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Will you buy the next expansion?



  • ZzadZzad Member UncommonPosts: 1,401
    edited November 2015
    Undecided yet.
    Played wod and it was fun just untill i finished the new zones...
    The grind...the raiding progresion and ultimately the Garrison just don´t entertain me enough to stay any longer.
    Plus i HATED the nerf my warlock suffered... they nerfed all dmg a 25% Off on my Demon ... just like that! BAM! a 25% Off all dmg...C´mon :/

    I heard they are revamping the whole Warlock class now because the new incoming class "Demon Hunter" is going to be the only one with demonic transform I just feel they are completely lost with the warlock...and it´s the only class i like to play.
  • FrodoFraginsFrodoFragins Member EpicPosts: 6,069
    Very unlikely.
  • repubrepub Member UncommonPosts: 25
    Haven't had fun since WoTLK. Spent an hour in MoP, played through WoD in a week and then unsubbed. 
    The storyline's not enjoyable for me as an Alliance character since Cata. The community is for the most part an echo chamber and Legion just can't grab my interest enough.

    Have fun, though. Call me if it gets as good as Wrath.
  • RaZKaLzRaZKaLz Member UncommonPosts: 70
    edited November 2015
    I was just wondering if any of you guys watched Blizzcon  panels before voting?

    Edit: I was sceptical at first when they revealed it but once i watched the panels I decided to buy it. 
  • KopogeroKopogero Member UncommonPosts: 1,685

    WOD expansion was suppose to be the "it" one. Blizzard insteed choose Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, SC and Diablo expansions, and of course for a long time they worked on Titan. Now, in 2016 they have Warcraft movie. Where do you think they got all these $ to invest in all these other projects?

    WORLD OF WARCRAFT was their cash cow, luckily gamers are far more savvy and intelligent to abandon even as popular products as World of Warcraft when its own company does. Blizzard basically turned its back on the hand that was feeding it and the 50% drop in revenue. I bet that's even more.

    Anyways, WOW is done, but a lot of good things are happening in 2016


  • mark2123mark2123 Member UncommonPosts: 450
    edited November 2015
    Kopogero said:

    WOD expansion was suppose to be the "it" one. Blizzard insteed choose Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, SC and Diablo expansions, and of course for a long time they worked on Titan. Now, in 2016 they have Warcraft movie. Where do you think they got all these $ to invest in all these other projects?

    WORLD OF WARCRAFT was their cash cow, luckily gamers are far more savvy and intelligent to abandon even as popular products as World of Warcraft when its own company does. Blizzard basically turned its back on the hand that was feeding it and the 50% drop in revenue. I bet that's even more.

    Anyways, WOW is done, but a lot of good things are happening in 2016

    I agree with everything you say and the place is full of the blind who think losing subs at the rate they are and getting a short boost in numbers for an expansion is good for the game?  Ok, so they will possibly hit 10m subs with the next expansion and many will stay for no more than 3 months.  How is that good for guilds and for an MMO to have such a transition of people all the time?

    I accept that the WoW supertanker is still bigger than all the other boats, but, I'd say it is in an unhealthy decline.  I'd rather be in a smaller boat that didn't have a hole in the bottom, than a huge supertanker with a big leak - one day it will sink and ok, that's possibly natural, but it could have stood the test of time for years and avoided the haters IF Blizzard had looked after the people that made it what it is.

    It's a real shame that WoW didn't have serious competition, because many other games just try to do things that WoW does, which doesn't give people a reason to jump ship.  I'm surprised though that a company like Blizzard is letting WoW slowly sink and doing little about it, spending it's money everywhere else.

    Billions in subs gets spent on a mobile gaming company whereas WoW subbers (who funded it) have to wait over a year for an update (didn't they pay enough monthly to get something????) to then have to pay again for it.  And what about Blizzards promise of yearly expacs - lies?

    I used to be a WoW fanboy and I am like I am now because of what they have let the game become and how we, the customers, have been treated.  I'm aghast that they can charge for expacs and a monthly sub AND THAT PEOPLE WILL PAY IT - it just encourages the same, i.e. nothing much.
  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    I dare say yes...

    Maybe not at release, but certainly at some time to enjoy the new areas and stories...

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • JermzyJermzy Member UncommonPosts: 211
    Kopogero said:

    WOD expansion was suppose to be the "it" one. Blizzard insteed choose Diablo 3, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, SC and Diablo expansions, and of course for a long time they worked on Titan. Now, in 2016 they have Warcraft movie. Where do you think they got all these $ to invest in all these other projects?

    WORLD OF WARCRAFT was their cash cow, luckily gamers are far more savvy and intelligent to abandon even as popular products as World of Warcraft when its own company does. Blizzard basically turned its back on the hand that was feeding it and the 50% drop in revenue. I bet that's even more.

    Anyways, WOW is done, but a lot of good things are happening in 2016

    Diablo III set a new record for fastest-selling PC game selling over 3.5 million copies in the first 24 hours of its release,[6] and was the best selling PC game of 2012, selling over 12 million copies during the year.[7] It has sold 30 million copies across all platforms. Diablo III received acclaim from critics, although its digital rights management thatrequires an internet connection at all times was criticized.[8]

    Yep, I am sure they are hurting.  lol
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    No. I loved WoW and I have tons of great memories from it, but I'm done with it. /farewell

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • PyukPyuk Member UncommonPosts: 762
    Completely undecided. Haven't played in a long while (level capped Hunter missing vanilla Survival hybrid build). The re-configuring of the Hunter specializing has me intrigued, especially the Survival and Marksman specs. Doubt I'll get it for launch, but may pick it up on a Black Friday sale or something like that. There would have to be some dramatic changes in the direction towards non-stupdifying the game play, though.

    I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.

  • SquishydewSquishydew Member UncommonPosts: 1,107
    RaZKaLz said:
    I was just wondering if any of you guys watched Blizzcon  panels before voting?

    Edit: I was sceptical at first when they revealed it but once i watched the panels I decided to buy it. 
    I'm very sceptical watching their panels to be honest, it wouldn't be the first time they mentioned things there that'll never make it into the game.
  • HorusraHorusra Member EpicPosts: 4,411
    RaZKaLz said:
    I was just wondering if any of you guys watched Blizzcon  panels before voting?

    Edit: I was sceptical at first when they revealed it but once i watched the panels I decided to buy it. 
    I'm very sceptical watching their panels to be honest, it wouldn't be the first time they mentioned things there that'll never make it into the game.
    What game has not.  The good part is the thought of the idea and the hope is sometime it will be in.
  • josko9josko9 Member RarePosts: 577
    edited November 2015
    Highly unlikely. Legion is just WoD 2.0, except with even less content.

    Perhaps a year from now, when the price drops to 10-20$, I can't justify paying 60$ for 1/3 of what an expansion should be. Not to mention WoW still has the Sub fee, which should have been gone by now, as there is plenty of better choices on the market today.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    If Blizzard returns to it's early game design, I might consider it. But what I want isn't as popular. But hey, Blizzard knows what they are doing.....right?????
  • ArthasmArthasm Member UncommonPosts: 785
    edited November 2015
    Wotlk - 1 year from last raid tier to next expansion.
    Cata - Same as above.
    MoP - Same as above.
    WoD - Same as above, but even worse - only 1 major patch and rest is just FACEPALM.

    Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice. But, again they did more than twice.
  • WhySoSeriousWhySoSerious Member UncommonPosts: 156
    edited November 2015
    After skipping MoP and WoD (playing only the free trial), I'm leaning strongly towards buying Legion. For a number of reasons, like Hunters finally getting a melee spec, which will be my main if I do return. Also the new PvP progression system sounds neat. I may end up hating WoW again, but for now, on paper... Legion is looking pretty good.
  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    Ill buy if they go BTP.. subbing isn't an option for me anymore when I have BTP games I think are just as good in their own ways.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • stayontargetstayontarget Member RarePosts: 6,519
    There is nothing in Blizzards stable of games that interest me except for the movie.

    Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...

  • jonp200jonp200 Member UncommonPosts: 457
    Probably not.. I went back after a long hiatus to WOD and enjoyed it for the most part but it was too short.  I had my Warlock badly nerfed though and am still peeved about that.  I just don't get "Play-balancing" a decade-old game....  I'm on to other things...

    Playing ESO on my X-Box

  • SkillaThrillazSkillaThrillaz Member UncommonPosts: 13
    there are so many better games out now
  • spikers14spikers14 Member UncommonPosts: 531
    WoW is kinda like yeah
  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    l2avism said:
    Nope, I love real MMO's and world generators, not instanced based games where everyone teleports around and flies around and where there is no danger/risk.

    I quit when that Cataclysm disaster went Live and it became impossible to die in PVE.

    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    edited November 2015
    Wrath was the last one I enjoyed. I played through Cata not liking all the phasing and lasted about 5 mins with MoP before uninstalling it all. I haven't been back since. Not the type of MMO I enjoy anymore.
  • mobigglymobiggly Member CommonPosts: 11
    I will buy  it, as usual, but with each expansion the time I stick around after blowing through the content gets shorter and shorter
  • vveaver_onlinevveaver_online Member UncommonPosts: 436
    i skipped MoP, bought WoD, did not complete the trash quests , did not reach endgame, I will not buy Legion, im hoping the next expansion after legion does something to pull me back in, else im afraid they finally lost me after 10 years.
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