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What's New in Alpha + Blizzard Financials

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited February 2016 in News & Features Discussion

imageWhat's New in Alpha + Blizzard Financials

Over the past couple of weeks, a pair of interesting things have happened to pique the interest of World of Warcraft fans. Between the latest Legion alpha build and the release of the Activision-Blizzard 2015 investor report, fans and players were given a lot to think about.

Read the full story here



  • Nayr752Nayr752 Member UncommonPosts: 172
    Can't wait for Legion to come out. It's going to be awesome.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Maybe non GAAP as far as LEGAL goes but not in factual reality.'
    Also the title says non gaap revenue,those are just numbers being tossed around not financials.

    Inb4 more blizz adds after already seeing one embedded into the article lol.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    It's just your typical financials verbiage... they are held to a plan in regards to what they expect to make in the coming year. If they outright said, Legion will launch tomorrow and it doesn't, they didn't meet their plan and are held accountable by the investors... this doesn't affect you or me, it only affects how the profits are dolled out.

    Based on the gutting of the classes... I suspect Legion will be even less well received than it's predecessor was. The only thing it has going for it is the damn movie coming out this summer.
  • IllindurIllindur Member UncommonPosts: 7
    edited February 2016
    The creators and designers for WoW are seriusly on the brink of flaming out... They are pushing it too damn much, imho. The obvious, lorewise options are right there, but hey... we need to think about something highly unlikely coz we are soooo awesome! It's more and more like Venezuelan Telenovela... But still waiting for a movie though ;)
  • Righteous_RockRighteous_Rock Member RarePosts: 1,234
    b2p sub/no sub option consideration may delay the release a bit
  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    edited February 2016

    Wizardry said:

    Maybe non GAAP as far as LEGAL goes but not in factual reality.'

    Also the title says non gaap revenue,those are just numbers being tossed around not financials.

    The $164M is the GAAP net revenue from the SEC report.
    The title in the slide is not WoW specific; I assume (but have not checked the formal filing) that this relates to all Blizzard titles.

    GAAP measures for WoW:
    2014 Q4 $266; 2015 Q1 $272; 2015 Q2 $221M; 2015 Q3 $195M and 2015 Q4 $164M
    Non-GAAP measures for WoW :
    2014 Q4 $398M; 2015 Q1 $209M; 2015 Q2 $157M; 2015 Q3 $155M; 2015 Q4 $191M
    Difference = deferred revenue; so $27M for 2015 Q4.
  • WandrisWandris Member UncommonPosts: 32

    b2p sub/no sub option consideration may delay the release a bit

    Is this actually a consideration? If it is great, otherwise I am done with WoW. A one-time fee for an xpac is fine, an optional sub if you play alot is fine, a cash shop with non P2W items is fine, a Plex systems with ingame gold is great, but having a clock counting down until your access runs out isn't.
  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381

    Nayr752 said:

    Can't wait for Legion to come out. It's going to be awesome.

    Barely can wait, just hope will not be so short PVE disaster as WOD was. Enjoyed a lot but finished to level all my 22 alts in slightly above 2 months. Usually it took me more then 1 year. For me Wotlk is still No1 followed closely by MOP, WOD being last (not bad, but very short, shortest ever).
  • expressoexpresso Member UncommonPosts: 2,218
    As I've done for the last three expac's I'll sub for a month, play the new content at my own pace (which also means never using a mount to 'skip' content) and then wait for the next, it's going to have to do something real special to get me on the dungeon run grind wheel.
  • pinktailzpinktailz Member UncommonPosts: 173
    This article overused word TONS :D And knowing Blizzard there will be TONS of reskins and recycled models :D
  • gunmanvladgunmanvlad Member UncommonPosts: 281
    After watching the 2 dungeon reveals, I do have to say that I'm quite pleased with what Blizz are doing with WoW in Legion. They have, in my humble opinion, the best dungeon/raid development team in the world. Excellent design and pacing.

    As I imagine many people here will do, I will be buying Legion and playing for a few months until I get bored. Blizz expansions are pretty good value for money for me, but I do wish they'd put out WoW2, if only to update the graphics and combat system. Having played B&S for a while, action combat unlocks so many more possibilities!
  • nyxiumnyxium Member UncommonPosts: 1,345
    There's still a lot of work to do with Legion and I mean a lot, despite the progress of the Alpha. I am expecting an Autumn expansion release and not a Summer one, realistically.
  • mark2123mark2123 Member UncommonPosts: 450
    I think they are just doing the least that they can get away with for the game to maximise profit on their reduced revenues. The rot has set in and even die hard fans are quitting in droves.

    I wish the game would die now and that someone would put their efforts into making a really innovative MMORPG instead of a clone of WoW or something else. Currently, when you've seen one, you've seen them all and nothing new or ground-breaking for the genre ever happens, which isn't true of technology improvements over the years, so the game designers need to get with the gig because there IS a gap in the market for a top-line MMO full of new ideas - if anyone is bold enough to do it.
  • NetspookNetspook Member UncommonPosts: 1,583
    Been doing the initial quests for Demon Hunter (survival, iirc) and Demo Warlock, and it was boring as hell. After a couple of starter quests in Dalaran, you're sent off to a solo scenario with 12 phases or so. It reminds me of the scenarios for the Thunder Isle - easy, but mobs takes forever to kill. Feels like soloing a raid where nothing is actually dangerous. That's probably why it's so boring, but not the only reasons.

    Didn't like DH as melee at all, mostly because of the skills that I found to be lacking (nice animations though), but will try again with a ranged spec later. Demo Warlock was just... different. Can't put my finger on what's wrong, but it used to be one of my favourite specs, and now it just isn't appealing anymore, for whatever reason.

    Will try Destro Warlock once it's available for testing, this is my absolute favourite class/spec. What that feels like, will determine if I'm gonna play this expansion, or not.
  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713
    As beautiful as I think WoW is... doesn't anyone else get tired of the "more levels, more dungeons, more raids, more gear" rinse and repeat formula?

  • nimander99nimander99 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    edited February 2016
    Its time for WoW 2... with all the next gen tech and twitch combat being perfected, its time.
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