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  • GrimulaGrimula Member UncommonPosts: 644

    its 3:33 AM in the morning and somehow i stumbled apon this New mmo that no one knows about..its in Open beta

    playing a Goblin Mage and so far im impressed with the First city i can i see in the distance.and it has some nice music

    Reminds me of Project gorgon kind of....for the first 10 minutes i have been playing
  • vveaver_onlinevveaver_online Member UncommonPosts: 436
    meditating my way through the sects in age of wulin, having a calm time!
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    edited January 2016
    Playing the real Lineage 2 trying to hit level 101 for my new skills set.  =)

    Also some Aion.
    Post edited by Mikeha on
  • Vermillion_RaventhalVermillion_Raventhal Member EpicPosts: 4,199
    I am playing STWOR right now.  I wish it was a single player game. It would be a classic.
  • TheodwulfTheodwulf Member UncommonPosts: 311
  • AberiusAberius Member UncommonPosts: 37
    A few hours a week raiding and crafting in FF14 with my core group of friends.
    Casually dabbling/testing with Project Gorgon.
    Other than that, enjoying my backlog of single player games waiting for CU and Pantheon.
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  • V3it.M4rt1nV3it.M4rt1n Member CommonPosts: 7
    I'm still subbed to my 1st MMO Anarchy Online (btw. new graphic engine arrived already) and I've got a blast at Elder Scrolls Online atm. 
  • BlueScreenISUBlueScreenISU Member UncommonPosts: 10
    Playing my own: Orbs

    Orbs features an open world where players are sent to explore, control and rule futuristic and mysterious zones in order to discover their secrets. 
    Players are not only fighting their way through the world, but are also in a permanent conflict and competition against each other.
  • deniterdeniter Member RarePosts: 1,440
    Grimula said:

    its 3:33 AM in the morning and somehow i stumbled apon this New mmo that no one knows about..its in Open beta

    playing a Goblin Mage and so far im impressed with the First city i can i see in the distance.and it has some nice music

    Reminds me of Project gorgon kind of....for the first 10 minutes i have been playing
    Signed up and downloaded the game. Looks fantastic even tho it's still in alpha. Thanks for the tip. :)
  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    Space Engineers, there's no MMOs that I want to play.
  • Jamar870Jamar870 Member UncommonPosts: 573
    FFXIV, really enjoying it.
  • junzo316junzo316 Member UncommonPosts: 1,712
    I'm playing SWTOR right now.  The movie got me excited to go back and play in that universe, but already kind of getting bored again. 
  • dope500dope500 Member UncommonPosts: 2
    Final Fantasy 14 great game
  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    I'm not playing any right now. I finished KOTFE content off so TOR sub got cancelled, I dipped a toe into ESO over the holidays to see if it really was any better and, to me, it just feels like WoW with a Skyrim paintjob. I dunno what the fuss is about, I was bored stupid in the first hour. I just can't get into it at all.

    I'm down to jumping between WoT, WoWS and Armoured Warfare but they're not MMO's so they don't count. Oh, and AC Syndicate is taking up a few hours a day as well. The fact that 80% of the games claiming to be MMO's aren't really MMO's at all kind of limits my options on this one. I say fact, in my head it is, but feel free to disagree.

    The whole genre feels very lackluster to me right now, nothing currently playable or releasing soon hold any sort of interest for me. I would have like to see CCP finish World of Darkness but that one went south.

    I'm just going to have to be patient and wait for CU and hope it turns out to be as good as people want it to be.

  • TokkenTokken Member EpicPosts: 3,654

    Proud member since March 2004!  Make PvE GREAT Again!

  • doodeskaderdoodeskader Member UncommonPosts: 32
    edited January 2016
    Im not playing anymore. The last good mmo i played was Ferentus back in 2005. Money problems made the servers go down  , and never played a good mmo since. It was already 10 times better then WoW back in 2005. If you want to make a lot of money, then  you always fail in making a good MMO.So they all FAIL. -))
    Post edited by doodeskader on
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775
    Just Devilian.  I've been playing it at my own pace and that's worked out so far.  I may be bored in a couple of weeks though and maybe return to D3.  Before that I played GW2 but quit after the final boss fight bugged out and I realized how annoyed I was with all of the hero points that I had to skip due them having bosses requiring a group.
    D3 2.4 patch is coming within a week. That is probably the right time to go back (as I am waiting too). Marvel Heroes 2016 is also going to launch this month.

    So two "old" games to go back to ....
  • Whiskey_SamWhiskey_Sam Member UncommonPosts: 323
    Nothing for a while now.  Nothing on the radar either.  Very depressing time for MMOs

    Have flask; will travel.

  • DeasantDeasant Member UncommonPosts: 198
    Reading all this is just making me want to play Age of Conan. Who's with me?
  • AndistotleAndistotle Member UncommonPosts: 124
    Deasant said:
    Reading all this is just making me want to play Age of Conan. Who's with me?
    good idea:) its a good game. I actually feel bad for all of you guys on this site that feels that there is no MMO god enough for you to play. I think there are alot of games to play and I have alot of fun with the MMO's currently on the marked. It must be frustrating to dont have a MMO home
  • FuryVFuryV Member UncommonPosts: 516
    H1Z1 and SWTOR
  • MystaMysta Member UncommonPosts: 94
    Reizla said:
    Lineage II Classic - So glad there's finally an official server out there to bring back the old game!
    That's just EU right?
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    Deasant said:
    Reading all this is just making me want to play Age of Conan. Who's with me?
    I tried to go back twice in the last 2 weeks and just no,i have no idea how i fathomed the game before because i played it a lot.

    I think it is the same old linear starter isle that  gets to me now,imo the entire game is built like a single player game with a lot of linear game play.You need more than 1 starting area in a game and you need an open ended game not linear pathing.Yes it opens up  sort of once hit Tortilige but not really still need to do linear stuff to get houses to turn lights on to get more linear questing.

    I don't think there is anything left out there i would bother playing,.Runes of Magic was the last sort of Indie or from nowhere game i would play but even that is taking a backseat to FFXI.If Square still had some creativity and thought into their FFXIV i would be playing that but all they did was butcher FFXI class/combat to add better crafting and better graphics.

    The mmorpg scene right now and for awhile has been super stagnant,nobody improving on the genre other  than graphics since 2005 with some improvements when EQ2 released.That is 10 long years of no improvements,really sad.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • free2playfree2play Member UncommonPosts: 2,043
    None. My EVE account is active, my FF14 account is active but I don't play them Fallout 4 right now. The trouble with reverting to single player games like Fallout 4 is you begin to see just how hobbled MMO's are. Required or not they are so obsessed with balance they create a measure of sterility that can't be overcome.

    I can't complain though. I enjoyed MMO's from one degree to another for over 10 years. I think it has come to an end for me though. We will see what single player games produce in open world design. That's always been my passion in truth. SWG was my first and I was more enthusiastic about the Worlds than the MMO.
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