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What is going on on the mainpage?

VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872

Please tell me you are just testing something here.



  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872

  • carotidcarotid Member UncommonPosts: 425
    Too much clutter
  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555
    edited September 2015
    This will show up for users who are not whitelisting the site in AdBlock. Many users of AdBlock aren't actually aware they can whitelist sites even if they were inclined to do so and this results in a significant amount of lost revenue for us.

    As a sort of middle ground, we are employing some unobtrusive ads that can be blocked manually if the user desires. AdBlocking has become enough of an issue for us that something had to be done, and this was the most user friendly option available to us.

    Post edited by MikeB on
  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Site needs feng shui make over.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • GrakulenGrakulen Staff WriterMMORPG.COM Staff LegendaryPosts: 894
    Site needs feng shui make over.

  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    I don't have that issue, I seem to have an issue getting to my new profile off of the home page for the site. I have to be in a thread to see it how it should be.
  • MikeBMikeB Community ManagerAdministrator RarePosts: 6,555
    I don't have that issue, I seem to have an issue getting to my new profile off of the home page for the site. I have to be in a thread to see it how it should be.
    There are two separate profile areas at the moment. You need to be at to get into your forum profile.
  • MeddleMeddle Administrator UncommonPosts: 758
    Volgore said:

    Please tell me you are just testing something here.
    @Volgore ;Yes we are testing something out.  These are text based ads that AdBlock users will see when visiting the site where they would normally see no ads = lost revenue.  These are game related and our stats show that most adblock users surf blindly around the internet viewing little to no advertising which is justified in a lot of cases.  In our case though we have always maintained that our ads would be video game related and potentially interesting to our users.

    I understand if you don't like flash ads but our ad standards of no flyouts, pop ups, pop unders or ads with sound without user initiation are very fair and relatively non intrusive.  If you run adblock now you see some images and text ads.  All static and not flashy.  Can you still block them if you want?  Sure, but at least this gives us an opportunity to potentially interest a lot of first time users visiting the site running adblock in playing a game that could put some coin in our pockets and keep the lights on, the staff paid etc etc.

    - MMORPG.COM Staff -

  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    Thanks for the info.

  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    edited November 2015
    @Meddle but that testing realy bleeped the site somwhat bc i cant read any articles anymore without deactivating ABP, and no im not white listing any sites with it.

  • MeddleMeddle Administrator UncommonPosts: 758
    @Boudewijns I run adblock on the site pretty much every day as a test to make sure all is running as expected and have no issues with being able to read articles.  If you can provide more information as to how you're being prevented from reading articles I'd be happy to look into your issue and find a solution.

    - MMORPG.COM Staff -

  • waynejr2waynejr2 Member EpicPosts: 7,771
    Meddle said:
    Volgore said:

    Please tell me you are just testing something here.
    @Volgore ;Yes we are testing something out.  These are text based ads that AdBlock users will see when visiting the site where they would normally see no ads = lost revenue.  These are game related and our stats show that most adblock users surf blindly around the internet viewing little to no advertising which is justified in a lot of cases.  In our case though we have always maintained that our ads would be video game related and potentially interesting to our users.

    I understand if you don't like flash ads but our ad standards of no flyouts, pop ups, pop unders or ads with sound without user initiation are very fair and relatively non intrusive.  If you run adblock now you see some images and text ads.  All static and not flashy.  Can you still block them if you want?  Sure, but at least this gives us an opportunity to potentially interest a lot of first time users visiting the site running adblock in playing a game that could put some coin in our pockets and keep the lights on, the staff paid etc etc.

    But you have had issues in the past where things started installing on peoples systems.  At the time you guys said it was one of the advertisers who did this.  You have to understand that is part of the history of this site.  You can't blame anyone from  trying to protect themselves. :D  

    Epic Music:

    Kyleran:  "Now there's the real trick, learning to accept and enjoy a game for what it offers rather than pass on what might be a great playing experience because it lacks a few features you prefer."

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  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,252
    You folks using adblock are far too paranoid, or your antivirus, antispam protection is woefully inadequate.

    You can't expect to use services for free....

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • RidelynnRidelynn Member EpicPosts: 7,383
    I don't expect to use anything for free.

    But I also really, really, really hate advertising when it goes overboard. I regret I haven't found a way for Adblock to block the watermark ad (yet). I avoid the main page almost entirely and just jump straight to the forums anymore.

    I'd have no problem throwing a few dollars at the site if there was an option to turn off the ads, or if there was some premium forum or service the site offered that would be worthwhile (HardOCP most of the forums are free, but there are a few "premium-only" forums for paid users only and it seems to work for them). I find the forums just about as entertaining as most MMOs.

    Specifically targeting people using Ad Block with even more ads. Really. I seem to recall almost this exact same discussion sometime fairly recently too... 

    If you guys want to get paid, come up with a better model. More ads is a shitty solution that not many people like.
  • Asm0deusAsm0deus Member EpicPosts: 4,642
    I hate being spammed with ads hopefully some workaround will be found to block all this junk.

    Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.

  • pinktailzpinktailz Member UncommonPosts: 173
    if you don't like cheap ads they throw into your face, then go to adblock options > customize > edit

    paste this there[class="insidediv"][class="panelBody "][class="four"][id="leader-1"][id="leader-1"][class="vhadb"][id="pushSidebar"][id="leader-2"]
  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    edited November 2015
    @Meddle ; So far i know i can only access the main page and forum page all other pages when i try to access it doesnt show up for some reason, dont ask me how im not a softwareneer ^^ (i know sounds stupid)
    cant even see the game list section when ABP is on, wierd he

  • CeryshenCeryshen Member UncommonPosts: 73
    Just use NoScript if you use Firefox. It can stop all of the scripts from the other domains that are embedded in the website.. like the following (NoScript found those on the homepage):

    many of which track your browsing when you are not even on the website.

    Also is in there and those are the guys that were aparently using flash to reset tracking cookies after users had deleted them.

    It looks like is one of those tracking companies, but a search for them in google leaves some pretty scary results about adware.

    Rydelynn mentioned a premium option.. Have you guys considered that? I understand you all need to make money ... but I'm not going to allow those other websites' scripts to track me and potentially install harmful things on my computer.

  • rawfoxrawfox Member UncommonPosts: 788
    I use Addblock for a reason.
    While its fair enuff you guys add gamerelated stuff in adds, we live in times of total milking.
  • VolgoreVolgore Member EpicPosts: 3,872
    edited November 2015
    Ridelynn said:

     I regret I haven't found a way for Adblock to block the watermark ad (yet). I avoid the main page almost entirely and just jump straight to the forums anymore.

    I'm using a tiny but extremely useful addon for AdBlockPlus with the name "Element Hiding Helper".
    With it you can easily select specific elements like columns, blocks, pictures etc. on any page and hide them.

  • AntiquatedAntiquated Member RarePosts: 1,415
    edited November 2015
    Kyleran said:
    You folks using adblock are far too paranoid, or your antivirus, antispam protection is woefully inadequate.

    You can't expect to use services for free....
    Depends which services we're using. (Or not, mostly.)

    This site carries metric shyteloads of feature bloat.

    P.S. skip right past the front page, and everyone's life will be far more pleasant.
    Post edited by Antiquated on
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