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The Secret World | Issue 12 Is All About the Dungeons | MMORPG

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited August 2015 in News & Features Discussion

imageThe Secret World | Issue 12 Is All About the Dungeons | MMORPG

This week, The Secret World players will get a chance to sink their fangs into the first part of Issue 12: The Dark Tower Below, the next expansion in The Secret World's roughly biannual update schedule. With a focus on challenging group content and tidying up some of the loose ends in The Secret World's design, Issue 12 feels pretty substantial. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get a sneak peek of that content, and I came away very impressed.

Read the full story here




  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.

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  • orbitxoorbitxo Member RarePosts: 1,956
    edited August 2015
    =D perfect timing since nothing goin on in WS until F2p.
  • gunmanvladgunmanvlad Member UncommonPosts: 281
    I left the game due to its horrible community (in-game only: biggest elitist jerks I have seen in any MMO when it came to "end-game"...MOBA levels of nasty) and otherwise lack of player doing hard content. I've never actually returned, just because picking up the odd combat system again didn't feel that fun. No amount of (surely amazing) content can bridge that gap for me.
  • Mr_PithMr_Pith Member UncommonPosts: 29
    "Issue 12, however, seems to step more towards the familiar elements of the genre—and that isn't necessarily a bad thing." Not necessarily.
  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    edited August 2015
    "Issue 12, however, seems to step more towards the familiar elements of the genre—and that isn't necessarily a bad thing."  dunno, personally I hate dailies, just as mandatory LFG tool, and tier increase as content (luckily it's not AoC's magnitude yet, but still :wink: ).

    "In that sense, Issue 12 feels like a refinement of the progression rather than an exciting foray into bold new territory. In a lot of ways, it seems like Funcom is taking a few pages from the big book of "Tried and True MMORPG Design" to help accent their already unique formula. That's a good thing, [...]" As I wrote earlier, it's similar to Issue 8, kinda transmission or chillout point story-wise, and focusing onto endgame grind. As for the Tried and True, I don't think it's a good thing, but I'm sure there are grinders out there who will love it :) I prefer the rest what comes with Issue 12, but I wrote that already in a previous post.

    Some fixes: it's b2p and not f2p. AEGIS is not a recent addition, Tokyo brought that. Flappy is not new, rather an old "friend" with an established fanbase :) World bosses used to have only a couple signature moves (opposed to dungeon / raid bosses), because those are ment for 30-40-50 peeps ranged from newbie to veteran, so "world boss seemed incredibly simple" is WAI. "these bosses are likely more about the collective social experience than anything." exactly, even a fresh newbie right out from Agartha can participate, and grab some loot in the end - if manage to survive :).

    edit: "Issue 12 feels pretty substantial." nope, that's what I posted after the first streaming, it's only needed for those who are at the end and wants the new dungeon plus the new top tier of the raids. Everything else in 12 will be a free update.
  • ddocentralddocentral Member CommonPosts: 2
    Should be "aesthetic vein," not "aesthetic vain."
  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    I dislike story driven mmorpg's,I hate cut scenes in mmo's,I dont care for voice acting in mmo's but TSW is awesome game in mmoRPG market,one by best ! TSW is jewel !
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
  • Mr_PithMr_Pith Member UncommonPosts: 29
    Alverant said:
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
    Unfortunately this will just lead to a debate. It's a matter of opinion, nothing else.
  • Mr_PithMr_Pith Member UncommonPosts: 29
    I dislike story driven mmorpg's,I hate cut scenes in mmo's,I dont care for voice acting in mmo's but TSW is awesome game in mmoRPG market,one by best ! TSW is jewel !
    You've posted the same thing over and over: Example from 6th of May:
  • unfilteredJWunfilteredJW Member RarePosts: 398
    Well, guess it's time to hop back in and finish up Tokyo. Definitely one of the best gaming purchases I've made. Protip: Play with headphones.

    I'm a MUDder. I play MUDs.

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  • Agent_JosephAgent_Joseph Member UncommonPosts: 1,361
    Mr_Pith said:
    I dislike story driven mmorpg's,I hate cut scenes in mmo's,I dont care for voice acting in mmo's but TSW is awesome game in mmoRPG market,one by best ! TSW is jewel !
    You've posted the same thing over and over: Example from 6th of May:
    yes , TSW is special game for me,I love it but there are stuff what i can't tolerate in another mmo's(exemple TOR,ESO...) I ll repeat that every time !
  • bauhau5bauhau5 Member UncommonPosts: 13
    edited August 2015
    "An AEGIS is a dynamic piece of gear"

    Really? I think this is a fluff statement because if the writer really dug into the Aegis system they may come to a different understanding.

    I feel the Aegis system is convoluted and takes you out of a fluid experience. One of the best things about TSW is the Ambience, especially in the early zones. However, once you get to Tokyo you have to stop and swap out your Aegis systems. There is an add on that swaps for you but if you want to be effective you sometimes have to get out of combat, open your inventory, swap out your Aegis to the appropriate placement and then re-engage combat.. ugh what? Who thought that would be a good idea? If anything it should have been another ability wheel that is inherent in your character, not bound to pieces of technology.. and that my friends leads me to another point I dislike about this latest content.

    The prominent inclusion of technology to increase the player's combat prowess. From scenarios to Tokyo, it's all based around technology. The original magic of monsters and environment is completely lost. Everything feels artificial and far less mysterious.

    While the original content was always based on the Macabre, the new stuff is evil corporation takeover. I'll still jump into the new content but it feels less magical and more like a chore.

  • BoardwalkerBoardwalker Member UncommonPosts: 388
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    That's weird. One of the aspects of TSW that I enjoy most is the combat.

    They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
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  • GlacianNexGlacianNex Member UncommonPosts: 654
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    @BillMurphy are you trying to start a flame war there? (btw if you do I am on your side)
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    That's weird. One of the aspects of TSW that I enjoy most is the combat.
    I know. I haven't played many MMOs but the combat here is better than WoW, Wildstar, and Neverwinter IMHO. You have options I haven't seen in other games.
  • AlverantAlverant Member RarePosts: 1,353
    Mr_Pith said:
    Alverant said:
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
    Unfortunately this will just lead to a debate. It's a matter of opinion, nothing else.
    So what's the harm in asking for specifics?
  • TamanousTamanous Member RarePosts: 3,030
    Alverant said:
    Mr_Pith said:
    Alverant said:
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
    Unfortunately this will just lead to a debate. It's a matter of opinion, nothing else.
    So what's the harm in asking for specifics?
    It has been debated to death on these forums for a long while. I've also clearly and often said the combat is TSW is what keeps me from playing. I go out of my way to also express the areas of the game that are very well done. We do not need to reopen this debate here however.

    You stay sassy!

  • Mr_PithMr_Pith Member UncommonPosts: 29
    Alverant said:
    Mr_Pith said:
    Alverant said:
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
    Unfortunately this will just lead to a debate. It's a matter of opinion, nothing else.
    So what's the harm in asking for specifics?
    Who said anything about harm? I'm just saying that there are cat people and there are dog people and there are people that like vanilla and some like chocolate. Some like it all. I hope this expanded reply made sense.
  • tupodawg999tupodawg999 Member UncommonPosts: 724
    Alverant said:
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    What exactly is wrong with the combat?
    There's a lot of combat and it's neither 1) smooth and actiony enough or 2) tactical enough so it seems to fall between two stools. However although it wasn't immediately obvious to me when I first tried it the combat is (or can be) more tactical than it first appears but most of the tactical thinking happens *before* the combat in how you set up your weapons and skill wheel. So if you like the theory crafting / experimenting aspect of combat then you'll probably like the TSW combat more.
  • nimander99nimander99 Member UncommonPosts: 288
    I dislike story driven mmorpg's,I hate cut scenes in mmo's,I dont care for voice acting in mmo's but TSW is awesome game in mmoRPG market,one by best ! TSW is jewel !
    So what you are saying is you like mmos that are packed with walls of txt and have no coherent direction...
  • hehenephehenep Member UncommonPosts: 221
    bauhau5 said:
    "An AEGIS is a dynamic piece of gear"

    There is an add on that swaps for you but if you want to be effective you sometimes have to get out of combat, open your inventory, swap out your Aegis to the appropriate placement and then re-engage combat.. ugh what? Who thought that would be a good idea?

    Just as an FYI you don't actually have to do any of that to switch your AEGIS gear. You can click on any of the AEGIS icons on the HUD and that either cycles through them (weapon AEGIS) or brings up a little window where you can click on the type of AEGIS shield you want to use. The weapon ones are pretty obvious, but it's relatively easy to miss the one for the AEGIS shields.
  • Dreamo84Dreamo84 Member UncommonPosts: 3,713
    edited August 2015
    Damn it, Funcom. I always think I'm not going to try TSW again until they overhaul the combat, but then... this update comes and I'm tempted to try it out again.
    I tell you what Bill, you use the mouselook mode and bind a couple of your more used attacks to the mouse buttons and it is not bad at all. I used to feel the exact same way, spamming the 1 key while trying to move around a lot just felt sooo awkward.

  • DanitaKusorDanitaKusor Member UncommonPosts: 556
    bauhau5 said:
    "An AEGIS is a dynamic piece of gear"

    I feel the Aegis system is convoluted and takes you out of a fluid experience. One of the best things about TSW is the Ambience, especially in the early zones. However, once you get to Tokyo you have to stop and swap out your Aegis systems. There is an add on that swaps for you but if you want to be effective you sometimes have to get out of combat, open your inventory, swap out your Aegis to the appropriate placement and then re-engage combat.. ugh what? Who thought that would be a good idea? If anything it should have been another ability wheel that is inherent in your character, not bound to pieces of technology.. and that my friends leads me to another point I dislike about this latest content.

    If you are using the autoswap addon then you never need to leave combat to swap out your aegis, the addon does that for you, including swapping your Aegis shields. With the aegis skills maxed out the delay while swapping Aegis controllers is almost unnoticeable.

    The Enlightened take things Lightly

  • BunnykingBunnyking Member UncommonPosts: 126
    I'm not a fan of TSW's combat system, but other parts of the game are awesome enough to compensate and still make it a great experience. Imo, of course.
This discussion has been closed.