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What IF.........

HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
So I wont respond negative as I want this to be a discussion.

I want to do a what if.

1 - "So, what if tomorrow, Yoshi P had an announcement that the game was going free to play, what would your reaction be?"

2 - "Now, for a bonus for discussion, what if SE put crafting recipies and Materia in the cash shop. Your reaction?"

Remember, keep it civil. This is a WHAT IF. None of this is true so go crazy on me.

Try to keep both at least one paragraph per discussion. 


Let's go !!


  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    I have NEVER picked a game to play based on FREE or it's cost,i pick games i feel are fun and well designed.

    I did not last long in FFXIV ,about 4 months,imo it was not well designed but instead a rush job.It sort of took similar ideas from FFXI but tried to manipulate them in a way as to not come off as a complete FFXI ripoff but did it in a fast and non constructive way.

    If they ran a cash shop,i doubt i would play it at all unless the cash shop was basically meaningless.

    FFXIV would have to completely lose Ilevels and basically redesign the entire game to get me back playing it.
    Imo they will put in a steady effort on the game but in a cheap streamlined fashion.

    Seeing their desire to be more a copy cat designer now, i would not doubt for a minute that eventually they will be a cash shop gaming operation but highly unlikely a complete free to play until perhaps in some future games.

    I can tell you right now that free to play games are going to give you rushed half assed games ALL the time,it is not good for gaming at all.Their goal is simple,rush out a half ass product and it there is any interest they continue to invest in it,if not ,go into basic maintenance mode with VERY little effort afterwards.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
    Wizardry said:
    I have NEVER picked a game to play based on FREE or it's cost,i pick games i feel are fun and well designed.

    I did not last long in FFXIV ,about 4 months,imo it was not well designed but instead a rush job.It sort of took similar ideas from FFXI but tried to manipulate them in a way as to not come off as a complete FFXI ripoff but did it in a fast and non constructive way.

    If they ran a cash shop,i doubt i would play it at all unless the cash shop was basically meaningless.

    FFXIV would have to completely lose Ilevels and basically redesign the entire game to get me back playing it.
    Imo they will put in a steady effort on the game but in a cheap streamlined fashion.

    Seeing their desire to be more a copy cat designer now, i would not doubt for a minute that eventually they will be a cash shop gaming operation but highly unlikely a complete free to play until perhaps in some future games.

    I can tell you right now that free to play games are going to give you rushed half assed games ALL the time,it is not good for gaming at all.Their goal is simple,rush out a half ass product and it there is any interest they continue to invest in it,if not ,go into basic maintenance mode with VERY little effort afterwards.

    This is good. All valid and good points. Come on people I want to hear more.
  • HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
    DMKano said:
    If it went F2P I'd add it to my rotation to play once in a while.

    So that would be pretty cool in my book.
    Good. this is really good. We need more opinions people. Not just 2 lol.
  • Gaming.Rocks2Gaming.Rocks2 Member UncommonPosts: 531
    1. It would weird me out, because they need to add new data centers with their sub model and I doubt if they can support a massive wave of f2p players technically. They are doing well financially and I fail to see if they're willing to invest a lot on their current hardware to have less of a guarantee on their income. 

    2. This doesn't affect my play style personally. But I can see lots of people would get mad about this feature and maybe even leave the game. So maybe if they do this and go f2p it won't affect the player base but overall why mess with something that is already working?
    Gaming Rocks next gen. community for last gen. gamers launching soon. 
  • HellboundHeartHellboundHeart Member UncommonPosts: 390
    1. It would weird me out, because they need to add new data centers with their sub model and I doubt if they can support a massive wave of f2p players technically. They are doing well financially and I fail to see if they're willing to invest a lot on their current hardware to have less of a guarantee on their income. 

    2. This doesn't affect my play style personally. But I can see lots of people would get mad about this feature and maybe even leave the game. So maybe if they do this and go f2p it won't affect the player base but overall why mess with something that is already working?
    This is what i'm looking for. So far the best comment. makes sense and you used 1 paragraph a piece. Thank you.

    Keep it up guy's and gal's.
  • reeereeereeereee Member UncommonPosts: 1,636
    This change wouldn't be bad for me as I play FFXIV mostly for the story, so getting access to the best part of the game for free would be nice.  I also might spend more time in game if it went F2P as I'm not currently subbed until there is more story content. 
  • ThourneThourne Member RarePosts: 757
    I actually go back to this game every few months to get away from ftp games.
    So, if it went ftp I'd never touch it again.

    I'm aware many wouldn't agree with me but there is a different kind of player(as a percentage of the population) as well as a different kind of pressure to spend, that just wears me down in most ftp titles.
  • BlazeyerBlazeyer Member UncommonPosts: 562
    1. If they did that they would have to remodel a lot of their ingame mechanics. Currently I have to resub every few weeks (although their content cycles get longer and longer) just to make sure no random person gets my FC. They're also making it so if you don't log in for 45 days you can lose your house (3-4 month content cycle, 45 days... yeah you're pretty much required to resub in there to not lose your house). I personally don't care about F2P or P2P games, I care about quality. If a game is fun, it's more than worth $15 to me.

    2. Recipes in the shop? Only if you want a riot of lalafells and cat people (miqo'te). I hate that idea. You should always be able to earn EVERYTHING in game. I don't mind costumes from events that are months behind us, but for a sub game players should always be able to have an opportunity for everything.
  • nbtscannbtscan Member UncommonPosts: 862
    I would stop playing if it went F2P.  With the game remaining P2P I know that new content will be delivered on a predictable schedule and the game's development funds won't be based around how many cosmetic pets were sold.  There's also a certain barrier of entry that I like.  People complain about the gil spam now, just imagine if they opened the gates to anyone.

    I also don't condone putting things that affect the balance of the game in the cash shop.  I personally have never used it and probably never will because I don't care about the cosmetic stuff.  Materia and recipes affect the game and have no place there.
  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,098
    Neither change would impact me, not my style of game

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • cmblackmore89cmblackmore89 Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Well, I renew my subscription when I'm in the mood to play and I'm not that bothered by the monthly fee... It's about the same price as me deciding to go to the movies. So, if they removed the fee, I'd probably be wary of other changes that might be coming up, but otherwise unaffected.

    As far as number 2 goes, I'd... um, I'd be kinda irritated. I would much rather pay a flat fee and have everything easily accessible than potentially rack up a ton of money due to temptation and general impatience. For me, it'd basically turn FFXIV into Eden Eternal. EE was one of the only f2p MMOs I really loved, and the similarities in being able to change classes was part of what drew me to FFXIV. 

    If I wanted to play EE, I'd play EE. But I'm not, 'cause I don't like the atmosphere of f2p. Not worth it!
  • XatshXatsh Member RarePosts: 451


    My Reactoin woud be. "I expected it was coming". With FFXIV honestly the games deserves to be a f2p game. The way the devs are handling it is just not enough. The game is ultra shallow, content last for less then 2 months with a 4-5 months patch cycle for new content, the guild situation is abysmal in the game (not enough guild content to make a guild actually work outside a chat channel), the crafting system is vanity only, and the RMT spam you once every 3-5 mins with adds. The graphics, story, and music score are top notch, but in a p2p mmo I should not have to wait for the devs to give me more content... I am not a fan of paying a monthly sub to be bored out of mind waiting for the next patch. And the game is honestly less in-dept then many f2p games that started f2p... honestly it is almost on a AA mmo level. The stats are as complex as getting numbers on an excell sheet and dragging them down to get the next tier.


    You cannot have a mmo that is f2p that only sells vanity items. It would not generate enough revenue. As for materia.... it is worthless, completely worthless compared to raid gear. So in that situation I would not care. Would be like them selling Ilvl 170gear, when the entree level gear is I180. If they actually sold say Ilvl 205 gear then I would quit instantly because it would be pure P2W. But materia sales I honestly would not care.
  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    As the game will never go F2P, its probably a pointless debate, but for one i am glad that it is a P2P game, too often F2P breaks a game, one of the biggest problems with cash shop driven games is that they are too intrusive, they are expensive, and the game ends up being far less fun because your either having to buy things all the time, or continually having to work out how to minimise costs with workarounds etc, to avoid the hurdles they generally create, i'd rather just play the game without having to deal with that kind of thing, and with F2P that is almost never an option.
  • dreamscaperdreamscaper Member UncommonPosts: 1,592
    So I wont respond negative as I want this to be a discussion.

    I want to do a what if.

    1 - "So, what if tomorrow, Yoshi P had an announcement that the game was going free to play, what would your reaction be?"

    2 - "Now, for a bonus for discussion, what if SE put crafting recipies and Materia in the cash shop. Your reaction?"

    Remember, keep it civil. This is a WHAT IF. None of this is true so go crazy on me.

    Try to keep both at least one paragraph per discussion. 


    Let's go !!

    1. I would immediately unsub. I've seen what F2P does to games, and want no part of it. A F2P conversion would essentially kill the game for me (again).

    2. See above.


  • GreteldaGretelda Member UncommonPosts: 359
    edited November 2015
    i would be surprised if it happens. they rather take huge hits than go f2p. this is not about FF14. this is about their future MMO games in FF series. if this one goes f2p, then commercially their next MMO will be in a bad position. things like this is why i think we probably won't see Guild Wars 3 now thanks to it's hybrid f2p.

    my top MMOs: UO,DAOC,WoW,GW2

    most of my posts are just my opinions they are not facts,it is the same for you too.

  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    edited November 2015
    So I wont respond negative as I want this to be a discussion.

    I want to do a what if.

    1 - "So, what if tomorrow, Yoshi P had an announcement that the game was going free to play, what would your reaction be?"

    2 - "Now, for a bonus for discussion, what if SE put crafting recipies and Materia in the cash shop. Your reaction?"

    Remember, keep it civil. This is a WHAT IF. None of this is true so go crazy on me.

    Try to keep both at least one paragraph per discussion. 


    Let's go !!
    1. (sorta rambling)I would be incredibly surprised, and question YoshiP's professional integrity, but I'd still play, as I don't think F2P would necessarily change the core fun, but I'd be a little worried about how updates would work. As a sub-based game, they already have a ton of grind involved, and the content can't seem to come out fast enough for the players. If they went F2P, they probably wouldn't mind taking much longer between updates and intentionally making the grind worse to get people to "stick around longer." 

    You didn't stipulate this, but I also doubt that if they did go F2P, that they would bring it without a sub option. So if they still want to keep subs high, perhaps they wouldn't want to change their current rate of updates or anything. 

    That being said, atm, they have a sub-based with a cash shop that they're already raking in the money from because of the Fantasia (character customization change) potions, and every single item from seasonal events and otherwise for people to buy somewhat cheap. I won't lie, I've bought things from the cash shop in this game where I've never bought anything from a cash shop before. 

    Things may not change all that much, aside from the cash shop being more prominent and advertised, and perhaps a lot more shitty people I'd hate, but the queue times may be lower... maybe. 

    That being said, there is very little chance of it going F2P, at least for a looooooong time.

    2. I don't craft, so i wouldn't care, but I know a lot of people who would likely quit because they love crafting and wouldn't think it's fair that what they enjoy could have recipes and materia hidden behind a pay wall. That being said, if they did happen to have a sub option that gave access to this stuff, they'd probably just sub and be fine. 
  • SendenSenden Member UncommonPosts: 602
    Bait title, bait content but lets keep it civil people! Game isn't going F2P, deal with it.
  • KothosesKothoses Member UncommonPosts: 931
     1, open minded curiosity.   So far Squenix and Yoshi have shown they care about the game and its image a great deal so if they decided to go F2P I would be honestly curious as to how they would convert it.

    2, Sad, the Crafting in FF is one of its strong points in terms how detailed it is and it is also one of the more time intensive parts of the game to get into.  

    3, in terms of content updates they have had the most aggressive content update schedule I have seen in any game to the point they had to give their entire team a holiday after the expansion.   There was one person who complained about their patch schedule earlier in this thread and I laughed, because that has never been a weak point in FF

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