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My Top Three Most Memorable RPGs - Robert Lashley at



  • kikoodutroa8kikoodutroa8 Member RarePosts: 565
    People who list bethesda games don't know what a rpg is.
  • IkedaIkeda Member RarePosts: 2,751
    @Grakulen Another we can agree on. Zelda II was one of the first games I took the time to actually figure out and beat. Who'm I kidding, the Nintendo Power was fantastic to help me solve that game. But the lack of Dragon Quest/Warrior I just don't know. VII is going to forever get a spot. Is Planescape better than Dragon Quest/Warrior? I just don't know. But... picking a top 3 is difficult to begin with.
  • SeelinnikoiSeelinnikoi Member RarePosts: 1,360

    1. FFVII - Absolute classic from my childhood, got me hooked on RPGs. I still play the game through once every 18months or so.

    2. Morrowind - Open world exploration, fantastic setting, great guilds and my introduction to the modding scene.

    3. Ocarina of Time

    I've certainly played better RPGs over the years, but these three are my most memorable. Part of the memory is just that they were "first", so each seemed a massive leap forwards in comparison to everything else I'd played up until that point. Another part is that I was simply younger and so cared more about the stories and wasn't as aware of design flaws.

    This. Being aware of design flaws and all the information we know today, kills the magical experience of those old titles if played today.

    My list would be:

    - Zelda: The Ocarina of Time
    - Fallout 2
    - The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
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  • noodles6966noodles6966 Member UncommonPosts: 63
    My List would be

    1. Chrono Trigger
    2. Planescape Torment
    3. The Witcher 3
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Splinter Cell
    Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
    Out of This World

    I still play these from time to time.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • SomethingUnusualSomethingUnusual Member UncommonPosts: 546
    Hrmm, most memorable for me is probably:

    Chrono Trigger (Replay value was amazing, other than my horrible memory, I know about every nook and cranny)

    Neverwinter Nights (Gamespy network I think is shutdown now? But holy cow the amount of stuff to do was endless. From playing other people's campaigns to building your own. An experience I could never forget.)

    Shining Force (Sure, maybe not completely an RPG, and more of a tactical turn-based game, but I had spent many of days on my Genesis playing this.)
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  • johnismejohnisme Member UncommonPosts: 110
    Shadowrun for the genesis was better than the snes version.
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,138
    People who list bethesda games don't know what a rpg is.
    Sure we do.

    Especially because they allow us to play a "role" and one that we choose. But go ahead, name one that you think is a good example and If I've played it I'll weigh in my opinion.
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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • KhaoslightKhaoslight Member UncommonPosts: 36
    edited February 2016
    Holy s**t, only 3?

    Hmm. Let's see.. Not in any particular order

    1) Legend of the Dragoon
    2) Xenogears
    3) FF Tactics

    Hon. Mentions

    1) Wild Arms
    2) FFVII
    3) Suikoden 2
    4) Vagrant Story
    5) Breath of Fire III
    I could go on and on but I (as well as most of us) would be here all night!
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  • vcdragoonvcdragoon Member UncommonPosts: 7
    1. Chrono Trigger
    2. Chrono Trigger
    3. Chrono Trigger

    Honorable Mentions - Ultima III for being the first rpg I played without a combat ending. FF6 for the World of Ruin twist. FFVII was more expansive and prettier, but was a far more flawed game. The original Wasteland for letting you get STDs by banging 3 boobed prostitutes.
  • AceMasterAceMaster Member UncommonPosts: 35
    My favorites would be ( in the order i played them) :
    - might and magic 7
    - gothic 1
    - temple of elemental evil

    these games i finished so many times, and without them I wouldn't had played other rpgs or mmos
    Can't say which one was the best because all 3 played differently
    Honorable mentioned are kotor ( really good) and lineage 2 ( first mmorpg)
  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    edited February 2016
    1. TES 2: Daggerfall
    This game owned my life for about 8 months. Every spare minute I had was spend on this. Just a great game. For it's time, the level of immersion was incredible. I'd be on the edge of my seat, shitting myself in every dungeon.

    2. Mass Effect 2
    290 hours according to Steam and I loved every minute of it. Best of the trilogy with an epic ending. Maybe if ME3 hadn't had a complete brainfart for an ending then ME3 would be here instead.

    3. Baldur's Gate
    Go for the eyes, Boo!
  • cynical012cynical012 Member UncommonPosts: 5
    For me its

    1, NWN2
    2, Fallout 3
    3, The witcher 3
  • VorpalChicken28VorpalChicken28 Member UncommonPosts: 348
    edited February 2016
    1. Dungeon Master
    2. Black Crypt
    3. Bloodwych
    “Nevertheless, the human brain, which survives by hoping from one second to another, will always endeavor to put off the moment of truth. Moist” 
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  • immodiumimmodium Member RarePosts: 2,610
    edited February 2016
    Ultima Underworld

    Eye of the Beholder


    Honourable mention to Exile: Escape from the Pit

  • Peco115Peco115 Member UncommonPosts: 31
    Wizardy 8 BOF3 Shining force 2
  • thunderclesthundercles Member UncommonPosts: 510

    johnisme said:

    Shadowrun for the genesis was better than the snes version.

    I thought about this. Couldn't remember the differences though.
  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    edited February 2016
    I guess for me it will be the ones I started with and loved.

    FFVII, Wild ARMS, Fallout 2

  • merv808merv808 Member UncommonPosts: 511
    Tough one, but...
    3. Final Fantasy Tactics - the varieties.... The dark story, the unsung hero...
    2. Morrowind - unprecedented freedom, and consequences, I've never felt more like "this is my character, my story"

    1. FF6 - So many interesting characters, secrets, and the best ff story imo, the dungeons and bosses that require all (16?) characters....Just Epic
    Besides all that, these are the games I've played the most
    Honorable mention goes to Suikoden 1&2, NWN, and FF9.
  • ethionethion Member UncommonPosts: 2,888
    Balder Gate 2
    Ultima 7

    I think many people just don't know what some of the truely great RPGs were and are so wrapped up on high end graphics and action play that they have forgotten deep stories, strategic play and character development.

    I'm also playing Pillars of Eternity and it is really taking me back to what is great in a good RPG....

    Dragon Age Inquisition
    Witcher 3

    All good examples of modern action oriented RPGs that are wonderful but lacking in some of the story and development of games i've listed.


  • teratyateratya Member UncommonPosts: 347
    Old school Might and Magic 2 and the Gold Box D&D games for me.

    Vic - "Androzzi here"
    John - "Vic, your case just busted wide open."
    Vic - "So close it for me!"
    John - "Looks like your going to have to close it yourself, SHITTY!!!!"

  • Dagon13Dagon13 Member UncommonPosts: 566
    This thread almost makes me hurt with nostalgia.  Since it's impossible for me to choose I'll just name the three that introduced me to RPGs.


    Just for fun I'll list the 3 games that really got me started with gaming in general.

    Frog Bog
    Double Dragon III
    Super Mario 2
  • MaquiameMaquiame Member UncommonPosts: 1,073
    edited February 2016
    Diablo 2
    Final fantasy tactics
    Final fantasy VI
    Planescape Torment
    Secret of Mana
    A Link to the Past/ Zelda 3 Final fantasy IV


    Any mmo worth its salt should be like a good prostitute when it comes to its game world- One hell of a faker, and a damn good shaker!

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