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Best Trinity, tab targetting MMO around...



  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    I have little interest in tons of powers unless there are a lot of utility powers.  Do you really need 50 different ways to blast something which tends to be trimmed down to a few powers anyway for optimal rotation?
    Yes... Optimal rotations indicate a game is sub par....

    a good game challenges you to find a different solution for every situation it throws at you...  Repeating the same skills over and over is boring....

    you dont need a lot of skills unless you are going to use them...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • KellerKeller Member UncommonPosts: 602
    Cyrael said:
    FFXIV is pretty much the only answer to your question. It is by far the best MMORPG right now due not having a requiered ca$h $hop, pumping a decent ammount of content regularly and having up to date graphics for immersion sake.

    It's far from perfect though. Big flaw... It's a damn themepark. I'm sick of those end game focus token grind for gears that are going to be replaced in the next patch or two. At least, that's not all they focus on as they add a lot of side activities too that aren't all end game oriented.

    Not playing  anymore until they change that thempark end game gear focus, but that's just me. Like I said it IS the best MMORPG right now that offer what you are asking imho.

    This is the answer you're looking for. For your criteria, FFXIV is the best of the available offerings by a rather large margins. I just can't do the standard dungeon-running themepark thing any more myself, but if I did, FFXIV would be the one I would be playing without a second thought.
    Might see if i can revive my account with a free trial... Indeed this game fits my needs...  

    Tough also eq2 or Rift might be a good choice...  As would have been lotro...  All great games, making choice quite hard..
    Rift might have only 2 bars of skills, but you if you don't execute your skills in the right order (which is in the most cases a 28 button rotation), your dps will drop hard. Which might not be a biggie, but expect to be kicked from any group when they noticed you do not do top dps.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,059
    I keep giving eq2 second chances and keep quitting within a has the elements to be a great game but just isnt.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Keller said:
    Cyrael said:
    FFXIV is pretty much the only answer to your question. It is by far the best MMORPG right now due not having a requiered ca$h $hop, pumping a decent ammount of content regularly and having up to date graphics for immersion sake.

    It's far from perfect though. Big flaw... It's a damn themepark. I'm sick of those end game focus token grind for gears that are going to be replaced in the next patch or two. At least, that's not all they focus on as they add a lot of side activities too that aren't all end game oriented.

    Not playing  anymore until they change that thempark end game gear focus, but that's just me. Like I said it IS the best MMORPG right now that offer what you are asking imho.

    This is the answer you're looking for. For your criteria, FFXIV is the best of the available offerings by a rather large margins. I just can't do the standard dungeon-running themepark thing any more myself, but if I did, FFXIV would be the one I would be playing without a second thought.
    Might see if i can revive my account with a free trial... Indeed this game fits my needs...  

    Tough also eq2 or Rift might be a good choice...  As would have been lotro...  All great games, making choice quite hard..
    Rift might have only 2 bars of skills, but you if you don't execute your skills in the right order (which is in the most cases a 28 button rotation), your dps will drop hard. Which might not be a biggie, but expect to be kicked from any group when they noticed you do not do top dps.
    The "rotation" word is bad. MMOs should make you use your skills with thought, choosing the most optimal skill at any time instead of the old tired skill rotation. Timing is a thing most MMOs forget.
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    i would not recommend FFXIV if you like pvp.. it's a popular game among pve folks but not so much when it comes to pvp. 

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    i would not recommend FFXIV if you like pvp.. it's a popular game among pve folks but not so much when it comes to pvp. 
    It is a PvE game, yes. Few games do a good job at both playstyles. It is often best to play 2 games if you enjoy both types of gameplay, one or the other type always suffer when you have both.
  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    Loke666 said:
    i would not recommend FFXIV if you like pvp.. it's a popular game among pve folks but not so much when it comes to pvp. 
    It is a PvE game, yes. Few games do a good job at both playstyles. It is often best to play 2 games if you enjoy both types of gameplay, one or the other type always suffer when you have both.
    there's plenty of games that can do both well enough.. FFXIV probably could to but there's no interest among their players.. atleast not when i played.. and that has not changed as far as i've heard.

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • SaelemSaelem Member UncommonPosts: 31
    edited April 2016
    PVP has picked up a bit recently with a new 4v4 and 8v8 match system called The Feast. It has a ranking system and seasonal competition. Still not a primary theme of the game but SE is concentrating more of an effort on it. It still lacks that open-world, natural RP-driven PVP which is admittedly, the best kind.
  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    Well, depending on the amount of time the OP has to work with the answer is going to vary.  FFXIV ARR is a strong MMORPG offering that has time consumption requirements somewhere on a scale of 3-4 if we put WoW in it's current form at 1 and the original EQ at 10.  If he needs something quick that he can run in 10 minutes sometimes in the morning, WoW is the better answer.  However, that game is not as good for long play sessions right now thanks to the new design direction.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    EQ2, LOTRO, FF14
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Colt47 said:
    Well, depending on the amount of time the OP has to work with the answer is going to vary.  FFXIV ARR is a strong MMORPG offering that has time consumption requirements somewhere on a scale of 3-4 if we put WoW in it's current form at 1 and the original EQ at 10.  If he needs something quick that he can run in 10 minutes sometimes in the morning, WoW is the better answer.  However, that game is not as good for long play sessions right now thanks to the new design direction.
    I play on average about 20 hours a week...  What would that be on your scale from 1 to 10 ?

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • RingsideRingside Member UncommonPosts: 249
    Aori said:
    FFXIV I think is the best one for having to many rows of abilities. I don't mind it so much.. I just don't like that my UI settings aren't saved. When I came back to the game after being gone for awhile, I wanted to shoot myself, I got so discouraged from just placing abilities back to where they were that I quit.

    A lot of it had to do with I have everything beyond level 30.. replacing all of those abilities makes one wanna cry. 
    The only reason why you needed to re-do you bindings all the time is simple. Its the same way in every games even WoW. When you do your bindings, the game needs to restart to save the changes. If the game crashes or go idle for too long and you get disconnected. Bindings wont save.
  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    Colt47 said:
    Well, depending on the amount of time the OP has to work with the answer is going to vary.  FFXIV ARR is a strong MMORPG offering that has time consumption requirements somewhere on a scale of 3-4 if we put WoW in it's current form at 1 and the original EQ at 10.  If he needs something quick that he can run in 10 minutes sometimes in the morning, WoW is the better answer.  However, that game is not as good for long play sessions right now thanks to the new design direction.
    I play on average about 20 hours a week...  What would that be on your scale from 1 to 10 ?
    20 hours a week would let you play anything going from 1 to 5 just fine.  My ratings are based on how quickly the game lets the player jump into and out of the action, so 1 to 5 usually means that things are reasonable as far as getting into doing combat, questing, and advancing what possible story there is.  Final Fantasy XIV is a bit more "preachy" as it has a lot of cutscenes that are strait up text, and some of the cutscenes can be fairly long.  That is why I rank it closer to a 4 than a 3.  It's not a 5 because the combat is easy to jump into.  It's also the easiest game ever to return to, as the GCD makes doing rotations a breeze.  

    Beyond 5 you can play the game with 20 hours, but the closer you get to 10 the harder it will be to keep up with all of the different tasks one has to do to get into the action.  EQ, old FFXI, and Eve Online are in the 5-10 range.  New FFXI is at a 6 or 7, old FFXI is at an 8, and Eve Online + EQ are at the top.
  • HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
    What options do you have when you want a game based around the trinity, with enough grouping and some PvP and atleast 3 bars of skills?

    Saelem said:
    Probably FFXIV. It carries a lot of MMO cliches but it does them all very well. The game is fun, the world is small but pretty and there are tons of other options to end game grinding if you tire of that. Very singular role driven but you can switch class on a whim.
  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    edited April 2016
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • BaitnessBaitness Member UncommonPosts: 675
    I too am looking at tab target trinity games, but am avoiding ffxiv for now.  The long gcd and forcing every class to be a dps really prevent me from enjoying it.  

    Healing is frequently passed up in modern mmorpgs, and those that have it do not do it well.  In ffxiv you spend most of your time dpsing, even as a healer.  In other games your heals are all aoes.  

    Back playing wow, there were 5 specs that healed and they were all different and enjoyable.  It stinks to see how far healing has regressed since then.

    Even in WoW, when I last played they had just finished a healing overhaul to try and make mana management more interesting. They did make mana management more interesting, but it was at the expense of every other aspect of healing.  Timing attacks, predicting damage, reacting to surprise burst damage, and coordinating with other healers was thrown out the window (I imagine it has gotten better since that low point).  It seems like even when WoW was doing a good job making healing fun, they didn't understand why.  Developers in general seem to struggle with the idea that healing can be fun.  I hope mmorpg devs get back to embracing healing soon.
  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    edited April 2016
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    WoW survives because it's the only MMO out there that doesn't try to waste peoples time unless they want to waste time.  It's something that a lot of other MMORPGs get completely wrong, thinking the player base only wants deep, comprehensive systems that require dedicated grind work to accomplish an end state.

    The only problem WoW has right now with Warlords is that they added Table Missions that adds uninteractive grind work to the game and the overhaul to the crafting system formula is definitely not well received.  Couple that with a lack of decent content updates and it's no wonder why they lost 3.8+ million subs with that expansion.  The fact they are keeping in uninteractive grind quests sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify a poorly thought system.

    Right now FFXIV can't do what WoW can do.  In fact, very few MMORPGs can do what WoW can do except possibly Wild Star or other "get into the action" type games, but those don't have the same level of dedicated fan base, lore, and quick access.
    Post edited by Colt47 on
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Colt47 said:
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    WoW survives because it's the only MMO out there that doesn't try to waste peoples time unless they want to waste time.  It's something that a lot of other MMORPGs get completely wrong, thinking the player base only wants deep, comprehensive systems that require dedicated grind work to accomplish an end state.

    The only problem WoW has right now with Warlords is that they added Table Missions that adds uninteractive grind work to the game and the overhaul to the crafting system formula is definitely not well received.  Couple that with a lack of decent content updates and it's no wonder why they lost 3.8+ million subs with that expansion.  The fact they are keeping in uninteractive grind quests sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify a poorly thought system.

    Right now FFXIV can't do what WoW can do.  In fact, very few MMORPGs can do what WoW can do except possibly Wild Star or other "get into the action" type games, but those don't have the same level of dedicated fan base, lore, and quick access.

    But WoW also adds to few content over time after release...  just ask yourself how many new raids have we seen over the last 3 years?  

    What WoW should do is revive all the old content in a level 110 upgrade, and allow people to choose the difficulty level when they enter the old area's...   So people can finish up things at the challenge raid they prefer...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • BaitnessBaitness Member UncommonPosts: 675
    Colt47 said:
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    WoW survives because it's the only MMO out there that doesn't try to waste peoples time unless they want to waste time.  It's something that a lot of other MMORPGs get completely wrong, thinking the player base only wants deep, comprehensive systems that require dedicated grind work to accomplish an end state.

    The only problem WoW has right now with Warlords is that they added Table Missions that adds uninteractive grind work to the game and the overhaul to the crafting system formula is definitely not well received.  Couple that with a lack of decent content updates and it's no wonder why they lost 3.8+ million subs with that expansion.  The fact they are keeping in uninteractive grind quests sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify a poorly thought system.

    Right now FFXIV can't do what WoW can do.  In fact, very few MMORPGs can do what WoW can do except possibly Wild Star or other "get into the action" type games, but those don't have the same level of dedicated fan base, lore, and quick access.

    But WoW also adds to few content over time after release...  just ask yourself how many new raids have we seen over the last 3 years?  

    What WoW should do is revive all the old content in a level 110 upgrade, and allow people to choose the difficulty level when they enter the old area's...   So people can finish up things at the challenge raid they prefer...
    Upscaling content takes a lot of work without a system already in place when the content was designed.  It may be possible for them to downscale players though, that system is a lot easier to implement I would imagine.
  • Colt47Colt47 Member UncommonPosts: 549
    Colt47 said:
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    WoW survives because it's the only MMO out there that doesn't try to waste peoples time unless they want to waste time.  It's something that a lot of other MMORPGs get completely wrong, thinking the player base only wants deep, comprehensive systems that require dedicated grind work to accomplish an end state.

    The only problem WoW has right now with Warlords is that they added Table Missions that adds uninteractive grind work to the game and the overhaul to the crafting system formula is definitely not well received.  Couple that with a lack of decent content updates and it's no wonder why they lost 3.8+ million subs with that expansion.  The fact they are keeping in uninteractive grind quests sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify a poorly thought system.

    Right now FFXIV can't do what WoW can do.  In fact, very few MMORPGs can do what WoW can do except possibly Wild Star or other "get into the action" type games, but those don't have the same level of dedicated fan base, lore, and quick access.

    But WoW also adds to few content over time after release...  just ask yourself how many new raids have we seen over the last 3 years?  

    What WoW should do is revive all the old content in a level 110 upgrade, and allow people to choose the difficulty level when they enter the old area's...   So people can finish up things at the challenge raid they prefer...
    If there were an option in WoW to experience older content in a more challenging way (all of it, not just the Time Walk stuff) it would be a much more enjoyable game to a lot of people.  As it is now, the old content is completely worthless.  The monsters die when you so much as breath on them too hard and you level so quickly you can skip entire expansions on your way to max level.
    Because of it, though, the game does have a fun half minute hero kind of vibe to it early game.  XD
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Colt47 said:
    Colt47 said:
    Colt47 said:
    Gods, I'm finding myself really torn between world of warcraft and FFXIV.  Both are good games, both have equally annoying flaws that will drive people bonkers if they dig deep enough.   WoW excels at letting someone play when they want and how they want without having diatribe cutscenes, can let a player log in and make progress in as short of a timespan as 10 minutes, and you always feel you can react to what comes at you thanks to the faster GCD.

    Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward doesn't have the same hop in and play aspect, but it feels safer, is easier to get back into because the GCD is more forgiving, and has regular content updates.  Unfortunately it has an inventory problem thanks to a really poorly designed database system, has a limited housing market that is more like a way to toss away hours of gameplay because if you get booted from a Free company due to inactivity, you lose your investment in that fancy room in the house they own, which adds up to 300k gil. The game also takes at least 20-30 minute play sessions, so forget playing it before jumping out the door to work in the wee hours of the morning.
    Thats an interesting point of view...

    And now i think about it, probably one of the reasons i still like WoW...


    IF it wasnt for the game crashing hard at least two times an hour on my PC, i would be playing EQ2, because of its deep character progression, but bow i am choosing between these two games...

    WoW survives because it's the only MMO out there that doesn't try to waste peoples time unless they want to waste time.  It's something that a lot of other MMORPGs get completely wrong, thinking the player base only wants deep, comprehensive systems that require dedicated grind work to accomplish an end state.

    The only problem WoW has right now with Warlords is that they added Table Missions that adds uninteractive grind work to the game and the overhaul to the crafting system formula is definitely not well received.  Couple that with a lack of decent content updates and it's no wonder why they lost 3.8+ million subs with that expansion.  The fact they are keeping in uninteractive grind quests sounds more like a desperate attempt to justify a poorly thought system.

    Right now FFXIV can't do what WoW can do.  In fact, very few MMORPGs can do what WoW can do except possibly Wild Star or other "get into the action" type games, but those don't have the same level of dedicated fan base, lore, and quick access.

    But WoW also adds to few content over time after release...  just ask yourself how many new raids have we seen over the last 3 years?  

    What WoW should do is revive all the old content in a level 110 upgrade, and allow people to choose the difficulty level when they enter the old area's...   So people can finish up things at the challenge raid they prefer...
    If there were an option in WoW to experience older content in a more challenging way (all of it, not just the Time Walk stuff) it would be a much more enjoyable game to a lot of people.  As it is now, the old content is completely worthless.  The monsters die when you so much as breath on them too hard and you level so quickly you can skip entire expansions on your way to max level.
    Because of it, though, the game does have a fun half minute hero kind of vibe to it early game.  XD
    Thast why i have been saying we need a Diablo esque system, where players can choose how hard  the content is... choose harder content get better rewards, altough also harder punnishments when you die...

    It isnt that hard to give everyone the game they want...

    Having identicall servers is old..   

    Now if they added such a system, and made time walking a broader part of the game  (like weekends timewalk dungeons and raids and weekdays timewalking back to (parts of) old expansion)  then they would have an incredibleamount of content to keep the game attractive to everyone..

    And for those that want to have the old fashioned vanilla experience back... make it an everlasting timewalking event...  

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • Sid_ViciousSid_Vicious Member RarePosts: 2,177
    Probably EQ2..

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