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Armored Warfare Review | Is It a World of Tanks Killer? | MMORPG

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited October 2015 in News & Features Discussion

imageArmored Warfare Review | Is It a World of Tanks Killer? | MMORPG

Armored Warfare is Obsidian Entertainment’s entry into the arcade tank simulation free to play MMO genre. It is a thoughtfully paced tank shooter with semi-realistic armor mechanics. For those not familiar with the other major entries in this genre, like World of Tanks and War Thunder Ground Forces, Armored Warfare is not a game where your individual twitch skills are the deciding factor.

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  • Panserbjorne39Panserbjorne39 Member UncommonPosts: 142
    Arty needs to be a bolt of lightning, it's more realistic. The low dmg, high RoF seems silly. Basically, they've got arty there as a token, but it sounds like its been released already nerfed into the ground and its pointless.Yes, I am a part time arty player and I think they're an important part of WoT. I primarily play mediums and heavies but have one M53/55. I really think arty is an over exaggerated issue in WoT. I hit about 1/3 of my shots with a 28 second reload and I think I'm an above average player. Point is, when someone gets one shotted randomly by an arty it elicits an emotional response and they might remember it and resent it. But how many people get totally wrecked by Waffle's and Deathstars? Anyway, I'm a hard data and numbers kind of guy so instead of "it has less RNG than WoT" I'd really like to see some data to back that up. An anecdotal observation is hard to make any decisions off of. There are days in WoT when I say RNG? Where? And other days where I swear the RNG is bugged and MM is bugged blah blah blah. I truly believe that WoT has built in algorithms that work with MM and RNG to force players into the 50% WR and into frustration to motivate spending. It has to be there. I'm not saying it can't be gamed by good players who know it's weaknesses, but for the average joe on the controller it does impact their game. So when I read your statement saying every tank is fun and there is no feeling of frustration I was like "Really? How do they expect to make money?" I really hope what you say is true, because if it is, I may have found my new PvP game. And I'm kicking myself for not signing up and grabbing one of the awesome keys they were giving out on MOP this morning. =/
  • NtheShadowNtheShadow Member UncommonPosts: 5
    edited October 2015
    Armored Warfare is a refreshing addition to the tank genre. Wot is so obviously rigged to make money its funny. AW will eventually be setup to make money better but for now its real fun to play. The question is "How GREEDY will Obsidian get?" will they ruin the game with ptw mechanics or will they stay true to the fun factor? All we can do is wait and see.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    edited October 2015
    I didn't read the column

    But I needed to drop in to say........

    Come on. Haven't we leared there is no WoX Killer?
    Holy crap, for 10 years......The next WoW killer, No, OK, this one for sure....No,, Conan will kill WoW......Wildstar will kill WOW, FFXIV will kill WoW, ANET was number 2, and wasn't going to be happy until they were number 1. Now we have WoT Killers??? I mean WTF.......enough with the killers already. It's never going to happen.
  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    I suppose I could have just answered with...........

  • VelocinoxVelocinox Member UncommonPosts: 1,010
    I didn't read the column

    But I needed to drop in to say........

    Come on. Haven't we leared there is no WoX Killer?
    Holy crap, for 10 years......The next WoW killer, No, OK, this one for sure....No,, Conan will kill WoW......Wildstar will kill WOW, FFXIV will kill WoW, ANET was number 2, and wasn't going to be happy until they were number 1. Now we have WoT Killers??? I mean WTF.......enough with the killers already. It's never going to happen.
    I suppose I could have just answered with...........

    Well, i wasn't going to say anything after your first post for the sake of internet civility, but after you recognized it in your second post I do have to say I thought you might have had a minor stroke in the first post. it was a bit... abnormal? :)

    'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.

    When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.

    No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.

    How to become a millionaire:
    Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.

  • GeezerGamerGeezerGamer Member EpicPosts: 8,857
    edited October 2015
    Velocinox said:
    I didn't read the column

    But I needed to drop in to say........

    Come on. Haven't we leared there is no WoX Killer?
    Holy crap, for 10 years......The next WoW killer, No, OK, this one for sure....No,, Conan will kill WoW......Wildstar will kill WOW, FFXIV will kill WoW, ANET was number 2, and wasn't going to be happy until they were number 1. Now we have WoT Killers??? I mean WTF.......enough with the killers already. It's never going to happen.
    I suppose I could have just answered with...........

    Well, i wasn't going to say anything after your first post for the sake of internet civility, but after you recognized it in your second post I do have to say I thought you might have had a minor stroke in the first post. it was a bit... abnormal? :)
    I'm just tired of seeing "Could this game be the next XXX Killer?" It's all marketing hype.

    The 1st post was supposed to be more sarcasm than rage, but I guess it came out wrong.
  • OsiumOsium Member UncommonPosts: 4
    I wrote the article. The article really only posits the question "is it an XXX killer?" once, and it is a rhetorical device, because the question is pointless and obvious. I conclude that will it "kill" the competition isn't a question worth asking, but rather, will it bring some competition between the two which will benefit both games and both player bases. I didn't set the title btw :)
  • OsiumOsium Member UncommonPosts: 4
    Arty needs to be a bolt of lightning, it's more realistic. The low dmg, high RoF seems silly. Basically, they've got arty there as a token, but it sounds like its been released already nerfed into the ground and its pointless.
    Don't let it fool you, artillery is actually stronger in AW than it is in WoT. It's more reliable with less RNG + the support rounds can be massively effective in the right hands. These factors together make arty very potent. If arty has to be in the game, and a lot of players would like to see it gone, I think they've gone the right direction with it. I have a friend who has been averaging over 2k damage per game with the basic tier 4 artillery pieces, when I would guess the global average is well below 1k. He is in effect hard carrying with arty. You can't really do that in WoT with any reliability because it is so random. So they've improved the overall skill required to play arty, made it more reliable and more interactive in that there is the constant threat of counter battery fire. At the same time, the random I just got one shot out of the blue because I peaked a corner too far element is gone. That is what the player base at large hated about arty more than anything I believe. Here, it's gone.
  • OsiumOsium Member UncommonPosts: 4
    Arty needs to be a bolt of lightning, it's more realistic. The low dmg, high RoF seems silly. Basically, they've got arty there as a token, but it sounds like its been released already nerfed into the ground and its pointless.Yes, I am a part time arty player and I think they're an important part of WoT. I primarily play mediums and heavies but have one M53/55. I really think arty is an over exaggerated issue in WoT. I hit about 1/3 of my shots with a 28 second reload and I think I'm an above average player. Point is, when someone gets one shotted randomly by an arty it elicits an emotional response and they might remember it and resent it. But how many people get totally wrecked by Waffle's and Deathstars? Anyway, I'm a hard data and numbers kind of guy so instead of "it has less RNG than WoT" I'd really like to see some data to back that up. An anecdotal observation is hard to make any decisions off of. There are days in WoT when I say RNG? Where? And other days where I swear the RNG is bugged and MM is bugged blah blah blah. I truly believe that WoT has built in algorithms that work with MM and RNG to force players into the 50% WR and into frustration to motivate spending. It has to be there. I'm not saying it can't be gamed by good players who know it's weaknesses, but for the average joe on the controller it does impact their game. So when I read your statement saying every tank is fun and there is no feeling of frustration I was like "Really? How do they expect to make money?" I really hope what you say is true, because if it is, I may have found my new PvP game. And I'm kicking myself for not signing up and grabbing one of the awesome keys they were giving out on MOP this morning. =/
    There are some tanks, some people dislike. However from my point of view I haven't run into any tank I didn't enjoy playing. In addition, there is still the frustration of factor that you simply can't escape when playing an online PvP game that forces you to largely pub. That frustration however stems from the other players and not so much from the vehicles. For me, everything I have played is workable, and everything is fast enough to get into the fight quickly. Some tanks obviously are better than others and some cater to different styles. The tanks that people on the forums have shown displeasure with tend to fall into that alternative style of gameplay. Like the Starship or Swingfire. For the record, I loved the Starship and I am loving the Swingfire.
  • ZoeMcCloskeyZoeMcCloskey Member UncommonPosts: 1,372
    Making me think of trying this one, sounding good! I agree with the poster up top about artillery though, basically everything said there about it is what I would say.

  • devacoredevacore Member UncommonPosts: 340
    Horrible balance. It's beta but it's so bad.... so bad. If you like to run american tanks singing Team American then you'll probably enjoy the game.
  • Major69er1Major69er1 Member UncommonPosts: 133
    The Game is fun better then WOT but the grind after tier 4 is sooo brutal!! and playing an arty that doesn't do a lot of damage really sucks!! Rocket Arties would rock!!  (see what I did there)
  • ananitananit Member RarePosts: 293
    edited October 2015
    the game is better than wot in my opinion, but at this point some people have spent so much money on wot that they will never jump ship, despite how broken and unoptimized the game is. as for people thinking arty is bad in this game and better in wot ... you probably have an average wn8 at best (and that's fine by me as long as you enjoy the game) and you never had to deal with the fact that you get focused all game long by some idiot sitting in base with a sattelite view looking at who has the highest xvm rating and missing you for 900 dmg. that's what ultimately drove me away from wot : if you are good at the game you get punished so hard it becomes disgusting. that, stupid rng to even the odds for bad players and things like the wte100.
  • ananitananit Member RarePosts: 293
    DMKano said:
    WoT is better in terms of gameplay IMO - in a huge way.

    AW to me is not all that good - yes the graphics are nice but it just doesn't deliver in gameplay (where it counts).

    IMO - War Thunder is actually more fun for me than both WoT and AW combined.

    got to agree on the war thunder part, i especially love the damaging mechanics in ground forces. it actually makes sense. as for wot/aw, it comes down to personal preference gameplay wise when you put balance and everything else aside. but there is a deal breaker in war thunder for me and until it gets fixed i will not touch this game again : the ultra low graphics exploit that allows people to see through foliage. you have to see it for yourself at least once to understand why you get completly wrecked behind cover sometimes (in rb/sim of course). just enable ultra low graphics and start a game.
  • ShaighShaigh Member EpicPosts: 2,152
    How much money does premium time and tanks cost?
    Iselin: And the next person who says "but it's a business, they need to make money" can just go fuck yourself.
  • SpottyGekkoSpottyGekko Member EpicPosts: 6,916
    I'm sure that AW will be extremely "generous" in the early stages of their development. They have to lure players away from the existing competitors, and there's no easier way to do that than to give players as much as possible for "free". As easier and faster progression, less RNG and fewer "lockboxes" and less of the "purchase X for a CHANCE to win rare/valuable item Y". The monetization will be scaled-back initially, they need to establish their reputation first.
  • yaminsuxyaminsux Member UncommonPosts: 973
    Arties generally are fine in AW. If they make it as WoT, then why bother making the switch to AW? In WoT arty ruins a lot of 1v1 duels. Getting taken out in one shot is annoying.
  • CuningasCuningas Member UncommonPosts: 48
    They WILL balance the Premium vehicles if needed, it is stated in the those User Agreement stuff you have to accept before playing. They've also said that in the forums time and time again. Arty is support vehicle in this game, not damage dealer (can ofc do dmg). I want to have smoke rounds so badly, I suck at damage dealing with those. American line is not OP, European MBT line/s (Leos and stuff) is/are broken at the moment. They are working hard to fix them. Russians are ridiculously strong in the turret (from front overall actually), I can't pen them from there. Luckily people driving those are stupid and will always show their side or back to me... I haven't seen any real balance issues yet, and you have to remember that this game just started the Open Beta. Obviously balancing is needed in some places, now it will be easier because they will have more statistics to help in balancing. Base feature is nice, you can get even discount in Premium time from there (Recon post, I think gives that?). Worst part in this game are the WoT sheeptits who are yelling AIDS and cancer and really racist stuff in the chat... Chat is easy to disable tho. We are trying hard to make AW community a better place, sadly this kind of game attracts the worst kind of people... I will never give up the fight for the good!
  • SomeOldBlokeSomeOldBloke Member UncommonPosts: 2,167
    The problem with games like this is that it brings out all the mouth breathers. I've lost count of t\The number of times I've had to deal with people shooting me in spawn, rammed by my own team causing damage, people blocking me from shooting targets, parking behind me to stop me getting back into cover and often pushing me in front of them and using me as shield. I try to enjoy games like this but the internet bottom feeders make this impossible. Time to return to the 90s, back to offline single player gaming for me.
  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726
    The Game is fun better then WOT but the grind after tier 4 is sooo brutal!! and playing an arty that doesn't do a lot of damage really sucks!! Rocket Arties would rock!!  (see what I did there)
    It is a tank game, what don't you grasp about that fact?  Too strong artillery basically would be a major detriment to the game.  Artillery was never a major tank killer, usually it would disable a tank verses killing it.  At least the Russian tanks are not so over powered in this game.
  • AmenhoetepAmenhoetep Member UncommonPosts: 36
    I have spent a fair amount of time in this game because it is fun. To me it is very arcade-y, i.e find stuff, aim, click. Basic tanks to me do not play significantly different from a fully upgraded one. I am a big artillery fan and tried it but it cannot kill anything. It's in the game for support but in games like this, who needs/wants support and who cares about support? I have quit playing artillery and it seems that a lot of other peeps have too. I just played maybe a dozen game rounds and most of them had nobody playing arty -- its all tanks. I hope they change arty mechanics or just take it out of the game. Everyone, including myself just plays basically solo with there own stragegy - just get kills. This game is a griefers paradise and games like this. I played a game about an hour ago and just after the round started, someone on my team started shooting me and continued to do so until I blew up. They need to implement a good team kill damage mechanic. This player just stood there and shot me multiple time. Why wasn't that player booted/banned after the second shot? I am losing interest in this game but pop in occasionally just for a few rounds. If they don't fix stuff I certainly will not be spend any money in it. I really hope the can figure out and make the correct changes because games like this are fun but very flawed.
  • CreasianCreasian Member UncommonPosts: 112
    By no means was the game ready for release. They are doing whatever they can right now to rake in some cash and forgoing anything else. This bodes rather badly for the state of the game. As for costs of the game it is far below warthunder in terms of getting your money's worth. The only thing you get by buying premium is more locked exp that you need to buy gold to convert into free exp. If you grind pvp, you will always have enough credits, and that part of the premium tanks is not that well off in itself either. At least in Warthunder you can use that premium to grind tanks, and then if you want, convert exp. They made, during the closed beta, a business decision to raise the tier's to 9 and 10 when originally it was only going to go up to 8. In about two weeks they plan to release tier 9. So They have a token system planned, where you now have to grind even more for tier 9 but you can choose what you get. The lines without a tier 8 will not be getting one any time soon as they have said that they will make the token cost for tier 7 to tier 9 much bigger since no tier 8. The game is a downward slope.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
    yaminsux said:
    Arties generally are fine in AW. If they make it as WoT, then why bother making the switch to AW? In WoT arty ruins a lot of 1v1 duels. Getting taken out in one shot is annoying.
    Atries are fun in WoT until about Tier 4...You go from one shotting to doing literally no damage at all.
  • Einherjar25Einherjar25 Member UncommonPosts: 17
    They fix almost everything that is WRONG and/or frustrating about WoT and people still complain? Arty is ineffective? I guess we're not playing the same game cause I'm having success in mine (m109). There's nothing different than WoT? How about class specific abilities and roles? How about shell selection that matters ALOT compare to WoT. How about Obsidian aren't greedy like Wargaming? How about, when you buy a tank you don't get a big POS that's a freakin pain the *ss to upgrade? Also, they were smart enough to seperate the highest alpha tanks from the highest DPM tanks, that is very smart on their part. Half of the comments here are obviously from people who didn't even try the game for real...If you don't like the game, FINE, don't spread bullshit though...
  • CreasianCreasian Member UncommonPosts: 112
    They fix almost everything that is WRONG and/or frustrating about WoT and people still complain? Arty is ineffective? I guess we're not playing the same game cause I'm having success in mine (m109). There's nothing different than WoT? How about class specific abilities and roles? How about shell selection that matters ALOT compare to WoT. How about Obsidian aren't greedy like Wargaming? How about, when you buy a tank you don't get a big POS that's a freakin pain the *ss to upgrade? Also, they were smart enough to seperate the highest alpha tanks from the highest DPM tanks, that is very smart on their part. Half of the comments here are obviously from people who didn't even try the game for real...If you don't like the game, FINE, don't spread bullshit though...
    Class specific abilities are worthless half the time, such as the LT. Most of the commander skills are bugged, especially the passive ones, since EA and never been fixed. The game is a mess and is becoming a cash grab whether you like it or not. You're in a m109, low tier. Everyone loads HEAT at this tiers for everything since about nothing has ERA, or modifiers to their armor that does jack. Get up in the tiers, something like tier 8, and come back and discuss. The game is a mess. They are not capable of handling the canvas they've painted and the jump to tier 9 and HOW it's being done shows just that.
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