Quality MMOs cost too much time and money to create and are not guaranteed to succeed. Although we want companies to make games we like they make those that sell, it's all about da money. We have to make do with pseudo MMOs, MOBAs, etc as I do not see this trend changing in the near future.
Quality MMOs cost too much time and money to create and are not guaranteed to succeed. Although we want companies to make games we like they make those that sell, it's all about da money. We have to make do with pseudo MMOs, MOBAs, etc as I do not see this trend changing in the near future.
"make do" sounds like it is a bad things.
I would much rather play modern, instanced, solo-able MMOs than the old "walk 10 min, chat another 15 min before you can go into the dungeon" MMOs.
Plus, there are a lot more choices today than before.
Quality MMOs cost too much time and money to create and are not guaranteed to succeed. Although we want companies to make games we like they make those that sell, it's all about da money. We have to make do with pseudo MMOs, MOBAs, etc as I do not see this trend changing in the near future.
"make do" sounds like it is a bad things.
I would much rather play modern, instanced, solo-able MMOs than the old "walk 10 min, chat another 15 min before you can go into the dungeon" MMOs.
Plus, there are a lot more choices today than before.
Yes, but we've already established that you don't actually like MMOs, so really, that's irrelevant.
Quality MMOs cost too much time and money to create and are not guaranteed to succeed. Although we want companies to make games we like they make those that sell, it's all about da money. We have to make do with pseudo MMOs, MOBAs, etc as I do not see this trend changing in the near future.
"make do" sounds like it is a bad things.
I would much rather play modern, instanced, solo-able MMOs than the old "walk 10 min, chat another 15 min before you can go into the dungeon" MMOs.
Plus, there are a lot more choices today than before.
Yes, but we've already established that you don't actually like MMOs, so really, that's irrelevant.
I don't actually like "old traditional" MMOs. I like the new broadened category of MMOs (like Marvel Heroes and Warframe) just fine.
The problem is that MMOs are kinda like the movies in that they stick with a formula that has been proven to generate revenue and are happy with that...
The problem is that MMOs are kinda like the movies in that they stick with a formula that has been proven to generate revenue and are happy with that...
If a game can generate revenue, that means SOME people are having fun with it.
And there are so many formulae .. that one can entertain almost forever without getting bored.
New is hard. Hell, doing old things right is hard. Apparently my old playstation 2 could have an open world mmorpg without load screens, but now I need to load everywhere I go.
Really though, it is a business, and right now devs/publishers are exploring all the ways to most effectively milk this consumer base. We are pretty easy to wring money out of, also - the publishers know that they are catering to people willing to periodically pay lump sums in addition to monthly subs, and if you put pretty things in a cash shop we will be all over that, too.
Until either kickstarter or some other form of funding rocks the boat, we are going to be getting served what we have shown we will pay for.
It's pretty easy to make a game have an open world without loading screens if that is your top priority and you're willing to sacrifice whatever else you need to in order to have an open world without loading screens. Graphical quality will suffer, though. As with so many things in game design, or more generally, in life, there are no magic solutions, but only trade-offs.
I'm personally not looking for anything super groundbreaking. I'm waiting for a game to just get it RIGHT. I'm looking for an MMO that is aware of all the missteps of previous games and doesn't repeat them. How about they get it RIGHT and then innovate around proven and tested MMORPG standards.
"As far as the forum code of conduct, I would think it's a bit outdated and in need of a refre *CLOSED*"
The problem is that MMOs are kinda like the movies in that they stick with a formula that has been proven to generate revenue and are happy with that...
If a game can generate revenue, that means SOME people are having fun with it.
And there are so many formulae .. that one can entertain almost forever without getting bored.
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction. The reality is that there are products on the market to choose from, and sampling those products at times generates sales revenue, as does buying and using the product serially. You can only buy what is on the market, and if its buy to play its a win for the manmanufacturer regardless of whether or not the game gave that buyer cancer or whatever.
MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction.
Nope .. it assumes that people don't spend money on things they do not want.
And given that f2p and trials are prevalent, you cannot say players are duped into buying games that they do not find fun.
In fact, steam has a money back guarantee. Will anyone pay for a game that they don't think is worth the place? Not likely.
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction.
Nope .. it assumes that people don't spend money on things they do not want.
And given that f2p and trials are prevalent, you cannot say players are duped into buying games that they do not find fun.
In fact, steam has a money back guarantee. Will anyone pay for a game that they don't think is worth the place? Not likely.
And yet once again a thread death spirals into pointless off topic debate.
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction.
Nope .. it assumes that people don't spend money on things they do not want.
And given that f2p and trials are prevalent, you cannot say players are duped into buying games that they do not find fun.
In fact, steam has a money back guarantee. Will anyone pay for a game that they don't think is worth the place?
-But it happens all the time. A lot of people buy things with a rebate and never turn it in regardless of satisfaction. Steam has a convenient process for getting a refund but I have seen my friends not bother to even though they played the game once and didn't like it. People are not robots they exhibit behaviors that are not always rational. People buy things every day that they: don't like, find only adequate, or choose simply because there is no other choice. I'm not saying that this represents the whole market, but it should not be discounted that complacency and time management tends to favor the producer.
MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction.
Nope .. it assumes that people don't spend money on things they do not want.
And given that f2p and trials are prevalent, you cannot say players are duped into buying games that they do not find fun.
In fact, steam has a money back guarantee. Will anyone pay for a game that they don't think is worth the place? Not likely.
Lol trial charge is very profitable. People get charged money after a 14 day trial or so because they forget all the time. F2P also uses psychological methods to extract sales that aren't always about enjoyment. Sells are not always about enjoyment. Trying buying a car sometime lol.
This assumes that people buy and that then equals satisfaction.
Nope .. it assumes that people don't spend money on things they do not want.
And given that f2p and trials are prevalent, you cannot say players are duped into buying games that they do not find fun.
In fact, steam has a money back guarantee. Will anyone pay for a game that they don't think is worth the place? Not likely.
And yet once again a thread death spirals into pointless off topic debate.
Well done sir.
"pointless" is just a matter of preferences. You seem to think that whatever that does not fit your interests or opinion is "pointless".
Well, the internet just does not work that way, does it?
The real problem here is you started playing the genre before Facebook was even an itch in some guys pants. Back then, just chatting with people online was in and of itself... entertaining. The game was just something you did together with your new online friends.
Now people don't give a rats ass about the people playing the game, they're not interested in having an online chat with anyone. So in a nutshell, if you were presented with <insert you most favorite MMORPG> today for the very first time... you'd go meh to it as well because the game is, in reality, meh. It was the people that made the game interesting to play, the game really wasn't all that. And that is why no new game keeps you entertained for more than a month tops.
You have far too many things that are vying for your attention now... back then, not so much.
In reality, games are not created in such a way that you need anyone else. So of course no one gives a rat's ass about anyone else.
As soon as online games bring back the need for players to interact or work together all the way through (as opposed to just at "end game"), whatever the goal may be, it will change the entire scene. That is why I'm looking forward to a few indie games in development like Pantheon.
You say this as if 2004-05 didn't happen...They were there, then they were abandoned, the players leaving for games like WOW came first, it seems some do not remember that. It was only after that that the genre switched focus to a content first priority. That's all I remember reading about when WOW released, "it's not a boring mob grind, it has questing!, yay"... yet we wonder why that's what devs started focusing on?
Where were they? What great games were everyone playing that did those things? Please do tell and for the love of cheeseburgers do not cite games that changed drastically since they really supported that type of gameplay.
The first generation of MMORPGs were all about working together. Be it EQ, DAOC, SWG etc..etc..etc..and not just at endgame. As the players approached them that way from start to finish in many cases. Yet they left those games in droves when games that were more content driven emerged.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Lol trial charge is very profitable. People get charged money after a 14 day trial or so because they forget all the time. F2P also uses psychological methods to extract sales that aren't always about enjoyment. Sells are not always about enjoyment. Trying buying a car sometime lol.
What charge after a 14 day trial?
Most MMOs are f2p .. and they don't even ask for a credit card when you start playing. Are you saying people will keep playing a game when there is no enjoyment?
Note that about half of those who play f2p never pays in 2015 ... so clearly people are exercising their choices of not to pay, if they don't like it.
A car is a necessity ... a game is not. I trust you can tell the difference.
Lol trial charge is very profitable. People get charged money after a 14 day trial or so because they forget all the time. F2P also uses psychological methods to extract sales that aren't always about enjoyment. Sells are not always about enjoyment. Trying buying a car sometime lol.
What charge after a 14 day trial?
Most MMOs are f2p .. and they don't even ask for a credit card when you start playing. Are you saying people will keep playing a game when there is no enjoyment?
Note that about half of those who play f2p never pays in 2015 ... so clearly people are exercising their choices of not to pay, if they don't like it.
A car is a necessity ... a game is not. I trust you can tell the difference.
We are talking about low ticket price luxury items with little or no physical component for the buyer. It's not a house, it's a game and is probably better compared to candy or chips next to the checkout stand in a grocery store. The only people who fret over it are the anti f2p commandos, who probably waste tons of money in other parts of their life, but resent being charged for access to the game. Also satisfaction has many stages, and that can affect things beyond first cycle of the product
MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
"pointless" is just a matter of preferences. You seem to think that whatever that does not fit your interests or opinion is "pointless".
Well, the internet just does not work that way, does it?
Aren't you the one who says the majority of opinion is what makes terminology true? In my experience here, most people agree that your tendency to drag everything thread off topic is annoying and, yes, pointless. Therefore, according to your logic, this is a fact. Your off topic posts are annoying and pointless.
Aren't you the one who says the majority of opinion is what makes terminology true? In my experience here, most people agree that your tendency to drag everything thread off topic is annoying and, yes, pointless. Therefore, according to your logic, this is a fact. Your off topic posts are annoying and pointless.
and you cannot distinguish the difference between common usage of terminology and judgment of relevance?
plus, if you think it is pointless, you can simply ignore me. The fact that you do not, and that you continue to engage in discussion indicates that not only it is relevant but opposite to your opinion. Hence you want to talk me into shutting up. Why else would you care?
Herald of innovation, Vanquisher of the old! - Awake a few hours almost everyday!
I would much rather play modern, instanced, solo-able MMOs than the old "walk 10 min, chat another 15 min before you can go into the dungeon" MMOs.
Plus, there are a lot more choices today than before.
So it is relevant to this website, and others.
And there are so many formulae .. that one can entertain almost forever without getting bored.
You can only buy what is on the market, and if its buy to play its a win for the manmanufacturer regardless of whether or not the game gave that buyer cancer or whatever.
Well done sir.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Well, the internet just does not work that way, does it?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
What charge after a 14 day trial?
Most MMOs are f2p .. and they don't even ask for a credit card when you start playing. Are you saying people will keep playing a game when there is no enjoyment?
Note that about half of those who play f2p never pays in 2015 ... so clearly people are exercising their choices of not to pay, if they don't like it.
A car is a necessity ... a game is not. I trust you can tell the difference.
Also satisfaction has many stages, and that can affect things beyond first cycle of the product
plus, if you think it is pointless, you can simply ignore me. The fact that you do not, and that you continue to engage in discussion indicates that not only it is relevant but opposite to your opinion. Hence you want to talk me into shutting up. Why else would you care?