I did enjoy AoC but I will never go back because when it went f2p I logged into see what changed and was shocked they wanted me to pay to access ROTGS even though I already bought it...
Funcom had great ideas and translated them poorly into products: -
The Lego One
The idea: Everyone loves Lego, we must be onto a winner!
The reality: No building, which is the primary purpose of Lego and has been proven to work in games like Minecraft and Trove. No other IP such as Batman, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter to sell the concept in the way that other single player Lego games have been sold.
Lego mini figures online was never meant to be a building game. The first PC iteration was too heavy focused on Micro Transactions / buying real mini figure bags with unlock codes.
The new iOS version is fantastic! It´s aimed at kids and I am currently playing it with my 4 year old son on our iPads and he is having a total blast unlocking new figures, collecting lego parts to build/unlock even more figures.
So for these kids it´s a fun game. You can pick it up, play for an hour, put it away and pickup again later.
The game so far is rock solid and runs very smooth.
I honestly do not know, has it been a success? Are you the exception or the rule? We all know how we should treat anecdotal evidence...
No idea about the success. It released just two-three weeks ago on iOS and It does get good reviews on the App store and I already paid for a new zone unlock. So we going through this medieval zone now. Great fun.
As much as I am glad you are enjoying it... if I were to accept your anecdotals, think of all the moronic shit I would also have to accept. But I might give it another go and see what has changed. Current;y me and my cousins play P101 but might be something different.
I didn't play AoC for long (didn't like the crafting) but from what I recall the combat was relatively fun compared to most games and the classes were cool.
The big thing for me is they got the Conan "feel" right imo - visually it was very cool so everyone who's enjoyed the books should at least take a brief tour just for that.
Some parts of it were just right but others not. My male barbarian had earrings, Conan would have beaten him up for that, even the wussier Conan from the comics.
Not to mention magic items, Conan actually throw away a cool sword in a short story because someone told him the reason he could kill a demon he fought was because it was magical.
And magic classes, Mithra priest did have a slight place there, Conan did have some "interaction" with a few female Mithra pristesses in the comics at least but I don't see demon pets walking around in Aqualonia with Conan as king, no way. Far too many undeads and other stuff as well, most of Conans opponents were humans.
FunCom put way too much high fantasy in the game. Otherwise was the setting right, nice art and while the zones were small they usually looked perfect. I also like the difference in look between open world loot/quest rewards, crafted gear and dungeon loot. You could see who played dungeons and raids with a quick look.
Soo....does anyone want to start a kickstarted with me to buy Age of Conan from Funcom? Think about it....this could be the evolution of MMO's. What if we as players bought the game and we hired developers to develop what we want in the game? This way MMO's aren't created based on some corporate guy that says he has visions for how everyone is going to love his vision. Some of the best software ever created is open source. Why don't we start the revolution and open source Age of Conan after we the players purchase it from Funcom??
Soo....does anyone want to start a kickstarted with me to buy Age of Conan from Funcom? Think about it....this could be the evolution of MMO's. What if we as players bought the game and we hired developers to develop what we want in the game? This way MMO's aren't created based on some corporate guy that says he has visions for how everyone is going to love his vision. Some of the best software ever created is open source. Why don't we start the revolution and open source Age of Conan after we the players purchase it from Funcom??
I'm assuming you aren't serious and this is just "pie in the sky" thinking??
Kickstarter has proven that those who have a financial interest in a project or no different than people who are actual investors in a company.
You will all be screaming for results just like any suit who is also screaming for results in order to keep investors happy.
Additionally, after x amount of people put money in there would then be the arguments about the direction of the game with x amount of people becoming frustrated and wanting to pull out/demand refunds.
And, let's say you do make changes, are they going to be enough to have a commercially viable game or will the changes make a better game for a few people but the few people aren't going to be enough to keep the company going?
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Ok then let's forget the kickstarter money part. Let's focus on the open source part. Maybe I am totally off here, but I am thinking there are talented people out there that would dedicate some time to an open source MMO. It would need organization with a direction of what players wanted to see in an MMO and it also allows for the great creative minds of developers, artists, etc out there that make open source projects great!
Ok then let's forget the kickstarter money part. Let's focus on the open source part. Maybe I am totally off here, but I am thinking there are talented people out there that would dedicate some time to an open source MMO. It would need organization with a direction of what players wanted to see in an MMO and it also allows for the great creative minds of developers, artists, etc out there that make open source projects great!
Age of Conan really didn't keep me interested as it had too many issues to iron out after launch. I thought Secret World was going to be something amazingly new and different, but I found that it didn't have enough zones to avoid becoming boring. Not to mention action combat tends to lack staying power and MMORPGs are meant to hold players for long durations. If anything, a lot of Funcom's work proved that action combat isn't the way of the future everyone was hoping for in MMORPGs and its time to go back to some slower, more tactical gameplay options.
Ok then let's forget the kickstarter money part. Let's focus on the open source part. Maybe I am totally off here, but I am thinking there are talented people out there that would dedicate some time to an open source MMO. It would need organization with a direction of what players wanted to see in an MMO and it also allows for the great creative minds of developers, artists, etc out there that make open source projects great!
Age of Conan really didn't keep me interested as it had too many issues to iron out after launch. I thought Secret World was going to be something amazingly new and different, but I found that it didn't have enough zones to avoid becoming boring. Not to mention action combat tends to lack staying power and MMORPGs are meant to hold players for long durations. If anything, a lot of Funcom's work proved that action combat isn't the way of the future everyone was hoping for in MMORPGs and its time to go back to some slower, more tactical gameplay options.
Again, I"m not sure I agree.
I don't think "action combat" was supposed to be "the wave of the future" but more of a different way of implementing combat. I also don't think that Funcom's work with "action combat is indicative of whether people want it as their games didn't quite take off for other reasons.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Do you think a company like Daybreak or someone would purchase Age of Conan? It is a great game and could be a ton better! I just can't see who would be able to purchase anything from Funcom except some big time game companies. If they don't buy it then Funcom may just go bankrupt and the games turned off?
I hate to say this, but after FailCOM banned me for saying I stole my cd key that I purchased right from the secret world website and banned my account, that was the last nail in the coffin for me. BYE BYE
We'll after Funcom ripped me off to the tune of around $400 after i changed my mind about wanting 2 lifetime subs on TSW, I will be very happy to see them go under. I was in the closed beta for TSW and saw the game go from good to not so good, just during the course of the beta alone. Early closed beta excited me enough to buy 2 lifetime subs in advance for myself and my GF. By the end of beta, i wanted little to do with the game given the direction of the changes and the worst crafting system i have ever seen in any mmo. They refused to refund my money. The simply kept stringing me along claiming they had done it till they waited out my window to force the matter with a charge back.
Personally i hope that every employee of this company dies painfully due to a secondary infection caused by surgery to repair their anal prolapse. Maybe if another company buys their games, i may give them a try. But anything that says Funcom on it is to be thrown in a dumpster and lit on fire.
Do you think a company like Daybreak or someone would purchase Age of Conan? It is a great game and could be a ton better! I just can't see who would be able to purchase anything from Funcom except some big time game companies. If they don't buy it then Funcom may just go bankrupt and the games turned off?
My guess is one of the Asian companies like "Perfect World" would be more inclined to purchase Fucom provided they could get a good price.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
And playing this game at release did not make me feel like I was in Conan Country at all. Tortage was a nightmare, always happy to get out of that tutorial place.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Age of Conan is a great game i don't understand this "Tortage business" its an insignificant area you only play in for about 4 hours, most people that hate on the game never get past that zone which is a shame because there is a ton of interesting areas and the game really shines when you get to Khitai.
The secret world is one of the best mmorpgs on the market to date imo. It offers a different perspective on the mmo format as well as a fresh theme besides the usual high fantasy assortment. Honest to god when this launched, it launched with very little technical difficulties but for some reason people still went out of there way to find holes in the game and company because of the "AoC fiasco".
I'm really hoping that even if they sell, that games will remain available for play even if its maintenance mode.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Also, if TSW closes shop that is BAD news for those people who claim to be "sick of wow clones" TSW was one of the games that tried to do things differently, all it proves if they shut up shop is that doing something differently with ambition and major studio support is not a good idea, is that the message we want the people funding triple A mmos to get?
Also, if TSW closes shop that is BAD news for those people who claim to be "sick of wow clones" TSW was one of the games that tried to do things differently, all it proves if they shut up shop is that doing something differently with ambition and major studio support is not a good idea, is that the message we want the people funding triple A mmos to get?
It's twice as bad as that. Age of Conan is the only low fantasy setting, high quality MMORPG in existence. Everything else is a Tolkien caricature.
I don't want elves, I don't want dwarves, I don't want Orcs... I don't want any of that crap. I want humans vs. dangerous beasts, powerful magicians and barbarian, cannibalistic hordes. Humans from vastly different cultures can be just as unique and fun as pointy eared waifs with shoulder pads that could hold up a Roman coliseum.
Not to mention magic items, Conan actually throw away a cool sword in a short story because someone told him the reason he could kill a demon he fought was because it was magical.
And magic classes, Mithra priest did have a slight place there, Conan did have some "interaction" with a few female Mithra pristesses in the comics at least but I don't see demon pets walking around in Aqualonia with Conan as king, no way. Far too many undeads and other stuff as well, most of Conans opponents were humans.
FunCom put way too much high fantasy in the game. Otherwise was the setting right, nice art and while the zones were small they usually looked perfect. I also like the difference in look between open world loot/quest rewards, crafted gear and dungeon loot. You could see who played dungeons and raids with a quick look.
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Kickstarter has proven that those who have a financial interest in a project or no different than people who are actual investors in a company.
You will all be screaming for results just like any suit who is also screaming for results in order to keep investors happy.
Additionally, after x amount of people put money in there would then be the arguments about the direction of the game with x amount of people becoming frustrated and wanting to pull out/demand refunds.
And, let's say you do make changes, are they going to be enough to have a commercially viable game or will the changes make a better game for a few people but the few people aren't going to be enough to keep the company going?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
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I'm not sure what has become of that. But it's there.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
That is the direction I think will change the disappointment in the MMO genre. Imagine the latest graphics and endless possibilities!
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I don't think "action combat" was supposed to be "the wave of the future" but more of a different way of implementing combat. I also don't think that Funcom's work with "action combat is indicative of whether people want it as their games didn't quite take off for other reasons.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
I disagree with everything you said and wish to unsubscribe from your newsletter
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I am so good, I backstabbed your face!
Personally i hope that every employee of this company dies painfully due to a secondary infection caused by surgery to repair their anal prolapse. Maybe if another company buys their games, i may give them a try. But anything that says Funcom on it is to be thrown in a dumpster and lit on fire.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
And playing this game at release did not make me feel like I was in Conan Country at all.
Tortage was a nightmare, always happy to get out of that tutorial place.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
The drama would be GOLDEN, though. [mod edit]
Age of Conan is a great game i don't understand this "Tortage business" its an insignificant area you only play in for about 4 hours, most people that hate on the game never get past that zone which is a shame because there is a ton of interesting areas and the game really shines when you get to Khitai.
The secret world is one of the best mmorpgs on the market to date imo. It offers a different perspective on the mmo format as well as a fresh theme besides the usual high fantasy assortment. Honest to god when this launched, it launched with very little technical difficulties but for some reason people still went out of there way to find holes in the game and company because of the "AoC fiasco".
I'm really hoping that even if they sell, that games will remain available for play even if its maintenance mode.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
And there are always people who are sad when an MMO closes shop, just ask the dozens of Vanguard and SWG fans, or CoX fans.
I don't want elves, I don't want dwarves, I don't want Orcs... I don't want any of that crap. I want humans vs. dangerous beasts, powerful magicians and barbarian, cannibalistic hordes. Humans from vastly different cultures can be just as unique and fun as pointy eared waifs with shoulder pads that could hold up a Roman coliseum.