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Dragon Age: Inquisition | The Descent: Finally, Dwarves | MMORPG

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited August 2015 in News & Features Discussion

imageDragon Age: Inquisition | The Descent: Finally, Dwarves | MMORPG

The original launch version of Dragon Age: Inquisition had much of what fans of the franchise were looking for. There were the open zones and the interesting and chatty group of companions. Inquisition had huge plot-shaking fights with evil dragons, and small sweet moments with friends around the card table. There was one area, though, where the game fell short: Dwarves. Uh, no pun intended.

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  • CyntheCynthe Member UncommonPosts: 1,414
    I loved this DLC, it's strong point to me was the fleshing out of the dwarven mythos. I was squeeing out my mind by the end of it.


  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    The more I play DAI, the more I am convinced BioWare is thinking of turning this into a pure MMO soon. The combat, the questing, even the Multiplayer dungeons all seem like exactly the kind of experience they'd be aiming for with a themepark MMORPG set in DA.

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  • rojoArcueidrojoArcueid Member EpicPosts: 10,722
    edited August 2015
    I do not want to go down there without Cassandra! :( She has been my main tank since i bought the game. Im not a fan of fake Blackwall. I guess ill have to toughen up as a Knight Enchanter Mage. EDIT: how long is this DLCs main storyline?

  • alkarionlogalkarionlog Member EpicPosts: 3,584
    The more I play DAI, the more I am convinced BioWare is thinking of turning this into a pure MMO soon. The combat, the questing, even the Multiplayer dungeons all seem like exactly the kind of experience they'd be aiming for with a themepark MMORPG set in DA.
    would be a weak MMO then, the multiplayer is more like ME3, lobby slow paced and lag game, the game per see was ok, but its lack a lot of things who made dragon age origin good, classes are too closed like it was in DA2, no char development, you can't make a crit warrior or a dex warrior or a tank mage, also a lot of thing during story make no much sense, but then again it bioware, they are fast to forget what worked and keep bringing more things we really don't like or it gates a lot more of the game play, I give then the illusion of open world on this one but they failed and hard on char development
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