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It's Your Lucky Day! Initial Western Beta Event Kicks Off | ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance |

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited October 2015 in News & Features Discussion

imageIt's Your Lucky Day! Initial Western Beta Event Kicks Off | ELOA: Elite Lord of Alliance |

Interested in beta testing the Western version of ELOA? If so, today's your lucky day as today marks the commencement of the first beta phase for the game. Players will be able to check out the Triple Battle Stance System, what Webzen calls the "core system of the game".

Read the full story here



  • sholo635sholo635 Member UncommonPosts: 20
  • bentrimbentrim Member UncommonPosts: 299
    I'M sorry..........WHAAAAAAAAAA??????????
  • titanofdoomtitanofdoom Member UncommonPosts: 263
    This could be better than Devilan...and i'm the sucker that bought Devilian alpha, and this is free...
    Perennially extricating the extraneous
  • psiicpsiic Member RarePosts: 1,642
    So fastest uninstall in my gaming history, loads slower, runs choppier, and actually looks worse than inspirit. I don't get it. Oh well no loss for me.
  • couponforkcouponfork Member UncommonPosts: 114
    psiic said:
    So fastest uninstall in my gaming history, loads slower, runs choppier, and actually looks worse than inspirit. I don't get it. Oh well no loss for me.
    Your computer must suck cause I'm using a laptop with integrated graphics and it runs wonderfully with good graphics. Overall, I'm actually pretty happy with the game so far. Plugged in my 360 controller and started kicking ass. Reminds me of LOL + WOW + Diablo rolled into one.
  • XingbairongXingbairong Member RarePosts: 927
    Game looks nice, but Black Desert online open beta started yesterday. I don't think they chose a good date to start testing :)
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    I just spent a little time in it. Runs "meh" on my laptop, around 20FPS which is just not enough. Kind of surprising since I can pull off 30FPS on High with Witcher 3. On my desktop, it's aces though. Pretty fun game. As DMKano implies, it's a lot like Devilian. Seems the East is cooking up a lot of Action RPG MMOs. Need more time with it to see if I like Devilian or this more though. I will say that ELOA seems to be a bit more difficult, as I actually have had to use health potions and kiting to avoid death.

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  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    edited October 2015
    I surprisingly dont hate it. Could definitely use some work in some areas, but its decent.
  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,823
    psiic said:
    So fastest uninstall in my gaming history, loads slower, runs choppier, and actually looks worse than inspirit. I don't get it. Oh well no loss for me.
    Sounds like you have hardware or connectivity issues. The game runs great on my rig.
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