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LF Progression Raid Themepark MMO New/Upcoming

GetGowensGetGowens Member UncommonPosts: 17
I am looking for a themepark MMO in the strain of WoW/LOTRO/SWTOR/Rift, essentially toolbars on toolbars of skills. I also want some progression raiding included. I am only interested in games less than 2 years old so I can easily catch up. Also please link me any upcoming titles so I can join the hype train. Thanks guys!


  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484

  • PemminPemmin Member UncommonPosts: 623
    try final fantasy 14 or wildstar?
  • vtravivtravi Member UncommonPosts: 400
    For me wildstar is the best game out now. I love the combat and dungeons are hard but very fun. They totally screwed up the crafting though. 
  • LIOKILIOKI Member UncommonPosts: 421
    Wife and I just started playing wildstar, not sold on the cuteness and they seemed to try too hard injecting humor. Otherwise it's kinda fun.
  • VicusEQVicusEQ Member UncommonPosts: 103
    Wildstar, FF14, and The Secret World (they have added 4 raids and all their dungeons on nightmare are comparable to raids.  If you would rather just wait for the next best thing I would suggest The secret world.  By far the most fun of the three because the majority of it is much different then other MMO's.  But if I had to pick, I would just go back to WoW, clear from Hellfire citadel and prep for Legion.  While WoW is still does everything better then most MMO's as a whole.  Raiding in Wildstar....little more fun...but slow on content.  Questiing in the secret world...way more fun, graphics of FF14 check....but WoW still has everything in one package.  Another option is the Orginal Everquest just launched a classic server called Phingal that would allow you to jump back in to the first expansion and every expansion ever made every three months.  EQ raiding is still by far the best experience I ever had and there will be about 60+ raid zones for you to experience over the next 2-3 years.  The server is VERY packed right now with plenty of raiding guilds.

    Or just wait for Pantheon.
  • acidbloodacidblood Member RarePosts: 878
    edited February 2016
    FF14 is a good choice for a fantasy theme, with the recent expansion you can fast track your way through the old content (yes there are lots of story quests to get through but they give you good (old) gear and you can play every class on one character so you only ever have to do them once). There is also plenty of content (including old content that is still fun / good for vanity items) with new stuff added every few months.

    Edit: It is good or bad depending on how you view it, but when new top end gear is added (which is usually every 3 - 4 patches with a new raid) they generally make the 'old' gear easier to get. This has the effect that no matter where you are in the progression (i.e. top end raiding or just casual dungeons) there is generally something new to work towards every ~6 months. Yes, it does also mean that all the sweet raid gear you spent weeks farming for is now not so sweet, but if you can get past that it's a good system for keeping all types of players busy over the long term, and if you do take a break, there is never too much of a grind to get back to the top.
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    As the very first reply stated, none. Truckloads of skills, pile toolbar upon toolbar... not exactly the direction of the last couple years.
    If you skip that part, still none, due to "only interested in games less than 2 years old".
    If you're willing to extend that timeframe into 2.5 years, then as others said, Wildstar is a fun game with dungeon and raid progression like of old days. It's f2p now, so you can check it for yourself. :wink: 
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  • GetGowensGetGowens Member UncommonPosts: 17
    So from what I'm getting I should download Wildstar and try that and wait til the next big thing. Thanks for the help guys! I've been debating Wildstar for a long time and I guess I'll just try it now. 
  • nationalcitynationalcity Member UncommonPosts: 501
    edited February 2016
    Only upcoming one is Pantheon and it's at least 2017........

  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,045
    Wierd usually there are alot of these type of games coming out...If they aren't copying WoW anymore what are they cloning now?
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