 50/50

  • drakaenadrakaena Member UncommonPosts: 506
    To this day I'm going to say my resto Shaman in WoW BC arena s1, 2, and 3. 
    Totem twisting was an art form
  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    edited May 2016
    I really enjoyed Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer Online. Melee classes that had casted heals but also some attacks that did a percentage of damage dealt as healing to a friendly target. You could have both a enemy target and a friendly target in that game so you constantly had to switch around both the target you wanted to damage and the one you wanted to heal.

    Unfortunately the game is dead :/
  • YukmarcYukmarc Member UncommonPosts: 165
    Foncl said:
    I really enjoyed Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer Online. Melee classes that had casted heals but also some attacks that did a percentage of damage dealt as healing to a friendly target. You could have both a enemy target and a friendly target in that game so you constantly had to switch around both the target you wanted to damage and the one you wanted to heal.

    Unfortunately the game is dead :/
    I've been looking for a healer that plays like a Warrior Priest ever since...

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
      Vanguard ...                          ohh wait ................stupid Daybreak
  • drakaenadrakaena Member UncommonPosts: 506
    @Yukmarc ;
    I have not played the exp (caveat subject to change) but it used to be that shout specd warriors in gw2 were a very similar play style. One of my fav mmo class/specs ever
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  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    DMKano said:
    Purely PvE - Project 99 Enchanter is unmatched IMO
    Can't find it on google :(

    Foncl said:
    I really enjoyed Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer Online. Melee classes that had casted heals but also some attacks that did a percentage of damage dealt as healing to a friendly target. You could have both a enemy target and a friendly target in that game so you constantly had to switch around both the target you wanted to damage and the one you wanted to heal.

    Unfortunately the game is dead :/
    Yeh someone advised it, Return of Reckoning

  • NakdemNakdem Member UncommonPosts: 1
    elder scrolls online

  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    Foncl said:
    I really enjoyed Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer Online. Melee classes that had casted heals but also some attacks that did a percentage of damage dealt as healing to a friendly target. You could have both a enemy target and a friendly target in that game so you constantly had to switch around both the target you wanted to damage and the one you wanted to heal.

    Unfortunately the game is dead :/
    Yeh someone advised it, Return of Reckoning

    Ah they've got the Return of Reckoning servers up now for WAR, I'll have to check that out :]
  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    It's pretty fun in ESO. There are so many ways you can support.
  • rodingorodingo Member RarePosts: 2,870
    Foncl said:
    I really enjoyed Warrior Priests and Disciples of Khaine in Warhammer Online. Melee classes that had casted heals but also some attacks that did a percentage of damage dealt as healing to a friendly target. You could have both a enemy target and a friendly target in that game so you constantly had to switch around both the target you wanted to damage and the one you wanted to heal.

    Unfortunately the game is dead :/
    WAR had some great class mechanics all around.  From tanking that was actually meaningful in PVP, to mage types running the risk of nuking themselves, to healing mechanics that you mentioned.  I still miss that game irregardless of it's flaws.

    "If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor

  • st4t1ckst4t1ck Member UncommonPosts: 768
    Aion's cleric was the most battle tested healer ive played.  used to beat the crap out of people 1v1 or groups...   healers are fun in final fantasy XIV.    Ive also started a healer in tree of savior which i find fun to play.   in TOS i actually have to teach the people how my healer class works since its kinds different then most trinity games
  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    rodingo said:
    WAR had some great class mechanics all around.  From tanking that was actually meaningful in PVP, to mage types running the risk of nuking themselves, to healing mechanics that you mentioned.  I still miss that game irregardless of it's flaws.
    Yeah, that game had several of my all-time favourite classes. There were a lot of really fun mechanics in that game.
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Dragnelus said:

    Not me. I don't play healer/support. I find that boring to me. 
  • ForgrimmForgrimm Member EpicPosts: 3,070
    Scorchien said:
      Vanguard ...                          ohh wait ................stupid Daybreak
    It was still SoE when Vanguard shut down.
  • Mouloxtos85Mouloxtos85 Member UncommonPosts: 66
    Healing in ESO was pretty fun from what I remember but the most fun was playing healer in the latest WoW expansions where you could run dungeons with random guys from LFG tool and you could play ''God'' if you didn't like their attitude , deciding who lives who dies :pleased: 
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Forgrimm said:
    Scorchien said:
      Vanguard ...                          ohh wait ................stupid Daybreak
    It was still SoE when Vanguard shut down.
    Why is it stupid to shut down a game that is a commercial failure? Running games is not a charity, right?
  • kjempffkjempff Member RarePosts: 1,760
    DMKano said:
    Purely PvE - Vanilla EQ1/Project 99 Enchanter is unmatched IMO
    Sort of agreeing with that eq enchanter, except I would extend it to including PoP expansion, and in the same breath name eq bard as a close second.
    I also like(d?) the Sorcerer in Neverwinter and the cleric to some extent, although fast paced combat with mouse targeting is different there is good depth to it in Neverwinter and player skill matters.
    WoW shaman healer was pretty fun (but ONLY with that clickheal mod.. I forgot its name).

    Possible some others I can't remember right now, but those are the ones that stand out.
  • fruitgamefruitgame Member UncommonPosts: 19
    edited May 2016
    Upcoming mmorpg Revelation Online has 2 healers, one works with "light and dark" magic,

    other is a summoner style class that summons animals to assist, 

    Edit: This doesnt really showcase the classes too much but i cba to google, ik that the games received a graphical update since these vids were made tho...


  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775
    edited May 2016
    The Holy Trinity is like someone who has never left their house and thinks the entire world is covered in carpet.

    I rather enjoyed playing as a Debuffer though but that is still a very narrow world view

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    Please do not respond to me

  • H0urg1assH0urg1ass Member EpicPosts: 2,380
    For me it's very easily the Bear Shaman from Age of Conan.

    It's hard to put into words how awesome this class feels.  You heal by damaging, and you heal more by damaging more.  If you are specced right, then you build up stacks of wrath as you are DPS'ing and it makes your heals much more powerful.

    Not only that, but you have a dozen buffs and debuffs.  You can give your entire group 40% extra melee damage, AoE buffs for the group, AoE debuffs for the enemy, Fantastic elemental damage resistances for your group... and the whole time, you're smashing things with a giant two handed hammer and literally ripping NPC's heads off and throwing them over your shoulder.

    It also requires a lot of thought to master as there's a ton of stuff to micro-manage.  If you want to look simply amazing on both the damage and healing parses, then master this class.  You'll leave raids wondering how you did it.
  • DragnelusDragnelus Member EpicPosts: 3,503
    edited May 2016
    fruitgame said:
    Upcoming mmorpg Revelation Online has 2 healers, one works with "light and dark" magic,

    other is a summoner style class that summons animals to assist, 

    Edit: This doesnt really showcase the classes too much but i cba to google, ik that the games received a graphical update since these vids were made tho...
    That buttcheek..

    When will it release for na/eu?

    Edit: found this:

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