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What MMO Do You Want Remade? - General News



  • NanfoodleNanfoodle Member LegendaryPosts: 10,968
    EQ1 and DAoC. Would like to see old school trinity brought back with modern twists. Also, DAoC would need to be the way it was before they started messing with the RvR battle grounds. It got to big and spread out the battles to much. + Other problems that came.
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    earth & beyond

  • SquishydewSquishydew Member UncommonPosts: 1,107

    Sure these days it might be a joke, but there are so many things to do, if runescape got a proper sequal, a proper overhaul and not the half assed upgrades they've done in the past, it has the potential to be fantastic if some proper combat is thrown in there.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,261
    DAOC 2 at the top, followed AC1, UO and maybe SWG. (missed playing the last 3)

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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  • NeanderthalNeanderthal Member RarePosts: 1,861

    EQ with no raids, just small group content all the way.

    Or..Wizard 101 vanilla without the pet grind and with a better PvP duels system and some other changes to specific spells. 

  • cerulean2012cerulean2012 Member UncommonPosts: 492
    None.  What made those games great was how they where made.  Sure they had flaws but it added to them.  Remaking them even just to say improve graphics would still change them.
  • MargraveMargrave Member RarePosts: 1,371
    I don't consider EvE a successor to EnB at all. The only thing in common is that they're in space.

    Completely different gameplay to me.
  • pad07pad07 Member UncommonPosts: 19
    CIty of Heroes with an honorable meantion in 2nd place to earth and beyond!
  • KayAndroidKayAndroid Member UncommonPosts: 59
    Even though it isn't even that old, and actually still going... I'm going to say Aion. 
    I would love to play an updated (and optimized) CryEngine 3 version of that game.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    1. Anarchy Online
    2. Anarchy Online
    3. Anarchy Online
  • DauzqulDauzqul Member RarePosts: 1,982
  • reb007reb007 Member UncommonPosts: 613
    WAR is my top pick. Vanguard, DAoC, SWG and LoTRO are also on my list.
  • LyrianLyrian Member UncommonPosts: 412
    EverQuest - hands down.

    I would remake it as a full immersion virtual reality game with a great deal of modernization, especially on the AI front to generate content on the fly and provide a personalized playing experience for every player. Sandbox elements would be critical - especially once players got to the point where they would be the kings and queens of the world and went to war with one another.
  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555
    City of Heroes, for sure. Speed up combat a good deal, but otherwise, basically remain the same.
  • blbetablbeta Member UncommonPosts: 144
    Asheron's Call
  • cryptangelcryptangel Member UncommonPosts: 1
    City of Heroes and Tabula Rasa. I've played many games before, during and after them, but those two I still remember with fondness, bugs and limitations and all.
  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    edited December 2015
    SWG. Best crafting ever known in any game. Housing is a close second to EQ2 (IMO) but only because of the insane idea of massive urban sprawl in game play areas when it would have been better to have instanced zones kind of like LOTRO so you could have neighbors but without the idiotic hooks.

    And contrary to the whiners, having elite classes that you actually had to work to get was a good thing even though the implementation wasn't quite right (perma death is always a bad idea). 
  • buegurbuegur Member UncommonPosts: 457
    DAoC and SWG
  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    Boy a tough much as 1/2 my brain screams loudly SWG the other half is shouting NO NO, AO!

    Guess I'd have to go with a Anarchy Online.
  • Ice-QueenIce-Queen Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Asheron's Call and Ultima Online, Just updated the graphics and re-release em and I'd play. :)


    What happens when you log off your characters????.....
    Dark Age of Camelot

  • advokat666advokat666 Member UncommonPosts: 93
    Warhammer Online pls
  • AmpexAmpex Member CommonPosts: 1
    Tibia with monthly updates and more spells for free players
  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207
    I'm against any and all remakes of any kind whether it be games or movies.
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    SoloAnything said:
    FFXI the way it was till level 75 cap when it was the only mmorpg and no solo at all. 

    That is what i want as well :)

    However i would want some tweaks and the game needs tweaks in almost every area.
    Some tweaks?currency drops,crafting changes.I would like to see 1 mercenary for hire so that the old argument of can't find that ehaler or tank is tossed out the window as well could be used for farming.They did have the NPC fellow but it was not really good enough,more so only good as a dps or tank but not as a healer.However i would like to see mercs as quests or secret ideas to unlock them or discover them.

    Magic Burst ALWAYS needed a tweak,it should have offered way more damage so that players would try to use the Renkai system and combos instead of soloing within a group.
    Better housing than the mog house.
    More influence from the elemental properties and elemental day properties.
    More mounts and i like as in EVERY game all drops to be only what that enemy is using or holding at the time of battle.
    I would want water zones and climbing.I know the reason behind allowing mobs to climb up walls but i want that taken out,just spend more time testing your game and fixing pathing.The reason btw is to stop exploiting positions,well just have the mobs as they did do sometimes try to run around and find a path to get to you or just have them run away.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • knightauditknightaudit Member UncommonPosts: 389
    I would have to say COH .. More on the fact that fantasy has been done to DEATH ... the superhero genre has really not been touched much (only 3 games come to mind) and feel a good remake of COH would really do well. I do miss the days of getting in and just making toons .. just with the creator.
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