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As the year draws to a close, gamers and critics around the world are figuring what their best games of the year were. In the RPG category there are two clear contenders: Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3. Fallout is a phenomenon years in the making. On the other hand, The Witcher 3 is a grassroots success that has taken the gaming world by storm. Despite a long, beloved history and mighty publishing power of Bethesda, The Witcher 3 is by far the better roleplaying game. Here's why.
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However, the reason it's got such a huge following right now is because literally every other game fell flat somehow. We all expected fallout 4 to have optimization issues, but we didn't expect Battlefront to be a bare bones, Call of Duty III to be an upgrade over ghosts but still a downgrade over MW2, and Just Cause III to have so many optimization issues.
If there was ever a time to look at your backlog for some fun games, it's definitely this X-mas season. Even Destiny: the Taken King is probably better than a lot of games that were released.
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In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
They are both amazing games but for different reasons. There are too many good games out at the moment yet I haven't had much time to play them - fallout, witcher, battlefront, halo 5 etc. And more coming up mass effect, deus ex, quantum break etc.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Leveling system in Witcher 3 is a joke, the stats are simplistic, about 4 hours in the game you already seen every runestone the game has to offer and later in the game its just a little % difference, crafting is pointless, the fact that you somehow praise one of the most terrible combat systems in a game is somewhat funny, also nice sidequests, if you like CSI series or something because honestly that clue system was fucking repetitive and annoying.
The only good points about the game were some quest lines, everything else was average or unoriginal when you think about rpgs(if you think that Witcher 3 was the only game with meaningful choices that came out in 2015 get real), still a good game and a improvement from the other 2, but overrated as fuck.
The Enlightened take things Lightly
I don't think role playing actually means what you think it means.
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Witcher 3 definitely is my western RPG of the year.
EDIT: I do hope that mmorpgs take note from Witcher 3 and develop meaningful gameplay involving exploration, interesting quest chains that you find while exploring in any direction and diversity in rewards and findings just for going all out exploring the world. CD Projekt Red nailed in one game what mmorpgs have constantly failed to do in years.
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This is really not that different especially as you can play Geralt a few ways.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
There Is Always Hope!
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Really enjoyed Fallout 4 much more. Much better gameplay, I liked the story and tons of often funny sidequests and side characters a lot more, and I felt you had much more choice in how you want to play than Witcher 3.
I played once through Witcher 3 and IMO it's highly overrated. After 200 hours still having fun with Fallout 4.
IMO as far as actual gameplay goes, Witcher 3 can't hold a candle to Fallout 4 even with Fallout's crap story.
I don't even think the story is that crap, especially when you consider the TONS of intricate side-stories.
As far as the main story goes, I was actually pretty enthralled near the end of the game with the story, and I haven't been that way with an RPG for a long time.
Otherwise, I agree.