So my highest GW2 character is about level 33 or something like that. I'd like to continue with her, not having played for a very long time. I logged in, and noticed that the character has basically no inventory space. It's all clumped up with stuff. I guess half of it are crafting component, the other half are all kinds of boosts (more xp, level a char to lvl 20 instantly or whatever, more of this or that).
I like crafting, so I'm not sure what to throw away. And while I don't need those boost thingies right now, I'm not sure if I might need them at another time.
Even starting to play with the character makes no sense, since I wouldn't have space to pick up more than a couple items.
Is the only solution to buy more bank space? Anyone having any advice?
click that and deposit all material
it puts it in your crafting bank
I did that. I still have nearly no space.
I guess I'll make a screenshot this evening, when I'm home, and post it.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Also, keep an eye what you have in your inventory. Get rid of trophies and salvage anything your class can't use and things that isn't an upgrade. Put the rest of the stuff in the bank.
Try to only have an salvage kit in the inventory when you head out (easier said then done).
There is no reason to carry or store anything on you. What you don't need, store in the bank. Carry two salvage kits at all times, that way you can break down items into components (and store them directly through "deposit materials" as suggested above). At level 33, you should not have that much stuff yet anyway.
- Stuff you want to store in the bank are xp boosters, any consumables that will be useful at level 80, toys, very rare crafting ingredients and very rare pieces of equipment.
- Stuff you carry around is food, any equipment you swap on regular basis, some toys.
- Majority of other stuff you sell on the auction house or break down and store the materials (those are stored in a separate tab, not taking up your space).
Don't be afraid to sell stuff you don't need.Throw in 3 stones, a blue, green and yellow salvage kit in the mystic forge in Lions arch, it saves a lot of inventory space and it is good for salvaging ecto late in the game as well.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
In addition to the bank space and default back pack, I got three 10 slot and one 8 slot bags.
Can I throw half of this stuff away?
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Destroy that hearts rewards of living story if not gonna use on your character.
Right click the Mini Jenna to add to wardrobe
"Sell Junk" on any npc to get rid of the trunk
Open all bags and deposit the contents
Sell the npc the green sigils.
Right Click the Transmustaion stones to convert to transmutation charges
Consume the transmutation charge
Sell remaining crafting insigneas/inscriptions or use to level up other crafting professions
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
The only Gem Store recommendations I ever make to anyone is to get the Copper Fed Salvage-O-Matic. It's account bound, unlimited uses (cost a bit of copper per use) and then you can keep a Mystic Kit for breaking down your yellows. The second is the Watchwork Mining Pick, as you have a chance at getting watchwork sprockets each whack on a mining node, it's also account bound and has unlimited uses and works on all nodes. I mine every node I see and I get enough sprockets per week to sell of about two stacks of the sprockets. A stack of 250 sells for about 6g. That's a free 12g per week on top of everything else I sell. I make about 100g per week in sales, and I only play a couple of hours in the evening. Of course, I'm obsessed with money making atm and live in the silverwastes and orr.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
For the boosters go get some boost powder from the skin vendors in the LA vault. You can turn them into '?' boosters and are able to select the type of boost you want. The birthday booster and item boosters don't work, but xp boosters and crafting boosters, etc work with the powder.
The transmutation stones are able to be turned into transmutation charges at the rate of 3 stones per charge. So you have 3 charges sitting in your bank being useless. Transmutation charges are part of the wallet.
The heart pendents can be sold or salvaged if able, otherwise destroy. Old armor and weapons are pointless to keep. Once they are account bound you get the skin and can just select from the wardrobe selector.
You have a transmutation charge in your bags, use it and have it go to the wallet.
The crafting materials in your bags and bank, either use them or sell them on the TP. My motto is, only craft what you need, keep what you can in the collectibles storage and sell the rest.
You have some runes/sigils in your bags. Sell them.
Keep the instant repair canister on a character and use it next time you die.
You have a WvW trap in your bags. Either go use it or get rid of it.
The 48 flaming stones are either trophy items from an event or are vendor trash, either way, get rid of them.
You have mystic stones in your bag, keep them in the bank and use them when you need them. They are most commonly used in making Mystic Salvage Kits at the rate of 3 stones per kit.
The mini queen jennah. Add her to your minis storage, right click and add to collection. If you have it already you can get rid of it.
That should cover most of it.
Finish crafting any item you can. Dowels in your bank? No, dont do that.
Those "hearts" in your bank is worthless. Just sell/salvage.
I would just move anything you have into inventory and sell all of it on TP or to a merchant.
There is not alot of things worth keeping in GW2.
Deposit your crafting materials and sell or salvage any other items.
Make sure to check out the sell price on the TP before you salvage or sell to a NPC.
If you get a exotic gear/weapon piece, check the price on TP and check what Rune/Sigil is on it.
You will eventually get a blaack lion kit from log in rewards which lets you get a 100% chance to get Runes/sigils.
Sometimes weapons or gear you get go for cheaper than the actual rune/sigil that is on it. So when you see that you want to use, or wait until you get a black lion salvage kit. Which if RNG is on your side, you will get 1-3 gold more than just selling the gear on TP.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
You can also create your own guild, then try to raise the influence and research the stuff that gives you a guild bank.
You can also sell those black lion chests, and whenever you get a key, just buy one from the TP for like 18c or whatever they go for. They are dirt cheap anyway.
The 5 mystic forge stones are great, put 3 of them with a full blue, green and yellow salvage kit in the mystic forge for a 250 uses mystic salvage kit.
Salvage any weapon and armor you don't plan to use.
And try to go to 15 bags, they are cheap.
The funny thing is that GW2 is one of the games that have least problems with this due to the collections at the bank, most MMOs are far worse.
Its 1g and may take a while to unlock the guild bank but its worthy.
now: GW2 (11 80s).
Dark Souls 2.
future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
"Bro, do your even fractal?"
Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
For gear you either use - break down - or sell. I find that and runes I receive below yellow are easier to sell to a vendor then see if the market will give you anything for them. Chances are, if its not yellow or above, don't even really worry about saving them (unless you're still leveling and need them.)