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Will you play a GOOD game if it is mis-classified as a MMO by YOUR definition? (anonymous)



  • OnigodOnigod Member UncommonPosts: 756
    edited December 2015
    I dont even understand the logic of this topic....  Something would be wrong with you if you LOVED a game but do not play it just cus it is mis-classfied as a mmo, so dumb...

    How is this even a question on ur mind... the fk.
  • KilrainKilrain Member RarePosts: 1,185
    Are you that bored you must create such a useless poll?
  • ElRenmazuoElRenmazuo Member RarePosts: 5,361
    Onigod said:
    I dont even understand the logic of this topic....  Something would be wrong with you if you LOVED a game but do not play it just cus it is mis-classfied as a mmo, so dumb...

    How is this even a question on ur mind... the fk.
    They focus too much on semantics
  • Paradigm68Paradigm68 Member UncommonPosts: 890
    The question should be worded: "Will you play a game mis-classified as a MMO by YOUR definition IF it's a good game?"

    After all no need for the "if" it's mis-classified, since that is the premise of the question.  

    The answer is a hypothetical "yes". Sure if it's good, I'll play it. But let's wonder why it was mis-classified in the first place? My guess would be is that the game isn't good enough to stand on it's own and the publishers are trying to mislead the customers. Also a non-MMO game mis-classified as an MMO tells me there is probably going to be a cash-grab in the form of RMT, cash-shop, paid DLC. 

    So ultimately yes, if it's good, I'll play it, but if it's been mis-classified, probably not likely it will be good.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    iixviiiix said:

    What does mislabeling a game have to do with how good it is? 
    That is the whole point. It does not. But did you see some of those who said they won't play it if it is mis-classified? 

    It is interesting to discover that there exist (not a lot though) people who care more about what a game is called then whether they think it is good. 
    And I am telling you that what you are doing is asking if people would drink the most delicious Apple Juice but it was in an Orange Juice carton.

    I like both, I'd drink it and enjoy it, if it were put in front of me, but I would probably not buy it in the store if I were looking for Apple Juice.

    That is what (I believe) they are telling you. Your poll compares apples to oranges.
    I will not drink . I will buy it then sue whose sell me apple juice in Orange juice carton because they lied .
    I wonder if i can do it with MMORPG case . lol .
    That's what I am saying though......
    I wouldn't buy it. I'd try it if someone else did and said "Here try this". But generally, I would not go to the store to buy it when I was looking for something else. Or if I did buy it, I'd still return it regardless of how good it was since it's not what I wanted to buy in the 1st place.

  • nerovergilnerovergil Member UncommonPosts: 680
    its called moba
  • khanstructkhanstruct Member UncommonPosts: 756
    If I buy an MMO and it turns out to be a MOBA, I absolutely wouldn't play it. I hate MOBAs.

  • goboygogoboygo Member RarePosts: 2,141
    edited December 2015

    So are you asking that if I'm about as socially developed as a 4 year old would I not play an amazing game out of spite because now every game that supports multiplayer is called an MMO?  This post is just silly.

    The problem is that the game industry is now so over saturated and so risky, publishers don't dare create a new class for fear that people will not even look at their game because they don't know what to expect.

    Its easy to slap on the MMO tag and attract the attention, initially, of 100's of thousands if not millions of gamers.  Your game may suck but at least people will look at it because of the hope no matter how thin, that they might be downloading the next great MMO.

    And for the record I hate the fact that everything is now an MMO that lacks the elements of what I consider to be mandatory to define one, but I understand why publishers are doing it.

  • jalexbrownjalexbrown Member UncommonPosts: 253
    I am curious of how much people care about the label. Obviously there is great discord here about what games should be classified as a MMO. Even classification on this site is being questioned by some. I have a different question. If a game is good (subjective) to you, but website like this, reviewers, and may be even the devs classified it as a MMO, but you think they are wrong ... will you still play the game? Will you be too angry about a game's classification that you will miss out just because how websites call it?
    This question is so loaded that it's insane.  Would you eat a good hamburger if I called it pizza?  It might be a good hamburger (and odds are good that if you found it to be a good hamburger, you would eat it unless you really wanted pizza), but it's still a hamburger.  You're trying to spin genre classification into a question of quality, and the truth is I don't see anyone doing that except you.  You don't have to dislike a game because you don't agree with its classification.  But you phrased this question in such a way that's it's loaded towards people saying "Yes, I would play the game anyway" so that it fits into your weird agenda.

  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415
    I am curious of how much people care about the label. Obviously there is great discord here about what games should be classified as a MMO. Even classification on this site is being questioned by some. I have a different question. If a game is good (subjective) to you, but website like this, reviewers, and may be even the devs classified it as a MMO, but you think they are wrong ... will you still play the game? Will you be too angry about a game's classification that you will miss out just because how websites call it?
    This question is so loaded that it's insane.  Would you eat a good hamburger if I called it pizza?  It might be a good hamburger (and odds are good that if you found it to be a good hamburger, you would eat it unless you really wanted pizza), but it's still a hamburger.  You're trying to spin genre classification into a question of quality, and the truth is I don't see anyone doing that except you.  You don't have to dislike a game because you don't agree with its classification.  But you phrased this question in such a way that's it's loaded towards people saying "Yes, I would play the game anyway" so that it fits into your weird agenda.

    What about the "hamburgers" loaded down with bean sprouts and guac and tofu (yet still containing a tiny, thin, tasteless patty?) They're not the hamburgers we had back in the 50s, certainly, but someone could argue they're still vaguely hamburger-like.

    It's more similar to the current situation. We have mmo's growing in the direction of shooters, shooters growing in the direction of mmo's...and really big, wide, blurry shadow lines defended to the death by purists insisting on rigid definitions.
  • GardavsshadeGardavsshade Member UncommonPosts: 907
    edited December 2015
    Depending on what it is, probably not.

    For example Destiny and SMITE are both called MMOs by some, but I would never consider either one a MMO, and I don't play FPSs or MOBAs.

    I use a much older idea of what a MMO is then current accepted so-called definition.
  • jalexbrownjalexbrown Member UncommonPosts: 253
    I am curious of how much people care about the label. Obviously there is great discord here about what games should be classified as a MMO. Even classification on this site is being questioned by some. I have a different question. If a game is good (subjective) to you, but website like this, reviewers, and may be even the devs classified it as a MMO, but you think they are wrong ... will you still play the game? Will you be too angry about a game's classification that you will miss out just because how websites call it?
    This question is so loaded that it's insane.  Would you eat a good hamburger if I called it pizza?  It might be a good hamburger (and odds are good that if you found it to be a good hamburger, you would eat it unless you really wanted pizza), but it's still a hamburger.  You're trying to spin genre classification into a question of quality, and the truth is I don't see anyone doing that except you.  You don't have to dislike a game because you don't agree with its classification.  But you phrased this question in such a way that's it's loaded towards people saying "Yes, I would play the game anyway" so that it fits into your weird agenda.

    What about the "hamburgers" loaded down with bean sprouts and guac and tofu (yet still containing a tiny, thin, tasteless patty?) They're not the hamburgers we had back in the 50s, certainly, but someone could argue they're still vaguely hamburger-like.

    It's more similar to the current situation. We have mmo's growing in the direction of shooters, shooters growing in the direction of mmo's...and really big, wide, blurry shadow lines defended to the death by purists insisting on rigid definitions.
    The point I was trying to make is that nobody except Nariusseldon is trying to equate "not an MMO" to a poor quality game (and conversely nobody is saying all MMOs are good games).  "MMO" and "good game" aren't at all related, but this thread reeks of an attempt to somehow say that everyone is a hypocrite for having a problem with a game being classified as an MMO...what, just because it might be a good game?  I don't even know to be honest.  There's no reasonable way to connect the ideas that OP is trying to connect.  Saying I don't consider something like League of Legends an MMO (just an example here) is saying absolutely nothing about rather or not it's a good game.
  • craftseekercraftseeker Member RarePosts: 1,740
    I am curious of how much people care about the label. Obviously there is great discord here about what games should be classified as a MMO. Even classification on this site is being questioned by some. I have a different question. If a game is good (subjective) to you, but website like this, reviewers, and may be even the devs classified it as a MMO, but you think they are wrong ... will you still play the game? Will you be too angry about a game's classification that you will miss out just because how websites call it?
    "if a game is good (subjective) to you"  now how did I get to work out that it was a "good game"?  It seems to me the only way is to have played it, if I played then I played it.  Sort of a tautology really.

    If I did not play it then I do not know whether or not it is a "good" game, now the label or mislabel may have contributed to the decision not to play but it really does not lead me to answer your question.

    Fuzzy thinking on your part, you are trying to "push poll" the answer you want and are failing badly.
  • KiyorisKiyoris Member RarePosts: 2,130
    edited December 2015
    Kilrain said:
    Are you that bored you must create such a useless poll?
    It's called obsessive compulsive behavior.

    *washes hands*

    touches blue object

    *washes hands*

    touches blue object

    *washes hands*

    touches blue object

    touches blue object


  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    edited December 2015
    I voted no, because an MMO has a specific meaning.  They are not lobby games.  They aren't limited to 64 players per map (zone) on a server, which was really "massive" back then (mostly FPS games).  Other genres have lobbies too, such as RTS, etc.

    An MMO is unique though, since it can technically share the same virtual space with thousands of players at once, although this depends on the MMO, since some do limit the same zone to hundreds now.  Technically though, they can support more per zone than any other genre... so far.
  • Ender4Ender4 Member UncommonPosts: 2,247
    Almost anything can be called an MMO, but very few games can be called an MMORPG accurately.  But yeah I could care less what it is called, I'll play it if it is good.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,253
    Iselin said:
    Obviously I and most others don't just play MMOs, so why wouldn't I?

    You keep using the same weak sauce strawman trying to link "good" with the MMO classification - CLUE: they're not related.
    Judging by how many bad MMOs there are, no one could argue against your point.

    In fact IMO most aren't very good at all, mostly average is the term that oft comes to mind.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Only a moron woulnd't. That is kinda like stopping listening to your favorit band because someone calls it "pop music". So I don't think the question makes any sense.

    I do of course get a bit annoyed whenever someone mislabels a game as a MMO but I can always went my nerdrage on you guys. ;)
  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,870
    If I enjoy the game, then who cares what the label is?

    I do think far too many things get referred to as MMOs though. I personally use "MMO" as shorthand for "MMORPG", but since I started posting regularly here I realised that was a mistake and now try to always write out the full acronym. My definition of what an MMO is is "capable of 1000+ players on the same server at the same time". So, mobas aren't MMOs. Thinks like WoT arent MMOs. Those are just standard multiplayer games, there is nothing massive about them. 
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman

  • GardavsshadeGardavsshade Member UncommonPosts: 907
    edited December 2015
    Loke666 said:
    Only a moron woulnd't. That is kinda like stopping listening to your favorit band because someone calls it "pop music". So I don't think the question makes any sense.

    I do of course get a bit annoyed whenever someone mislabels a game as a MMO but I can always went my nerdrage on you guys. ;)
    My favorite band was Rock (Rush).... the band members did not in the course of it's existence all of a sudden start referring to itself as a Country and Western Band, and that is the analogy your using.

    MMOs don't all of a sudden start calling themselves something else. We are talking about games that fit into one genre being called something else just to increase sales. I consider that an underhanded tactic for any product.
  • bruevitzbruevitz Member UncommonPosts: 57
    edited December 2015

    Though, I avoid, browser game like a plague. I have never seen anything good comes in the form of a browser game.
  • 13lake13lake Member UncommonPosts: 719
    edited December 2015
    On one hand 14% just shows it's a vocal minority trying to sound bigger then they are, but on the other hand because the number is bigger than 0% i'm just flabbergasted, ...
  • cameltosiscameltosis Member LegendaryPosts: 3,870
    bruevitz said:

    Though, I avoid, browser game like a plague. I have never seen anything good comes in the form of a browser game.
    Off-topic, but quake live was/is a good browser game

    I agree with all the other ones though!
    Currently Playing: WAR RoR - Spitt rr80 Black Orc | Scrotling rr6X Squig Herder | Scabrous rr5X Shaman

  • MensurMensur Member EpicPosts: 1,531
    If the game is good- sure why not!

    mmorpg junkie since 1999

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    I'll play any game if its good, but i think this is down to longevity, i am more likely to keep on playing an MMO because of the social aspects etc. Than a single player game that is usually a play through once and then move on to the next, kind of thing.
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