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BDO, My Impressions/Thoughts



  • Dragonsfire9Dragonsfire9 Member UncommonPosts: 85
    edited December 2015
    I think if you are just going to follow the little Black dude's quests and grind to level 50 you are going to find this game very shallow indeed.  But, if you explore and talk to NPC's and try to find the depth it is there in spades.  Its all up to you.
  • jesusforgamesjesusforgames Member UncommonPosts: 6
    The game just need a bit more of content that will be add in the future that's for sure since they listen the players. 
  • jesusforgamesjesusforgames Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Leiloni said:
    kjempff said:
    Just remember the developers have stated that they are specifically targeting casual players. Therefore this game WILL be shallow and unrewarding to a group of players, probably those who will take their time to read posts on a forum.
    Except they didnt say any such thing, and further, Daum EU has said numerous times - and shown via their actions - that they want to change the game to suit our audience. They've already made a number of changes specific to us that are great as a start with CBT2 to bring even more. Generally, they've been quite favorable to the changes many of us have repeatedly asked for to bring back the group/guild based open world PvP this game was built for.

    1. GvG battles have a cheaper start cost to declare
    2. GvG battles no longer have any upkeep cost
    (with the above two changes and the fact that you cannot refuse a GvG, you can now keep up GvGs for next to nothing against enemy guilds for lots of penalty-free guild PvP)
    3. Karma when PKing reduced significantly (and based on player feedback, will likely be reduced further)
    4. Safe zones reduced to only major cities (Used to be every node, this is no longer true).
    5. Can only change channels in safe zones (so you have to run halfway across the map to get away from an an enemy player with a channel change cooldown after that).
    6. In addition to scroll bosses (unique to the player, summoned just for them), several harder, large group oriented versions (standard open world bosses) have been added as world bosses with more to come
    7. Cooldown on potions increased and the largest HP potions have been removed from the game
    8. Cooldown on deflagging for PvP has been decreased (good thing for PKers, it was a problem in KR)

    I may be missing something, but off the top of my head, those are some of the positive changes we've seen so far.

    How do you know about this changes?,how you know the made this changes already ?  I just know they asked a few things in the first survey of CBT-1 
  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910
    People need to understand that there will always be bias, we are humans and we have ur personal feelings when writing about something and even if we try realy hard to be in the middle you still write with a good or bad feeling.

    Very good  write up Leiloni <3
  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432
    Quesa said:

    Right now my notes on things I would like changed or bugs that I wrote down is nothing more than a list of things in OneNote.  I will be gone for the next couple of days and didn't plan on formatting/expanding it out until I got back home but I screen capped it so you can look at it if you want.

    Also, this isn't a review, this is my first impression of playing the game during the first round of CBT.
    Review/Writeup/Impressions, call it what you want it's still absurdly bias. Why didn't you post those notes to begin with? You are only giving your positive first impressions, which can mislead people into wasting $100 on early access.

    It was already stated why I didn't put that list in the OP.

    Also, there is a vast difference between a impressions/thoughts post and a review/write up.  Of course this is going to be biased, just like anything, including your own post.  I like the game, which means anything I post about it, in general, is going to be biased off of my impression.  

    If you cannot discern the difference between this type of a thread and a review, then you should do some reading and come back when you're ready to post.
    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432
    Mothanos said:
    People need to understand that there will always be bias, we are humans and we have ur personal feelings when writing about something and even if we try realy hard to be in the middle you still write with a good or bad feeling.

    Very good  write up Leiloni <3
    I didn't even try to sell if off as a review, either. =(
    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432
    It's alright but I don't know I just don't get the hype it's basically Archeage in a prettier package...  The combat is different with it's combos but overall it's very similar in the life activities or whatever you wanna call em....

    Maybe they won't make the same mistake as Trion but that labor stuff is already leaving a bad taste in my mouth.... I hate a game that tries to mandate what I do with my time on it......... If I wanna craft all day I should be able too....

    I guess we will see but I can already see labor potions and such being a store bought item... Or energy whatever it's called
    Some of the elements were very similar, like trade packs.  Other things were very different, workers, localized warehouses/markets. 

    AA was actually a pretty decent game, in the Alpha.  Once Trion monetized it, it went strait into the dumpster.
    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • Bluehound17Bluehound17 Member UncommonPosts: 74
    BDO will be a good game "sure" but I'm pretty sure that it won't be as successfully hyped as Blade and Soul.
  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Can we get a single thread for everyone to give "their impressions"?  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

    John Henry Newman: "A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault."

    FreddyNoNose:  "A good game needs no defense; a bad game has no defense." "Easily digested content is just as easily forgotten."

    LacedOpium: "So the question that begs to be asked is, if you are not interested in the game mechanics that define the MMORPG genre, then why are you playing an MMORPG?"

  • Bluehound17Bluehound17 Member UncommonPosts: 74
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
  • HighMarshalHighMarshal Member UncommonPosts: 415
    My first impression was that the game didn't do enough to explain the game to you unless they did it further in level than I got. I still don't know if there is some sort of system to maximize your effect when doing conversations with NPCs which costs energy too. I think far too many things cost energy, including the fact that a lot of quests and knowledge is locked behind that energy wall.
  • QuesaQuesa Member UncommonPosts: 1,432
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    So you want to buy your way into a BetaTest to try it out for free and expect them to just give your money back when you're done?  That's awful silly.
    Star Citizen Referral Code: STAR-DPBM-Z2P4
  • fodell54fodell54 Member RarePosts: 865
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    You're probably one of those people that always sends back their meal at restaurants. I bet you have ate all sorts of spit and wiener sweat in your lifetime.
  • RedruumRedruum Member UncommonPosts: 314
    I liked my experience in the CBT1 NA.  I have never played any other versions of the game over sea's and honestly didn't try to read up to much on it before I got into the CBT1.  I think there are aspects of the game that are not very exciting like the questing.  The combat is damn fun and I felt like I have zero grasp on how the combo's work, but I felt like I was creating mass havoc and damage while killing mobs!

    I feel that the in depth guild system is awesome!  You work together as a guild to do guild missions, your guild levels up to provide beneficial abilities to it's members, you can upload your own guild logo into the game, you can control nodes to make money for your guild, you can siege and claim castles, and your guild members can get paid silver!  I like that a game actually makes it purposeful to be in a guild.  All recent MMO's these days seem to be working away from "needing" a guild.

    My impressions are also very limited since I have only played in this one closed beta and didn't get very high.  A couple things I thought were different is that you cannot directly trade with another player.  That is to prevent gold farmers or sellers, but I guess you can sell items on the auction houses in game.

    As long as the cash shop is cosmetic items only, like in ESO, then I think BDO will gain quite a following here in the NA and EU.
  • Bluehound17Bluehound17 Member UncommonPosts: 74
    Quesa said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    So you want to buy your way into a BetaTest to try it out for free and expect them to just give your money back when you're done?  That's awful silly.
    F*** Yeah! Did it to Blade and Soul, got 2 characters to max level , Asked for a Refund , bought the game again , so I could get all the perks reset and all the coins/gold so I could try the other classes again with full benefits. Whats wrong with Buying a trial and getting a refund?

    fodell54 said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    You're probably one of those people that always sends back their meal at restaurants. I bet you have ate all sorts of spit and wiener sweat in your lifetime.
    You are the one who's probably choked on a lot of weiners and swallowed, It's called a "TRIAL" for a reason,

    a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.
    "clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working"
    synonyms: test, tryout, experiment, pilot study; More
    test (something, especially a new product) to assess its suitability or performance.

    A lot of companies that are 169% confident on their products say that 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. thats why NC Soft does and other bigger companies too because they know fo a fact that thier product will sell.

    Sounds to me you are a major nerdy Fan of Black Desert and have an illness called:
    Post-purchase rationalization, also known as Buyer's Stockholm Syndrome, is a cognitive bias whereby someone who has purchased an expensive product or service overlooks any faults or defects in order to justify their purchase. It is a special case of choice-supportive bias.

    Expensive purchases often involve a lot of careful research and deliberation, and many consumers will often refuse to admit that their decision was made in poor judgment. Many purchasing decisions are made emotionally, based on factors such as brand-loyalty and advertising, and so are often rationalized retrospectively in an attempt to justify the choice.

    You better go to the nearest Nerd doctor to cure that disease.

  • LeiloniLeiloni Member RarePosts: 1,266
    edited December 2015
    Leiloni said:
    kjempff said:
    Just remember the developers have stated that they are specifically targeting casual players. Therefore this game WILL be shallow and unrewarding to a group of players, probably those who will take their time to read posts on a forum.
    Except they didnt say any such thing, and further, Daum EU has said numerous times - and shown via their actions - that they want to change the game to suit our audience. They've already made a number of changes specific to us that are great as a start with CBT2 to bring even more. Generally, they've been quite favorable to the changes many of us have repeatedly asked for to bring back the group/guild based open world PvP this game was built for.

    1. GvG battles have a cheaper start cost to declare
    2. GvG battles no longer have any upkeep cost
    (with the above two changes and the fact that you cannot refuse a GvG, you can now keep up GvGs for next to nothing against enemy guilds for lots of penalty-free guild PvP)
    3. Karma when PKing reduced significantly (and based on player feedback, will likely be reduced further)
    4. Safe zones reduced to only major cities (Used to be every node, this is no longer true).
    5. Can only change channels in safe zones (so you have to run halfway across the map to get away from an an enemy player with a channel change cooldown after that).
    6. In addition to scroll bosses (unique to the player, summoned just for them), several harder, large group oriented versions (standard open world bosses) have been added as world bosses with more to come
    7. Cooldown on potions increased and the largest HP potions have been removed from the game
    8. Cooldown on deflagging for PvP has been decreased (good thing for PKers, it was a problem in KR)

    I may be missing something, but off the top of my head, those are some of the positive changes we've seen so far.

    How do you know about this changes?,how you know the made this changes already ?  I just know they asked a few things in the first survey of CBT-1 
    I know about the changes because I and my guildmates played in KR, NA Alpha, and NA CBT1. Some changes were detailed in the CBT1 patch notes (and the initial changes were detailed on the old Alpha forums), some were not and were just changes we discovered while playing.
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Quesa said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    So you want to buy your way into a BetaTest to try it out for free and expect them to just give your money back when you're done?  That's awful silly.
    F*** Yeah! Did it to Blade and Soul, got 2 characters to max level , Asked for a Refund , bought the game again , so I could get all the perks reset and all the coins/gold so I could try the other classes again with full benefits. Whats wrong with Buying a trial and getting a refund?

    fodell54 said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    You're probably one of those people that always sends back their meal at restaurants. I bet you have ate all sorts of spit and wiener sweat in your lifetime.
    You are the one who's probably choked on a lot of weiners and swallowed, It's called a "TRIAL" for a reason,

    a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.
    "clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working"
    synonyms: test, tryout, experiment, pilot study; More
    test (something, especially a new product) to assess its suitability or performance.

    A lot of companies that are 169% confident on their products say that 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. thats why NC Soft does and other bigger companies too because they know fo a fact that thier product will sell.

    Sounds to me you are a major nerdy Fan of Black Desert and have an illness called:
    Post-purchase rationalization, also known as Buyer's Stockholm Syndrome, is a cognitive bias whereby someone who has purchased an expensive product or service overlooks any faults or defects in order to justify their purchase. It is a special case of choice-supportive bias.

    Expensive purchases often involve a lot of careful research and deliberation, and many consumers will often refuse to admit that their decision was made in poor judgment. Many purchasing decisions are made emotionally, based on factors such as brand-loyalty and advertising, and so are often rationalized retrospectively in an attempt to justify the choice.

    You better go to the nearest Nerd doctor to cure that disease.

    I don't understand, is there a trial version of the game? I thought atm there was just a pre-order purchase of the game.
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member RarePosts: 1,266
    edited December 2015
    YashaX said:
    Quesa said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    So you want to buy your way into a BetaTest to try it out for free and expect them to just give your money back when you're done?  That's awful silly.
    F*** Yeah! Did it to Blade and Soul, got 2 characters to max level , Asked for a Refund , bought the game again , so I could get all the perks reset and all the coins/gold so I could try the other classes again with full benefits. Whats wrong with Buying a trial and getting a refund?

    fodell54 said:
    Plus ill give you guys my impression... BDO's policy which regards to Trying their game out isnt FREE, their Terms of Service states that if you buy their Pre-order Collectors edition and such , you cannot , I repear you CANNOT get a refund back VS BnS policy where you can GET A FULL REFUND prior to Blade and Soul's name reservation A.K.A pre headstart.

    That tells you that they are greedy F**** that want your money and wont give it back to you even if you see that its dissapointing and want it back?! what the F*** is that sh**?
    You're probably one of those people that always sends back their meal at restaurants. I bet you have ate all sorts of spit and wiener sweat in your lifetime.
    You are the one who's probably choked on a lot of weiners and swallowed, It's called a "TRIAL" for a reason,

    a test of the performance, qualities, or suitability of someone or something.
    "clinical trials must establish whether the new hip replacements are working"
    synonyms: test, tryout, experiment, pilot study; More
    test (something, especially a new product) to assess its suitability or performance.

    A lot of companies that are 169% confident on their products say that 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. thats why NC Soft does and other bigger companies too because they know fo a fact that thier product will sell.

    Sounds to me you are a major nerdy Fan of Black Desert and have an illness called:
    Post-purchase rationalization, also known as Buyer's Stockholm Syndrome, is a cognitive bias whereby someone who has purchased an expensive product or service overlooks any faults or defects in order to justify their purchase. It is a special case of choice-supportive bias.

    Expensive purchases often involve a lot of careful research and deliberation, and many consumers will often refuse to admit that their decision was made in poor judgment. Many purchasing decisions are made emotionally, based on factors such as brand-loyalty and advertising, and so are often rationalized retrospectively in an attempt to justify the choice.

    You better go to the nearest Nerd doctor to cure that disease.

    I don't understand, is there a trial version of the game? I thought atm there was just a pre-order purchase of the game.
    No trial. Not sure what they're arguing about. Either you preorder and get in beta or get lucky and win a free beta key. Game is B2P but all preorders get a few friend passes we can use after launch for a one week trial for our friends. 
  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484
    Quesa said:

    Your review is way too bias, we can tell you're a fanboi just by reading it. People should never take a review seriously that's 99% pro's and 1% con's. It's not realistic even by the best games standards. Take off your rose colored goggles and give us a real damn review. "sending it to the devs" is not an excuse.

    Right now my notes on things I would like changed or bugs that I wrote down is nothing more than a list of things in OneNote.  I will be gone for the next couple of days and didn't plan on formatting/expanding it out until I got back home but I screen capped it so you can look at it if you want.

    Also, this isn't a review, this is my first impression of playing the game during the first round of CBT.

    awesome notes Quesa, if I ever make my game, you have a personal invitation to all phases, just from the work I have actually seen in this post.   This is how beta testers should be and how we used to be.  Unfortunately it has disappeared, but at least I know now I am not the only one who does this
  • nationalcitynationalcity Member UncommonPosts: 501
    edited December 2015
    Quesa said:
    It's alright but I don't know I just don't get the hype it's basically Archeage in a prettier package...  The combat is different with it's combos but overall it's very similar in the life activities or whatever you wanna call em....

    Maybe they won't make the same mistake as Trion but that labor stuff is already leaving a bad taste in my mouth.... I hate a game that tries to mandate what I do with my time on it......... If I wanna craft all day I should be able too....

    I guess we will see but I can already see labor potions and such being a store bought item... Or energy whatever it's called
    Some of the elements were very similar, like trade packs.  Other things were very different, workers, localized warehouses/markets. 

    AA was actually a pretty decent game, in the Alpha.  Once Trion monetized it, it went strait into the dumpster.
    The truth was I didn't think I would actually like it but I did, it's gorgeous no one can argue that.......

    I just hope it doesn't go the Archeage route with the labor being used for every activity then once it's gone you basically do nothing with the rest of the your time........ I didn't play enough to get the real feel yet of the labor but from what others are saying it limits your activities and I don't like that....... But this isn't Trion so hopefully they will do something if it gets outta hand......

    I'm also a big pver so I don't actually know how long this game will hold me with the pve activities it has atm..... Hopefully it won't take too long to get them updates.......
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Mothanos said:
    People need to understand that there will always be bias, we are humans and we have ur personal feelings when writing about something and even if we try realy hard to be in the middle you still write with a good or bad feeling.

    Very good  write up Leiloni <3
    I agree.  I couldn't get into BD but enjoyed B&S.  I can guarantee that there are players who, love BD and couldn't get into B&S, loved them both, hated them both, and every conceivable variation in between. 

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • ChromeBallzChromeBallz Member UncommonPosts: 342
    edited December 2015
    Only quesa touched upon this yet, which i find strange - This is the first MMO i've ever played where (as a casual player) i don't feel pressured in any way to 'get to max level asap'. There's so much to see and do outside of the level grind, it's insane, and all of it is useful as well. 

    Playing: WF
    Played: WoW, GW2, L2, WAR, AoC, DnL (2005), GW, LotRO, EQ2, TOR, CoH (RIP), STO, TSW, TERA, EVE, ESO, BDO
    Tried: EQ, UO, AO, EnB, TCoS, Fury, Ryzom, EU, DDO, TR, RF, CO, Aion, VG, DN, Vindictus, AA

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