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Engineer Elite Specialization Teased | Guild Wars 2 |

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited September 2015 in News & Features Discussion

imageEngineer Elite Specialization Teased | Guild Wars 2 |

The Guild Wars 2 Facebook page has a new teaser image on it that seems to be indicating that this week's big reveal will (finally!) be the Engineer Elite Specialization. See what you think and leave us your thoughts and ideas in the comments!

Read the full story here




  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    edited September 2015
    And I may or may not be squee-ing with joy at this image and what I may or may not know is coming Wednesday... (Edit- SQUEE-ing, not squeezing. Althought... no. Just squee-ing.)

    Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.

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  • KilmaulKilmaul Member UncommonPosts: 121
    And I may or may not be squeezing with joy at this image
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Nice. Looks like there will be drones incomming based on the picture (or it might be pact choppers far away).
  • sinloisinloi Member UncommonPosts: 201
    so twohand hammers I guess?
  • KenaoshiKenaoshi Member UncommonPosts: 1,022
    edited September 2015
    Anxious? yes. hopefull? No. Feel a vibe of MM necro on this one =x

    now: GW2 (11 80s).
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  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    well engi still has no good weapon or armor sets...looks either not engi or way to futuristic...AND all the stuff looks horrible on charr - especially helmets
  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,820
    Hopefully DPS Hammer. I'm crossing my fingers.
    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    Torval said:
    My engineer is a Charr. I don't use helmets because they all look goofy. I use the eye monacles when I have headgear showing.

    Not a lot of info there. I like the guns so a hammer doesn't excite me all that much. When I want to smash things I play my Guardian. Still, if it's fun I'll be happy.
    yeah but guardian hammer is sooooo slow...and charr hammer will have explosions :-) there is one picture of a charr wearing the engi helmet i found while googline for doesnt look super horrible but not super good either - and horns are clipping through
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    edited September 2015
    here is a pic with the helmet on charr....sometimes i think it would make more sense to simply hide horns when wearing helmets and possibly also "shorten" the face of charrs a bit in helmets so that stuff doesnt get so stretched
  • maskedweaselmaskedweasel Member LegendaryPosts: 12,198
    I don't really like the premise of a hammer.  Playing short range with an engineer is doable, but you don't have the regen of an elementalist nor the sustain of a warrior or necromancer.  Dealing hefty damage at such close range could work if they increase mobility...

    Drones don't really excite me right now.  A healing drone skill could be useful if it had a nice passive like healing a condition every few seconds... or if the heal was slightly higher than a necros minion heal.    How is this going to synergize with turrets?   They've become completely useless... and then more so if drone show up and you have mobile turrets.  

    Right now I'm playing my engineer the most.  He really does put out much more damage on enemies than most classes now that conditions can stack.  

    I know for sure that when the beta weekend happens and I'm able to test it will be pretty much the only class I play that weekend.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    Pet drones sound good. Way to early to decide on how good it will be.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • meonthissitemeonthissite Member UncommonPosts: 917
    Wait Teased? Seriously? If that doesn't tell you the contempt they have for this class nothing else will. It's been how long now?
  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    Not as long as the Rangers have been waiting for the Druid...

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  • ThupliThupli Member RarePosts: 1,318
    If those drones are pets, I hope the Ai is way better than ranger pets, minions, and spirit weapons...
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    And I may or may not be squee-ing with joy at this image and what I may or may not know is coming Wednesday... (Edit- SQUEE-ing, not squeezing. Althought... no. Just squee-ing.)
    Hello Mr. Murphy! Long time pain in the ass here. Just wanted to say grats on getting your hammer. I felt the same way when Daredevil was announced. Hopefully roles play a bigger part in dungeons and "the raid".

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Thupli said:
    If those drones are pets, I hope the Ai is way better than ranger pets, minions, and spirit weapons...
    The ranger pet isn't so bad, necro pets and spirit weapons is another matter but my wolf & Black moa does what I tell them to do.RemyVorender said:
    Hello Mr. Murphy! Long time pain in the ass here. Just wanted to say grats on getting your hammer. I felt the same way when Daredevil was announced. Hopefully roles play a bigger part in dungeons and "the raid".
    I don't hope so, I want more co-operation but using fixed roles is a lazy way of handling that. GW2s group dynamics needs a good buff but going towards the trinity system would be a step back for the game. More focus on combos instead.
  • RemyVorenderRemyVorender Member RarePosts: 4,010
    If combos were truly worth doing, my wife and I would enjoy that as well.

    Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!

  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    I don't really like the premise of a hammer.  Playing short range with an engineer is doable, but you don't have the regen of an elementalist nor the sustain of a warrior or necromancer.  Dealing hefty damage at such close range could work if they increase mobility...

    Drones don't really excite me right now.  A healing drone skill could be useful if it had a nice passive like healing a condition every few seconds... or if the heal was slightly higher than a necros minion heal.    How is this going to synergize with turrets?   They've become completely useless... and then more so if drone show up and you have mobile turrets.  

    Right now I'm playing my engineer the most.  He really does put out much more damage on enemies than most classes now that conditions can stack.  

    I know for sure that when the beta weekend happens and I'm able to test it will be pretty much the only class I play that weekend.
    dont necessarily agree with that - i play mostly ft and that is pretty short range - and it is probably one of my toughest to kill builds...if you use toughness gear, bunker down, iron blooded, protection injection, automated medical response etc. your very defensive besides, since neaerly all elite specs bring something to the party i believe the engis thing will be protection or aegis...which would fit the theme (you need protection when you use close range blasting caps)
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    Loke666 said:
    Thupli said:
    If those drones are pets, I hope the Ai is way better than ranger pets, minions, and spirit weapons...
    The ranger pet isn't so bad, necro pets and spirit weapons is another matter but my wolf & Black moa does what I tell them to do.RemyVorender said:
    Hello Mr. Murphy! Long time pain in the ass here. Just wanted to say grats on getting your hammer. I felt the same way when Daredevil was announced. Hopefully roles play a bigger part in dungeons and "the raid".
    I don't hope so, I want more co-operation but using fixed roles is a lazy way of handling that. GW2s group dynamics needs a good buff but going towards the trinity system would be a step back for the game. More focus on combos instead.
    i personally hope the ranger elite will be a shape shifting druid giving you nice interplay and combos with your pet - this would fit very well imo...and you could utilize the FANTASTIC looking norn elites which are never really used cause they are pretty bad...give norn something else and use the graphics for these elites
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    i would also like to add that the idea of exchanging the classical trinity with a rather damage-support-controll approach as gw2 does is WAY more interesting and dynamic imo - just because they havent always found the right balance for pve content yet doesnt dissprove this... i think there is hardly anything more boring than trinity - and i love in gw2 that i can play nearly any class any way with a switch of a button...
  • ThupliThupli Member RarePosts: 1,318
    You can, just not with any substantial challenge. Just look at their 5 man dungeons. Hopefully they pull off raids, but they haven't even shown a single fight of them...
  • Nemesis7884Nemesis7884 Member UncommonPosts: 1,023
    Thupli said:
    You can, just not with any substantial challenge. Just look at their 5 man dungeons. Hopefully they pull off raids, but they haven't even shown a single fight of them...
    well but this is not a problem of the system but of its implementation....
  • DiovidDiovid Member UncommonPosts: 44
    Wait Teased? Seriously? If that doesn't tell you the contempt they have for this class nothing else will. It's been how long now?
    All elite spec reveals were preceded by a teaser on monday. It has nothing to do with contempt. The fact that it is one of the last also has nothing to do with contempt, one of the elite specs had to be last. In addition, Anet stated that the specs were revealed based on which one was far enough along to be shown. It makes sense to me that the Engineer and Ranger specs would be most difficult to get right and thus be shown last.
  • Dr_BinksDr_Binks Member UncommonPosts: 271
    I don't play a engee so I really can't say that much but I think the hammer is underwhelming too me. I think the devs have been a bit lazy with most of the class changes. I say that because they really have not added anything new to the weapon line up. For example.. the animations for dagger auto attack on nerco and thief are the same.... as well as the staff on daredevil and rev are the same so will this hammer on the engee look like the hammer on the rev? I understand that animations take a lot of time to do but each class should have a completely different feel and look to them. When I played the daredevil on the last weekend I wasn't sure if my toon had a hammer or a staff because when she was running with the staff it looked like she had a hammer and too add to that all the animations were the same as the rev with a staff. OKAY I know that is nit picky but when I went from the rev to the daredevil I really did not feel I change classes and I really hope for the peeps that play a engee don't feel like their playing a rev......
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    i personally hope the ranger elite will be a shape shifting druid giving you nice interplay and combos with your pet - this would fit very well imo...and you could utilize the FANTASTIC looking norn elites which are never really used cause they are pretty bad...give norn something else and use the graphics for these elites
    Most of them do, yes. The wolf is actually pretty good. The one I use though is the snow leopard at times since it gives stealth to my warrior, thta is actually pretty useful at times.
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