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This week, The Secret World players will get a chance to sink their fangs into the first part of Issue 12: The Dark Tower Below, the next expansion in The Secret World's roughly biannual update schedule. With a focus on challenging group content and tidying up some of the loose ends in The Secret World's design, Issue 12 feels pretty substantial. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to get a sneak peek of that content, and I came away very impressed.
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"In that sense, Issue 12 feels like a refinement of the progression rather than an exciting foray into bold new territory. In a lot of ways, it seems like Funcom is taking a few pages from the big book of "Tried and True MMORPG Design" to help accent their already unique formula. That's a good thing, [...]" As I wrote earlier, it's similar to Issue 8, kinda transmission or chillout point story-wise, and focusing onto endgame grind. As for the Tried and True, I don't think it's a good thing, but I'm sure there are grinders out there who will love it
Some fixes: it's b2p and not f2p. AEGIS is not a recent addition, Tokyo brought that. Flappy is not new, rather an old "friend" with an established fanbase
edit: "Issue 12 feels pretty substantial." nope, that's what I posted after the first streaming, it's only needed for those who are at the end and wants the new dungeon plus the new top tier of the raids. Everything else in 12 will be a free update.
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Really? I think this is a fluff statement because if the writer really dug into the Aegis system they may come to a different understanding.
I feel the Aegis system is convoluted and takes you out of a fluid experience. One of the best things about TSW is the Ambience, especially in the early zones. However, once you get to Tokyo you have to stop and swap out your Aegis systems. There is an add on that swaps for you but if you want to be effective you sometimes have to get out of combat, open your inventory, swap out your Aegis to the appropriate placement and then re-engage combat.. ugh what? Who thought that would be a good idea? If anything it should have been another ability wheel that is inherent in your character, not bound to pieces of technology.. and that my friends leads me to another point I dislike about this latest content.
The prominent inclusion of technology to increase the player's combat prowess. From scenarios to Tokyo, it's all based around technology. The original magic of monsters and environment is completely lost. Everything feels artificial and far less mysterious.
While the original content was always based on the Macabre, the new stuff is evil corporation takeover. I'll still jump into the new content but it feels less magical and more like a chore.
They can adjust a game all day, but they can't help the issue between the keyboard and the chair.
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