Converting game currency with real life currency only works and isn't P2W if the items purchased give no advantage in game. GW2 is a perfect example of this. Gear and stats are leveled out to the point where it's basically a fashion show with no benefit other than increasing visual appeal.
You cannot allow something like this in a game based around gear and upgrades. I have to agree with the OP on this one. The people disagreeing couldn't be more wrong. They could try, but they would not succeed.
Looking at the OP I'd say it was pay to lose. You're basically talking about paying money for old rope. Option 1, play the game, go to the dungeon/raid and get the ring. Option 2, pay real money to faff around on the market to obtain the ring. Who wins? The game publisher.
Seems kinda pointless to me, but then again I never understand why anyone would not play the game and just buy shit. Aren't games meant to be, y'know, played?
Poke, poke, poke, look I found a hole, boo hoo. Sorry not even close in being a game breaker for me far as I'm concerned. Even with the very few mmo's that actually sell gear in the cash shop it's never end game gear. Now that would suck and worthy of alarming your fellow gamers. This tidbit is just another waste of internet paper.
P2W trash any cashshop that gives any form of non cosmetic only item is P2W. There is Pay2advance, P2W and P2Skip. Another Acheage cashshop win scheme looks like. Sad thats all the market really is these days.
At least in Sub games they actively for the most part ban or punish those that RWT to gain advantages.
Are we still arguing over the most obvious fact that has existed forever?
Money gives advantage in every online game period.
This was true back in 1998, it is true today.
It will be true as long as money is used by people.
The argument comes down to who do you pay - some 3rd party gold/item/account seller or the devs themselves via cash shop purchases.
I agree and i dont get why ppl go nuts about this. Just buy gold. You guys dont want to get into the semantics of this and go nuts if people pay money to get an advantage. But its happened in every game ever just about. Do you all agree yes or no?
This game allows you to flip cash shop gear for gold. How is that different from buying gold with real money directly? I'll tell you how its different from p2w cash shop, in that the cash shop items give + to stats directly from the shop. cash shop p2w games give boosts crafting and exp. Just get your definitions straight.
I can't use faulty logic to say every MMO in existence is a MOBA, so why you should you use bad logic to call a game P2W when by the nature of your argument you are saying every game is P2W.
Every MMO on the market (sarcasm but mostly true): Step 1: Real Money converted to Gold (via gold seller) Step 2: Gold converted to high level uber stat item on auction house
BDO: Step 1. Real Money converted cash shop currency Step 2: cash shop currency converted to cash shop item Step 3. cash shop item converted to gold Step 4. gold converted to high level uber stat item on auction house
Step 1: Real Money converted to cash shop currency Step 2: Cash shop currency converted to high level uber stat cash shop item (or exp bauble or craft exp bauble)
So dont lump method 2 and 3 together unless you want to lump all 3 together They are not one and the same. The faulty argument of the OP and others of "it all comes out the same in the end therefore this game is P2W" uses ZERO logic except that of a caveman saying "fire bad!"
IMPORTANT: Please keep all replies to my posts about GAMING. Please no negative or backhanded comments directed at me personally. If you are going to post a reply that includes how you feel about me, please don't bother replying & just ignore my post instead. I'm on this forum to talk about GAMING. Thank you.
Wouldn't the OP point be mute if in the NA version you aren't able to place Pearl shop items up for sale? I bet Daum goes the way of ESO as you can buy things from the cash shop with your real money, but you can't sell, trade or auction those items. The items will only be available to you. Seems rather presumptuous of the OP seeing how the Pearl Shop details have not been disclosed yet for NA.
One premise in the OP is you buy costumes with pearls and resell them in game for gold.
Is there really that much demand for costumes that plsyers will trade large sums of gold for them?
If too many players sell costumes, won't their value fall?
I asked the OP about obtaining the OGRE ring on his example, and he went off on a hyperbolic and unproven rant about enchanting success rates.
He's accused me of being in denial, (I'm not) of supporting this (I don't) because it's how EVE does it (It doesn't)
I just asked some basic questions to hone in on whether or not BD (which I won't be playing) is P2W or not, at least as how I and some others define it.
So far it doesn't seem to unless the enchant success rates really are as slight as the OP has suggested and in fact almost no one can or does succeed without using the cash shop.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Looking at the OP I'd say it was pay to lose. You're basically talking about paying money for old rope. Option 1, play the game, go to the dungeon/raid and get the ring. Option 2, pay real money to faff around on the market to obtain the ring. Who wins? The game publisher.
Seems kinda pointless to me, but then again I never understand why anyone would not play the game and just buy shit. Aren't games meant to be, y'know, played?
Because the "end game" in roughly a weeks playing time is to PvP. That's why people will pull their cards out to get an advantage because there is a secondary "leveling" to be done via enchanting your gear to make it more powerful.
I'm waiting/hoping for the announcement of a PvE server and then I'll take your stance. It won't matter to me if someone has the gear before me. When PvP enters the conversation that's when this kind of thing gets ugly.
I'm waiting/hoping for the announcement of a PvE server and then I'll take your stance. It won't matter to me if someone has the gear before me. When PvP enters the conversation that's when this kind of thing gets ugly.
BD has no PvE content to make this viable.
A PvE only server would probably not even have 100 players on in in 3 months post launch.
BD was designed as PvP endgame - otherwise they'd have lots of PvE end game things to do, this was never the case.
This is incorrect unless comparing to the prototypical WoW model. It's the argument used by a few on the official forums and I don't buy it there either. There is more than enough content/mechanics for players to play in a non-OWPvP system. To add to this though the KR version already has more PvE added, heading here in due time.
I understand this might be an issue for highly competitive players that want to be on the top 1%. But why would anyone else care? What can you really be "winning" in an MMO? Does anyone on thread ever been on top 1% in any game? Not trying to be insulting, just wondering why would you even care.
Gaming Rocks next gen. community for last gen. gamers launching soon.
When game itself start to sell in-game currency it is BS. You can call it Pay to Faster whatever but it still meh.
Difference between classic P2W and P2F (pay to faster) that is one can get stuff with money and have fun today while you can play for free and with REASONABLE amount of time have same stuff like he did.
In classic P2W model free user will never catch up with paying folks because it is why it called P2W - if you pay you will win no matter or skill level or whatsoever.
I understand this might be an issue for highly competitive players that want to be on the top 1%. But why would anyone else care? What can you really be "winning" in an MMO? Does anyone on thread ever been on top 1% in any game? Not trying to be insulting, just wondering why would you even care.
I'm waiting/hoping for the announcement of a PvE server and then I'll take your stance. It won't matter to me if someone has the gear before me. When PvP enters the conversation that's when this kind of thing gets ugly.
BD has no PvE content to make this viable.
A PvE only server would probably not even have 100 players on in in 3 months post launch.
BD was designed as PvP endgame - otherwise they'd have lots of PvE end game things to do, this was never the case.
This is incorrect unless comparing to the prototypical WoW model. It's the argument used by a few on the official forums and I don't buy it there either. There is more than enough content/mechanics for players to play in a non-OWPvP system. To add to this though the KR version already has more PvE added, heading here in due time.
Note: There would still be PvP, just not OWPvP.
They are adding PvE due to NA/EU impending launches - as that's what the NA/EU playerbase wants. However these dungeons are not enough to sustain PvE only gameplay.
There is NOT enough PvE mechanics to keep players going in BD - they tried PvE only servers and the population decline was so fast that they moved away from this idea.
But this is all talk - the proof is as they say in the pudding - lets wait and see what happens for NA/EU launch - right?
Oh, I'll be watching with interest because pending a PvE server or OWPvP toggle I'll be staying away from this one like AA. They did try PvE in other regions but NA specifically has a higher draw to PvE than the other regions they've tried it in. As far as the content itself, there's more to PvE than just killing monsters, though there is that too. Take a look at the node network, worker system, housing, crafting, hinting, fishing. Just getting to the stories surrounding a town takes effort. PA put a lot of work into BDO aside from just killing things though that has it's depth too. Getting that 20 enchant ain't going to happen overnight... unless you have a CC I guess
There seems to be a call for an open world sandbox MMO that doesn't force one to PvP. BDO has the mechanics, the depth, and the uniqueness IMO to fill this need.
I understand this might be an issue for highly competitive players that want to be on the top 1%. But why would anyone else care? What can you really be "winning" in an MMO? Does anyone on thread ever been on top 1% in any game? Not trying to be insulting, just wondering why would you even care.
And the fact that it's not a 1v1 game - winning in a MMO group PvP is what exactly? Winning a battle one Saturday night? And then losing the next weekend - and winning again etc....
Guilds win and lose all the time in PvP MMOs - it's a constant ebb and flow, it's not like there are players who never lose period because we are talking group vs group here and that's a great equalizer when it comes to gear.
Because only one person is going to do it? We'll see. We already have one title to look at to see what can happen though maybe BDO's coding is a little tighter and they won't be as bad off.
I understand this might be an issue for highly competitive players that want to be on the top 1%. But why would anyone else care? What can you really be "winning" in an MMO? Does anyone on thread ever been on top 1% in any game? Not trying to be insulting, just wondering why would you even care.
No one plays any MMO to beat every single person in a duel. By the same logic that people start a game later than others will be always "losing" too.
I have never seen whales stack up in one guild and call it "The Rich & The Careless". Spending $3K in a game at launch isn't something you'd see at every corner. You might never see one of those said whales. And one day you ran into one and he beat the crap out of you isn't going to be a very traumatizing event, it ain't your first death, and it's not permadeath. Again, why do you care?
Gaming Rocks next gen. community for last gen. gamers launching soon.
I understand this might be an issue for highly competitive players that want to be on the top 1%. But why would anyone else care? What can you really be "winning" in an MMO? Does anyone on thread ever been on top 1% in any game? Not trying to be insulting, just wondering why would you even care.
No one plays any MMO to beat every single person in a duel. By the same logic that people start a game later than others will be always "losing" too.
I have never seen whales stack up in one guild and call it "The Rich & The Careless". Spending $3K in a game at launch isn't something you'd see at every corner. You might never see one of those said whales. And one day you ran into one and he beat the crap out of you isn't going to be a very traumatizing event, it ain't your first death, and it's not permadeath. Again, why do you care?
The principal really, as I wouldn't involve myself in that scenario anyway. Go look at AA, there have been at least a few videos highlighting what can happen. While there is GvG and point to fight over ther fact there is OWPvP does mean a single person, or small group, could to very well depending on the power difference between enchant levels.
It's just funny to recall how shocked we all (well, some I guess) were about RMT a few years back because the "cost" should be for access to earn the items we needed. Fast forward to now and suddenly not only is it cool, but the justification is that it's no different than RMT!
Umm, so if I farm a mob for days and get an epic item and then sell it on the auction house/marketplace and someone buys it with cash he/she made through selling some costume = P2W ? OP, you are forgetting that the person who actually posted the item in the cash shop actually had to farm/craft that item in the first place.
A true P2W game is where, the cash shop provides you with gear for cash directly, where they created that item out of nothing and when no one actually farmed/crafted it :P.
It's only P2W if the items give an unfair advantage in competition. This seems like an indirect method of P2W, and most MMO companies get away with it now, so they can claim they aren't directly selling P2W items.
Idea of creating an MMORPG without P2W & RMT sailed long ago.
If you're waiting for such game. Don't wait. It is not gonna come anytime soon.
Go play other genres of games and stay away from online games with cash shops, because whole REASON why companies makes those games nowadays is that they will be able to sell gameplay power via cash shop, even if it takes several "hoops"/
Easy to fix. Sub for the game (nnooooo we want free to play) Ok let's go free to play (noooooooooooooo you're putting a cash shop in, PTW)
a rock and a hard place. I prefer a sub based game without shop. As long as content is changed on a regular enough basis. Developers have people to pay, wages to be met, profits to be spread. They have to make their money somehow.
You cannot allow something like this in a game based around gear and upgrades. I have to agree with the OP on this one. The people disagreeing couldn't be more wrong. They could try, but they would not succeed.
Seems kinda pointless to me, but then again I never understand why anyone would not play the game and just buy shit. Aren't games meant to be, y'know, played?
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At least in Sub games they actively for the most part ban or punish those that RWT to gain advantages.
This game allows you to flip cash shop gear for gold. How is that different from buying gold with real money directly? I'll tell you how its different from p2w cash shop, in that the cash shop items give + to stats directly from the shop. cash shop p2w games give boosts crafting and exp. Just get your definitions straight.
I can't use faulty logic to say every MMO in existence is a MOBA, so why you should you use bad logic to call a game P2W when by the nature of your argument you are saying every game is P2W.
Step 1: Real Money converted to Gold (via gold seller)
Step 2: Gold converted to high level uber stat item on auction house
Step 1. Real Money converted cash shop currency
Step 2: cash shop currency converted to cash shop item
Step 3. cash shop item converted to gold
Step 4. gold converted to high level uber stat item on auction house
Step 1: Real Money converted to cash shop currency
Step 2: Cash shop currency converted to high level uber stat cash shop item (or exp bauble or craft exp bauble)
Is there really that much demand for costumes that plsyers will trade large sums of gold for them?
If too many players sell costumes, won't their value fall?
I asked the OP about obtaining the OGRE ring on his example, and he went off on a hyperbolic and unproven rant about enchanting success rates.
He's accused me of being in denial, (I'm not) of supporting this (I don't) because it's how EVE does it (It doesn't)
I just asked some basic questions to hone in on whether or not BD (which I won't be playing) is P2W or not, at least as how I and some others define it.
So far it doesn't seem to unless the enchant success rates really are as slight as the OP has suggested and in fact almost no one can or does succeed without using the cash shop.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
What usually happens is there will be suuuuuper rare in game items that sell for astronomical gold prices.
People who buy from the cash shop then resell are easily able to afford those super rare items. The rest, not so much.
Any mmorpg with a cash to gold conversion system is p2w on a fundamental level. The degree to which that p2w becomes real varies.
Because the "end game" in roughly a weeks playing time is to PvP. That's why people will pull their cards out to get an advantage because there is a secondary "leveling" to be done via enchanting your gear to make it more powerful.
I'm waiting/hoping for the announcement of a PvE server and then I'll take your stance. It won't matter to me if someone has the gear before me. When PvP enters the conversation that's when this kind of thing gets ugly.
This is incorrect unless comparing to the prototypical WoW model. It's the argument used by a few on the official forums and I don't buy it there either. There is more than enough content/mechanics for players to play in a non-OWPvP system. To add to this though the KR version already has more PvE added, heading here in due time.
Note: There would still be PvP, just not OWPvP.
Difference between classic P2W and P2F (pay to faster) that is one can get stuff with money and have fun today while you can play for free and with REASONABLE amount of time have same stuff like he did.
In classic P2W model free user will never catch up with paying folks because it is why it called P2W - if you pay you will win no matter or skill level or whatsoever.
Oh, I'll be watching with interest because pending a PvE server or OWPvP toggle I'll be staying away from this one like AA. They did try PvE in other regions but NA specifically has a higher draw to PvE than the other regions they've tried it in. As far as the content itself, there's more to PvE than just killing monsters, though there is that too. Take a look at the node network, worker system, housing, crafting, hinting, fishing. Just getting to the stories surrounding a town takes effort. PA put a lot of work into BDO aside from just killing things though that has it's depth too. Getting that 20 enchant ain't going to happen overnight... unless you have a CC I guess
There seems to be a call for an open world sandbox MMO that doesn't force one to PvP. BDO has the mechanics, the depth, and the uniqueness IMO to fill this need.
Because only one person is going to do it? We'll see. We already have one title to look at to see what can happen though maybe BDO's coding is a little tighter and they won't be as bad off.
I have never seen whales stack up in one guild and call it "The Rich & The Careless". Spending $3K in a game at launch isn't something you'd see at every corner. You might never see one of those said whales. And one day you ran into one and he beat the crap out of you isn't going to be a very traumatizing event, it ain't your first death, and it's not permadeath. Again, why do you care?
The principal really, as I wouldn't involve myself in that scenario anyway. Go look at AA, there have been at least a few videos highlighting what can happen. While there is GvG and point to fight over ther fact there is OWPvP does mean a single person, or small group, could to very well depending on the power difference between enchant levels.
It's just funny to recall how shocked we all (well, some I guess) were about RMT a few years back because the "cost" should be for access to earn the items we needed. Fast forward to now and suddenly not only is it cool, but the justification is that it's no different than RMT!
It's more sad and entertaining than anything.
A true P2W game is where, the cash shop provides you with gear for cash directly, where they created that item out of nothing and when no one actually farmed/crafted it :P.
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Idea of creating an MMORPG without P2W & RMT sailed long ago.
If you're waiting for such game. Don't wait. It is not gonna come anytime soon.
Go play other genres of games and stay away from online games with cash shops, because whole REASON why companies makes those games nowadays is that they will be able to sell gameplay power via cash shop, even if it takes several "hoops"/
Ok let's go free to play (noooooooooooooo you're putting a cash shop in, PTW)