Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
No, that is what you are suggesting. Same goes for your other "point" - putting something into other's mouth and then claim yourself proven right is fairly popular on these boards.
All what fiviroth said was that it isn't critics when it is all just one sided.
No.. it speaks directly to how someone can make a post saying that 90% of threads here are taken over by "haters".
So now you are making the assumption that I am personally offended by people "criticising" "my game".
Often that "criticism"comes in the form of only pointing out the bad while completely ignoring rig good points.
Can an evaluation of a game be critical if it's not balanced?
Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
I didn't say that, I just said that when you make a critical assessment of a game you acknowledge both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean both need to be in equal measure. Sometimes the good points are more than the bad ones or vice versa. But when you only focus on the bad or only on the good, that's not a critical assessment. That's just one sided discussion.
What's considered critical in the real world;
Game X
Strengths 1. 2. 3.
Weaknesses 1. 2. 3.
You can have more points under one or the other and they may be given more weight. But only focusing on the bad doesn't make you "critical".
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
No.. it speaks directly to how someone can make a post saying that 90% of threads here are taken over by "haters".
So now you are making the assumption that I am personally offended by people "criticising" "my game".
Often that "criticism"comes in the form of only pointing out the bad while completely ignoring rig good points.
Can an evaluation of a game be critical if it's not balanced?
Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
I didn't say that, I just said that when you make a critical assessment of a game you acknowledge both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean both need to be in equal measure. Sometimes the good points are more than the bad ones or vice versa. But when you only focus on the bad or only on the good, that's not a critical assessment. That's just one sided discussion.
What's considered critical in the real world;
Game X
Strengths 1. 2. 3.
Weaknesses 1. 2. 3.
You can have more points under one or the other and they may be given more weight. But only focusing on the bad doesn't make you "critical".
You are right. When I see a car come down the street that has purple, gold and black stripes I should say:
Hey look at that car. While externally it looks quite ugly, it has wonderful gas mileage and really comfortable seats!
Or.. like most people I could just say " Check out that ugly car..."
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
A lot of haters are just trolls looking for attention. Others are people who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking. The rest are actually angry about bad things that happen in life but it's easier to displace anger on something less valuable. And a tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a doctor for anti-anxiety / anti-depresant medication (not being rude or sarcastic about that). The remainder need to be checked for diabetes.
PS I'm not talking about people who present a logical case for a game / game aspect. I'm talking about real haters that are spewing negativity with every breath.
A lot of haters are just trolls looking for attention. Others are people who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking. The rest are actually angry about bad things that happen in life but it's easier to displace anger on something less valuable. And a tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a doctor for anti-anxiety / anti-depresant medication (not being rude or sarcastic about that). The remainder need to be checked for diabetes.
PS I'm not talking about people who present a logical case for a game / game aspect. I'm talking about real haters that are spewing negativity with every breath.
You are right on about the haters of f2p, solo-centric MMOs, MMOs with no persistent worlds, and so on!!
A lot of haters are just trolls looking for attention. Others are people who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking. The rest are actually angry about bad things that happen in life but it's easier to displace anger on something less valuable. And a tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a doctor for anti-anxiety / anti-depresant medication (not being rude or sarcastic about that). The remainder need to be checked for diabetes.
PS I'm not talking about people who present a logical case for a game / game aspect. I'm talking about real haters that are spewing negativity with every breath.
Funny how each and every example you give is related to something wrong with the person making the criticism...
According to you they are:
1. Just trolls looking for attention (obvious attack) 2. People who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking (Something must be wrong with those folks) 3. Angry about things that happen in real life but are displacing it (again, something is wrong with them) 4. Tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a Dr (obviously something wrong with them)
Pretty funny.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
No.. it speaks directly to how someone can make a post saying that 90% of threads here are taken over by "haters".
So now you are making the assumption that I am personally offended by people "criticising" "my game".
Often that "criticism"comes in the form of only pointing out the bad while completely ignoring rig good points.
Can an evaluation of a game be critical if it's not balanced?
Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
I didn't say that, I just said that when you make a critical assessment of a game you acknowledge both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean both need to be in equal measure. Sometimes the good points are more than the bad ones or vice versa. But when you only focus on the bad or only on the good, that's not a critical assessment. That's just one sided discussion.
What's considered critical in the real world;
Game X
Strengths 1. 2. 3.
Weaknesses 1. 2. 3.
You can have more points under one or the other and they may be given more weight. But only focusing on the bad doesn't make you "critical".
You are right. When I see a car come down the street that has purple, gold and black stripes I should say:
Hey look at that car. While externally it looks quite ugly, it has wonderful gas mileage and really comfortable seats!
Or.. like most people I could just say " Check out that ugly car..."
Yeah cause that's exactly the same.
Again spouting out negative comments does not make you critical. But if that makes you feel better that's ok.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
A lot of haters are just trolls looking for attention. Others are people who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking. The rest are actually angry about bad things that happen in life but it's easier to displace anger on something less valuable. And a tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a doctor for anti-anxiety / anti-depresant medication (not being rude or sarcastic about that). The remainder need to be checked for diabetes.
PS I'm not talking about people who present a logical case for a game / game aspect. I'm talking about real haters that are spewing negativity with every breath.
Funny how each and every example you give is related to something wrong with the person making the criticism...
According to you they are:
1. Just trolls looking for attention (obvious attack) 2. People who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking (Something must be wrong with those folks) 3. Angry about things that happen in real life but are displacing it (again, something is wrong with them) 4. Tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a Dr (obviously something wrong with them)
Pretty funny.
For some reason I like his positive thinking comment. People who constantly focus on the bad are obviously going to go to games they don't like rather than discuss the games they enjoy just because they are negative.
Its also very likely that if your are cynical and negative about your games, you are very likely to be a cynical and negative person in other aspects in life, not always obviously but very likely. It's just a state of mind...
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
No.. it speaks directly to how someone can make a post saying that 90% of threads here are taken over by "haters".
So now you are making the assumption that I am personally offended by people "criticising" "my game".
Often that "criticism"comes in the form of only pointing out the bad while completely ignoring rig good points.
Can an evaluation of a game be critical if it's not balanced?
Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
One comment means nothing in this, it's about habitual actions. In most cases it's due to an issue like the NGE, ignoring a demographic, etc.. etc.. etc.. Some folks take that as personal as others seemingly take difference of opinion. They go on to ridicule every action a company takes from there on out, just like how folks loathe EA or SOE. Others just dislike themeparks and harp on anyone doing that. Doing it once or twice means little, doing it multiple times a day, 7 days a week is something else entirely. It does beg for the question "how could a piece of digital software, warrant that much attention/effort?"
I can only think of three reasons, a desire to stir the pot, competitor's plants, some form of vendetta over pixels...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Distopia said: I can only think of three reasons, a desire to stir the pot, competitor's plants, some form of vendetta over pixels...
I'll propose another: personal dislike of the behavior of some (or many, or most) of the guys on the Opposition Team.
Your tribe criticizes my tribe. Hand me the spear, maw.
I have a remarkable dislike for EVE, based entirely on the forum behavior of certain frequent and vocal EVE supporters.
I have a remarkable dislike of Darkfall (see above).
I have negative opinions of a half dozen more games I've never played, based on vociferous supporters with Really Big Mouths.
But I don't tend to run to their forums to drop incendiaries and start Wars. That takes an entirely different level of crazy. But I can tell you there are people who (seem to, at least) hate their favorite hates with that kind of intensity.
Lots of ideas, I used to think it was a lot of preteens on the site. But now they seem to go directly to social media. So not sure we have as many now as we used to.
OMG, this thread is still active? I can assure you, we can't answer this question..........ever. Why? You 1st have to define what a "Hater" is / does. Good luck with finding a consensus on that one here. What's more, people will say all kinds of psycho nonsense that sounds good in a thread post, but then when you watch them apply the term, the reality it's based on seeing nothing more than a dissenting opinion.
No.. it speaks directly to how someone can make a post saying that 90% of threads here are taken over by "haters".
So now you are making the assumption that I am personally offended by people "criticising" "my game".
Often that "criticism"comes in the form of only pointing out the bad while completely ignoring rig good points.
Can an evaluation of a game be critical if it's not balanced?
Balanced, are you suggesting that someone cannot make a comment, negative or positive, without making an equally negative or positive comment to balance it out. I would have to also agree that the real problem is not 'hate' but that some are just unable to accept that others points of views can be different to their own, and because it contradicts their own point of view, it must be a personal attack on them. That the point has been reinforced numerous times throughout this particular thread, isn't so much ironic, as something of a sad indictment of the inflexibility that people seem to suffer from when it comes to certain subjects.
I didn't say that, I just said that when you make a critical assessment of a game you acknowledge both the good and the bad. It doesn't mean both need to be in equal measure. Sometimes the good points are more than the bad ones or vice versa. But when you only focus on the bad or only on the good, that's not a critical assessment. That's just one sided discussion.
What's considered critical in the real world;
Game X
Strengths 1. 2. 3.
Weaknesses 1. 2. 3.
You can have more points under one or the other and they may be given more weight. But only focusing on the bad doesn't make you "critical".
You are right. When I see a car come down the street that has purple, gold and black stripes I should say:
Hey look at that car. While externally it looks quite ugly, it has wonderful gas mileage and really comfortable seats!
Or.. like most people I could just say " Check out that ugly car..."
Yeah cause that's exactly the same.
Again spouting out negative comments does not make you critical. But if that makes you feel better that's ok.
The definition would clearly say you are wrong, but I'm sure you know that already. Anyhow here it is for you:
adjective crit·i·cal \ˈkri-ti-kəl\
1: likely or eager to find fault
You are associating CRITICAL with only it's association to a CRITIQUE which certainly is another of it's uses:
2: consisting of or involving judgment of value, worth, beauty, or quality <critical writings>
So yes Virginia, you can indeed be CRITICAL by just saying negative things and not typing up a full critique every time you post.
Now maybe we can move beyond the silly wordsmithing attempts...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I don't think the amount of (overly) critical opinions has changed, just the sample size. More connectivity, more people, louder noises.
I'd actually be curious to see what an empirical study would find when comparing the amount of hyperbole to attributes like user's age, preferred game genre, etc. Be difficult to set up given the subjective nature, but still.
Watch this episode of "Through the Wormhole" , OP. You might find the answer you're looking for. Basically it suggests that as a tribal species we're hardwired to protect those that look and think like us, and reject those that don't. We instinctively form groups with people we identify with, and wage war on everyone else. It's how we've been behaving for millions of years.
Distopia said: I can only think of three reasons, a desire to stir the pot, competitor's plants, some form of vendetta over pixels...
I'll propose another: personal dislike of the behavior of some (or many, or most) of the guys on the Opposition Team.
Your tribe criticizes my tribe. Hand me the spear, maw.
I have a remarkable dislike for EVE, based entirely on the forum behavior of certain frequent and vocal EVE supporters.
I have a remarkable dislike of Darkfall (see above).
I have negative opinions of a half dozen more games I've never played, based on vociferous supporters with Really Big Mouths.
But I don't tend to run to their forums to drop incendiaries and start Wars. That takes an entirely different level of crazy. But I can tell you there are people who (seem to, at least) hate their favorite hates with that kind of intensity.
I can certainly relate to the point you're making, although like you I do not share those thoughts, but I felt the same way about GW2 fans during it's initial run to release. It did effect my opinion about the game as well.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
All what fiviroth said was that it isn't critics when it is all just one sided.
What's considered critical in the real world;
Game X
You can have more points under one or the other and they may be given more weight. But only focusing on the bad doesn't make you "critical".
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Hey look at that car. While externally it looks quite ugly, it has wonderful gas mileage and really comfortable seats!
Or.. like most people I could just say " Check out that ugly car..."
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
PS I'm not talking about people who present a logical case for a game / game aspect. I'm talking about real haters that are spewing negativity with every breath.
The internet is like the old "Jerry Springer show", people are loud and rude all the time.
According to you they are:
1. Just trolls looking for attention (obvious attack)
2. People who cannot bring themselves to try out positive thinking (Something must be wrong with those folks)
3. Angry about things that happen in real life but are displacing it (again, something is wrong with them)
4. Tiny percent probably have chemical imbalances and need to see a Dr (obviously something wrong with them)
Pretty funny.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Again spouting out negative comments does not make you critical. But if that makes you feel better that's ok.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
For some reason I like his positive thinking comment. People who constantly focus on the bad are obviously going to go to games they don't like rather than discuss the games they enjoy just because they are negative.
Its also very likely that if your are cynical and negative about your games, you are very likely to be a cynical and negative person in other aspects in life, not always obviously but very likely. It's just a state of mind...
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
Now you're all gonna pay for my outrage!!one1!!
But (IMHO) on forums, it's just a thing all the cool kids do. The hipsters of the gamer environment. A loooooot of bandwagon effect is involved.
Sociologist might even remark on how Tribal your choice of gamez (and Designated Enemy Gamez) is.
I can only think of three reasons, a desire to stir the pot, competitor's plants, some form of vendetta over pixels...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Your tribe criticizes my tribe. Hand me the spear, maw.
I have a remarkable dislike for EVE, based entirely on the forum behavior of certain frequent and vocal EVE supporters.
I have a remarkable dislike of Darkfall (see above).
I have negative opinions of a half dozen more games I've never played, based on vociferous supporters with Really Big Mouths.
But I don't tend to run to their forums to drop incendiaries and start Wars. That takes an entirely different level of crazy. But I can tell you there are people who (seem to, at least) hate their favorite hates with that kind of intensity.
1: likely or eager to find fault
You are associating CRITICAL with only it's association to a CRITIQUE which certainly is another of it's uses:
2: consisting of or involving judgment of value, worth, beauty, or quality <critical writings>
So yes Virginia, you can indeed be CRITICAL by just saying negative things and not typing up a full critique every time you post.
Now maybe we can move beyond the silly wordsmithing attempts...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Keep building up the hype about how great, and wonderful and game-changing your game is, and then it launches and most people are like "".
Hate is as powerful an emotion as "love".
Spec'ing properly is a gateway drug.
12 Million People have been meter spammed in heroics.
I'd actually be curious to see what an empirical study would find when comparing the amount of hyperbole to attributes like user's age, preferred game genre, etc. Be difficult to set up given the subjective nature, but still.
Clever things.
Watch this episode of "Through the Wormhole" , OP. You might find the answer you're looking for. Basically it suggests that as a tribal species we're hardwired to protect those that look and think like us, and reject those that don't. We instinctively form groups with people we identify with, and wage war on everyone else. It's how we've been behaving for millions of years.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson