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What's Next for the Golfing MMO?

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited April 2016 in News & Features Discussion

imageWhat's Next for the Golfing MMO?

Namco Bandai’s latest MMO, Winning Putt, is an arcade-style golf game and it’s getting ready to take you to outer space and beyond! We recently played the latest build at a press event in California.

Read the full story here



  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    I actually played this today. It's pretty good, really. Like Tiger Woods the MMO.

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  • BitterClingerBitterClinger Member UncommonPosts: 439
    It's a weird experience. They've clearly managed to create some news for themselves today, but then you go to their website on April 20 and get greeted by "March Events / St. Patty's Day" stuff.
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    It's a weird experience. They've clearly managed to create some news for themselves today, but then you go to their website on April 20 and get greeted by "March Events / St. Patty's Day" stuff.
    Yeah, and the game still has it going, but just had a patch on April 7th. So I guess the St Pat's stuff goes on for... more than a month?

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  • SomethingUnusualSomethingUnusual Member UncommonPosts: 546
    Heh. I played the open beta for Winning Putt. Addicting, and relaxing.
  • NildenNilden Member EpicPosts: 3,916
    This looks as MMO as solitaire, I mean give solitaire a log in screen add a cash shop have a lobby where 20 people can race to beat solitaire at the same time, oh yeah totally a MMO.

    "You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon

    "classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon

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  • filmoretfilmoret Member EpicPosts: 4,906
    This game has so much potential for players.  Golf being a popular sport.  I played it a bit and yes its good game but I don't like golf myself.  You never know how this will end up but I've been waiting for online sports to hit big baseball,basketball, football,  but for some reason it just hasn't happened yet.
    Are you onto something or just on something?
  • jitter77jitter77 Member UncommonPosts: 520
    This game has potential, but it is one of the most poorly run games I have seen. Supposed to have state of the game updates there had only been one and little if any of the stuff was implemented. Guilds are limited to 20 players and you can't level them. Everything in the forums by the community managers is the same scripted response. While the state of the game is not their fault they have no handle on what is going on. The difference between the NA and Korean version is night and day. The Korean version is so much better. The distance in the NA version is horrible. Even at max level there are holes you can't get near in regulation. My guy is level 25max is 30 and I only drive the ball 180. The game will not last. I am a huge fan of golf games and have been paying since links 2001. I had such high hopes for winning putt, but they are running it into the ground. They have weekly maintenance, but you are lucky if they have a patch once a month. I can't tell you the last time there was an actual patch instead of just server maintenance and the game is supposedly in "beta."
  • SEANMCADSEANMCAD Member EpicPosts: 16,775
    next forum sites will be called MMOs because they are connected to other people

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  • danwest58danwest58 Member RarePosts: 2,012
    Just shows you how stupid the industry has become trying to make any game into an MMO and hope they will make WOW type money.
  • merv808merv808 Member UncommonPosts: 511
    Shot Online is still a really good game, if you want a golf "MMO"

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    SEANMCAD said:
    next forum sites will be called MMOs because they are connected to other people

    facebook the mmo.  

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    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • KraiterKraiter Member UncommonPosts: 45
    Winning Putt = Webzen = P2W

    No thanks
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  • KopogeroKopogero Member UncommonPosts: 1,685
    The pay to win was strong in this one, which was the main drive for me to not bother. I myself care less, but when I know the community is divided there is no sense of competition and this game stamina drains and what not to purchase stuff, seemed far more dull. Pangya was far more entertaining with special moves and what not.

    Sadly, Pangya was overrun by hackers who exploited the economy and they never reversed that. I would play Pangya in a second if they did relaunch today.


  • rapatpamprapatpamp Member UncommonPosts: 144
    Pretty fun game actually.
  • marksteelemarksteele Member UncommonPosts: 60
    Be very weary getting into this game. I was a huge supporter right from closed beta but it's really been mismanaged by Bandai Namco. Major issues with exploits, little community interaction and changes that make cash shop items very OP.

    The game itself is fantastic but unless BNEA gets their asses in gear and tells the developers to fix things in a timely manner (it took them about a month to fix a trade exploit), then this game won't last the year.
  • jitter77jitter77 Member UncommonPosts: 520
    Shot Online is a good game, but heavy pay 2 win. Way back in the day I was in the upper tier of players then the cash shop started to get crazy. I still play around every now and then. The game was almost dead, but seems to be making somewhat of a comeback. They have lots of updates and events going on. I have played EAs golf games and never got into them. I was hardcore into links for several years and we even had a real life get together up in Canada at the Royal Niagara Country Club. What a blast that was....

    I did enjoy Pangya when I played it, but some of the skill / knowledge of the players was amazing. A foreign player walked me through the one course one day and I was impressed. The one hole he was like you take the (COS of the angle of the wind) x (the wind power) move over that many clicks, then move right 1.5 clicks for green slope. And sure enough it was in the hole. Every hole was very accurate.

    I have also played Golfstar, The Golf Club, Perfect Golf, Hot Shots Golf, WGT, and Pangya.
    I am not a fan of the golf club. It is on steam has good graphics, but the multiplayer is horrible and the devs seem unwilling to really work on it. Also there is not 3 click swing. Have to use a controller or mouse.
    Perfect Golf is more like Links and seems to be updated regularly. Perfect golf has some of the old links players / team working for them as well.... The 3 click is challenging at higher difficulties. Only problem is not many online. The ambiance also needs a lot of work, but its still early access.
  • centkincentkin Member RarePosts: 1,527
    I also enjoyed Golfstar, and Pangya before it.  It was best in season 1 and 2 before the brazilian invasion which brought with it the hole in 1 but can't putt or chip players.  Also it wasn't so very cash needy back then.  I also liked hot shots golf fore on the playstation 2 back when you could actually find opponents online.

    The golf games unfortunately were the first to really cater to the whales, with all of the top players having to spend big big dollars, and something like shot online is the kind of game where it is sooo easy to spend $50, $100, more each month.

  • PinoXPinoX Member UncommonPosts: 71
    Next up as mmo, NBA2KXX, FIFAXX, NBA LIVEXX
  • SlyLoKSlyLoK Member RarePosts: 2,698
    Pangya , Shot Online are sadly better than this.. I was waiting on this one for a long time too and they really missed an opportunity. Graphics are pitiful for CryEngine and the first 30 levels have little Golfer improvement even if you buy clubs ( either in game coin or cash ). My first match at level 3 ended with me beating 2 upper level 20s... Our drive distance was the same for crying out loud.

    Yeah I am not going to put countless hours into this one like I did Pangya or Shot Online when I cant see any improvement of my golfer for ages and ages. I will stick with The Golf Club or Perfect Golf for now until someone wants to do an MMO Golf game correctly.
  • GolazGolaz Member UncommonPosts: 24
    Seems like every game that has a multiplayer option is getting the "MMO" tag these days
  • Athena_StarfireAthena_Starfire Member UncommonPosts: 213
    Does not even compare to Shot Online...which is by far the best golf game around.
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