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5 of the Most Hilarious & Epic Moments from MMORPG History - The List at

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited August 2015 in News & Features Discussion

image5 of the Most Hilarious & Epic Moments from MMORPG History - The List at

MMOs are the perfect playgrounds for chaos. Drop thousands of players into one seamless and dynamic world and you get nothing short of complete anarchy. You’d be hard-pressed to find a game that didn’t have its fair share of terrible people trolling others. With that being said though, a solid community in an MMO can be one of the most beautiful and cohesive things on the planet.

Read the full story here




  • MystaMysta Member UncommonPosts: 94
    edited August 2015
    I think the Corrupted Blood plague of 2005 should be included, that was an amazing unintentional event.
  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Mysta said:
    I think the Corrupted Blood plague of 2005 should be included, that was an amazing unintentional event.
    I remember that...
  • sanatkumarasanatkumara Member UncommonPosts: 9
    I've tried [thru google] to find documentation of this exact event for clarity; but, stick with me here, this was AGES ago: Asheron's Call, some of the big boss events were actually staffed by the devs/GM's! :) They had monthly xpacs, and as certain timed events unfolded, the NPC bosses would be helmed by Turbine's ppl! :) -In one famous event, a devastating Necro queen was to wipe out all good; so we [collectively] had to pound her into mushy catfood. :P ..however, during that event, the GM playing the queen's Tumerok right-hand man hit her with a "cleansing" debuff... Ostensibly, this was to rid her of the nasty banes and debuffs players had cast upon her. :P The effect, however, was to remove ALL her spells, including her beneficial boons and buffs; promptly allowing her to be reduced to the aforementioned Meow Mix. :D This derailed the lore of the event [in that iteration] and granted all an unplanned, "wtf-but-hooray!!" victory :D 
  • BitterClingerBitterClinger Member UncommonPosts: 439
    I would have to include the Serenity Now funeral crash as a top 5...

  • RavingRabbidRavingRabbid Member UncommonPosts: 1,168
    I still remember in WOW where several hundred gnomes were marching from city to city. Cant remember if they were naked or not. Still funny.

    All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
    Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes

  • Ammon777_newAmmon777_new Member UncommonPosts: 306
    I still remember in WOW where several hundred gnomes were marching from city to city. Cant remember if they were naked or not. Still funny.
    Wish I saw that.
  • 7thRankedNoob7thRankedNoob Member UncommonPosts: 13
    ... you forgot the whole "Derek Smart vs. Star Citizen" thing happening today ... that's easily the #1 most hilarious.
  • SiphaedSiphaed Member RarePosts: 1,114
    Really wish they'd bring back that Branded event in some form or another. They did it for the game's version of Hunger Games Beta event with the Southsun Survivor that is now in the mini-game rotation.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,121
    It might be worth it to clarify that the murdering of the CEO in the EVE/GHSC story was "in game".
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  • herculeshercules Member UncommonPosts: 4,925
    I've tried [thru google] to find documentation of this exact event for clarity; but, stick with me here, this was AGES ago: Asheron's Call, some of the big boss events were actually staffed by the devs/GM's! :) They had monthly xpacs, and as certain timed events unfolded, the NPC bosses would be helmed by Turbine's ppl! :) -In one famous event, a devastating Necro queen was to wipe out all good; so we [collectively] had to pound her into mushy catfood. :P ..however, during that event, the GM playing the queen's Tumerok right-hand man hit her with a "cleansing" debuff... Ostensibly, this was to rid her of the nasty banes and debuffs players had cast upon her. :P The effect, however, was to remove ALL her spells, including her beneficial boons and buffs; promptly allowing her to be reduced to the aforementioned Meow Mix. :D This derailed the lore of the event [in that iteration] and granted all an unplanned, "wtf-but-hooray!!" victory :D 
    i can say about everquest 1 back in 2000 event bosses were staffed by the server GM and a developer.
  • AmatheAmathe Member LegendaryPosts: 7,630
    edited August 2015
    I would add: 1. Awakening the Sleeper in Everquest; and 2. A CSR being killed in SWG when he was flagged in a player city.

    EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests

  • MykellMykell Member UncommonPosts: 780
    Fansy the famous bard from ye old days of Everquest is up there.
  • mgilbrtsnmgilbrtsn Member EpicPosts: 3,430
    Sovrath said:
    It might be worth it to clarify that the murdering of the CEO in the EVE/GHSC story was "in game".
    I would hope, otherwise it wouldn't be that funny anymore.

    I self identify as a monkey.

  • ChadiwickerChadiwicker Member UncommonPosts: 80
    There was an event in WoW not so long back where there was a glitch/bug that allowed someone in Stormwind to basically one shot everyone. Skeletons everywhere. I had a good laugh over that.
  • laseritlaserit Member LegendaryPosts: 7,591
    My personal favorite was watching the carnage, that was wrought, when a couple clever players trained Stitches into Goldshire.

    "Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee

  • TyranusPrimeTyranusPrime Member UncommonPosts: 306
    Most epic event I ever had the pleasure of taking part in was in Tabula Rasa.. several weeks before shut down.. I remember the forum leaders and several game devs taking part..

     Arieki.. The Torden Mires.. A mass of players gathering together at Baylor Base.. Then suddenly, we were off.. The Brann LZ base was supposedly under heavy assault by the Thrax.. It was quite the sight to see - a hundred+ players in a rag-tag line rushing through the zig-zag canyons that led to the base.. Then complete chaos as the devs spawned Thrax units on the ridge line.. The fighting broke out, with the front line forces not even realizing the middle and rear had been ambushed.. Our rear column smashed into the middle of the canyons and took out the ambushing Thrax.. By the time we all caught up to the front line, there was barely much time to breath..
     The massive base, surrounded by huge fortified walls seemed quiet.. for about 2 minutes.. then they hit us.. The walls meant nothing.. Thrax strike teams teleported straight into the base.. Predator flying units coasting over the walls.. Striders bursting from underneath the ground.. The meteoric impact of Stalkers hitting and unfurling into walking tanks.. We cut loose with everything we had.. I remember the total pandemonium as I stood in the doorway to a Rez chamber, pouring automatic emp chaingun fire into the eye of a Strider that REALLY wanted inside, just trying to buy the newly-risen a chance to make it back into the fight..
     After what seemed like an eternity.. It was over.. We had won and the LZ was safe.. or was it? The "raid" leaders (aka event planners) called out that the Thrax leader responsible for the assault was planet-side.. Far to the north.. If we struck at him now, we could strike a blow for our forces.. We rallied.. We yelled.. We charged..
     The Thrax hit use sparingly on the road headed north, saving their best for defense of the base.. Some Predators buzzed us at the bridge, knocking some of us (yes.. me) into the toxic goop below.. Took a while to climb out.. Meanwhile, the main force hit the Thrax like a freight train.. By the time I got out of the pit (blasting 3 Preds out of the damn sky out of pure spite), the battle was in full-swing.. Thrax minions were teleporting in by the dozen every few seconds with air support from Predators.. If they had any Stalkers or Striders, I never saw them, but the forces they had were enough.. The General (played by a illusion-cloaked dev) fought off the main raid as they chased him around and around the complex.. It was almost comical, well until you got his attention and got blasted to smithereens..

     When it was finally over, you could feel the exhilaration.. The community managers and devs had brought us together one last time and given us a memory to hold on to.. Best event I have ever been apart of in any of the many many MMOs I've played over the years.. To this day I haven't forgotten it..

    ..because we're gamers, damn it!! - William Massachusetts (Log Horizon)

  • DelCabonDelCabon Member UncommonPosts: 258
    The funniest thing I ever heard of was that after a level 50 EQ player was busted for cheating the GM's dragged his character to the sewers of Qeynos and beat him down to level 1. In the old days of EQ losing even 1 level, especially in the 40's, required having Tums on tap.

    Del Cabon
    A US Army ('Just Cause') Vet and MMORPG Native formerly of Trinsic, Norath and Dereth. Currently playing LOTRO. 

  • syriinxsyriinx Member UncommonPosts: 1,383
    Go Go Good Team
  • PC_FerretPC_Ferret Member UncommonPosts: 49
    I still remember in WOW where several hundred gnomes were marching from city to city. Cant remember if they were naked or not. Still funny.
    Some were some weren't. The objective was to run low-level Gnomes from Ironforge to Undercity to /hug Sylvanas.
  • PC_FerretPC_Ferret Member UncommonPosts: 49
    My most memorable "MMO moment" was on City of Heroes' last day when hundreds of players logged in on all the servers and stood on the steps of City Hall all holding up torches against the coming darkness.
  • ShortyBibleShortyBible Member UncommonPosts: 409
    One of my favorite moments happened in AO. A player got access to a GM account and did a 2 hour event
    I recall him running shouting "Funcom got PWNED )  HAHA
    Could not fine the video.

  • PappabeardkPappabeardk Member UncommonPosts: 14
    I've been playing MMO's since early 2000... There's no way I could make a list like this, and limit it to 5 entries
  • MitaraMitara Member UncommonPosts: 755
    The event i remember the best is the Peace march from Athens to Rome, in Anarchy Online. Hundreds of players decided that the war that was set up by Funcom in their game, was not right and decided to make a Peace march across most of the map. It brought many guilds together and in a setup meeting in one of the closed apartments, 2 event managers from Funcom participated and killed everybody...
  • noncleynoncley Member UncommonPosts: 718
    One small but amusing incident occurred when I kited a Dark Jedi Master into the Science Station at Dathomir. It had been done before and would be done again but it was quite an achievement, I thought, to tease and lure this immensely powerful NPC all the way across Dathomir without either getting too far away from him that he would reset or too close so that he could one shot me. Then he arrived and started massacring everyone trying to zone in. Good times. Then devs everywhere in all games started implementing a policy that meant big bosses could only be fought in areas where the devs wanted you to fight them.
  • barasawabarasawa Member UncommonPosts: 618
    For me it was a completely unscheduled thing that happened in Everquest. It was The Line. The did a patch, and screwed up the aggro range. EVERY creature in the northern desert of ro was aggroing on ANYONE in the zone. So hundreds of PCs grouped up (raids didn't exist as a function yet), formed ranks shoulder to shoulder, and made a line where the grass gave way to sand. It was an immense cooperative and spontaneous effort. For hours we were there blasting anything that came out of the sands. Raiders, Mummys, it didn't matter, they all fell. It was great while it lasted, but eventually the devs noticed and downed the server. At least they didn't do a rollback on that one, the xp and gold was pretty good for me. :)

    Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...

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