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Questions before returning...

LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45

I was thinking about coming back to take a look around again, was hoping to have a few questions answered.

Did they remove the appearance slots?  One of the innovative things EQ2 did was allow that customization that I loved.  I was on a PvE server and I really hope it isn't gone.

Did they mess with loot tables?  I never got really high level but I seem to recall having the hope that any mob I killed had a chance to drop an upgrade or higher tiered rarity item.  It made even the most mundane mob killing have an element of potential surprise...

Named mobs... another fun element... still in game and some with a unique loot table?  Even as a lowbie I would try to locate all the named mobs in the zone and try to kill them.

Is there an EQ2 website that is considered the best for maintaining the database?  I googled a few that had quite a bit of dead links.

Finally, if its true it is a big megaserver now... is anyone in an active guild on PvE that uses voice chat?  I would love to have a vet to talk to and maybe help me re-orient to the game.  I play in USA EST, usually nights and a bit more on weekends.



  • LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45
    Although I couldn't get past the login servers before work today, I was able to see that I am a lvl 26 ShadowKnight on Everfrost server.
  • cheyanecheyane Member LegendaryPosts: 9,435
    It has been an awfully long time since I played on the live servers . I have played on the The Time Locked Expansion ones last year and there were those named in every zone. I do not think that  live is any different.
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  • LuminattiLuminatti Member UncommonPosts: 45
    I need to read up between TLE and live, not sure what that means...also I read my server Everfrost is now Halls of Fate server due to a server merge...
  • spatialAnomaly77spatialAnomaly77 Member UncommonPosts: 4
    @Luminatti I just cancelled my account. I played pretty steadily at launch for a long time. I loved EQ2, it was all I really wanted in an MMO and spent countless hours raiding in some damn good guilds and really digging into the game. I shifted gears and got career focused for a while and so I hadn't played in years. I came back to it to see that Daybreak had acquired it and frankly it's terrible now. It feels like they tried to make the game more challenging but ended up just doing a lot of really stupid things.

    Instead of just making a regular non-raid tough encounter they put annoying scripts on every damn thing. Even nothing no-name trash mobs have annoying scripts. You can spend hours and hours leveling up to 100 just to encounter some mob that has some scripted event that makes all your hard work pointless. In more than a few cases where I played a Mystic (healer), which doesn't do a hell of a lot of DPS but the script made it pointless for me to heal. So what is there for me to do? I stood there and hit it with a hammer on autoattack and clicked things to finally kill whatever it was. Yay. Fun? And I could be wrong in this but I THINK they nerf your crit inside the newer xpac instances. If that's true, all that time and effort you spend trying to get good gear with high crit is pointless too. Why do that? Why not just make a decent well designed zone instead of hitting people with the nerf bat? 

    The amount of vendor trash, I swear, has tripled. I logged in after doing just 2 dungeons and ended up spending probably 45 minutes trying to clear out my bags full of quest items that didn't delete when the quests ended and garbage that is worth nothing but coin, then why not just give me coin instead of filling up slots in my bags? I mean there was always vendor trash in EQ2 but it was nuts.

    On top of that the economy is all out of whack. I had a paid sub, basically doing just "stuff" awards you loyalty tokens which can be traded in for gobs of plat. I saw someone spent 800,000 plat on an auctioned item.  

    There was not one single redeeming thing about it and it is such a shame because I loved the game. Maybe it will be different for you but that is my experience. I'll never return to it. Good luck to you.

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  • DarkswormDarksworm Member RarePosts: 1,081
    Surrounded by players where?  In your guild hall?  It's hard to quantify a statement like that, as it has virtually no context.  If you're talking about standing at the entrance to a raid instance minutes before your raid start time, then of course you'll be surrounded.  What does this statement you're making even mean?

    As far as I'm concerned, I played it from SF up until like a week before AoD launched.  Before AoD launched, there was a non-ignorable drop-off in players.  Guilds folded, players stopped logging in, etc.  That's when I stopped playing, because it got hard to find a consistent raiding guild unless you were in the top tier of "gear progression."

    I tried to go back, but the game runs absolutely horrid on my new laptop.

    When the player base was up, the game really was fun, though.  The raiding was much better than WoW, and off-rails to boot (none of the DBM, etc. so you actually had to go through the process of learning the encounter mechanics from scratch in most cases).  I thoroughly enjoyed that, and the fact that you could go to an Overland zone and farm gear upgrades, etc. which is something that is largely not possible in WoW since that will all be vendor/DE trash if you've just run through LFR.
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