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Wildstar took 9 years to make. Why is everyone so doom and gloom for EQN?



  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    edited December 2015
    You know an EverQuest themed MOBA or shooter might be a much better investment than pouring more money into EQN right now.

    Food for thought.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • azarhalazarhal Member RarePosts: 1,402
    Allein said:
    Seems like everyone would have a very unique experience, which is good, but sounds like it wouldn't translate into a social experience and would be another single player game that happens to have other running around that we've have for the last 10+ years.
    The social aspect of a MMO isn't tied to the players grouping together, it is tied to then interacting and you don't need to group to do that. I would even say that grouping in MMOs these days is not a social activity and that is because of the players: nobody talks outside of telling people off for taking too much time. I doubt that the people who acts like that actually wants to socialize while in a group...

    As for EQNext, I don't see how meeting a cleric that give you a quest to escort him somewhere will stop you from forming a group. Most of the content is supposed to just be stuff you stumble upon anyway be it while you are soloing or playing with other people.
  • TheJodaTheJoda Member UncommonPosts: 605
    If any game takes 9 years,  by the time of release it's engine will be dated.  Second eqn was scrapped once by SoE now this new company has no idea of what made eq great to begin with.   At this point it's vaporware. 

    ....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!

  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    edited December 2015
    azarhal said:
    The social aspect of a MMO isn't tied to the players grouping together, it is tied to then interacting and you don't need to group to do that. I would even say that grouping in MMOs these days is not a social activity and that is because of the players: nobody talks outside of telling people off for taking too much time. I doubt that the people who acts like that actually wants to socialize while in a group...

    As for EQNext, I don't see how meeting a cleric that give you a quest to escort him somewhere will stop you from forming a group. Most of the content is supposed to just be stuff you stumble upon anyway be it while you are soloing or playing with other people.
    Very true that social and grouping don't have to be one and the same, but appears that most games these days, at least PVE, are really just single player games that have a chat option with some co-op once in a while.

    I'm not a fan of "forced" grouping, but I do enjoy when interacting is encouraged and rewarded.

    Issue I see with everyone having their own personal little adventure in EQN is the same standard "I'm the Hero!" design which usually translates into everyone soloing and doing there own thing and only interacting when they have to.

    Compared to say a PVP focused game where interacting and relying on one another is simply how the game works. Doesn't feel as forced or inconvenient.

    Unfortunately we have zero real idea how EQN will function on a day to day basis and only have their hyped up concepts to think about. They said early on that they wanted "social" to be the heart of the game. Looking at Landmark and the basic mechanics, doesn't see that way so far.

    Meeting a Cleric and being given a task won't stop you, but if I'm with 5-10 friends and we all have very different tasks to complete, could be an issue. Assuming of course we don't all have the same experience even if we play together a lot. Goes back to how procedural it will all be and how it ties into the individual.

    Guess for me, even though I solo a decent amount, I play mmos for the social aspect, but not to just chat. Group content usually comes with a higher challenge level and skill requirement and if a game is designed with the soloer in mind, typically that challenge is meh. Hence, why I prefer PVP as there is always someone better.
  • SyndromofaDownSyndromofaDown Member UncommonPosts: 325
    Allein said:
    azarhal said:

    Issue I see with everyone having their own personal little adventure in EQN is the same standard "I'm the Hero!" design which usually translates into everyone soloing and doing there own thing and only interacting when they have to.

    Compared to say a PVP focused game where interacting and relying on one another is simply how the game works. Doesn't feel as forced or inconvenient.

    Unfortunately we have zero real idea how EQN will function on a day to day basis and only have their hyped up concepts to think about. They said early on that they wanted "social" to be the heart of the game. Looking at Landmark and the basic mechanics, doesn't see that way so far.

    Meeting a Cleric and being given a task won't stop you, but if I'm with 5-10 friends and we all have very different tasks to complete, could be an issue. Assuming of course we don't all have the same experience even if we play together a lot. Goes back to how procedural it will all be and how it ties into the individual.

    Guess for me, even though I solo a decent amount, I play mmos for the social aspect, but not to just chat. Group content usually comes with a higher challenge level and skill requirement and if a game is designed with the soloer in mind, typically that challenge is meh. Hence, why I prefer PVP as there is always someone better.

    If you are convinced that somehow EQN will provide a solo only game why are the quests so redundant and only meaningful if you build them up for a rallying call? To change the way the game is played, they had to change the objectives of the game. You won't be a race for ubar gear because gear is all about playstyle. Quests don't "level up" your character since there are no levels. EQN is outside the box thinking and will revive the genre.
    eqn.png 955.8K
  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247
    WildStar is one of the worst games every to be released on the PC, why would this not be an awful statement.  Seriously that game is just horrible.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139
    edited December 2015
    SyndromofaDown said:

    If you are convinced that somehow EQN will provide a solo only game why are the quests so redundant and only meaningful if you build them up for a rallying call? To change the way the game is played, they had to change the objectives of the game. You won't be a race for ubar gear because gear is all about playstyle. Quests don't "level up" your character since there are no levels. EQN is outside the box thinking and will revive the genre.
    I'm not convinced of anything, simply stating my opinion based on what has been revealed and my interpretation of it.

    How do you know quests are redundant, build up to or have anything to do with Rallying Calls?

    What are the main objectives of EQN? Public Quests?

    EQN might not have "levels" but there is still vertical progression, they've stated this.

    Tiers 1-5+ be it World Tiers, Gear, or whatever player progression are basically "levels" repackaged.

    If everyone was "equal" there would be little reason to do much.

    They said for a good while to look to Landmark if you want to see the foundation of EQN. What do we see? Lots of solo friendly mechanics, vertical progression, and typical "everyone's a winner" design.

    EQN is outside the norm of a PVE mmo, yes, but very little is outside the box. A tiered voxel world that isn't cube based and emergent "smart" AI are about it. Everything else not so much. They've only shown us the first and it still needs love. Second is still a mystery despite "coming soon" to Landmark a long time ago.

    As I said, we have no real idea how EQN will function. Be it on the individual, group, guild, server levels.

    The genre is already having a revival of sorts.

    Most upcoming games are similar to what we saw in the late 90's early 2000's. Niche games that cater to a strong fan/community base. WoW was the deviation from this and most likely the only game to be a huge blockbuster for a long period of time. We've seen several deviate a few steps from WoW (SWTOR, GW2, ESO, TERA) that are doing fine for the most part. The upcoming games however are the "revival."

    EQN could be a hit, but beyond nailing the AI and Voxel tech which could be "copied/borrowed" for future games, not sure how it will revive anything. Unless by revival you mean hitting 10 million users or something.

    Been playing in the Black Desert beta and while it isn't perfect, it is amazing how much stuff they fit into the game. I'm not a huge fan, but what EQN is supposed to be pales in comparison at this point. Chronicles of Elyria on paper is a much more outside the box innovate concept than EQN as well.
  • craftseekercraftseeker Member RarePosts: 1,740
    Allein said:
    Issue I see with everyone having their own personal little adventure in EQN is the same standard "I'm the Hero!" design which usually translates into everyone soloing and doing there own thing and only interacting when they have to.

    Unfortunately we have zero real idea how EQN will function on a day to day basis and only have their hyped up concepts to think about. They said early on that they wanted "social" to be the heart of the game. Looking at Landmark and the basic mechanics, doesn't see that way so far.

    If you are convinced that somehow EQN will provide a solo only game why are the quests so redundant and only meaningful if you build them up for a rallying call? To change the way the game is played, they had to change the objectives of the game. You won't be a race for ubar gear because gear is all about playstyle. Quests don't "level up" your character since there are no levels. EQN is outside the box thinking and will revive the genre.
    LOL. EQ2 had (at launch) 50 levels but they were organized as 5 tiers. Armor, Weapons, Crafting, Zones, Raids it was all organized around those 5 tiers.  They doled it out in dribs and drabs and gave you lots of 'dings'  but it was five tiers.
    EQ:N is supposed to have five tiers as well, no intermediate 'dings' but five tiers none the less.  You can (as SOE/DBG have) pretend that is innovative but it is the same stuff under the hood.

    Then there is 'rohsong' and the individualized experience.  Quests, quests and more quests and much of it will be solo.

    .... and all of this is based on information that is quite possible obsolete.  We know they changed direction again we just do not know how radically.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Well, several games do have released after a long developmenty time. Darkfall and Wildstar are 2. But I can't think of any really successful one. EQN have so far not been in that long development time though.

    The worrysome part here however is that SOE got bought up and then we have heard very little of the game since. And many team members have quit in the last 2 years and so did Smed.

    That is not enough to say that it wont release or if it does, it will suck but it is worrying.
  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,105
    edited December 2015
    The difference is that SOE is no more and it´s now DayBreak, which in turn is owned by an investment firm with no experience in the game industry.

    All investment firms care about is guaranteed short term profits.
    An expensive long development project like an MMO which is EQN does not fit the vision of an investment firm.
    MMO´s are ridiculously expensive to make these days, with no guarantee on success, yet alone a Return on Investment.
    You can forget investment firms taking these risks these days in current economic climate.

    Cheap, quick developed Mobile games fit the bill much better in the shortsighted vision of investors, so that is what Daybreak will be focussing on, next to maintaining their current stall of games as long as they are still profitable.

    The quicker you forget about EQN, the better for your health, as continuing anticipation for this game will only lead to inevitable disappointment.

    Like Loke above already said. A lot of the devs have quit or been laid off since the take over.
  • Daffid011Daffid011 Member UncommonPosts: 7,945
    Loke666 said:
    Well, several games do have released after a long developmenty time. Darkfall and Wildstar are 2. But I can't think of any really successful one. EQN have so far not been in that long development time though.

    The worrysome part here however is that SOE got bought up and then we have heard very little of the game since. And many team members have quit in the last 2 years and so did Smed.

    That is not enough to say that it wont release or if it does, it will suck but it is worrying.

    in the 10 year EQ video, Smedley stated that development had already begun on EQNext.  That video was shot in 2008, shown in march  2009.

    so EQNext has been in development for 7-8 years already.
  • SyndromofaDownSyndromofaDown Member UncommonPosts: 325

    I miss Smed. He truly was the best person who can calm the masses when it comes to anticipating impending doom by bringing us to our senses...
  • lovelyfantasylovelyfantasy Member UncommonPosts: 5
    Because Wildstar ended up being a massive disappointment
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    Not sure, but let's focus on Wildstar. 9 years to make that steaming pile of rainbow puke. Impressive.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    I miss Smed. He truly was the best person who can calm the masses when it comes to anticipating impending doom by bringing us to our senses...
    Listening to Smed was like listening to Dana White.Smed is full of crap,he never tells the truth.
    I am sure a lot depends on how well those xpacks did which i believe did not do very well.

    IMO this team cannot pull off a triple A game.It will rush just to dot around the assets LM players made.
    I just want to remind people that i said it from day 1,this game will release in the same state as H1Z1 a real half ass effort shrouded by the "early access" monicker.I am quite certain they already have a target for spending and releasing the game.

    My hunch?.....20 million tops and maybe a lot  less invested,then get it out there next year in early access to see how much money it can generate.
    Prediction:This game has to do well or DB is out of the gaming business.Remember this was Smed's push to come to DB and he is no longer there or so we think.I guaranteee H1Z1 sales saved this effort because that wa a total low budget offering that brought in a few million.I think was 2 million at 20 bucks a pop that's 40 million for a game not worth 100k.So they do have some cargo space to work with for a while.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    edited December 2015
    So you finally get a glimpse of a developement process for a game. And pretty much, for the sake of the game they are making they are not showing you anything anymore. Why are people convincing others that this will never see light of day basing this on their own opinion? Yesterday EQNext vaporware was uttered by a news site. Is it popular gossip to ruin a game like you guys did here? Seriously tired and sick of this.

    SOE involved, got bad press

    Smedley involved, got bad press

    Almost no news about development (if any at all)

    Alphas were very disappointing, got bad press

    SOE died, renamed Daybreak, bad press if developer dies and gets bought

    Smedley fired, strange: bad press

    Main EQN team fired., bad press

    Any news about development? Almost total silence now, no news unless you really go out and search for it in a rare broadcast where prior they were on every forum and website advertizing their game.

    I'm sorry for your lovebird EQN, but it seems that the critics are right and this bird won't even hatch and if it does, crashing out of it's nest to the ground.

    The critics do not ruin the game, the developer does.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • XarkoXarko Member EpicPosts: 1,180
    edited December 2015
    Wildstar is the worst AAA MMO ever created. We should just forget about it and not use it in sentences.

    ..from now on. This was the last mention !
  • SyndromofaDownSyndromofaDown Member UncommonPosts: 325
    I think game's journalists are waiting like every normal person who doesn't have it in for DBG for any news information press release they can get. Being in open developement killed Landmark but SOE did it anyway so they can make 5 million dollars. Again, it all comes down to the bottom line and SOE was smart by doing it. And they will release information when it comes time and it won't even hurt them, not the silence, no. For fan's waiting its somewhat painful to say the least but there are studies that show the brain forgets. One losing season in football doesn't mean the world. One bad year especially the one SOE now Daybreak had shouldn't signal the end for them. They have a billion dollar company willing to fund their games and they should continue to work on. They have 4 games on developement one's already a hit on early access. They are continuing 2 games of the franchise with money making expansions. They ported 2 games on the consoles which are highly successful with the option to port to xbox. They have 2 large team mmo's one is an shooter one is EQN. I only see highs sorry that's how i am...
  • Joseph_KerrJoseph_Kerr Member RarePosts: 1,113
    edited December 2015
    I don't think we'll ever see another EQ game, at least not on PC, maybe ios but that doesn't count. I hope i'm wrong though.
  • SyndromofaDownSyndromofaDown Member UncommonPosts: 325
    edited December 2015
    I don't think we'll ever see another EQ game, at least not on PC, maybe ios but that doesn't count. I hope i'm wrong though.
    You should have posted this on the other thread----->
  • jitter77jitter77 Member UncommonPosts: 520
    Xarko said:
    Wildstar is the worst AAA MMO ever created. We should just forget about it and not use it in sentences.

    ..from now on. This was the last mention !
    How can you say wildstar is the worst AAA MMO ever?  Wildstar was pretty polished for a newbie company.  Sure it was not perfect, but it certainly was not horrible.  It was difficult at launch.  Mobs could gang rape you and there were elites mixed in with regulars fairly often.  The combat is different its not slow as molasses FFXIV tab combat or straight WOW tab combat.  It is action combat that requires a lot of dodging much more of a twitch based game.  The crafting was pretty standard, housing was pretty good, and I did not PVP.  I enjoy the game and they dumbed it done a bit for F2P. 

    As for EQN god only knows what is going on.  The lack of info is certainly distrubing.  Personally I think they should have scrapped the whole thing and restarted.  I do not think the voxel thing was working.  The game has been in development how long? and there is basically no combat or AI.  All we have is EQ-minecraft.  I do not think daybreak can handle a game of this magnitude to any degree.  I expect a really stripped down version or nothing at all to be released.  Hopefully they can sell / rent / share the rights to a real company and redo.
  • reeereeereeereee Member UncommonPosts: 1,636
    Loke666 said:
    Well, several games do have released after a long developmenty time. Darkfall and Wildstar are 2. But I can't think of any really successful one. EQN have so far not been in that long development time though.

    The worrysome part here however is that SOE got bought up and then we have heard very little of the game since. And many team members have quit in the last 2 years and so did Smed.

    That is not enough to say that it wont release or if it does, it will suck but it is worrying.
    I find that kind of encouraging.  They fired a bunch of people at the top who draw big salaries, talk a lot, and try to generate hype but do very little actual work on the game and haven't produced a successful MMO since the 90s.

    The people at CN are very smart.  I don't see very smart people buying SOE just to milk EQ1&2 and H1Z1. CN clearly had a plan for EQN when they bought SOE.  Whether or not it's a plan we will enjoy is an entirely different question.
  • AlleinAllein Member RarePosts: 2,139

    I miss Smed. He truly was the best person who can calm the masses when it comes to anticipating impending doom by bringing us to our senses...
    Except he didn't calm the masses, but tended to anger many. While I won't say he deserved what happened to him as I don't help grudges against people I don't know, but the events that unfolded around him aren't that shocking.

    No idea how involved he was in any stage of EQN's development, but being "the boss" he put together a few teams that flat out failed to create something of worth and the last one is now away from sight doing who knows what.

    He promised what many assumed was "EQN" in a playable state which turned out to be Landmark. He told SWG fans that H1Z1 was their new home. Said EQN would be the largest "sandbox" ever but shows little sign of it having much sand, let alone the greatest one ever.

    Guy needed a PR filter, but was let loose and no longer runs the company he started.
  • ArchlyteArchlyte Member RarePosts: 1,405
    It took nine years to make Wildstar? Jesus. I don't blame anyone for not making MMORPGs. That's an eternity. 
    MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    Archlyte said:
    It took nine years to make Wildstar? Jesus. I don't blame anyone for not making MMORPGs. That's an eternity. 
    Well Koreans seem to turn them out in about 3 years. Must be a matter of efficiency.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

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