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My one major concern about EQ2 TLE (I am completly new to the game)

vtravivtravi Member UncommonPosts: 401
So thanks to this site and people like Elocke and Cheyane, I tried Eq2 TLE server and I am loving it. It has a great old school feel with super friendly people. I have a level 32 Troubador and a few other lowly characters.

Here is my one concern: The dungeons are super, super, super easy. I have done all of them up to RoV and it seems impossible to die. I have done them all several times. The last time in RoV we had a dps leave and just kept going with 5 people and still no different. I don't know what healers do because no one loses any health. The only challenge is beating the other groups to the named npc's since the server is so jammed there dungeons are packer with serveral groups fighting for the kills.

I hope it gets harder at the higher levels. I will still keep playing either way because the game is so fun and the people so great. I would just love some challenging group content. The soloing content seems perfectly balanced. 


  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925
    hi played it for a bit
    i got to about same level like you .
    i played a defiler and tbh no they do hit  enough to need a healer
    way eq2 works is that most of the time a lot of the dmg heal is taken by wards,reactives or regen depending on healer so you don't normally see the all the dmg show in the health bar
    without healer you will see your tank go down faster for sure
    also some live changes is in the TLE so essentially classes are a bit stronger for the content in classic and the dungeons easier
    it gets harder with each xpac.
  • RedruumRedruum Member UncommonPosts: 314
    I am loving Stormhold as well!!  Name in game is Hieru of anyone wants to group up!
  • elockeelocke Member UncommonPosts: 4,335
    What class did you pick Vtravi?  I've died PLENTY on my swashy
  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332
    I have played this game as much as anyone and a lot of Tanking.

    Until higher levels i always have pretty much as good a gear as you can get and i take plenty of dmg and often times wonder if i will live.So my response is that your group is too high for the content.

    You are aiming for Yellow mobs,once Green then yes it is going to be a lot easier.

    What i don't like about the design is the constant zerg effect and that really never changes hardly ever.

    What happens is when they divide the mobs into 3's or 6's each mob is weaker than one at the same level.So it forces you to spam kill as fast as possible because once you get say 3 down to 1 or 6 down to 2-3 mob it is super easy but the  initial start can be hectic.

    Examples will show better once you hit Runnyeye and get 12 yellow goblins in one room all aggro at the same time.

    Also you need to realize that almost every single player knows the content inside and out,they don't have Alzheimers like me :P.I guarantee 100% that a noob group would easily die on the first runs.

    Now in comparison,no game out there is as tough as FFXI :P.Every single person should have played vanilla FFXI for a full year to truly understand great combat and how challenging and fun it can be.I consider myself lucky,i got to play the EQ series and witness the best graphics and housing as well as enjoy FFXI's great class/combat design,so i have had the best of all worlds.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • SunscourSunscour Member UncommonPosts: 186
    My Monk dies all of the time, My Ranger has yet to die......
    But I have to say that there is always someone to group with or someone kills what is killing me and then brings my sorry dead self back to life. Love this game and Love the community.

    Life is Short, Read a Book.

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