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seeyouspacec0wboyseeyouspacec0wboy Member UncommonPosts: 714
edited November 2015 in Off-Topic Discussion
Because this stuff always interests me.

Originally posted by Scagweed22
is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.


  • cmblackmore89cmblackmore89 Member UncommonPosts: 6
    My birthday was yesterday, actually. Just turned 26. 
  • NeoyoshiNeoyoshi Member RarePosts: 1,505
    My birthday was yesterday, actually. Just turned 26. 
       Happy birthday.  @cmblackmore89

    I turned 36 this year. 

    Fishing on Gilgamesh since 2013
    Fishing on Bronzebeard since 2005
    Fishing in RL since 1992
    Born with a fishing rod in my hand in 1979
  • kb4blukb4blu Member UncommonPosts: 717
    I am 70 years old.  Sometimes I glad I will not be around much longer, considering the way the world is going.
  • XantheAvalonXantheAvalon Member UncommonPosts: 28
    I find it interesting that the largest group right now is the 30-40 year range. I would have thought younger but that's cool!

    (Kylan and Xanthe on Avalon,, since 1996)

  • sZakootaisOPsZakootaisOP Member UncommonPosts: 19
    So according to the poll most gamers are between 20 to 40?

    WOW, I won't be playing alone in my 40's. That's a big relief. :D
  • XtremMMOXtremMMO Member UncommonPosts: 8
     sZakootaisOP said:
    So according to the poll most gamers are between 20 to 40?

    WOW, I won't be playing alone in my 40's. That's a big relief. :D
    I'm surprised at just how many are still active over 40 and 5% over 55 is a big surprise too.

  • GruntyGrunty Member EpicPosts: 8,657
    XtremMMO said:
     sZakootaisOP said:
    So according to the poll most gamers are between 20 to 40?

    WOW, I won't be playing alone in my 40's. That's a big relief. :D
    I'm surprised at just how many are still active over 40 and 5% over 55 is a big surprise too.

    It's those over 55 that created computer games. Why would they stop playing them?
    "I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone.  It's not.  The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone."  Robin Williams
  • EzxistenceEzxistence Member CommonPosts: 15
    Happy Birthday

  • AlcananAlcanan Member UncommonPosts: 268
    42 years old...but apparently I act like a teenager or so ive been told LOL


    "The True North Strong and Free"
    "Faith Manages"

  • AldolieraAldoliera Member UncommonPosts: 30
    40-51? Are you kidding? Really? ) I thought that here are only people under 25 years old and the most of the participants of the forum are teenagers
  • ThagathiThagathi Member UncommonPosts: 7
    Almost 40 :( .... What happened to the last 20 years
  • LerxstLerxst Member UncommonPosts: 648
    No 77 year olds gaming these days? Well.... unless you count Wii Bowling that is :) It's kind of funny listening to these 80 year olds talk about their video games more than the teenagers do.
  • TimootiusTimootius Member CommonPosts: 4
    Wow, that's a surprising result.. I'm 17, and I thought most guys here were under 25....
  • BACON_STRIPSBACON_STRIPS Member UncommonPosts: 15
    from the results i feel like the new generation doesnt use forums that often anymore....
  • KhazzuraKhazzura Member CommonPosts: 2
    21 here o/
  • GorlanGMOGorlanGMO Member UncommonPosts: 10
    20 ;)

  • seeyouspacec0wboyseeyouspacec0wboy Member UncommonPosts: 714
    from the results i feel like the new generation doesnt use forums that often anymore....
    well I think they use Reddit, which is similar but not quite the same thing.

    Originally posted by Scagweed22
    is it the graphics? the repetativenesses? i mean what is the point? you could be so much more productive in real life
    Real life brings repetition and pointlessness too. The only thing real life offers is Great graphics. Its kinda expensive too and way to dependent on the cash shop. Totally pay to win as well. No thank you. Ill stick to my games.

  • MwahahaMwahaha Member UncommonPosts: 126
    37, been playing mmos since I was 23.

    Played:  EQ, EQ2, Vanguard, WAR, WoW, LoTRO, CoX, CO, GW2, FFXIV: ARR, AoC, Rift, TSW, SWTOR, TERA, BnS, ESO

  • xpowderxxpowderx Member UncommonPosts: 2,078
    Awee.  Almost as old as the grumpy old man who frequents here.  What I would do to be 40!
  • spicyflakesspicyflakes Member CommonPosts: 3
    25, I don't want to age anymore T_T
  • PrincessPurplePrincessPurple Member CommonPosts: 4
    edited April 2016
    I'm 17 :-)
  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    I'm 39 and quite jaded. The MMO genre seems all but dead to me, but at least I'm not feeling too entitled about it.
  • larryp11233larryp11233 Member UncommonPosts: 97
    too young to stop playing :awesome: 
  • johndoepjohndoep Member UncommonPosts: 71
    Only 1% for 10-15 range? That's unexpected
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