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what mmo required the most teamwork?

JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410
with just about every new mmo coming out playing as basically single player game with the option to group up, it just got me thinking......what mmorpg that you have played was most team or group focused?

 this would be a game where, in order to do just about anything, you need to be in a group or a guild. where most of the content required a team, be it either pvp or pve. please do elaborate as to why you think it was so. tks.


  • JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884
    FFXI WAS (key-word...was) one of them.
    FFXIV is up there.
    GW2 I would assume for the pvp modes
    ESO (not quite sure, I assume the RVR) Haven't played it yet.

    Other than that...meh. Doesn't seem to be much out there that requires a TON of teamwork.
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  • drakaenadrakaena Member UncommonPosts: 506
    I can only speak for game's I have played end game in and of those games it was Shadowbane hands down
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    easily FFXI..only reason it would not still be the most team work is a lot is known through wikia to be able to solo stuff.Even still it takes teamwork you cannot do several things without a group.
    The other reason would be you could just skip half the content if wanted.

    The is the sad reality in every game,players don't want to play the game,they want the fastest route to end game or fastest route to end level.

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  • drakaenadrakaena Member UncommonPosts: 506
    I played the heck out of FF11 and I would place Shadowbane higher on the list. If only for the reason that you could literally lose everything, even entire player built cities, that took vast amounts of teamwork and man hours to assemble. This brought about another layer of depth and cooperative play beyond just getting geared.
  • CyraelCyrael Member UncommonPosts: 239
  • GwahlurGwahlur Member UncommonPosts: 201
    EQ2 back in the day
  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Just about every MMO has some aspect that requires teamwork (PVP, certain crafting systems etc). As for the most required? I'd assume EQ1 or FFXI. As both were designed around it, yet it's those designs that most likely led to the change to less requirement of it in follow up games. It just makes better business sense to avoid strict requirements, it basically leads to a pug or GTFO situation in many cases.

    When there's an ongoing cost associated with playing, making it hard to play outside of perfect conditions (people you wanna group with for more than one encounter, prime time play), just doesn't make much sense.

    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • KabaalKabaal Member UncommonPosts: 3,042
    City of Heroes by a mile. That game encouraged grouping right from the minute you created a character and was all the better for it.
  • DeathofsageDeathofsage Member UncommonPosts: 1,102
    I have to agree about all the FFXI comments, but--
    Wizardry said:
    easily FFXI..only reason it would not still be the most team work is a lot is known through wikia to be able to solo stuff.Even still it takes teamwork you cannot do several things without a group.
    The other reason would be you could just skip half the content if wanted.

    The is the sad reality in every game,players don't want to play the game,they want the fastest route to end game or fastest route to end level.
    FFXI is quite soloable now, and what content isn't soloable, you can usually bring up to 5 "Trust" NPC helpers. They can tank, heal, dd.

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  • Slapshot1188Slapshot1188 Member LegendaryPosts: 17,726
    It would really have to be Darkfall or Shadowbane or a game like that. One where you had to develop a 24/7 presence on the server, pool your resources to build strongholds and then develop a deep alliance to defend them.

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  • jalexbrownjalexbrown Member UncommonPosts: 253
    I think you need to differentiate teamwork and teamplay.  A five man PUG in World of Warcraft requires teamplay, but it largely doesn't require teamwork.  Teamwork implies more than five people with a comparable goal that no one of them can achieve alone; teamwork implies a group planning and coordinating a strategy to achieve something.  Just making a boss hard enough that it takes five people's worth of DPS to burn it down isn't really encouraging teamwork; that's just encouraging five people to be in the same place at the same time with the same objective.
  • LtldoggLtldogg Member UncommonPosts: 282
    Easily EQ1 up until they made the game easy with gear and mercs.
  • ArchlyteArchlyte Member RarePosts: 1,405
    Why do I feel like op trained in stand up but got tapped out or choked.
    MMORPG players are often like Hobbits: They don't like Adventures
  • CalmOceansCalmOceans Member UncommonPosts: 2,437
    EQ, leadings raids of 54 people requires a lot of management.
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    EQ and M59. The more people solo the less teamwork is the general rule and all games have far more soloing today than in yhe 90s.
  • beerholocausbeerholocaus Member UncommonPosts: 17
    Cough..Cough!! How about Warhammer online!!
  • FonclFoncl Member UncommonPosts: 347
    EvE online, sure you can solo but many people who do that have several accounts so they are essentially grouping with themselves :]

    By far the most group oriented MMO I've played.
  • VestigeGamerVestigeGamer Member UncommonPosts: 518
    I have not played them all (far from that), but for me, EverQuest in the "old days" was hard for me to solo.  Other players "said" they could solo somewhat easily, but not me.  I even tried the classes said to be "solo-able" and did not get far soloing.

    I think most MMOs have some amount of teamwork, somewhere.  They are just not designed this way anymore.  Teamwork is now relegated to group/team PvP and end game raiding.


  • Quazal.AQuazal.A Member UncommonPosts: 859
    Hands down eve, in most fantasy styled mmo you have 5/10/25/50 man raids / pvp , in eve to play (what some people think is endgame) you need 500/1000/2000 people/players, its largest by factor of 10 on any game out there.

    This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
    Use this code for 21days trial in eve online

  • GdemamiGdemami Member EpicPosts: 12,342
    Foncl said:
    EvE online, sure you can solo but many people who do that have several accounts so they are essentially grouping with themselves :]

    By far the most group oriented MMO I've played.
    Silly nonsense...
  • makasouleater69makasouleater69 Member UncommonPosts: 1,096
    Quazal.A said:
    Hands down eve, in most fantasy styled mmo you have 5/10/25/50 man raids / pvp , in eve to play (what some people think is endgame) you need 500/1000/2000 people/players, its largest by factor of 10 on any game out there.
    Lol there is barely 2000 players playing that game so what are you talking about, and that kinda scale stuff, is a rarity in that game, you make it sound like its as frequent as raiding was in EQ. At peak time in that game there is around 35000 things logged on, and the majority of people playing that game have 6 other accounts. 
  • CyraelCyrael Member UncommonPosts: 239
    Quazal.A said:
    Hands down eve, in most fantasy styled mmo you have 5/10/25/50 man raids / pvp , in eve to play (what some people think is endgame) you need 500/1000/2000 people/players, its largest by factor of 10 on any game out there.
    Lol there is barely 2000 players playing that game so what are you talking about, and that kinda scale stuff, is a rarity in that game, you make it sound like its as frequent as raiding was in EQ. At peak time in that game there is around 35000 things logged on, and the majority of people playing that game have 6 other accounts. 
    If you check my screenshot above, you'll see there were 3999 people in that one system. While battles that large are certainly rare, the largest to my knowledge was the Bloodbath of B-R5RB, which was around 7500 players.

    I depends on your playstyle to a large degree, but I find myself in battles involving 100+ players on a fairly regular basis. There's a high degree of teamwork and coordination in even smaller scale stuff in Eve - my corp isn't going to go mining without at least one person boosting and one or two people watching the neighboring systems for hostiles. Might want to have a hauler or two, too...
  • SomeHumanSomeHuman Member UncommonPosts: 560
    Darkfall for anything from gathering to sieges.  You were always depending on your clan mates.  LotRO, but this might just be because we chose to group more often. It wasn't really necessary. One of the reasons I think there is a big draw to moba and arena pvp is the teamwork element.  It's like the stole it away from mmorpgs and mmorpgs were like, oh well!

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  • Flyte27Flyte27 Member RarePosts: 4,574
    Most people seem to be taking this question as what game force you to group.

    EQ and FFXI made it difficult to solo and I don't believe ever intended for anyone to solo.

    I played EQ more then FFXI so I can comment on that more. 

    I know that FFXI had lots of abilities that were aimed towards being executed with teammates at certain times.  This could make things tricky if you didn't know what to do.

    EQ had many different roles in a group.  Tank, Healer, Crowd Control, Buffer, Direct Damage, Direct Damage AOE, Puller that I can think of off the top of my head.  Much of a groups success depended on each person performing their role well.  One person could bring down the whole group and it was costly.  It didn't have the multi job and timed abilities of FFXI.  It was closer to classic D&D.  FFXI was closer to final fantasy style systems.

    Both games had classes that could solo through various tactics, but early on no one knew what they were.  The games didn't say this is a solo class and this is a group class.  I believe they do now, but that wasn't the case for a long period of time.  I know the Druid and Necromancer were great soloers using kiting and reverse kiting tactics.  Druids seemed to dominate the game at launch with Damage over time, spirit of the wolf, and snares.  Necros eventually overcame them with both those abilities plus fear and a pet.  Shamans and other casters were decent at root/rot or root/nuke.  Bards were OK, but they gave most people carpel tunnel.  Beastlords were pretty good, but came in a later expansion.  Shadow Knights had difficulty until higher levels when they got certain necromancer spells for kiting.  I never made it very far in FFXI, but I know there are certain job combo's that could solo.

    I would like to say EQ had the most tasks to perform in a group and required the most coordination, but it may be FFXI. 
  • DeathofsageDeathofsage Member UncommonPosts: 1,102
    Before /dancer, (melee healer using TP [kinda like rage] to heal) the players that solo'd were just amazingly dedicated/skilled players.

    Some of what people called soloing, I refuse to acknowledge as anything more than stupidity. Like the things Avesta solo'd by playing damage-over-time spells on the enemy, dying, resurrecting, and re-applying DoTs... that was just stupidity. (Avesta also did many awesome kite solos and melee solo's, but reraise-poisoning is stupidity).

    There was the ninja, Upbeat, that solo'd Cactrot Rapido basically by never getting hit, because Rapido had a TP move that could have one-shot him at any given second (10,000 damage against a 1,400 hp health pool).

    In XI's golden days, you needed a team for practically everything even, in most cases, to gain exp at a respectable rate.

    I wish one MMO would go back to that. One company give it a AAA try. If it doesn't work fine, whatever, I'll quest grind until I'm in my coffin, but if it does, it might bring back some trends that some players really seem to want.

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