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Easy class to play?

cvettecvette Member UncommonPosts: 82

I posted this on the GW2 official forum, but more insight the better.


Hey folks, I am sure this has been asked a few times, but as of now Aug 9 2015. What class is the easiest to play. I like PvP a lot, i suck at it and i suck at using lots of hotkeys.

My play style is 90% solo, I am no good at strafe fighting and swapping weapons, so i thought maybe a stealth archer? I pretty much want to just bash a few buttons. I don’t care too much if i win every fight, i just want to survive a bit.

Thanks everyone



  • rpmcmurphyrpmcmurphy Member EpicPosts: 3,502
    I would say Ranger, Warrior or Necro woukd all be quite easy classes to play.
  • fivorothfivoroth Member UncommonPosts: 3,916
    Guardian. Your survivability is insane so it's less punishing.

    Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.

  • kitaradkitarad Member LegendaryPosts: 8,190
    I think Necromancer is a bit more complicated .I think Ranger and Guardian are the easiest to learrn and play.

  • LudwikLudwik Member UncommonPosts: 407
  • YashaXYashaX Member EpicPosts: 3,100
    Originally posted by kitarad
    I think Necromancer is a bit more complicated .I think Ranger and Guardian are the easiest to learrn and play.

    I agree, Ranger and Guard are easy to pick up. I would go with Guard because you don't need to worry about the Ranger's pet (keeping it alive, stopping it from agroing mobs, using its skills etc).

    Also imo Guard is a lot of fun to play, its a good starter class and a lot of its skills synergize really well, look cool, and feel badass. Heavy armor also looks really good at higher levels. If you end up playing a lot and get to higher levels as a guard you'll be in demand for all the content, and although its easy to just mash a few buttons and win it also has a fairly high skill cap if you want to take it further.

  • Octagon7711Octagon7711 Member LegendaryPosts: 9,004
    I agree with rangers because they got buffed.  My first was Necro because of high survivability.  Running around with your minions out they can do most of the work and fight while you get out of sticky situations.  Guardians setup with a healing build are incredible.  All this is based on mostly solo pve.

    "We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa      "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."  SR Covey

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Well, warrior is really simple. Guardian and rangers aren't very hard either, probably followed by necro.

    Elementalist is however easy to defend structures with but pretty hard in the open terrain.

  • PurutzilPurutzil Member UncommonPosts: 3,048
    Honestly all the classes are very easy to play. The only classes I'd mention against would be Mesmer or Engineer since they can be a bit less braindead to play. Engineer probably would edge out of the two being a little harder. All the other classes are pretty basic to play, and honestly its more down to your preferences. There is very little complexity to the game to worry about. 
  • simpliussimplius Member UncommonPosts: 1,134

    ranger or guardian, they are pretty easy to play


  • HotcellHotcell Member UncommonPosts: 279

    Guardian is the best choice. It's easy enough to play, but has room for "high level of play." You are also needed in ALL game modes (PvE, sPvP, WvW.)

    Warrior & Ranger come next. Pretty much you can just mush buttons and kill things quick.

    Definitely avoid Engineers, Elementalists and Mesmers. If you don't play well, you are either burst down really quickly, or you are unable to kill anyone decent.

    But most importantly, have fun!

  • KenaoshiKenaoshi Member UncommonPosts: 1,022

    1) Guardian = lots of protection, condi removals, burning OP(both pve pvp)

    2) Warrior = highes hp pool, drops banners buff might (in pve u kinda suck)

    3) Ranger = Pet tank, you deal damage (intead of longbow consider a melee weapon (sword/axe | greatsword))

    4) Necro = minions can tank **WHEN** they AI works but not for long. Consider Dagger/Warhorn.


    now: GW2 (11 80s).
    Dark Souls 2.
    future: Mount&Blade 2 BannerLord.
    "Bro, do your even fractal?"
    Recommends: Guild Wars 2, Dark Souls, Mount&Blade: Warband, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    All classes are easy to play
    All classes are hard to master

    so choose what you like

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    Another question from wannabe-player of GW2 (since they are free to play, why not try?).
    In Lotro I am accustomed to Minstrel: while bikini armour (i.e. light one) and not so good in melee, Minstrel just nukes eveyrthing in its path and has great heals/buffs too. You just stand and nuke (or, if in healing mode, just stand and spam AoE heals).
    In this discussion most participatns advocated Guardian because of heavy armour and good survavability.
    Question: is there any caster class that could nuke and not be afraid of melee combat?
  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685
    edited August 2015
    Another question from wannabe-player of GW2 (since they are free to play, why not try?).
    In Lotro I am accustomed to Minstrel: while bikini armour (i.e. light one) and not so good in melee, Minstrel just nukes eveyrthing in its path and has great heals/buffs too. You just stand and nuke (or, if in healing mode, just stand and spam AoE heals).
    In this discussion most participatns advocated Guardian because of heavy armour and good survavability.
    Question: is there any caster class that could nuke and not be afraid of melee combat?
    Elementalist or Mesmer, but it really depends on your gear stats.  If you want survivability, go Toughness and Vitality, if you want damage, go Knights i think.
    Here's a link to the different armor stats, just hover the icons on the left column to see the stats.

  • IsilithTehrothIsilithTehroth Member RarePosts: 616
    Games gets boring very quickly and the WVW is VERY lacking. The dynamic quests are just tedious loops. The expansion looks like it does improve the negative things. Anyways the classes are simple to use(and I am a gernade throwing rifle user engineer).


  • KryptyKrypty Member UncommonPosts: 454
    Guardian. Just stay away from Mesmer IMO (they are one of the more complex classes without having a tremendous reward to justify the effort).
  • FdzzaiglFdzzaigl Member UncommonPosts: 2,433
    edited August 2015
    Everything except engineer, elementalist and mesmer.

    Classes that are all about physical damage and whacking things are even easier though.

    Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!

  • Leon1eLeon1e Member UncommonPosts: 791
    For PvE you wouldn't make a mistake if you pick a heavy armor class (Guardian, warrior, soon revenant)

    If you feel yourself being agile you could try elementalist. Necro can be quite tanky as well with "2 health pools". The other classes are a bit hard or just don't work well in PvE. 

    For PvP, the most cheesy build atm is Dagger/Dagger celestial elementalist. It simply does everything (support, damage, control, condition). 

    In PvP for the solo oriented player a Sword/Dagger or Dagger/Pistol thief is a get go but you have to forget about fighting 1on1 (if we are talking about structured pvp and not WvW). You have to learn to use your mobility and decap and capture enemy points and +1-ing the teamfights. Fighting someone alone is waste of time, also known as waste of points.

    WvW is a whole different beast :) depending on the role you want to play there.
  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066
    Leon1e said:
    For PvE you wouldn't make a mistake if you pick a heavy armor class (Guardian, warrior, soon revenant)

    If you feel yourself being agile you could try elementalist. Necro can be quite tanky as well with "2 health pools". The other classes are a bit hard or just don't work well in PvE. 

    I would say ranger with its pet (2 pets actually) can be quite easy in PvE and have an easy time soloing champs.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • LithuanianLithuanian Member UncommonPosts: 562
    Thanks for the answers.
    After some creating-deleting magic, enjoying Ranger. Pet is nice, some multi-shot option is nice, stealth is nice and of course, ability to cast enemy back is nice too.
  • Leon1eLeon1e Member UncommonPosts: 791
    Thanks for the answers.
    After some creating-deleting magic, enjoying Ranger. Pet is nice, some multi-shot option is nice, stealth is nice and of course, ability to cast enemy back is nice too.
    Most people multi-class in this game anyway :) I'm fairly certain this ranger won't be your last character. Besides it would be silly to stick to just one character. I suggest you to explore all race's story. And keep in mind your story lvl 10-30 has few variations, based on choices you make during character creation. 
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Thanks for the answers.
    After some creating-deleting magic, enjoying Ranger. Pet is nice, some multi-shot option is nice, stealth is nice and of course, ability to cast enemy back is nice too.
    Yeah, it is one of the easiest classes to learn the game with. Once you mastered it you could give something a bit more complicated like a thief or elementalist a shot, they play pretty differently but they are far easier to get into once you already mastered a class.

    The mesmer is the hardest class, to learn to play one really good takes a long time but it is the only class my thief are very careful with in WvWvW. I rather go toe to toe with 2 warriors or eles then a single mesmer. :)
  • blakenorris2004blakenorris2004 Member UncommonPosts: 5
    @cvette  This is my first post on this forum, but I have played GW2 since launch. I've played every single class, and pvp constantly. The easiest and IMO most forgiving class in this game is the warrior. Your heal for example is a passive, you only have to manage your F1 attack, and you have some of the best movement speed in the game, furthermore you are viable in every single mode of the game, albeit they are a little weaker post patch in SPVP. However they still rock dungeons, and WvW.

    With that being said, the funnest classes to play IMO is engineer or ele, as you are always busy switching between kits or attunements. And atm eles are downright brokenly overpowered in pvp. All classes are fairly easy to learn, simply go to metabattle grab one of the better builds follow the links there to the top streamers and watch how they do things to get an idea of how the builds play. Then practice, practice, practice.

    Every class has its own playstyle/mechanic system, so while you ask for the easiest, that may not be the one you enjoy most. Anyway goodluck and have fun.
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    Ranger requires 0 skill and can go bear/bow all the way to 80
  • StoneRosesStoneRoses Member RarePosts: 1,824
    Games gets boring very quickly and the WVW is VERY lacking. The dynamic quests are just tedious loops. The expansion looks like it does improve the negative things. Anyways the classes are simple to use(and I am a gernade throwing rifle user engineer).
    Boring? Only Rifle/Grenade?

    Grenade Barrage > Flamethrower Kit: Napalm, Flame Blast/Detonate Flame > Elixir Gun Kit: Acid Bomb > Rifle: Blunderbuss, Jump Shot > Grenade Kit: Freeze, Shrapnel, Grenade....until Grenade Barrage comes off CD then rinse and repeat.

    for PVE btw.
    MMORPGs aren't easy, You're just too PRO!
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