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[Preview] World of Warcraft: Everything We Know About Legion So Far

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

With today's World of Warcraft expansion announcement of Legion, we have a full report of what we know so far. Check out the synopsis of the big press announcement from earlier today and then leave us your thoughts and impressions in the comments.

Read more of Suzie Ford's and Catherine Daro's World of Warcraft - What We Know About Legion So Far.





  • BillMurphyBillMurphy Former Managing EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 4,565
    Kind of hope the launch is sooner than that, or subscribers will drop to 3 mln or less before long.

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  • josko9josko9 Member RarePosts: 577
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    Kind of hope the launch is sooner than that, or subscribers will drop to 3 mln or less before long.

    Players will pretty much unsubscribe now that the expansion is over. 

    If Legion comes in Q2 2016, I'd be surprised if there is above 3mil players still subscribed, leaning more toward 2mil and below.

  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,104

    I have no idea what is going on at Blizzard at the moment and what they tried to accomplish.

    You are not suddenly going to kick out one of the main selling points of Blizzcon tickets and dump it at Gamescon (and not even E3), where Blizzard never really had any real appearance before. They always kept everything at their own Blizzcon?

    Now, suddenly out of the blue a couple weeks ago they say they going to accounce the next expansion of WoW at Gamescon, while Blizzcon is only like 3 months further away.

    No hype building.... no fancy CGI video to blow you away. Just a substandard, not AAA worthy trailer with some feature announcements slapped on. That's it.

    This really is huge. A major change of direction they are taking with WoW... and it doesn't feel good.

    Compared to the Warlords of Draenor expansion reveal (that actually excited me like never before), this Legion expansion reveal was nothing but a huge Anti-climax.

    So again. I have no idea what's going on at Blizzard at the moment and why this expac announcement had to be rushed like they did today!

    It's going to do a lot more damage than good.  They would have been better off waiting till Blizzcon and put a little more effort in the reveal, like they used to with previous expacs.


    For me, it really feels like they want to start wrapping things up with WoW and move on to something else. Like they are also doing with both Diablo and StarCraft.

  • WhiteLanternWhiteLantern Member RarePosts: 3,319
    I seem to remember Blizz always having a fairly large presence at Gamescon. As for the rushed reveal, I think they've been watching the sub numbers drop for several months and decided that 3 more months was too long.

    I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil

  • OxtromOxtrom Member UncommonPosts: 11

    I think it's clear the blizzard is  trying to wrap things up with Wow.

    Now the question is, are they going to stick only with their  other new games like Hots,Overwatch and Hearthstone

    or.. they are going to give us a brand new mmorpg.

  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484

    how many stupid combinations of the name Illidan will we have to see??




  • JeroKaneJeroKane Member EpicPosts: 7,104
    Originally posted by Oxtrom

    I think it's clear the blizzard is  trying to wrap things up with Wow.

    Now the question is, are they going to stick only with their  other new games like Hots,Overwatch and Hearthstone

    or.. they are going to give us a brand new mmorpg.

    They are not going to do MMO's anymore.  It's too expensive and too risky at current day.

    There is a reason why they stopped Titan and turned it into Overwatch. They got wet feet after they saw one major new MMO after the other fail and going under.

    Maybe at some point in the future, if the market would allow it, they could come with WoW 2. But I hardly doubt it.

    I think they going to focus on smaller games like Hearthstone, Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm.

    Especially with Hearthstone they are making a killing at the moment and that with a tiny dev team.

  • TsumoroTsumoro Member UncommonPosts: 435
    What annoys me about WoW is that the beta goes on for ages and pretty much EVERYTHING is spoiled before you  get a chance to go through it. Its not like you can avoid it either, gets posted on every gaming site, on every piece of social media etc. They need to do what FF14 did which is to have like nothing revealed or spoiled, internal or outsourced Q&A and let the players discover the content. 

  • Azaron_NightbladeAzaron_Nightblade Member EpicPosts: 4,829
    Illidan? Is he coming back? image

    My SWTOR referral link for those wanting to give the game a try. (Newbies get a welcome package while returning players get a few account upgrades to help with their preferred status.)

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by Tsumoro
    What annoys me about WoW is that the beta goes on for ages and pretty much EVERYTHING is spoiled before you  get a chance to go through it.



    The raids + addons have all been figured out waaay before they hit Live.

    Everyone sees on Twitch and reads about all the content and the surprise is already gone before the expansion hits.

    They need to release content without betas or test servers and test it internally or with a very close team who sign a NDA.


    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Originally posted by JeroKane

    I have no idea what is going on at Blizzard at the moment and what they tried to accomplish.

    You are not suddenly going to kick out one of the main selling points of Blizzcon tickets and dump it at Gamescon (and not even E3), where Blizzard never really had any real appearance before. They always kept everything at their own Blizzcon?

    Now, suddenly out of the blue a couple weeks ago

    Two words: quarterly report. Two more: subs plummet: Final two: reassure shareholders.

  • gervaise1gervaise1 Member EpicPosts: 6,919
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    Kind of hope the launch is sooner than that, or subscribers will drop to 3 mln or less before long.

    Have to agree. This won't stop the current exodus. And once bitten twice shy seems to be the order of the day so a pre-release spikes seems unlikely. 

  • simmihisimmihi Member UncommonPosts: 709
    so, main selling points: a new kind of garrison, a new grinding system for what they call artifacts and a new "hero" class, same as DK, dps/tank. Same old formula, still no sign of a horizontal progression system. Fun for 3-4 weeks again.
  • observerobserver Member RarePosts: 3,685

    I'm not a fan of the name.  It's too generic.

    The new content seems interesting though.

    It seems like they are throwing just about everything in this expansion, from a lore perspective, and it kind of gives off the feeling that this is the last expansion.  Haha.

  • Vigor021Vigor021 Member UncommonPosts: 12
    So i guess thete will be new xpack every 6 months. They lose too much subs in a year?! :(
  • FearmeirlFearmeirl Member UncommonPosts: 231
    Legion = Letdown
  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441

    Is it just me or will they add GW2s legendary weapons to the game?

    They should have added some of the DEs instead to get some variation in open world PvE.

    Otherwise nothing really exiting so far but at least they announced a bunch of dungeons which is good. And a new hero class doesn't hurt either, they should have added one with MoP already.

    Q2 2016 is far too late though, that is 3 more quarters with players who will leave the game.

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by SedrynTyros
    Originally posted by Br3akingDawn
    can we just get a complete revamp new WoW with a real updated graphics engine and everything? SRSly people will pay for that. Just give them some sort of achievement score transfer whatever. At least Blizzard will have my money then and probably a lot more "new" players than now.

    I've been saying this for years and I know we're far from the only ones who want this.

    The game is too old and too far advanced in zones and levels.

    What you get now is numerous abundant zones, all kinds of storylines like tv shows. As a last resort they always fall back on time travelling and dimension travels which makes any storyline totally unbelievable, plus makes it look like the devs are out of ideas.

    What's next? Some ingame high profile character wakes up and WOD turns out just to be a bad dream?



    What they should do is let everyone start from scratch a.k.a. a REAL WoW 2.0.

    From level 1, updated everything, REAL good graphics instead of the clunky cardboard ones now still ingame, and then finish again at level 60 and keep it at that ; from there on only advance in tiers, no more adding levels or they would be in problems again with people outgrowing old zones and solo-ing everything. Plus dont cater to the spoonfed players, run through the world without porting instant everywhere. And make the leveling challenging with a lot of deaths.


    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • NetspookNetspook Member UncommonPosts: 1,583
    Originally posted by simmihi
    so, main selling points: a new kind of garrison, a new grinding system for what they call artifacts and a new "hero" class, same as DK, dps/tank. Same old formula, still no sign of a horizontal progression system. Fun for 3-4 weeks again.


    Yeah, seems like it.

    Not going to buy an expansion that's probably only fun when levelling from 100 to 110. Which probably means $50 for 10 hours gameplay, at least for me.

    No thanks.

  • Shoko_LiedShoko_Lied Member UncommonPosts: 2,193
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    Kind of hope the launch is sooner than that, or subscribers will drop to 3 mln or less before long.

    Woah, so WoW is finally dying?

  • c0796c0796 Member UncommonPosts: 39
    Originally posted by JeroKane

    For me, it really feels like they want to start wrapping things up with WoW and move on to something else. Like they are also doing with both Diablo and StarCraft.

    That would be the opposite of what I would expect. You are familiar with how much those 3 titles have sold? Why would any business move away from successful streams of revenue? I see comments from people that show they have zero business experience. The board of directors would probably laugh at your comment.

    The subscriber numbers from WoW was always expected to drop, that's a given. Even if they drop to 2 mill, it's still a success. Do some math.

    But to suggest that Blizzard would wrap things up with Diablo and Starcraft is just plain ludicrous. All 3 of these titles have success all over the globe, you don't just wrap things up and move on when you have recurring revenues. 



  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Yeah ok.... 
  • fineflufffinefluff Member RarePosts: 561
    Originally posted by JeroKane

    I have no idea what is going on at Blizzard at the moment and what they tried to accomplish.

    You are not suddenly going to kick out one of the main selling points of Blizzcon tickets and dump it at Gamescon (and not even E3), where Blizzard never really had any real appearance before. They always kept everything at their own Blizzcon?

    Now, suddenly out of the blue a couple weeks ago they say they going to accounce the next expansion of WoW at Gamescon, while Blizzcon is only like 3 months further away.

    No hype building.... no fancy CGI video to blow you away. Just a substandard, not AAA worthy trailer with some feature announcements slapped on. That's it.

    This really is huge. A major change of direction they are taking with WoW... and it doesn't feel good.

    Compared to the Warlords of Draenor expansion reveal (that actually excited me like never before), this Legion expansion reveal was nothing but a huge Anti-climax.

    So again. I have no idea what's going on at Blizzard at the moment and why this expac announcement had to be rushed like they did today!

    It's going to do a lot more damage than good.  They would have been better off waiting till Blizzcon and put a little more effort in the reveal, like they used to with previous expacs.


    For me, it really feels like they want to start wrapping things up with WoW and move on to something else. Like they are also doing with both Diablo and StarCraft.

    Reaper of Souls was announced at Gamescom if I'm not mistaken and they have a lot to talk about at blizzcon actually. Overwatch, Warcraft movie trailer, CGI trailer for this expansion, panels for all their games. It's actually better because they can have more in depth discussion regarding the expansion rather than just info. Also it seems like you missed the CGI they showed today. They specifically said that it was a stand alone piece so there will be another one too I think.

    They are not wrapping things up with WoW. I remember them saying sometime ago that they have plans for 6 or more expansions after Warlords and in the words of Khadgar from the story recap trailer "This is only the beginning..."

  • Soki123Soki123 Member RarePosts: 2,558
    Originally posted by bcbully
    Yeah ok.... 

    I like ESO, but WoW is still a better game. No need to poke your nothingness in the post.

  • SalvadorbardSalvadorbard Member UncommonPosts: 100

    I'll echo most of the commentary from mmo-champion and say that it looks like they have tried to cram as much content in one announcement as possible to try catering to all of the fan requests: Azshara, Emerald dream, Demon Hunters and so on.


    Whether this will be a good thing or not remains to be seen but I'll always give a new expansion a try and I'm convinced it'll be fun regardless. And yes WoW is much better than ESO.

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