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Core Issues / PVP

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  • Mykah44Mykah44 Member Posts: 1

    The reason the game lost subs is because of the gear gap between newbs and pvp10 players.

    Speaking from experience, I've had a pvp10 barbarian with over 15,000 pvp kills. The gear gap is really just too harsh, at the level of power I could one and two shot pvp1 characters.

    Now to be fair, I was one of the best barbs in the United States, gear and skill wise. At one point there were only 2 players that could beat me 1v1, Balacai and Argonus, who are both the baddest dudes in AoC history, United State or Europe, they were the very best of the best, and even then I could beat them sometimes.

    You could give that pvp1 experienced player a pvp10 character, I would still kill them easily, it would just take 10-30 seconds longer to do so depending on class. That is because skill is a huge factor in AoC pvp, especially on Melee classes.


    Combo skipping is an inherent part of the combat system, if has been since day one. You can call it exploiting, hacking, whatever, but you are a wrong in doing so. The physics and combat system in AoC is very deep, deeper than any other MMO to date, and pushing that system to its limit is what makes a good player into an amazing player.

    Everything has its limits. Balacai and I discovered a way to combo jump that was so powerful it resulted in an entire reworking of the melee combat system. The devs actually contacted us and talked to us about the combat mechanics because we were the most advanced melee fighters playing the game at the time. I have never once been banned, reprimanded, or otherwise punished for using combo skipping, molding, or combo jumping.


    Say what you want about the gear gap, I agree it was the major downfall of AoC. But to QQ endlessly about "exploits" which are not actually exploits puts you in that category of helplessly nubile lemmings. You will not improve in a skill based combat system if you insist to yourself that pushing the limits of yourself and that system means "cheating", especially considering the company itself does not consider it cheating.

    To anyone interested in checking out the game, I suggest creating a character on Crom PvE server, there is still a healthy population of helpful people and guilds active today, 2015.

    With love and blood


  • Po_ggPo_gg Member EpicPosts: 5,749
    Originally posted by Mykah44

    Combo skipping is an inherent part of the combat system, if has been since day one. You can call it exploiting, hacking, whatever, but you are a wrong in doing so.

    ..... that system means "cheating", especially considering the company itself does not consider it cheating.

    Sorry to meddle into a pvp-focused thread as an outsider / pve lore monkyey, just wanted to address the lines above with a huge Nope, you're wrong. Straight and simple. FC consider it as an exploit / cheat since beta, I can't even recall any other activity you can do in the game which can earn you a (well-deserved) insta-ban.

    True, it's part of the system, it's in the core of how the combo system was built. Also true, and it was quite clear from the beginning, that they can't simply fix it without heavily rewrite the core system. They did some changes, but couldn't close every door. That's why they called it a serious, bannable offense. Not me, or "You can call it exploiting" etc., Funcom themself call it one.


    As Dren writes in the OP, comboskipping is not the way the gameplay was intended. The fact that FC gave up on the option to fix and rewrite the entire combo mechanics and went into the way of banning the caught players doesn't mean it's a legit thing.

    (at least imo, but that's just my pet peeve, I don't like cheaters in any form. And it doesn't matter that I don't pvp, comboskipping ruins pve as well - nothing is sadder than expecting a good fight and then seeing the barb killing off the boss in a minute... what's the point? Luckily we've cleared off / reported most of them from Crom back in the days image)

  • No.rNo.r Member Posts: 14
    Originally posted by Mykah44

    The reason the game lost subs is because of the gear gap between newbs and pvp10 players.

    Speaking from experience, I've had a pvp10 barbarian with over 15,000 pvp kills. The gear gap is really just too harsh, at the level of power I could one and two shot pvp1 characters.

    Now to be fair, I was one of the best barbs in the United States, gear and skill wise. At one point there were only 2 players that could beat me 1v1, Balacai and Argonus, who are both the baddest dudes in AoC history, United State or Europe, they were the very best of the best, and even then I could beat them sometimes.

    You could give that pvp1 experienced player a pvp10 character, I would still kill them easily, it would just take 10-30 seconds longer to do so depending on class. That is because skill is a huge factor in AoC pvp, especially on Melee classes.


    Combo skipping is an inherent part of the combat system, if has been since day one. You can call it exploiting, hacking, whatever, but you are a wrong in doing so. The physics and combat system in AoC is very deep, deeper than any other MMO to date, and pushing that system to its limit is what makes a good player into an amazing player.

    Everything has its limits. Balacai and I discovered a way to combo jump that was so powerful it resulted in an entire reworking of the melee combat system. The devs actually contacted us and talked to us about the combat mechanics because we were the most advanced melee fighters playing the game at the time. I have never once been banned, reprimanded, or otherwise punished for using combo skipping, molding, or combo jumping.


    Say what you want about the gear gap, I agree it was the major downfall of AoC. But to QQ endlessly about "exploits" which are not actually exploits puts you in that category of helplessly nubile lemmings. You will not improve in a skill based combat system if you insist to yourself that pushing the limits of yourself and that system means "cheating", especially considering the company itself does not consider it cheating.

    To anyone interested in checking out the game, I suggest creating a character on Crom PvE server, there is still a healthy population of helpful people and guilds active today, 2015.

    With love and blood


    lol didn't expect seeing good ol' micks here xD. guess my quick melancholic checkup of this forum wasn't so bad :).

  • RedruumRedruum Member UncommonPosts: 314
    Micks is my barbarian god!!!  We all know Pikuu is the GOAT though!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] CommonPosts: 0
    edited August 2015
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] CommonPosts: 0
    edited August 2015
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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