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Gold Spammers will kill this game.

TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
If NCSoft doesn't fix this serious issue with their game soon - it will make people quit.   Spammers have pretty much taken over regional and faction chats to the point that you can't report and block them fast enough.  On top of that, you are limited to blocking only 50.   In the past 6 days I filled that 50 over 10+ times.  Think about that really hard.

Did you do the math?

That is over 500 spammers reported and blocked.  

It got so bad I had to remove faction chat and regional chat just to be able to communicate with people in game.   If this keeps up I'll give up on the game as well.   This is beyond ridiculous and NCSoft should make this issue priority #1 - besides the queue times some people are putting up with - this is now the biggest issue in game.


  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    I agree. Not much more to say. :+1: 

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

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  • HakulaniHakulani Member UncommonPosts: 47
    It's NCSoft what do you expect, I quit buying there games long ago for that main reason. Also the bot farmers out there, I doubt NCSoft will ever do anything to fix those problems.
  • k61977k61977 Member EpicPosts: 1,528
    edited January 2016
    There isn't really a good way to stop this in a F2P game.  You can disable the account but they just create another one.  You could limit talking in chat, hasn't worked yet in a F2P game they just make new accounts and rotate through them.  You could try IP blocking, there are tons of ways around this also.  This is part of the problem with F2P titles, it is very hard to stop somebody that wants to do something like this.  About the only thing that would stop this is a legal system battle with  developers vs. gold sellers which you will hardly ever happens because most the gold sellers live in areas that have no laws regulating this.

    I did think of one way that would solve it and it has been done and that is for developers to just straight out sell the gold themselves for real money.  But this just creates a whole other problem in the game that it just isn't worth it.
  • JDis25JDis25 Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Not worried about it. Nothing worthwhile being talked about in Faction chat anyway. Annoying definitely but not a game breaker. And once the hype dies down so too will the gold spam.
    Now Playing: Bless / Summoners War
    Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile
  • TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627
    edited January 2016
    Know what else...those spammer bots are taking up a place a live gamer could be using.  How many of the 7000 people on the servers are actually bots - and is that the reason the queue's are so long because these spamming bots just stand around and spam chat taking up space on the server - when actual players would be signing out on a regular basis when their play session is over.  Bots don't have a play session. is a simple fix.

    In order to use chat you have to input a random could that is flashed onto the screen.  If you don't input that code you can't use chat.   Hell use a captcha type system.   I don't care.  NCSoft needs to address this.
    Post edited by Teala on
  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    A better solution would be to come up with a means of negating their existence in the first place... 

    Gold (or whatever currency they choose) should be BoP and only useable with NPC vendors.

    All other business transactions in-game would be done via the trading of goods.

    Rare crafting resources will be BoP to prevent their being used as an alternate form of currency.

    Of course those who play "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" within the MMO would be SoL.

    "I'll trade you two chickens, a yak pelt, and a bundle of wood for your 12-slot quiver."
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    The spam is bad at low levels. I made a new toon yesterday and could not believe how bad it was. It was not like this when I made my first character because that was during the headstart before everybody started playing. 

    I am currently in Jade Stone Village and its not like that at all. You only get a couple spammers so its easy to block them and then chat is fine.

    Only thing they can do is increase the level requirement to use those channels but honestly I am having too much fun to care about it. It is a problem that needs to be fixed because it will make new players instantly quit when they log in for the first time and see nothing but gold spam.
  • DahkohtDahkoht Member UncommonPosts: 479
    Best solution is even a small moderate buy fee , 5 or 10 dollars.

    This reason along makes me ignore all F2P games.

    Neverwinter in early access for paid users only , chat was quite enjoyable , then F2P hit and instantly was unusable.

    Swore off F2P , then tried Skyforge with paid early packs. Enjoyed it.

    F2P beta opened up , I asked for a refund within an hour.

    I like to communicate in zone with people outside my guild and party , if I have to turn off zone/area chat due to F2P spamming , then its not worth my time.
  • HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
    Teala said:
    If NCSoft doesn't fix this serious issue with their game soon - it will make people quit.   Spammers have pretty much taken over regional and faction chats to the point that you can't report and block them fast enough.  On top of that, you are limited to blocking only 50.   In the past 6 days I filled that 50 over 10+ times.  Think about that really hard.

    Did you do the math?

    That is over 500 spammers reported and blocked.  

    It got so bad I had to remove faction chat and regional chat just to be able to communicate with people in game.   If this keeps up I'll give up on the game as well.   This is beyond ridiculous and NCSoft should make this issue priority #1 - besides the queue times some people are putting up with - this is now the biggest issue in game.
    Same exact reason I quit too lol

  • DaikuruDaikuru Member RarePosts: 797
    Aion had the same problem at the beginning, not a big problem, they wont last long.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    - Albert Einstein

  • WicoaWicoa Member UncommonPosts: 1,637
    edited January 2016
    I won't give up on the game, this is where my friends are at.  However:

    1) Remove faction chat and regional chat ability from any character below 20
    2) If character is premium allow faction chat and regional chat from when they become available.

    I had dealt with the bots through blocking.  However yesterday a new one came up every 10 seconds and I could not keep up.

    Before that though Faction chat was full of trolls some of them mildly amusing "Warlock just released Im relogging to make it".  I wonder how many fell for that one.  So I have to say as a "PvP channel" its not much used for pvp talk :D

    They have just introduced report spam/bots tool in chat name right click.
  • HikaruShidouHikaruShidou Member UncommonPosts: 163
    Sad truth is, gold spammers only exist because the PLAYERS support them.
  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    "Gold Spammers will kill this game"... if you did a search on this phrase it would appear for every MMO launched over the last 10 years. Only way to avoid it is for the game publisher to offer the it's own cash for gold service.

  • NoxeronNoxeron Member UncommonPosts: 64
    I turned off region and faction chat. I only see gold spammers while in the cross-server lobby. And there I only see 1 or 2 at a time, which is easy to block.
  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    Teala said:
    If NCSoft doesn't fix this serious issue with their game soon - it will make people quit.   Spammers have pretty much taken over regional and faction chats to the point that you can't report and block them fast enough.  On top of that, you are limited to blocking only 50.   In the past 6 days I filled that 50 over 10+ times.  Think about that really hard.

    Did you do the math?

    That is over 500 spammers reported and blocked.  

    It got so bad I had to remove faction chat and regional chat just to be able to communicate with people in game.   If this keeps up I'll give up on the game as well.   This is beyond ridiculous and NCSoft should make this issue priority #1 - besides the queue times some people are putting up with - this is now the biggest issue in game. - nothing more to say other than that those who mocked me for it are obviously wrong... Not to mention (as I already stated in my post), RMT comes with botting and that makes it hard to impossible to play as a legit player on the spots where bots are. Knowing NCWest they won't do a thing about it and eventually will indeed kill the game to a point where only a few die-hard legit players stay and there st of the server is filled with bots.

    Lemme post it once again to show how well NCWest handles botting...

  • WicoaWicoa Member UncommonPosts: 1,637
    edited January 2016
    The problem is you need faction chat at 45

    ++ Block list is full. ... .. .. .. :/

    Bye bye region, faction and party finder chat <unticked chat box>
  • IAmMMOIAmMMO Member UncommonPosts: 1,462
    edited January 2016
    Shows the importance of a live dedicated team of hired employees within running a MMO biz that acts in real time to kick and ban accounts with well developed tools to aid them. Banning a number of ways right down to HWIP all can be spoofed and F2P accounts endlessly created. Even more so when the game has just launched and everybody is competing against each other. Live patrol MMO police is necessary these days. Especially in other countries where you're running servers and it's peak time when it's the middle of the night for you.
  • MihoshiKMihoshiK Member UncommonPosts: 26
    edited January 2016
    Sad truth is, gold spammers only exist because the PLAYERS support them.
    Exactly. Only thing that would stop gold spammers is that no one would use their services. So basically you can thank your fellow gamers who use gold spammers for their existence.

    They just provide a service obviously enough people are willing to use despite the problems they cause.
  • ChromeBallzChromeBallz Member UncommonPosts: 342
    k61977 said:
    There isn't really a good way to stop this in a F2P game.  You can disable the account but they just create another one.  You could limit talking in chat, hasn't worked yet in a F2P game they just make new accounts and rotate through them.  You could try IP blocking, there are tons of ways around this also.  This is part of the problem with F2P titles, it is very hard to stop somebody that wants to do something like this.  About the only thing that would stop this is a legal system battle with  developers vs. gold sellers which you will hardly ever happens because most the gold sellers live in areas that have no laws regulating this.

    I did think of one way that would solve it and it has been done and that is for developers to just straight out sell the gold themselves for real money.  But this just creates a whole other problem in the game that it just isn't worth it.
    The problem is that they are trying to deal with this retroactively, instead of proactively.

    I don't see how it is such a big problem to have 2 or 3 gm's monitoring region chats on all servers in a text only client, immediately permabanning bots and possibly putting an IP block on there as well (if just temporary).

    But, they seem to be operating with their eyes closed, whispering 'please go away please go away'.

    Playing: WF
    Played: WoW, GW2, L2, WAR, AoC, DnL (2005), GW, LotRO, EQ2, TOR, CoH (RIP), STO, TSW, TERA, EVE, ESO, BDO
    Tried: EQ, UO, AO, EnB, TCoS, Fury, Ryzom, EU, DDO, TR, RF, CO, Aion, VG, DN, Vindictus, AA

  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415
    edited January 2016
    Spammers mean your game is popular, right? Otherwise, not enough customers buy gold.
    ChromeBallz said:
    I don't see how it is such a big problem to have 2 or 3 gm's monitoring region chats
    Customer Experience is an unnecessary expense, from a corporate beancounter point of view.

    Gamers will one day figure it out. All of that CE staff was cut from the budget before the game ever opened.

    The corporate guys are just waiting for all of the "offended" players to put up or shut up. If it's "driving you from the game," go ahead an leave. Make a big, dramatic exit. Go out in a blaze of glory.

    The guys buying the gold will be plentiful enough to keep the game running. And they've demonstrated they'll pay cash for their gaming (which is a double plus benefit for our cash shop...)

    This is what's called a win-win.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,262
    edited January 2016
    DMKano said:
    Gold spammers never killed any game. Wont happen here either.

    Depends on what you call kill I suppose. Out of control gold selling spam botting, and hacking have driven me from several free to play titles including ArcheAge most recently.

    Looks like this particular issue is going to drive some players away from playing blade and soul.

    You might say so what you're just one person perhaps but I spend almost $800 a year on the eve alone and if they don't need my money that's fine

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • DakeruDakeru Member EpicPosts: 3,803
    I'm sick of hearing that there is nothing that the companies can do to protect themselves.
    There are botnets and there are measures against them. If a company doesn't place protection measurements BEFORE they launch then they are simply after a quick buck before trashing the game.

    When GW2 launched Anet got a hold of one of those black market lists with typical account names and passwords and they blocked people from using these names.

    Only a fool would think that there is nothing that can be done about this.
    Harbinger of Fools
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    MihoshiK said:
    Sad truth is, gold spammers only exist because the PLAYERS support them.
    Exactly. Only thing that would stop gold spammers is that no one would use their services. So basically you can thank your fellow gamers who use gold spammers for their existence.

    They just provide a service obviously enough people are willing to use despite the problems they cause.
    I think player demand for gold sellers' services is fueled and facilitated by a game's design.
  • DenambrenDenambren Member UncommonPosts: 399
    eh, I solved this by creating a new chat tab, and adding all channels that aren't being spammed, and I haven't seen gold spam since. I already do this with every other MMO I play (general chat and trade chat in WoW), just because regular human spam is annoying (non-bot).

    For finding parties I walk up to the party finder object in front of dungeons and press F to immediately find a party. I usually get one in a few seconds after clicking Apply for one of the listed parties. I imagine this faster than actually coordinating with humans via party chat.

    It's true though that the amount of gold spammers on opening day was pretty shocking, and I agree the players slots potentially being taken by gold farmers is a problem to address, but ultimately the queue times are dropping and I don't see spammers when I play, so the problem doesn't seem as severe to me as the OP makes it sound. I am surprisingly impressed with how much this game offers without having to spend money (though I bought one of the Christmas outfits to support the game, so far).
  • MrSnufflesMrSnuffles Member UncommonPosts: 1,117
    The content locusts will swarm the game and then move on. Gold spammers will do the same. What else is new?

    "It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling."
    - Michael Bitton
    Community Manager,

    "As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law

    "I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about." 

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