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Last Wave Of Closed Beta 2 Keys!

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited February 2016 in News & Features Discussion

imageLast Wave Of Closed Beta 2 Keys! is releasing our final 1,000 beta keys for Black Desert Online. Get yours before they are all gone!

Read the full story here




  • Lazarus71Lazarus71 Member UncommonPosts: 1,081
    Got in this time thanks to facebook :)

    No signature, I don't have a pen

  • Dewie117Dewie117 Member UncommonPosts: 4
    since i missed the last 3 giveaways i got it this time. thanks!
  • atlastaoatlastao Member CommonPosts: 1
    Lucky I had Monday off to get this key! Thanks!
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    Very nice. 3rd time's a charm, as they say. Thanks guys.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • natpicknatpick Member UncommonPosts: 271
    got one finally thanks so much. =)
  • Strizzy12Strizzy12 Member UncommonPosts: 61
    edited February 2016
    The day I wasn't looking for one I stumble onto a key.. Thank you!
  • amoroneamorone Member UncommonPosts: 209
    Couldn't get logged in fast enough. By the time I did (had to wait for password reset email), they were all gone. DOH!
  • gavannicgavannic Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Thank you!
  • titanofdoomtitanofdoom Member UncommonPosts: 263
    What an F-ING farce! I have been relentlessly attempting to pry a key away from this site for the last four days. I do have a life, and cannot sit at my PC screen hitting F5 over and over and over...

    1000 keys being snapped up in minutes = botters and key sellers. Thanks for allowing us legit players to go without for the fourth consecutive day!

    I payed 115 quid on Devillian and will be buggered if I'll pay 50 quid to try this game out...

    Most lugubrious about this situation - I and many others, are dedicated, loyal fans full of probity, and you would prefer to proliferate your keys to mendacious, invidious cretins like bot farmers?

    Perennially extricating the extraneous
  • VarkingVarking Member UncommonPosts: 542
    I got mine!
  • klemmbobklemmbob Member UncommonPosts: 103

    What an F-ING farce! I have been relentlessly attempting to pry a key away from this site for the last four days. I do have a life, and cannot sit at my PC screen hitting F5 over and over and over...

    1000 keys being snapped up in minutes = botters and key sellers. Thanks for allowing us legit players to go without for the fourth consecutive day!

    I payed 115 quid on Devillian and will be buggered if I'll pay 50 quid to try this game out...

    Most lugubrious about this situation - I and many others, are dedicated, loyal fans full of probity, and you would prefer to proliferate your keys to mendacious, invidious cretins like bot farmers?


    Thanks for the laugh!
  • titanofdoomtitanofdoom Member UncommonPosts: 263

    klemmbob said:

    What an F-ING farce! I have been relentlessly attempting to pry a key away from this site for the last four days. I do have a life, and cannot sit at my PC screen hitting F5 over and over and over...

    1000 keys being snapped up in minutes = botters and key sellers. Thanks for allowing us legit players to go without for the fourth consecutive day!

    I payed 115 quid on Devillian and will be buggered if I'll pay 50 quid to try this game out...

    Most lugubrious about this situation - I and many others, are dedicated, loyal fans full of probity, and you would prefer to proliferate your keys to mendacious, invidious cretins like bot farmers?


    Thanks for the laugh!

    The laugh is on you miscreant!
    Perennially extricating the extraneous
  • rodarinrodarin Member EpicPosts: 2,611
    why do you guys get so pissed? It will be out in 3 weeks and you will be bored a week or so after that. Guys losing their minds over free keys to games they wont even be playing in a month is laughable to me.
  • SignexSignex Member UncommonPosts: 319

    rodarin said:

    why do you guys get so pissed? It will be out in 3 weeks and you will be bored a week or so after that. Guys losing their minds over free keys to games they wont even be playing in a month is laughable to me.

    Really? it's already coming out in 3 weeks? :o
    AMD Ryzen 5800X3D - Gigabyte Aorus RTX 3080 10G Master - 16GB RAM
  • Sector13Sector13 Member UncommonPosts: 784
    rodarin said:
    why do you guys get so pissed? It will be out in 3 weeks and you will be bored a week or so after that. Guys losing their minds over free keys to games they wont even be playing in a month is laughable to me.
    Don't you have to buy the game for the US/EU version? What about the people who want to try the game before spending the money on it? These keys are pretty much for that purpose yet sites don't even attempt to do anything to prevent them from being taken and sold. Don't see how hard it is to understand. 
  • leon09leon09 Member UncommonPosts: 51

    (post when used for others please)
  • IllindurIllindur Member UncommonPosts: 7
    Ehhh... Missed it 3 times. :( Well... somebody has got to work for 12 hours a day right :D
  • sk8chalifsk8chalif Member UncommonPosts: 666
    I missed it 3 time also, :( had work each time lol

    ~The only opinion that matters is your own.Everything else is just advice,~

  • Dagon13Dagon13 Member UncommonPosts: 566
    Sector13 said:
    rodarin said:
    why do you guys get so pissed? It will be out in 3 weeks and you will be bored a week or so after that. Guys losing their minds over free keys to games they wont even be playing in a month is laughable to me.
    Don't you have to buy the game for the US/EU version? What about the people who want to try the game before spending the money on it? These keys are pretty much for that purpose yet sites don't even attempt to do anything to prevent them from being taken and sold. Don't see how hard it is to understand. 
    Welcome to reality friend.
  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Illindur said:
    Ehhh... Missed it 3 times. :( Well... somebody has got to work for 12 hours a day right :D
    Look on the bright side... at least you can easily afford the game!  ;)

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • SqueeekiiSqueeekii Member UncommonPosts: 15
    still got a key if anyone wants? 
  • Acebets70Acebets70 Member UncommonPosts: 269
    me me plz!!!
  • NachurNachur Member UncommonPosts: 14
    I'd take it for a friend who's been wanting to try it.
  • unbeatinunbeatin Member UncommonPosts: 58
    This will be the first game my new wife attempts to play with me, would appreciate a key as we are not loaded with money to let her test, even a shared CBT2 account, I just want to play beside her to give her the best feeling of a MMO, just dont want to waste 100$ more unless I know she will play. Anyone who can help PM, it would be a great help.
  • WyrakWyrak Member UncommonPosts: 6
    I'd sure like a key if anyone has one to spare. Thanks.
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