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Blade & Soul is officially the worst launch I've ever seen of an MMORPG

RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
edited January 2016 in The Pub at MMORPG.COM
And I took part of ArcheAge's launch. Anyways, here's what's going on: NCsoft charging for premium for faster queues, accept kiss those speedy queues bye-bye! You'll still be waiting for a long-ass time because after releasing Blade & Soul in glob knows how many regions, NCsoft apparently still doesn't have a freaking clue what they're doing and launched with way too few of servers.

Rampant gold spammers as soon as I finally got in with my useless premium queue, showing me that there are zero active GMs in the game, and showing me that NCsoft is a-freaking-okay with botters having priority queue over actual real players. Thank you for the middle finger NCsoft! I appreciate it!

Not only that but now quite a few people are experiencing problems with getting NCoin (the currency NCsoft uses in their games that costs actual money), with some having been waiting over 30 hours with zero updates to their sent in tickets. In my eyes this is just shameful. NCsoft has officially gone to my "list of worst game companies."

I really hope that reports on this because launches like these need to be noticed. They need to stop. Especially ones with games that have already been released multiple times.




  • DreamionDreamion Member UncommonPosts: 287
    Meh, not that bad imo.
  • saintriku92saintriku92 Member UncommonPosts: 87
    i love anime style and action combat, but the game just isnt for me. feels like a chore. i played the beta and barely touched it and now im feeling that ill be doing the same now that its released.
  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    Pepeq said:
    If I wasn't laughing so hard right now, I'd probably be rolling my eyes...

    I need to start making some popcorn, the pitchforks are coming out in force now...
    I wouldn't have such a big problem with this launch if NCsoft hadn't already released this game in a crap-ton of other regions. They knew this game was going to be popular, it was obvious just based on launches in other regions, and yet they chose to take the greed route, making a limited number of servers and charging for priority queue to make a quick buck. 

    They have absolutely no excuse for this poorly managed launch.


  • hallucigenocidehallucigenocide Member RarePosts: 1,015
    massive queues on launch is to be expected.. i doubt any company would consider it to be worth it having enough servers available during this short period of time.  

    I had fun once, it was terrible.

  • azurreiazurrei Member UncommonPosts: 332
    Up until the servers crashing in NA last night, it was one of the smoothest MMO launches I have ever seen - you must be new to MMO's.
  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    massive queues on launch is to be expected.. i doubt any company would consider it to be worth it having enough servers available during this short period of time.  
    That argument unfortunately completely falls apart when you add in the fact that NCsoft is charging for priority queue.


  • kertinkertin Member UncommonPosts: 259
    What a funny topic, this guy has to be really mad and I have to laugh
  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,142
    While it might be, to you, "the worst launch" it hardly constitutes "the worst launch" by a loooooooong shot.

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  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    azurrei said:
    Up until the servers crashing in NA last night, it was one of the smoothest MMO launches I have ever seen - you must be new to MMO's.
    Then you must be one of the few lucky ones, that doesn't make it a "one of the smoothest launches" for the majority of players.


  • AlomarAlomar Member RarePosts: 1,299
    I don't think you can say it's a worse launch than ArcheAge "yet". Perhaps in several weeks if conditions stay bad or they get worse you could. I had tickets that I submitted in the first week of the launch of AA not get answered until 3.5 weeks later after I had already quit lol. I have no interest in playing B&S to begin with though, best of luck to those who do.
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  • ZoeMcCloskeyZoeMcCloskey Member UncommonPosts: 1,372
    Yeah you must not have been around for the fun launch of Anarchy Online way back when.  I got my Pioneer's Backpack there to prove it. :P  Smoothest launch I was part of I think was DaoC.

  • Neo_LibertyNeo_Liberty Member UncommonPosts: 437
    It seems that  every game released recently is labeled as having the worst launch ever.

  • azurreiazurrei Member UncommonPosts: 332
    edited January 2016
    azurrei said:
    Up until the servers crashing in NA last night, it was one of the smoothest MMO launches I have ever seen - you must be new to MMO's.
    Then you must be one of the few lucky ones, that doesn't make it a "one of the smoothest launches" for the majority of players.
    I guess so, so was my GF I guess...and my entire clan for that matter - other than fighting for some mobs, no lag, no crashes, no login server issues, no emergency maintenance, etc etc (until last night at 2 am.)  Not being able to log into a game because of the initial rush (like every other MMO launch or expansion launch) and having to sit in a queue because you choose to be a cheapskate is your own problem, not NcSoft's - and yet they are remedying the situation so those who don't want to spend a dime can do so with more and more servers opening up.  When you are getting something for free, patience should be something you have - clearly you don't.
  • Righteous_RockRighteous_Rock Member RarePosts: 1,234
    Ask for a refund
  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    Another game released, another "worst launch ever".

    Welcome to, where every launch is always the worst.

  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,564
    If you care if the games you play actually work right, then why are you playing a game so close to launch?
  • PepeqPepeq Member UncommonPosts: 1,977
    edited January 2016
    So in a nutshell, you KNEW this game was going to be popular, you KNEW what the launches in other regions were like, you KNEW that they charged for premium access... and yet you are SURPRISED?

    [mod edit]

    Post edited by Amana on
  • JohnxboyJohnxboy Member UncommonPosts: 104
    "Rampant gold spammers as soon as I finally got in with my useless premium queue, showing me that there are zero active GMs in the game, and showing me that NCsoft is a-freaking-okay with botters having priority queue over actual real players."

    Yup, that's right, the company actually handpicked and hired gold sellers to play their game then choose to give them instant access to the server over regular players. It's a huge scam, get kotaku on the case.

    How do people actually think so bad.
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    No problems on my end.  =)
  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    It's stable, and there hasn't been a lot of downtime. Whine more. 
  • ChadiwickerChadiwicker Member UncommonPosts: 80
    The gold spammers make general chat useless but, other than that, this isn't even close to the worst launch I've experienced.
  • KaosLegionKaosLegion Member UncommonPosts: 79
    many a launch ye have not seen.
  • BlazeyerBlazeyer Member UncommonPosts: 562
    Not even close to being "the worst launch". There were games (most recently FF14) that you actually could not log in due to server issues. Complaining about queue times and gold spammers is nothing compared to actually being able (or in the line) to play the game.
  • AnirethAnireth Member UncommonPosts: 940
    For several hours or so, it's always the same gold spammers per region. Block 2-3, and chat is clean. Rinse and repeat with every region. It's only a "problem" if you go back, because by then there are new gold spammers.

    I'll wait to the day's end when the moon is high
    And then I'll rise with the tide with a lust for life, I'll
    Amass an army, and we'll harness a horde
    And then we'll limp across the land until we stand at the shore

  • etharnetharn Member UncommonPosts: 152
    I can name one, wildstar :3 both launches lol

    A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing; and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?

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