I do, I haven't played the underdark yet. I get a DND feeling from it, you won't though if your one of those people who just can't accept things that are different, but it still has the same feel. Character creation is fun and takes awhile, there is all the role playing features needed, more than most mmos.
The only thing that i personally dislike, but it is the way of things, is their ingenious way of getting money. Basically what they do is, make it so you will under preform with bad gear, in both pve and pvp. Which is any RPG game ever created. Anyways, they took advantage of that fact, and modeled the game and cash shop around it. So you can fast track your self to better gear if you give them money basically. As far as the generally accepted P2W idea on this site, it is not, because everything you can get with money, can be got with in game stuff. Minus 2 things, the dragonborn race, and the moon elf race, but neither of them will give you a advantage over the other free races.
PVP at least from what I have seen, is kinda fun. I dono why it takes so long to kill people though, it may be just a low level thing, but literally, it can take 6 mins or longer to kill some one, depending. Since it is gear driven, if you get grouped with no gear people, and the team your fighting is full geared, you mise well just give up, because your 100 percent going to lose. It honestly doesn't matter though if you lose, like at all, you still get stuff.
So if you are prone to emotional fits of rage, and your outlet is gambling boxes, for your families sake don't play it lol. If you can keep your emotions under control, then it is a really good free DND game.
They did a great job as i said with the role playing, the cities feel alive, with hundreds of random npcs walking around, doing their thing.
Have to disagree, for the D&D feel, then your better off with DDO, its a much better representation of the genre. Neverwinter is so heavily focused on the cash shop its unreal, and while the gamble boxes are a pervasive presence in the game, they do give you some awesome weapons that are far better than anything you will find elsewhere in the game, i literally bought a few and ended up with a longsword that lasted from level 12 to level 30, i didn't progress beyond that point, but even then the weapon was still better than most of the other level appropriate weapons that were available. Technically, Neverwinter is a free game, but reality is that if you don't embrace the gambleboxes etc, then you won't be able to compete with others all that well, and may find yourself left out of things too. The other problem with Neverwinter compared to DDO is the classes, in DDO you have much better class representation, which in Neverwinter are some wierd hybridisation that is often nonsensical and hard to reconcile even within such a diverse mythos that the D&D Fantasy realms represents.
Played regularly up to Mod 6, which turned out to be a bit of a disaster in regard to population numbers. Trailed off after that, and don't play regularly at all now. Keeping an eye on the game in case they turn it around, but hopes aren't really that high.
I played Neverwinter until they completely screwed up the Cat-astrophe.
I did, however, go back recently on the XBO. I think it translated a bit better there. My main issue is that is really isn't D&D. It's just a D&D skin. I don't get my NWN or DDO fix from it. And honestly I've spent far more time in DDO than it which is telling.
I keep hoping it'll get better but PWE has yet to surprise me.
Lately they've removed almost all sources of AD from the game, except for daily capped sources from where you have to play for a longer period, like dungeons and PVP matches. That seems to have drained most of the exploited AD from the economy, as the Zen exchange has gone from the max 500 with 3+ months wait to ~375 (and instant transfer). Also, with the recent 50% off sale, it couldn't even get to 500, which is pretty much proving there's nowhere near enough AD for players any more.
Also, the stuff that helps limit wasting 100s of thousands of AD on refinement has been made available via lockbox currency, so it's clear the direction they've taken - get everyone on to VIP, where you get a lockbox key every day.
Caturday's short rollback was odd and just a quasi-solution to the issue, but I agree, that was a funny line from Kano, in the light of AA
@d_20 if you seek the D&D feel, I'd say - even if it sounds too purist - the SSI games from the '80s - early '90s. The Savage Frontier ones are a match for your Neverwinter fix Or, if you want a bit more modern, then Neverwinter Nights.
From the two mmos, maybe DDO is better with the overall D&D-esque feeling, but Neverwinter has Salvatore I used to play both from time to time... and here's the second post coming into play:
Thanks for the comments. I don't want to get into a cash shop dependent game if there are other options. I may give DDO a look.
Neverwinter is free all the way, but if you want anything just a bit better than the free option (or plan to be competitive on the top), then it's either Zen purchase, or grind for AD / Zen. DDO has a much "older" f2p approach, with plenty of barriers (can be uplifted with TP farming), so it's easier to simply just sub.
Neverwinter is totally free from 1-60, spending anything would be pointless. After 60 it becomes very hard to get AD by playing the game, you really have to get VIP now unless you put full time hours into grinding across multiple characters.
Caturday's short rollback was odd and just a quasi-solution to the issue, but I agree, that was a funny line from Kano, in the light of AA
@d_20 if you seek the D&D feel, I'd say - even if it sounds too purist - the SSI games from the '80s - early '90s. The Savage Frontier ones are a match for your Neverwinter fix Or, if you want a bit more modern, then Neverwinter Nights.
From the two mmos, maybe DDO is better with the overall D&D-esque feeling, but Neverwinter has Salvatore I used to play both from time to time... and here's the second post coming into play:
Thanks for the comments. I don't want to get into a cash shop dependent game if there are other options. I may give DDO a look.
Neverwinter is free all the way, but if you want anything just a bit better than the free option (or plan to be competitive on the top), then it's either Zen purchase, or grind for AD / Zen. DDO has a much "older" f2p approach, with plenty of barriers (can be uplifted with TP farming), so it's easier to simply just sub.
I don't mind paying for a game that I'm playing. If I enjoy a game enough, I usually sub if it's an option. However, I tend not to like games if they feel designed around a cash shop.
In fact, I recently purchased the D&D 5th Edition books. I think that is the most D&D feel there is. However, the hard part (at least where I live) is getting the campaign started and the players together. That's why I've been looking at these games. But really, there is no substitute for tabletop. That's nothing against either DDO or Neverwinter online games.
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what
it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience
because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in
the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you
playing an MMORPG?"
I don't mind paying for a game that I'm playing. If I enjoy a game enough, I usually sub if it's an option. However, I tend not to like games if they feel designed around a cash shop.
That's an another +1 for DDO then, since Neverwinter was built and designed as a f2p game, while DDO was just switched (among the very first ones) and it's still a p2p game eventually, in the sense that if you sub, you don't really need the ingame store.
For the tabletop feel I'd say NWN again, it's great if you have a few buddies to play with over the net.
You can get anything you want in Neverwinter without spending any money .... I do it.(BIS gear and mount)
Underdark is going to be a massive failure it brings a single town with no missions and only 2 really boring skirmishes
I still like neverwinter and it is still completely free to play the thing you need to do is get into a guild that really feels like a family. Big guilds fail miserably in this matter it is all about the I mentality. In small guilds(tried the big ones ... nakes the game less fun IMO) Guildies go out of their way to help each other. (Cryptic do kinda neglect small guilds though). The guild i am in really helps me and is one of the few small guilds that continually show progress in stronghold upgrades. Cryptic have however promised that they will add support for smaller guild in the future. They also seem to be listening to the feedback of players. We complained about removal of AD sources and they gave us the skirmishes(repetitive) that provides salvageable rings that can be converted into ad and in return zen.
In conclusion. Like most MMO's Neverwinter have its bad points but if you can get a guild that will carry you to lvl 70 and help you get T2 gear then you will really enjoy this game.
The game died for me with mod 6. Terrible, terrible stuff. Anyhow, it's fun to play through once, the "endgame" is no fun (grind uninspiring content day after day after day for 0.2% progression per day)
lol@people playing this for the "D&D feel." You're seriously delusional. Anyone who puts money into this game, you are contributing to the continued downfall of MMO's.
In terms of the game's history, it launched in a better state, it was fairer and didn't really have pay to win elements. It was seeing considerably more active development.
Mods 1-3 can be considered decent expansions. They added new areas, new dungeons and skirmishes, etc. and were balanced for end-game.
From mod 4 onwards the game began re-using old content dressed up as new. Grind was added to make up for the lack of content. This lack also created a power creep problem, because Cryptic continued (and still continues) to add better gear, better boons, without any content to match it. They messed up everything with mod 6 by raising the level cap and not balancing the game, leaving it half finished. For example, the campaigns still all offer level 60 weapons. People are *still* doing the same dungeon from the game's launch because they haven't ever added a single tier 2 dungeon.
Mod 8 was the most obvious example of re-using content. It's an hour's worth of play on re-used maps, together with a couple of the most tedious "skirmishes" I've ever come across - you're just running around a single closed room doing dps zergs until a timer runs out. It's not an expansion as it has no new areas, no races or classes, no dungeons, simply just extra grind in places you're already grinding.
As for guilds - since mod 7 they've made progression dependent on being in a guild. The only way to progress is if you have a very active guild with people grinding daily. Thus small guilds cannot do anything in terms of progression, and so nobody joins them.
I don't think the game has much future, which is sad as until mod 6 it was pretty popular.
i still play it even if i started my account around xmas time... just waiting on a little money to find a sub based mmo that is not wow or TESOU or another mmo that is NOT a pay to win korean model based mmo cuz seriously theres alot fo work to be done in neverwinter, and i mean LOTS!
GWF 70 1916 ilvl at the time of the post briseur de rotule
It is a fun game and depending on how your DM runs game you will have a solid DnD feel from it or a very flat one....
If you have not played the TT RPG.... There is no DnD feel for you to get in my opinion.. sorry.
It is a nice action RPG with nice storytelling it it and a very good UGC engine. (that first debuted in CoH and has since been tweaked a lot) but yes... to get beyond a point in gear progression you have to either A: Grind your soul to bits or B: Pay.... A lot... Of real money. Now this upgraded gear is not really needed for PvE but PvP is a differetn matter. So while technically not P2W... It is Pay2Nottearyoureyesout.
I know nobody will probably read this, but I started playing this the other day. I like the fast paced combat and so far, so good. I LOL at the constant nudges towards the cash shop, and some of the chat I've seen in Protector's Enclave is among the most hilariously retarded I've read in 20 years of MMO/Mudding. It's only skinned as a D&D game as the classes bear minimal resemblance to anything in pen and paper D&D.
But if anyone by chance does actually read this thread and knows the answer, feel free to spill it. Why did they take most of the low level dungeons out like Cloak Tower etc? There's an achievement for doing Cloak Tower (from perusing the achievements list), but of course you can't get it, since it doesn't exist.
I know nobody will probably read this, but I started playing this the other day. I like the fast paced combat and so far, so good. I LOL at the constant nudges towards the cash shop, and some of the chat I've seen in Protector's Enclave is among the most hilariously retarded I've read in 20 years of MMO/Mudding. It's only skinned as a D&D game as the classes bear minimal resemblance to anything in pen and paper D&D.
But if anyone by chance does actually read this thread and knows the answer, feel free to spill it. Why did they take most of the low level dungeons out like Cloak Tower etc? There's an achievement for doing Cloak Tower (from perusing the achievements list), but of course you can't get it, since it doesn't exist.
Exploits or bugs or something?
The dungeons were regularly exploited. When I left, most of the exploits
were gone, but almost everyone who ran dungeons like Pirate King would just
run to the last spawn point, aggroing everything on the way there, die,
and respawn once the mobs left. This exploit allowed you to skip
fighting many of the trash mobs.
Several of the early dungeons had this exploit. I don't remember seeing it in Cloak Tower, though. Perhaps they just decided to re-do all the leveling dungeons.
in neverwinter you never pay for the game though you are constantly berated with cash shop on all forms and its getting way worse next patch with mounts and cash shop mounts having the big stats needed for end game. When I run my first toon from 1-60 I ended up with over 170 lockboxes in my bag. They spam so much runes and junk at you trying to force you to buy bind on equip bags for 10 bucks each and they require you to use cash shop or Astral Diamond ward stones to upgrade your runes because anything below rank 6 or more enchantments towards end game is going to make your life a pain. The game is completely designed from the ground up to rip you off and take all your money every step and process of the game. You will always feel imposed to spend money in their cash shop or converting astral diamonds for premium currency from pretty much level 5 and up to 70. Its just a casino game -probably one of the worst Ive seen.
The only thing that i personally dislike, but it is the way of things, is their ingenious way of getting money. Basically what they do is, make it so you will under preform with bad gear, in both pve and pvp. Which is any RPG game ever created. Anyways, they took advantage of that fact, and modeled the game and cash shop around it. So you can fast track your self to better gear if you give them money basically. As far as the generally accepted P2W idea on this site, it is not, because everything you can get with money, can be got with in game stuff. Minus 2 things, the dragonborn race, and the moon elf race, but neither of them will give you a advantage over the other free races.
PVP at least from what I have seen, is kinda fun. I dono why it takes so long to kill people though, it may be just a low level thing, but literally, it can take 6 mins or longer to kill some one, depending. Since it is gear driven, if you get grouped with no gear people, and the team your fighting is full geared, you mise well just give up, because your 100 percent going to lose. It honestly doesn't matter though if you lose, like at all, you still get stuff.
So if you are prone to emotional fits of rage, and your outlet is gambling boxes, for your families sake don't play it lol. If you can keep your emotions under control, then it is a really good free DND game.
They did a great job as i said with the role playing, the cities feel alive, with hundreds of random npcs walking around, doing their thing.
Technically, Neverwinter is a free game, but reality is that if you don't embrace the gambleboxes etc, then you won't be able to compete with others all that well, and may find yourself left out of things too. The other problem with Neverwinter compared to DDO is the classes, in DDO you have much better class representation, which in Neverwinter are some wierd hybridisation that is often nonsensical and hard to reconcile even within such a diverse mythos that the D&D Fantasy realms represents.
Trailed off after that, and don't play regularly at all now.
Keeping an eye on the game in case they turn it around, but hopes aren't really that high.
I played Neverwinter until they completely screwed up the Cat-astrophe.
I did, however, go back recently on the XBO. I think it translated a bit better there. My main issue is that is really isn't D&D. It's just a D&D skin. I don't get my NWN or DDO fix from it. And honestly I've spent far more time in DDO than it which is telling.
I keep hoping it'll get better but PWE has yet to surprise me.
Also, the stuff that helps limit wasting 100s of thousands of AD on refinement has been made available via lockbox currency, so it's clear the direction they've taken - get everyone on to VIP, where you get a lockbox key every day.
@d_20 if you seek the D&D feel, I'd say - even if it sounds too purist - the SSI games from the '80s - early '90s. The Savage Frontier ones are a match for your Neverwinter fix
Or, if you want a bit more modern, then Neverwinter Nights.
From the two mmos, maybe DDO is better with the overall D&D-esque feeling, but Neverwinter has Salvatore
Neverwinter is free all the way, but if you want anything just a bit better than the free option (or plan to be competitive on the top), then it's either Zen purchase, or grind for AD / Zen.
DDO has a much "older" f2p approach, with plenty of barriers (can be uplifted with TP farming), so it's easier to simply just sub.
In fact, I recently purchased the D&D 5th Edition books. I think that is the most D&D feel there is. However, the hard part (at least where I live) is getting the campaign started and the players together. That's why I've been looking at these games. But really, there is no substitute for tabletop. That's nothing against either DDO or Neverwinter online games.
Same here!
OP, DDO has more of a dnd feel to me than NW.
Epic Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAigCvelkhQ&list=PLo9FRw1AkDuQLEz7Gvvaz3ideB2NpFtT1
Kyleran: "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."
John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."
FreddyNoNose: "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."
LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"
For the tabletop feel I'd say NWN again, it's great if you have a few buddies to play with over the net.
You can get anything you want in Neverwinter without spending any money .... I do it.(BIS gear and mount)
Underdark is going to be a massive failure it brings a single town with no missions and only 2 really boring skirmishes
I still like neverwinter and it is still completely free to play the thing you need to do is get into a guild that really feels like a family. Big guilds fail miserably in this matter it is all about the I mentality. In small guilds(tried the big ones ... nakes the game less fun IMO) Guildies go out of their way to help each other. (Cryptic do kinda neglect small guilds though). The guild i am in really helps me and is one of the few small guilds that continually show progress in stronghold upgrades. Cryptic have however promised that they will add support for smaller guild in the future. They also seem to be listening to the feedback of players. We complained about removal of AD sources and they gave us the skirmishes(repetitive) that provides salvageable rings that can be converted into ad and in return zen.
In conclusion. Like most MMO's Neverwinter have its bad points but if you can get a guild that will carry you to lvl 70 and help you get T2 gear then you will really enjoy this game.
In terms of the game's history, it launched in a better state, it was fairer and didn't really have pay to win elements. It was seeing considerably more active development.
Mods 1-3 can be considered decent expansions. They added new areas, new dungeons and skirmishes, etc. and were balanced for end-game.
From mod 4 onwards the game began re-using old content dressed up as new. Grind was added to make up for the lack of content. This lack also created a power creep problem, because Cryptic continued (and still continues) to add better gear, better boons, without any content to match it. They messed up everything with mod 6 by raising the level cap and not balancing the game, leaving it half finished. For example, the campaigns still all offer level 60 weapons. People are *still* doing the same dungeon from the game's launch because they haven't ever added a single tier 2 dungeon.
Mod 8 was the most obvious example of re-using content. It's an hour's worth of play on re-used maps, together with a couple of the most tedious "skirmishes" I've ever come across - you're just running around a single closed room doing dps zergs until a timer runs out. It's not an expansion as it has no new areas, no races or classes, no dungeons, simply just extra grind in places you're already grinding.
As for guilds - since mod 7 they've made progression dependent on being in a guild. The only way to progress is if you have a very active guild with people grinding daily. Thus small guilds cannot do anything in terms of progression, and so nobody joins them.
I don't think the game has much future, which is sad as until mod 6 it was pretty popular.
i still play it even if i started my account around xmas time... just waiting on a little money to find a sub based mmo that is not wow or TESOU or another mmo that is NOT a pay to win korean model based mmo cuz seriously theres alot fo work to be done in neverwinter, and i mean LOTS!
GWF 70 1916 ilvl at the time of the post briseur de rotule
If you have not played the TT RPG.... There is no DnD feel for you to get in my opinion.. sorry.
It is a nice action RPG with nice storytelling it it and a very good UGC engine. (that first debuted in CoH and has since been tweaked a lot) but yes... to get beyond a point in gear progression you have to either A: Grind your soul to bits or B: Pay.... A lot... Of real money. Now this upgraded gear is not really needed for PvE but PvP is a differetn matter. So while technically not P2W... It is Pay2Nottearyoureyesout.
Alsi still no druid class. =P
This have been a good conversation
http://baronsofthegalaxy.com/ An MMO game I created, solo. It's live now and absolutely free to play!
But if anyone by chance does actually read this thread and knows the answer, feel free to spill it. Why did they take most of the low level dungeons out like Cloak Tower etc? There's an achievement for doing Cloak Tower (from perusing the achievements list), but of course you can't get it, since it doesn't exist.
Exploits or bugs or something?
The dungeons were regularly exploited. When I left, most of the exploits were gone, but almost everyone who ran dungeons like Pirate King would just run to the last spawn point, aggroing everything on the way there, die, and respawn once the mobs left. This exploit allowed you to skip fighting many of the trash mobs.
Several of the early dungeons had this exploit. I don't remember seeing it in Cloak Tower, though. Perhaps they just decided to re-do all the leveling dungeons.
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