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New Frontiers Report July 1st 2015

SolicfireSolicfire Member UncommonPosts: 488

All about the numbers over the weekend, which Albs were winning having 5 relics! Mids had taken Eras to establish port, but albs cut it by taking Eras Outpost and seeing off any Mid attempt to reclaim.

With port broken, Albs went on to take Eras. With a clean frontier, Albs moved to Hib and Scathaig, taking it and waiting for Crauch to be taken by a 2nd BG of Albs. With the power relic gate now open, Albs moved towards the Hib power relic. Mids tried to jump them at the relic gate, but Albs were too many.

Mids regrouped and made it to Albion to hit Albs at the mountain pas between Berk and Bold. While Albs were placing the relic in Hurb, Mids reopened port through Eras, but Albs were soon on the scene to again cut port. Mids were ready and waiting for them in Eras, though, setting up to defend.

Not able to get near the keep, albs busted out the siege and blew a hole in the side of the wall to distract Mids, and got a ram on the front door. With 2 entrances open, Albs pushed in to face a storm of hammers and spears! Numbers prevailed, though, and Mids looked to have ported out.

Albs set their sights on Midgard, but had to go through a Mid protected mile gate on Agramon first!


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